How to prevent truncation of RSS feed items in Drupal 7? - drupal-7

I'm using Drupal 7 and the Feeds module to import one RSS feed. When viewing imported feed items under "View Items" tab all feed items having more than one paragraph are being truncated after the first paragraph[...]. I've set Feed Items content type custom display setting to "Show full content" and it made no difference...content is still truncated after first paragraph.
I would like to configure the View page of feed items to show a list of teasers with "read more" links pointing to each feed item's full content on a separate page/node.
Not sure how to configure to accomplish this.
Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions.


How can I load a chart table with a default value in Google Data Studio?

I'm working on a Google Data Studio page which pulls data from a Google Sheet.
The use case of this page is to display the data from a row (from the Google Sheet) based on a selection made from a filter (single select dropdown).
When the Google Data Studio page loads, by default, it loads all the data from the source and displays it on the chart tables, however I would like to display a blank page and the data should load only after a selection is made from the filter dropdown.
There is a simple way to solve this problem. In the drop-down filter settings, in the "default selection" field, you can enter text by default that does not match any of the possibilities of the list items will be displayed in the drop-down list. It might be something like "-".
Thus, defining a default selection that does not exist in the list, it will start by default selected and will not correspond with any existing field, causing no information to be displayed in the table.

Hiding a Web Content Viewer JSR 286 Portlet if no content is found

I have configured a JSR 286 portlet on my portal page which points to a content item. The content item has an expiry date. Once the content expires the user sees default warning message saying no content found for the selected site area.
I want this portlet should not be rendered if there is no content in the selected site area instead of showing a warning.
Use a Menu Component that is set to only display 1 item for your portlet. Then create a second content item that has a Presentation Template that just says something like this:
<div class="emptyPortlet" style="display:none;"> This is an empty template. </div>
*if you don't want to declare the style inside the tag, you could also specify .emptyPortlet { display: none;} inside your CSS file.
Publish this before your other item and then set the Menu Component to display based on Publish Date. This way, when you create another item that you want to display (which uses a different Presentation Template), it will have a more recent publish date and will be shown on the page. But, once that is expired, the only published item left to find will be this blank one, and with "display: none" it will essentially hide the entire portlet from the user.
You have a few options
Easiest would be to create a custom skin that shows or does not show depending on it's internal contents. just create your own skin to return nothing
Your other options include scraping it out of the response with a servlet filter or some other mechanism or stripping it from the page once you have started rendering

how to use view ticker in drupal

Does anyone explain me how I can use Views Ticker.I loaded modul but no idea how I should use it.please explain me step by step ,I am new on drupal
thank you.I wanna do somethink like this link
enter link description here
Create a "content type" and name it anything in my own case I will name it "news"
To create a content type, navigate to administration->structure->Content type-> add content type
You can add new fields to the content type if you wish. But in my own case I will just use the default settings, since I need only the titles to appear as flash news headlines so click "save"
Next create a new view and name it anything in my own case I will call it "headlines"
To create a new view navigate to administration->structure->views->add new view,
Now setup the new view with the following attribiutes; {View Name = headlines, show = content, of type = news, sort by = Newest First, create a page = uncheck, display format = Views Ticker, of = Titles (Linked)", use a pager = unchecked, create a block = checked} now click save and exit
Next navigate to Blocks and enable the block we just created through the views. Check for the block name "headlines" and specify the location where you will like to place the newly added block and save.
To enable the block navigate to Administration->Structure->Blocks
Now Navigate to view and select the new view we just added. In my own case it is called "headlines" and make sure "Format" is set to View Ticker, you can customize the settings of the View Tick by click settings.
Next add a news content type using the content type we just created. Add a title, a summary and a content. Then hit save
To add a news content type, navigate to Add content
Tip: Add at least two news contents in other to see the full effect of the view ticker
There is "Some" documentation in the readme file. check it out and see if it fits your requirements,
From first glance it seems like a views plugin so you could probably try changing the dispaly in the views settings.
Yes, you need to create a new View that pulls in some kind of content (i.e. Announcements). Under the "Display Format" when creating the View, you'll see an option of "Views Ticker", if you've installed the module correctly.
Based on the example you pointed to, you'll probably want to create a Block at the same time, that you can insert into the desired region.
Once you've created the View, you'll see a link for the Display Format "Settings". This is where you choose whether to make it scroll horizontally, vertically, speed, etc.
Once you updated and saved the view, you should go Admin > Structure > Blocks and insert your newly-made Views Ticker block into one of the regions (regions available will vary based on your Theme).
Then, as long as your permissions are correct, and you have actual content,you should see the scrolling ticker show up on the page(s) where the block shows up.
To use views ticker, it needs you to have an view which outputs some data.
I assume you have such a view. Then go to that view's edit page and set format to views ticker. You should have enabled views ticker module to get that option to formats list.
Then it will show you the settings window, in which you can set settings such as vertically, horizontally, BBC, etc styles for your data movement and respective speed etc.
After you did, click on apply button and then save button top of the view's edit page.
If all goes well it should display moving contents in the page/block related to that view.

Drupal view with contextual filters returning blank screen

This is a very particular question so any input will be appreciated...
I'm using panels and views in a custom view template file in a drupal 7 site. The panel has a view embedded in it, as well as some extra content beneath. I have the view set with 3 contextual filters having taxonomy term pulled from url. This is working fine.
So if I go to something like
It will successfully pull all items having taxonomy term "ford" that also have taxonomy term "red" applied.
But interestingly enough, if I change one of the terms to something that exists in the vocabulary, but does not happen to have any relation to items that successfully pass the first criteria, it will just load the site wrapper with the panel blank. No errors of any kind, search filter box disappears, pagination disappears, even the other content embedded in the view disappears.
It doesn't seem to matter what I choose for "Action to take if filter value does not validate" for any or all of the filters applied to the view. I tried to set it to show no results, but I assumed it didn't apply since I am also using a custom template file for the view.
I expect it to show no results. But I also expect it to have the search bar up top so the user can select a different filter from the menu, as well as the other content embedded in the view.
The search box is custom to the view template file. The only reason it would not show is if the view itself does not load. In this case it looks like the whole panel is not showing.
Feel free to ask for specifics if this is not enough to go on. Thanks.
for future readers experiencing the many unexplained holes in drupal, here is the complete hack I had to do to prevent this unannounced error:
In my custom view I had to check the size of $view->result and then redefine it if empty:
<?php if(sizeof($view->result) < 1): $view->result = array(0 => array()); ?>
<div class="no-results">
There are no results.
<?php else: ?>
--- normal view loop here ---
<?php endif; ?>
No, simply adding a count provision to the result loop was not working. I don't know how drupal processes the views, but if I allowed the result array to be empty it would not display the contents of this panel.
Down side - It still doesn't display any of the other content embedded in this panel, so if I had another embedded view beneath this one it would mysteriously vanish.
Oh well, I'll just tell the admins they can't populate this page with anything but a filterable index. Phooey, but that's drupal life... POS.

Why images not displayed in Drupal7?

I am using drupal7.12 cms. I have created menu. Menu have sub categories and i have inserted some stories. Issue is that, Images are displayed only on front page of site not on inner pages for that all stories.
If i set any of article to front page image will display for that article on front page. But when i want to read whole story it not showing image. Also when i click on any category then also it only shows text and alternative text for images.
I have stored all images in following folder "/sites/all/images/" Please help.... Thanks.
I am using JD Events template from
It may be that you need adjust the display for your content type. Assuming you are using the article content type go to and check the settings for your image field.
