CouchDB synching to DRUPAL - drupal-7

I have two questions. One is synching data from COUCHDB to drupal via FEEDS or SERVCES module. Probably FEEDS. I was thinking I could do a restful GET, that returns JSON from couchDB. But I am confused on how I can select only the dirty records to synch. Is there a Time stamp, or sequential index number? The use case is... I want to give these apps to users who interact with the device, and record the activity. This synch's back to the CLOUD. The alternative would be POSTING data directly from mobile devices to DRUPAL, but drupal can choke... so I would prefer to just goto a CouchDB system.
My second question is just the opposite. I want to post data that changes everyday to mobile devices. The data is formatted as catalogs in DRUPAL... I would push the DRUPAL data to the COUCH system, and have couch synch data to devices. Could I get some strategies for this please.

It sounds like you can use CouchDB's changes feed:


What kind of connector to snowflake that automaticly uploads new data would you use for IoT data?

I am just starting to set up a project to keep track of some open, home devices that are enabled for an at home network. I have a program that saves this data, and am putting together a process to upload that data to Snowflake automatically. I would like to know what you would recommend so I can easily access the home device information from anywhere.
The two options I am considering are aws's and snowflake's auto ingest option using the snowpipe rest api, which I have tested with only a few devices.
I am considering these two factors - which method can I set up to upload and select data quickly from a mobile app written in python or ruby depending on the device.
Any advice or resources you can point me to on this?
Thank you!
Your question is a pretty open question, so details from you might make this answer a bit more detailed, as well. However, in general, I would suggest that if your IoT data can be stored directly to Blob Storage (S3 in the case of AWS), then you should leverage Snowflake's Snowpipe for continuous ingestion. Also, look into Tasks and Streams to automate moving that data through whatever processes you'll setup once the data is in Snowflake.
A good reference for you:

How to use two database systems (MongoDB/Postgres) for storing different data in a website

I am building a website which will contain profiles in a stackoverflow fashion (generally speaking), where I first need to have a Postgres DB for all the relational data and then I need to have tags as a feature, for example a user should have their own descritptive tags such as "php,wordpress" etc.
I am thinking to store all the taglist in a non-relational database such as Mongo or Couch and then pass the related queries to fetch them into the profile.
But how would the profile database (postgres) or the model (MVC) know what tags to fetch for each profile?
I am not asking for code, only architecturally-wise, how would that be possible, from a top-down, higher perspective.
Use from CQRS and if you use the best architecture for your project, The DDD (Domain Driven Design) concept is very useful

Restricting data in PouchDB

I have an offline ready application that I am currently building in electron.
The core requirements are that all data is restricted (have to be a user to read or write) and that within that data some data is further restricted to a user, (account information, messages, etc...)
Now I do not want to replicate any data offline that a user should not have access to (this is because all the data can be seen using the devtools regardless of restriction) so essentially I only want to sync data to PouchDB's offline store if that user has access to it as well as all the data all users have access to.
Now I have read the following posts/guides but I am still a little confused.
Restricting Access to local PouchDB
From my understanding filtering is a bad choice performance wise even though it could do what I want.
Setting up a proxy would work but it then essentially becomes a REST api and the data synchronization falls apart.
And the final option which I think is what I want is to have a database for every user that would contain their private information and then additional databases to hold the information that is available to every user.
The only real question I have with this approach is how is data handled that is private but shared between two users (messages, etc...)
I am more after an overarching view of how the data should be stored as opposed to code examples, just really struggling with the conceptual architecture of the application.
There are many solutions to your problem. One solution looks very promising: IBM Cloudant has started work on Cloudant Envoy, a proxy simulating the CouchDB interface instead of a simple REST API. You can read more about it on the site for Envoy over at A custom replicator for PouchDB is also available on Github.
There's also a blog post on on this.
The idea is the same as the much older Couchbase Sync Gateway. Although Couchbase has common roots with CouchDB, I have not tracked if they still support replication with CouchDB.
The easiest way to start would be to create a single database per user on the server, and a common database that you just pull the shared data from. Let me know if you need more info on this solution.

Which database does Youtube use at the moment?

