Gmail API how to get labels ThreadsUnread - gmail-api

how can i to get labels ThreadsUnread when excuting LabelsResource.ListRequest?
trying to get the ThreadsUnread property when i'm excuting the Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.UsersResource.LabelsResource.ListRequest
but it comes with null value.
This is my code:
Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.UsersResource.LabelsResource.ListRequest labelReq = service.Users.Labels.List("me");
IList<Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.Data.Label> labels = labelReq.Execute().Labels;
what do i need to ask in the request the ThreadsUnread or MessagesUnread value?
There is a property in the request that called "fields".
it can be set with a string. but where can i find what is the options of that string?

At the time of writing (March, 2019), you cannot get counts when doing a list. You have to subsequently request the details of each label to get the detail. Very slow, costly and frankly unnecessary. The equivalent Microsoft Graph API doesn't have this limitation.

Use the Users.labels.get. In the try-it section do this:
and execute, the response would looke something like:
"id": "INBOX",
"name": "INBOX",
"messageListVisibility": "hide",
"labelListVisibility": "labelShow",
"type": "system",
"messagesTotal": 1808,
"messagesUnread": 1610,
"threadsTotal": 454,
"threadsUnread": 323
and there's the "threadsUnread": 323 you're looking for.


What syntax should be used for reading the final row in an Array on the Mapping tab on the Copy Data activity in Azure Data Factory / Synapse?

I'm using the copy data activity in Azure Data Factory to copy data from an API to our data lake for alerting & reporting purposes. The API response is comprised of multiple complex nested JSON arrays with key-value pairs. The API is updated on a quarter-hourly basis and data is only held for 2 days before falling off the stack. The API adopts an oldest-to-newest record structure and so the newest addition to the array would be the final item in the array as opposed to the first.
My requirement is to copy only the most recent record from the API as opposed to the collection - so the 192th reading or item 191 of the array (with the array starting at 0.)
Due to the nature of the solution, there are times when the API isn't being updated as the sensors that collect and send over the data to the server may not be reachable.
The current solution is triggered every 15 minutes and tries a copy data activity of item 191, then 190, then 189 and so on. After 6 attempts it fails and so the record is missed.
current pipeline structure
I have used the mapping tab to specify the items in the array as follows (copy attempt 1 example):
Instead of explicitly referencing the array number, I was wondering if it is possible to reference the last item of the array in the above code?
I understand we can use 0 for the first record however I don't understand how to reference the final item. I've tried the following using the 'last' function but am unsure of how to place it:
Any help or advice on a better way to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
Can you call your API with a Web activity? If so, this pulls the API result into the data pipeline and then apply ADF functions like last to it.
A simple example calling the UK Gov Bank Holidays API:
This returns a resultset that looks like this:
"england-and-wales": {
"division": "england-and-wales",
"events": [
"title": "New Year’s Day",
"date": "2017-01-02",
"notes": "Substitute day",
"bunting": true
"title": "Good Friday",
"date": "2017-04-14",
"notes": "",
"bunting": false
"title": "Easter Monday",
"date": "2017-04-17",
"notes": "",
"bunting": true
... etc
You can now apply the last function to is, e.g. using a Set Variable activity:
Which yields the last bank holiday of 2023:
"name": "varWorking",
"value": "{\"title\":\"Boxing Day\",\"date\":\"2023-12-26\",\"notes\":\"\",\"bunting\":true}"

