Kohana 3.2 Call to undefined method Database_MySQL_Result::offset() - database

That happens when I try to play around with DB::select instead of ORM.
The query is returned as an object, but the error appears.
$bd_userdata -> offset($pagination -> offset) -> limit($pagination -> items_per_page) -> find_all() -> as_array();
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Call to undefined method Database_MySQL_Result::offset()
Does it mean I have to count rows, before I send them to the offset in pagination?
When I try $query->count_all() I get the error message:
Undefined property: Database_Query_Builder_Select::$count_all
I tried count($query) but instead I got:
No tables used [ SELECT * LIMIT 4 OFFSET 0 ]
Here is the solution:
$results = DB::select('*')
->where('id', '=', 1)
And a counter:
$count = $results->count_all();
I was doing it before, the other way around. That is why it did not work.

As you can see, execute() returns Database_Result object, which has no QBuilder's functionality. You must apply all conditions (where, limit, offset etc) before calling execute.
Here is a simple example with pagination:
// dont forget to apply reset(FALSE)!
$query = DB::select()->from('users')->where('username', '=', 'test')->reset(FALSE);
// counting rows
$row_count = $query->count_all();
// create pagination
$pagination = Pagination::factory(array(
'items_per_page' => 4,
'total_items' => $row_count,
// select rows using pagination's limit&offset
$users = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->items_per_page)->execute();


AttributeError: 'Group' object has no attribute 'dtype'

I want to combine the datasets within a single hdf5 file to form one dataset in a seperate file, but am struggling to set the dtype of the new dataset. I am getting the error AttributeError: 'Group' object has no attribute 'dtype' on the line with ds_0_dtype = h5f1[ds].dtype. the code below (based on some example code posted on stackoverflow)
h5py.File('xxx_xxx_signals.hdf5','r') as h5f1 , \
h5py.File('file2.h5','w') as h5f2 :
for i, ds in enumerate(h5f1.keys()) :
if i == 0:
ds_0 = ds
ds_0_dtype = h5f1[ds].dtype
n_rows = h5f1[ds].shape[0]
n_cols = h5f1[ds].shape[1]
if h5f1[ds].dtype != ds_0_dtype :
print(f'Dset 0:{ds_0}: dtype:{ds_0_dtype}')
print(f'Dset {i}:{ds}: dtype:{h5f1[ds].dtype}')
sys.exit('Error: incompatible dataset dtypes')
if h5f1[ds].shape[0] != n_rows :
print(f'Dset 0:{ds_0}: shape[0]:{n_rows}')
print(f'Dset {i}:{ds}: shape[0]:{h5f1[ds].shape[0]}')
sys.exit('Error: incompatible dataset shape')
n_cols += h5f1[ds].shape[1]
prev_ds = ds
h5f2.create_dataset('ds_xxxx', dtype=ds_0_dtype, shape=(n_rows,n_cols), maxshape=(n_rows,None))
first = 0
for ds in h5f1.keys() :
xfer_arr = h5f1[ds][:]
last = first + xfer_arr.shape[1]
h5f2['ds_xxxx'][:, first:last] = xfer_arr[:]
first = last
Likely you have 1 or more Groups in addition to Datasets at the Root level. h5f1.keys() accesses all Nodes -- which can be Datasets or Groups. You need to add a test to skip over Groups. You do this with an isinstance() logic test. Something like this:
if not isinstance(h5f1[ds], h5py.Dataset) :
print(f'Node 0:{ds_0}: is not a dataset')
sys.exit('Error: unexpected Group; only Datasets expected')
if h5f1[ds].dtype != ds_0_dtype :
Once you know how to identify groups, you can also modify code to avoid copying them to the second file. However, that may not be your desired result. I have an extended SO post on using isinstance(). See this link:
Is there a way to get datasets in all groups at once in h5py?

Map "syntax error before " (first element) while URI.encode_query(form)

I've been doing this for a couple of days, and I'm having this problem:
Whenever I try to encode a map into query string, I get the error "syntax error before: chat_id"
form = %{
"chat_id" => 237799109,
"text" => "OMG a message"
{status, body} = URI.encode_query(form)
#=> (SyntaxError) lib/elixir.ex:20: syntax error before: chat_id
But as far as I know this is the map syntax, isn't it? As seen here, where this example is presented:
iex> hd = %{"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2}
iex> URI.encode_query(hd)
What is happening here?
Full error message:
== Compilation error on file lib/elixir.ex ==
** (SyntaxError) lib/elixir.ex:20: syntax error before: chat_id
(elixir) lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex:117: anonymous fn/4 in Kernel.Paral
I don't know why you would get the error you listed, but URI.encode_query/1 only returns a single binary argument. You are trying to pattern match it against a tuple.
Can you paste more of the code instead of just those 2 lines?
iex(2)> URI.encode_query(form)

Yii2 Array sorting

In my Yii2 Project I have an array for example
$array = [];
$array [] = 8 , 3, 6
So when I print out the array is
So when I use the same in a where statement it jumbles up.
$class = ModelClass::find()->where(['array_no' => $array])->all
So when I print out class I get the output in asc order sorted..
I get the information of
3 in the first
6 in the second place
8 in the third place.
How can i stop this from happening. I want them to return my output in the same order as array
You should use ORDER BY FIELD(), e.g. :
$models = ModelClass::find()
->where(['array_no' => $array])
->orderBy(new \yii\db\Expression('FIELD (array_no, '.implode(',', $array).')'))

