Which database does Youtube use at the moment? - database

I hope anyone can help me out in this topic, even if it's not a specific programming question.
I'm writing a bachelor thesis, where I compare MySQL to MongoDB and I want to write something about Youtube, as the platform has to handle many requests with heavy dataload.
The only good resource which I found was this video: Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability
As the conference was in 2007, I can imagine there were some updates regarding to the database.
The last information that I have from this talk is that the thumbnails are stored in a BigTable database and the metadata in MySQL. Are there any changes since then?
Where are the videos stored? Is there an entry in the MySQL table, which refers to the stored video?
Thanks in advance for the answer!

According to this, youtube still uses mysql: http://code.google.com/p/vitess/wiki/ProjectGoals

I am not sure of how things are at youtube but I am in process of developing a similar application for our client. So what we are doing is we are making the use of best of both worlds i.e SQL and NoSQL..
We store the videos on disk and store the path to these videos in MySQL db table. Then we have a separate table which holds the genre and video mapping i.e which video belongs to which particular genre.
Today with vast of pool of user data we are in position to leverage upon these data like we had never been before, so you see things are now way different then 2007 and with the popularity and dependency of people on internet when it comes to sites like you tube we have vast set of unstructured data which if used properly can give you great results. So in our project we store the site admin and reporting stuff like user db, video locations and genre mapping etc in MySQL and store the unstructured data about user interaction in NoSQL database. We then use the NoSQL data to do all the analytics and give appropriate results to the user.

They are using mysql with Bigdata.
The user information such has who uploaded the file,file information all will be stored in mysql and data will be stored in Bigdata.

I think they are using database that can use FileTable


BLOB database setup

I collected lots of data (images, pdf's,...) over some years. For my start-up, I like to be able to access this data through a web application as well as a website. All of the data has a relation with each other reaching from example images, contact cards, and bills,... so I would like to query the data by inserting tag filters. I am a very beginner in this stuff but would love to get a good basis and self-education, so I can maintain and manage my database. A connection with normal SQL data is also necessary. I assume the setup of a central database to connect later on web applications/website/mobile apps is the first thing to create....? If somebody can help me at least with some advice on how to start, I would be very happy.
I searched a lot, but as a newbie I get overwelmed by all kinds of software.
I would love to get some help on how to start in the right way.

Database creation and query

So I have to created a recipe website and HTML-CSS is mainly my forte. I need a database to search through over a 100 recipes and mainly sort them,by author, apart from the other sorting orders. I don't want to use a CMS like Joomla. How do I start about?
Do I store the entire recipe(with a picture or two), into the database, or only a link to the recipe?
Secondly, the client would be updating the website as well, is there any way to simplify the process for the client who has absolutely no knowledge of adding into a database.
You're going to need to do some server-side scripting. If you don't want to use a CMS or framework, you (or someone else) will have to write the code for all of the site.
DB design pointers:
Store the recipe in the database, along with the author, etc.
Don't store the pictures in the db, even though it's easy enough to do. Better store than in a field in the db, called 'filename' or something which stores the path of the images on the server.
For the client - you will need to build a backend/admin page(s) with 'forms' for the client to upload (add), update and delete recipes and pictures.
You don't need save pictures into database. See database model of Prestashop(see only relative to images because are various tables), for example.
Regards and good luck!
You can add pictures into data bases as well. For that you can always reduce the size of the images before inserting into database.
For database, you can use php or javascript. Both provide easy way of accessing database.
Javascript even has inbuilt transaction commit and rollback feature.

Database table structure Guidance

I am trying to build a web application that enables users to refer people to the site. A user can refer up to 10 people to the site and can have up to 7 generations, meaning that each person referred to the system by a referred user will be related to the immediate referrer and the other user that referred the newly registered user’s referrer, up to the seventh level.
The diagram below will help give a view of what I mean.
I'm using SQL Server 2008 for my database.
This is impossible to answer in general because the answer depends on what kind of queries you plan to run against your data.
But there are many alternatives for how to store hierarchical data in a database. You can start with Implementing a hierarchical data structure in a database.
If that's not enough, Google is your friend

Data input to a website

I'm new to website design and am building/learning how to put together a data driven website that will help users with calorie/ vegetarian types of queries. My question is for big sites like DailyBurn, SparkPeople do they rent a database or build their own? I know users data is stored on their sites, so do they have separate db's for user input and calorie output? If someone is building their site from scratch is it better and cheaper to just create their own db's from scratch or pay for an existing one?
The other negative is a site like CalorieKing requires me to show their name on any queries I think even for the paid service which I do not want to do.
They're probably going to be separate tables of the same database.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by creating your own database, but with the advent of AWS they are dirt cheap.

how facebook design resolves the performance issue to fetch friend list?

I have a web design issue regarding to performance to ask advice. On a web site, there are many personalized information, for example the friends of a user of facebook. Personalized I mean different users have different friend list.
Suppose friend list is stored in database like Oracle or Mysql, each time the user clicks Home of his/her facebook page or login, we need to read database again. Each time the user add/remove friend, the database needs some update operations.
My question is, I think the performance capability (e.g. concurrency of transactions of read/write) of database is limited, and if facebook is using database to store friend list, it is hard to implement the good performance. But if not using database (e.g. MySql or Oracle), how did Facebook implement such personalization function?
This is a pretty good article about the technology behind facebook.
As Justin said, it looks like a combination of Memcached and Cassandra.
Facebook and other large sites typically use a caching layer to store that kind of data so that you don't have to make a round trip to the database each time you need to fetch it.
One of the most popular is Memcached (which, last I remember reading, is used by Facebook).
You could also check out how some sites are using NoSQL databases as their caching layer. I actually just read an article yesterday about how StackOverflow utilizes Redis to handle their caching.
From what I can gather they use a MySQL cluster and memcached and lots of custom written software. They open source plenty of it: http://developers.facebook.com/opensource/
the solution is to use a super-fast NoSQL-style database. Start with Simon Willison's excellent tutorial on redis, and it will all begin to become clear :)