Creating context for JSON-LD

As a simple exercise I wanted to take some test-data from a little app I had which produced a user record in JSON and turn it into JSON-LD, testing on's playground gives some help, but I don't know if I'm doing it right.
The original is:
"Id": 1
"Username": "Dave",
So I have a person, who has a username, an ID and an associated colour.
What I've got so far is:
"#context": {
"name": "",
"Colour": {
"#id": "",
"#type": "",
"#language": "en"
"#type": "",
"#Id": "",
"sameAs" : "",
"Id": 1,
"name": "David Alger",
"Username": "Dave",
"Colour": "green"
So I'm declaring it's a #type of person, and given a URI #id.
I'm also using the "sameAs" idea, which I saw on a blog-post once, but am unclear if it is just supported right off.
Then I've tried to create a #context. Here that I've added a name and given that a reference. I've tried to create something for "colour" too. I'm not sure if pointing to a DBpedia reference about "colour" and specifying a #type and #language is good, or not.
I suppose the final thing is "username", but that feels so deeply internal to a site that it doesn't make sense to "Link" it at all.
I'm aware this data is perhaps not even worth linking, this is very much a learning exercise for me.
I don’t think that should be used like that. It’s a class, not a property. The property that has as range is (That said, I’m not sure if your really intend that the person should have a colour, instead of something related to this person.)
If you want to provide the language of the colour strings, you should not specify the datatype, #language is sufficient (if a value is typed, it can’t have a language anymore; by using #language, it’s implied that the value is a string).
You are using #Id for specifying the node’s URI, but it must be #id.
The properties sameAs, Id and Username are not defined in your #context.
If you intend to use’s sameAs property, you could define it similar to what you did with name, but you should specify that the value is a URI:
"sameAs": {
"#id": "",
"#type": "#id"
For Username, you could use FOAF’s nick property, or maybe’s alternateName property.
No idea which property you could use for Id (depends on your case if this is useful for others at all, or if this is only relevant for your internal system).

What's the correct way to use deliveryTime?

'text': '123 456',
'notification': {
'deliveryTime': rfc3339.timestamp_from_tf(timestamp_after_duration),
'level': 'DEFAULT'
The formatted timestamp looks like this: 2013-06-16T02:47:33-00:00 which seems to be correct but I'm getting a bad request/400. Is there an example of using this property?
Is an example of a timestamp string that the mirror API likes.
If I just remove the trailing Z I start getting a 400. I also see you have a hyphen in your timestamp string that should probably be removed.
Note that even if you get a 200, you might not get the behavior you expect. There is an open issue in the tracker about deliveryTime.
Here is my entire notification JSON that works:
"notification": {
"level": "DEFAULT",
"deliveryTime": "2013-06-16T15:46:51.561Z"

Use of "creator" property in timetime insert doesn't seem to work

The playground has an example card that includes a "creator" field with the name and an image representing "Google Glass". The JSON used to create this card is
"text": "Hello Explorers,\n\nWelcome to Glass!\n\n+Project Glass\n",
"creator": {
"displayName": "Project Glass",
"imageUrls": [
"notification": {
"level": "DEFAULT"
When this is sent to Glass, however, the imageUrl isn't displayed. The documentation at simply says that "creator" is a "nested object", but with no clear indication what this nested object should be. The example seems to indicate that this should be a Contact (see, and the object returned by the insert seems to be of type "mirror#contact", confirming this.
Does the contact used in a creator need to be pre-created via the contacts API call first? Is there something else necessary to get the creator to display or work correctly?
The creator is currently displayed only if the REPLY menu item is provided along with the timeline item.
This seems like a bug, please file it on our issue tracker

CouchDB JSon response customization

I'm storing addresses data in Couchdb, and am looking for a way to get an array of just the values, instead of key: value for every record.
This is the current response:
{"total rows": 2438, "offset": 0, "rows":[
{"id": "ec5de6de2cf7bcac9a2a2a76de5738e4", "key": "user_298774", "value": {"city": "Milano", "address":"Corso Como, 42b"},
{"id": "a2a2a76de573ae4ec5de6de2cf7bcac9", "key": "user_276341", "value": {"city": "Vicenza", "address":"Via Quinto Sella, 118"}
... (etc).
I only really need:
[{"city": "Milano", "address":"Corso Como, 42b"},
{"city": "Vicenza", "address":"Via Quinto Sella, 118"},
I really need to minimize the usage of bandwidth that a JSON response consumes. I can't seem to find a way to transform the view into a simple array. Suggestions?
The response you are getting conforms to the Couch's REST based protocol. To reformat it two methods are provided: show functions and list functions. Basic idea is the same, but the first is suitable for retrieval documents and the list function is for you!
The list function runs the query inside the server and send the output arbitrary transformed with your JS code. API you will need is simple:
Fetch each record from the view with the getRow() function.
Export to the string (containing JSON) your JS object obj with toJSON(obj).
Send the output to the client with send(json).
If the map/reduce view URL with data is /mydb/_design/myapp/_view/mydocs-by-user and the list function name is mylist get the reformatted result to the client with the URL /mydb/_design/myapp/_list/mylist/mydocs-by-user.
Please refer to the list function documentation cited above and the chapter in the Guide for the longed tutorial.