I hope anyone can help me out in this topic, even if it's not a specific programming question.
I'm writing a bachelor thesis, where I compare MySQL to MongoDB and I want to write something about Youtube, as the platform has to handle many requests with heavy dataload.
The only good resource which I found was this video: Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability
As the conference was in 2007, I can imagine there were some updates regarding to the database.
The last information that I have from this talk is that the thumbnails are stored in a BigTable database and the metadata in MySQL. Are there any changes since then?
Where are the videos stored? Is there an entry in the MySQL table, which refers to the stored video?
Thanks in advance for the answer!
According to this, youtube still uses mysql:
I am not sure of how things are at youtube but I am in process of developing a similar application for our client. So what we are doing is we are making the use of best of both worlds i.e SQL and NoSQL..
We store the videos on disk and store the path to these videos in MySQL db table. Then we have a separate table which holds the genre and video mapping i.e which video belongs to which particular genre.
Today with vast of pool of user data we are in position to leverage upon these data like we had never been before, so you see things are now way different then 2007 and with the popularity and dependency of people on internet when it comes to sites like you tube we have vast set of unstructured data which if used properly can give you great results. So in our project we store the site admin and reporting stuff like user db, video locations and genre mapping etc in MySQL and store the unstructured data about user interaction in NoSQL database. We then use the NoSQL data to do all the analytics and give appropriate results to the user.
They are using mysql with Bigdata.
The user information such has who uploaded the file,file information all will be stored in mysql and data will be stored in Bigdata.
I think they are using database that can use FileTable

What is couchdb, for what and how should I use it?

I hear a lot about couchdb, but after reading some documents about it, I still don't get why to use it and how.
Could you clarify this mystery for me?
It's a non-relational database, open-source, distributed (incremental, bidirectional replication), schema-free. A CouchDB database is a collection of documents; each document is a bunch of string "keys" and corresponding "values" (which can be numbers, strings, lists, dates, ...). You can have indices, queries, views.
If a relational DB feels confining to you (you find schemas too rigid, can't spread the DB engine work around a very large numbers of servers, etc), CouchDB is worth considering (it's one of the most interesting of the many non-relational DBs that are emerging these days).
But if all of your work happily fits in a relational database, that's what you probably want to continue using for production work (even though "playing around" with some non-relational DB is still well worth your time, just for personal growth and edification, that's quite different from transferring huge production systems over from a relational DB!-).
It sounds like you should be reading Why CouchDB
To quote from wikipedia
It is not a relational database management system. Instead of storing data in rows and columns, the database manages a collection of JSON documents. The documents in a collection need not share a schema, but retain query abilities via views.
CouchDB provides a different model for data storage than a traditional relational database in that it does not represent data as rows within tables, instead it stores data as "documents" in JSON format.
This difference in data storage model is what differenciates CouchDB from products like MySQL and SQL Server.
In terms of programatic access to CouchDB, it exposes a REST API which you can access by sending HTTP requests from your code
I hope this has been somewhat helpful, though I acknowlege it may not be given my minimal familiarity with the product
I'm far from an expert(all I've done is play around with it some...) but here's how I'm thinking of using it:
Usually when I'm designing an app I've got a bunch of app servers behind a load balancer. Often times, I've got sticky sessions so that each user will go back to the same app server during that session. What I'm thinking of doing is have a couchdb instance tied to each app server.
That way you can use that local couchdb to access user preferences, product data...whatever data you've got that doesn't have to be perfectly up to date. you've got data on these local CouchDBs. CouchDB allows replication. So, every fixed time period, merge the data back(every X seconds?) into it's peers to keep them up to date.
As a whole you shouldn't have to worry about conflicts b/c each appserver has it's own CouchDB and users are attached to the appserver, and you've got eventual consistency because you've got replication.
Does that answer your question?
A good example is when you say have to deal with people data in either a website or application. If you set off wishing to design the data and keep the individuals' information seperate, that makes a good case for CouchDB, which stores data in documents rather than relational tables. In a production deployment, my users may end up adding adhoc data about 10% of the people and some other funny details for another selected 5%. In a relational context, this could add up to loads of redundancy but not for CouchDB.
And it's not just about the fact that CouchDB is non-relational: if you're too focus on that, you're missing the point. CouchDB is plugged into the web, all you need to start with is HTTP for creating and making queries (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE...), and it's RESTful, plus the fact that it's portable and great for peer to peer sharing. It can also serve up web applications in what is termed as 'CouchApps', where CouchDB totally holds the images, CSS, markup as data stored under special documents called design documents.
Check out this collection of videos introducing non-relational databases, the one on CouchDB should give you a better idea.
