Use of "creator" property in timetime insert doesn't seem to work - google-mirror-api

The playground has an example card that includes a "creator" field with the name and an image representing "Google Glass". The JSON used to create this card is
"text": "Hello Explorers,\n\nWelcome to Glass!\n\n+Project Glass\n",
"creator": {
"displayName": "Project Glass",
"imageUrls": [
"notification": {
"level": "DEFAULT"
When this is sent to Glass, however, the imageUrl isn't displayed. The documentation at simply says that "creator" is a "nested object", but with no clear indication what this nested object should be. The example seems to indicate that this should be a Contact (see, and the object returned by the insert seems to be of type "mirror#contact", confirming this.
Does the contact used in a creator need to be pre-created via the contacts API call first? Is there something else necessary to get the creator to display or work correctly?

The creator is currently displayed only if the REPLY menu item is provided along with the timeline item.
This seems like a bug, please file it on our issue tracker


Gmail API how to get labels ThreadsUnread

how can i to get labels ThreadsUnread when excuting LabelsResource.ListRequest?
trying to get the ThreadsUnread property when i'm excuting the Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.UsersResource.LabelsResource.ListRequest
but it comes with null value.
This is my code:
Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.UsersResource.LabelsResource.ListRequest labelReq = service.Users.Labels.List("me");
IList<Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.Data.Label> labels = labelReq.Execute().Labels;
what do i need to ask in the request the ThreadsUnread or MessagesUnread value?
There is a property in the request that called "fields".
it can be set with a string. but where can i find what is the options of that string?
At the time of writing (March, 2019), you cannot get counts when doing a list. You have to subsequently request the details of each label to get the detail. Very slow, costly and frankly unnecessary. The equivalent Microsoft Graph API doesn't have this limitation.
Use the Users.labels.get. In the try-it section do this:
and execute, the response would looke something like:
"id": "INBOX",
"name": "INBOX",
"messageListVisibility": "hide",
"labelListVisibility": "labelShow",
"type": "system",
"messagesTotal": 1808,
"messagesUnread": 1610,
"threadsTotal": 454,
"threadsUnread": 323
and there's the "threadsUnread": 323 you're looking for.

Gmail API history request returning Drafts

I posted a question abt the api returning invalid history ids. I'm trying to figure this out. I think the ids are just not valid in a messages get request, since these are not real messages, rather drafts. I don't know why history list is returning drafts for a messagesAdded request. Can somebody tell me if this is the expected behavior?
"history": [
"id": "10946109",
"messages": [
"id": "15cc8cd840c2945a",
"threadId": "15cc5ccf65733c7f"
"messagesAdded": [
"message": {
"labelIds": [
"id": "10975146",
"messages": [
"messagesAdded": [
"message": {
"labelIds": [
If I need to filter for actual messages - not drafts, do I just do labelIds does not contain DRAFT?
Your first question:
Can somebody tell me if this is the expected behavior?
Yes this is expected behavior (replicated). Check this Document regarding History List:
Users.history: list
Lists the history of all changes to the given mailbox. History results
are returned in chronological order (increasing historyId).
Your second question:
If I need to filter for actual messages - not drafts, do I just do labelIds does not contain DRAFT?
Yes there is an actual filter. You can change the "labelId" parameter to anything except "DRAFT" so it would not return draft results in the history.
Below is a simple guide on how to properly filter your messages without returning Draft label types:
To check your list of labelId's, try this Label API Test Link to see your list of labels just to be sure that you will be using a valid "labelId" later in step 3 by executing the API.
Get the value of the "historyId" by executing the Message List API, retrieving a list of message then get one id then use the Message Get API
by entering the ID to retrieve the "historyId". Make sure that the labelId is not a "DRAFT" type or you have to get another id from the list just to avoid returning a "DRAFT" type.
Then execute History API Test Link. Enter your "userId" and the "startHistoryId"(make sure to subtract the value of the "startHistoryId" by 1) of your message and change the "labelId" by using one from the list of labels you retrieved from your GET API in step 2, change the "historyTypes" to "messagesAdded" then click execute.
It should return a list of message under the "labelId" being inputted and not a "DRAFT" type.

How do i extract the original date value passed from the user input

The Watson Conversation bot has a node that gets triggered by three input entities from the user, this works fine, but i want the reply from the bot to be
"Checking if you have a lecture tomorrow. Give me a moment"
then there's a query in the background building up the answer that gets replied later to the user.
the strong word tomorrow is an #sys-date entity, but i want it to reply to the user what he/she said instead of the date, because the bot can check no both weeks months ect, all valid date formats, and the reply would look much better if i could use the original text from the user.
This kind of origin retrieval will be used for other entities aswell when i get it working.
You can use the context variable in the case, and if you want to get specific data, you can use regex to extract the user input:
Example all user input
"date": "<? input.text?>"
or for exactly what the user input, ex: "this week"
"date": "<?#sys-date.literal?>"
Use the variable with the .literal, see my complete example:
"context": {
"date": "<?#sys-date.literal?>"
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Checking if you have a lecture $date. Give me a moment."
"selection_policy": "sequential"
Documentation examples

How can I get the Share menu option to let users add a caption?

I'm using the Share menu option on a card, but it's not having the ability to add a caption.
Anything I should do to enable this?
Yup, as of XE10 you needed to add a list of sharingFeatures to the Contact you want to share with. In JSON form you need to add
"sharingFeatures": ["ADD_CAPTION"]
to the Contact. So the full Contact might look something like
"displayName": "Some Body",
"imageUrls": [
"sharingFeatures": [
Since you're using Java, make sure you have the latest library (v1-rev40-1.17.0-rc as of the time I post this), available at, which does have Contact.setSharingFeatures()

Selenium IDE cannot find ID

I recorded a test with Selenium IDE but when I try to run the test I get an error [error] Element id=jsonform-0-elt-businessActor not found
I also noticed this particular field's id is slightly different.. The rest of the fields have this format id=jsonform-0-elt-0.nameOfJsonAttribute
Could there be any reason why the bussinessActor ID is not working and captured differently?
JsonSchema used to render the form:
"id": "001",
"title": "testSchema",
"businessActor": {
"title": "Name",
"description": "example of a description."
Note: Am using jsonForm to render the form based on json shema. Form id's are generated dynamically by jsonFom. And am also using Angular.js (angular is not playing a role in this aprticular issue, I think)
As #MarkRowlands suggested, it sounds like your page is dynamic.
Try this out as your target...
^= means 'starts with' in css. $= means 'ends with' in css.
Change that selector to match whatever you would like to select.
