Need help on a T-SQL XPath query - sql-server

I'm hoping somebody can help me solve a syntax problem with a TSQL xpath query.
Given the following xml:
I'm trying to execute the following query:
select * from messages where SendTo.value('(/emails/email)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') like '%[email value]%'
My query looks only in the first email element and it needs to look in all email elements.

Try this :-
select * from messages
CROSS APPLY SendTo.nodes('/emails/email') AS Artists(a)
where a.value('(text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') like '%[email value]%'


SQL: Using XML as input to do an inner join

I have XML coming in as the input, but I'm unclear on how I need to setup the data and statement to get the values from it. My XML is as follows:
And I want to do the following (is simplified to get my point across)
Select *
From Transaction as t
Inner Join #InputXml.nodes('Keys') as K(X)
on K.X.value('#Key', 'INT') = t.financial_transaction_grp_key
Can anyone provide how I would do that? What would my 3rd/4th line in the SQL look like?
From your code I assume this is SQL-Server but you added the tag [mysql]...
For your next question please keep in mind, that it is very important to know your tools (vendor and version).
Assuming T-SQL and [sql-server] (according to the provided sample code) you were close:
DECLARE #YourTransactionTable TABLE(ID INT IDENTITY,financial_transaction_grp_key INT);
INSERT INTO #YourTransactionTable VALUES (200),(246),(247),(300);
Select t.*
From #YourTransactionTable as t
Inner Join #InputXml.nodes('/Keys/key') as K(X)
on K.X.value('text()[1]', 'INT') = t.financial_transaction_grp_key;
What was wrong:
.nodes() must go down to the repeating element, which is <key>
In .value() you are using the path #Key, which is wrong on two sides: 1) <key> is an element and not an attribute and 2) XML is strictly case-sensitive, so Key!=key.
An alternative might be this:
WHERE #InputXml.exist('/Keys/key[. cast as xs:int? = sql:column("financial_transaction_grp_key")]')=1;
Which one is faster depends on the count of rows in your source table as well as the count of keys in your XML. Just try it out.
You probably need to parse the XML to a readable format with regex.
I wrote a similar event to parse the active DB from an xmlpayload that was saved on a table. This may or may not work for you, but you should be able to at least get started.
SELECT SUBSTRING(column FROM IF(locate('<key>',column)=0,0,0+LOCATE('<key>',column))) as KEY FROM table LIMIT 1\G

Querying a value from an XML in SQL Server 2017

I am struggling with querying a value from an XML. I am new in this world so please forgive me if the answer is actually obvious and i am just not seeing it :)
<id accountingentity="200" lid="...."
I want to query the value "aa0000012" but I am not able to do it since there is no Xpath for this value available.
I tried it with this query right here but it is only giving me the whole content:
Can anyone please help me? Thanks
This should work whether you have multiple documentid's or not
select o.value('id[1]', 'varchar(max)')
from #salesorderxml.nodes('/documentid') as t(o)
it basically says give me the nodes named documentid, then give me the value of element id
Try this - it will reach into the XML and fetch the element value of <id>:
XC.value('text()[1]', 'varchar(100)')
#salesorderxml.nodes('/documentid/id') AS XT(XC)
This returns:
(No column name)

extract xml element from database using sql query

Hello I have the following xml structure within a database table column :
DECLARE #Response XML =
'<star:ShowInfo xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" releaseID="5.1.5"
<STText xsi:type="ns2:TextType">E12143 - Please fetch me from this xml </STText>
In the above xml I need to fetch the STText value which is
E12143 - Please fetch me from this xml . Can anyone point me on how I can do it ?
I tried the following but it doesnt seem to work :
'' as xsi)
SELECT #Response.value('(/xsd:Response)[1]','nvarchar(500)') as ExceptionMessage
What a pain.
It is not a sql issue, but rather namespace-getting-confused issue.
Its heplful totake SQL out the equation sometimes, by testing some place like

SQL "for XML" and built-in functions like "comment()"

I'm writing an SQL select statement which returns XML. I wanted to put in some comments and found a post asking how to do this. The answer seemed to be the "comment()" function/keyword. So, my code looks broadly like this:
select ' extracted on tuesday ' as 'comment()',
(select top 5 id from MyTable for xml path(''),type)
for xml path('stuff')
...which returns XML as follows:
<!-- extracted on tuesday -->
In the process of trying to find out more about "comment()", I discovered "data()" as well.
select top 5 id as 'data()' from MyTable for xml path('')
Unfortunately, the names make searching for information on these functions very difficult.
Can someone point me at the documentation on their usage, as well as any other similar functions ?
Another would appear to be "processing-instruction(blah)".
select 'type="text/css" href="style.css"' as 'processing-instruction(xml-stylesheet)',
(select top 5 id from MyTable for xml path(''),type)
for xml path('stuff')
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css"?>
Here is the link to the BOL info: Columns with the Name of an XPath Node Test.
This details the functionality you are interested in. (It can indeed be a pain to find)
Also you can find quick functional examples here

NHibernate group by named parameters doesn't work with repeated parameters

My query in HQL is basically:
select functionA(a, :paramA), functionB(b, :paramB), functionC(c, :paramC), sum(d)
from tableA
groupby by functionA(a, :paramA), functionB(b, :paramB), functionC(c, :paramC)
However this gets turned into SQL of
select functionA(a, #param0), functionB(b, #param1), functionC(c, #param2), sum(d)
from tableA
groupby by functionA(a, #param3), functionB(b, #param4), functionC(c, #param5)
Now obviously this is going to throw a 'blah' is invalid in the select list because.... error as the group by clause doesn't match the select clause. I'm about to change this to a string format so I can get on with some productive work but if anyone has the answer as to why NHibernate will not reuse the same named query input the 2 times it is used that would be much appreciated.
A similar question seems to have been asked here with no real answer either.
This has been solved in NHibernate 3.0.0.Alpha1. You can get it here