Mongoose - update object from double nested array [duplicate]

This question is closely related to this one and I will consider the advice given with respect to schema design in a NoSQL context, yet I'm curious to understand this:
Actual questions
Suppose you have the following document:
_id : 2 abcd
name : 2 unittest.com
paths : 4
0 : 3
path : 2 home
queries : 4
0 : 3
name : 2 query1
url : 2 www.unittest.com/home?query1
requests: 4
1 : 3
name : 2 query2
url : 2 www.unittest.com/home?query2
requests: 4
Basically, I'd like to know
if it is possible to use MongoDB's positional $ operator (details) multiple times, or put differently, in update scenarios that involve array/document structures with a "degree of nestedness" greater than 1:
{ <update operator>: { "paths.$.queries.$.requests" : value } } (doesn't work)
instead of "only" be able to use $ once for a top-level array and being bound to use explicit indexes for arrays on "higher levels":
{ <update operator>: { "paths.$.queries.0.requests" : value } }) (works)
if possible at all, how the corresponding R syntax would look like.
Below you'll find a reproducible example. I tried to be as concise as possible.
Code example
Database connection
db <- "__unittest"
ns <- paste(db, "hosts", sep=".")
con <- mongo.create(db=db)
mongo.remove(mongo=con, ns=ns)
Example document
q <- list("_id"="abcd")
b <- list("_id"="abcd", name="unittest.com")
mongo.insert(mongo=con, ns=ns, b=b)
q <- list("_id"="abcd")
b <- list("$push"=list(paths=list(path="home")))
mongo.update(mongo=con, ns, criteria=q, objNew=b)
q <- list("_id"="abcd", paths.path="home")
b <- list("$push"=list("paths.$.queries"=list(
name="query1", url="www.unittest.com/home?query1")))
mongo.update(mongo=con, ns, criteria=q, objNew=b)
b <- list("$push"=list("paths.$.queries"=list(
name="query2", url="www.unittest.com/home?query2")))
mongo.update(mongo=con, ns, criteria=q, objNew=b)
Update of nested arrays with explicit position index (works)
This works, but it involves an explicit index for the second-level array queries (nested in a subdoc element of array paths):
q <- list("_id"="abcd", paths.path="home", paths.queries.name="query1")
b <- list("$push"=list("paths.$.queries.0.requests"=list(time="2013-02-13")))
> mongo.bson.from.list(b)
$push : 3
paths.$.queries.0.requests : 3
time : 2 2013-02-13
mongo.update(mongo=con, ns, criteria=q, objNew=b)
res <- mongo.find.one(mongo=con, ns=ns, query=q)
> res
_id : 2 abcd
name : 2 unittest.com
paths : 4
0 : 3
path : 2 home
queries : 4
0 : 3
name : 2 query1
requests : 4
0 : 3
time : 2 2013-02-13
url : 2 www.unittest.com/home?query1
1 : 3
name : 2 query2
url : 2 www.unittest.com/home?query2
Update of nested arrays with positional $ indexes (doesn't work)
Now, I'd like to substitute the explicit 0 with the positional $ operator just like I did in order to have the server find the desired subdoc element of array paths (paths.$.queries).
AFAIU the documentation, this should work as the crucial thing is to specify a "correct" query selector:
The positional $ operator, when used with the update() method and acts as a placeholder for the first match of the update query selector:
I think I specified a query selector that does find the correct nested element (due to the paths.queries.name="query1" part):
q <- list("_id"="abcd", paths.path="home", paths.queries.name="query1")
I guess translated to "plain MongoDB" syntax, the query selector looks somewhat like this
{ _id: abcd, paths.path: home, paths.queries.name: query1 }
which seems like a valid query selector to me. In fact it does match the desired element/doc:
> !is.null(mongo.find.one(mongo=con, ns=ns, query=q))
[1] TRUE
My thought was that if it works on the top-level, why shouldn't it work for higher levels as well (as long as the query selector points to the right nested components)?
However, the server doesn't seem to like a nested or multiple use of $:
b <- list("$push"=list("paths.$.queries.$.requests"=list(time="2013-02-14")))
> mongo.bson.from.list(b)
$push : 3
paths.$.queries.$.requests : 3
time : 2 2013-02-14
> mongo.update(mongo=con, ns, criteria=q, objNew=b)
I'm not sure if it doesn't work because MongoDB doesn't support this or if I didn't get the R syntax right.
The positional operator only supports one level deep and only the first matching element.
There is a JIRA trackable for the sort of behaviour you want here: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-831
I am unsure if it will allow for more than one match but I believe it will due to the dynamics of how it will need to work.
In case you can execute your query from the MongoDB shell you can bypass this limitation by taking advantage of MongoDB cursor's forEach function (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/cursor.forEach/)
Here is an example with 3 nested arrays:
var collectionNameCursor = db.collection_name.find({...});
collectionNameCursor.forEach(function(collectionDocument) {
var firstArray = collectionDocument.firstArray;
for(var i = 0; i < firstArray.length; i++) {
var secondArray = firstArray[i].secondArray;
for(var j = 0; j < secondArray.length; j++) {
var thirdArray = secondArray[j].thirdArray;
for(var k = 0; k < thirdArray.length; k++) {
//... do some logic here with thirdArray's elements
Note that this is more of a one time solution then a production code but it's going to do the job if you have to write a fix-up script.
As #FooBar mentioned in the comments of the accepted answer, this feature was implemented in 2017 with MongoDB 3.6.
To do so, you must to use positional filters with arrayFilters conditions.
Applied to your example:
{ "paths.home": "home" },
{ $push : {
"paths.$.queries.$[q].requests": { time: "2022-11-15" }
{ arrayFilters: [{ "q.name": "name" }] }
The postional operator $ refers to the filter { "paths.home": "home" }. Then, the positional filter $[q] refers to the arrayFilter { "q.name": "name" }.
Using this method, you can add as many positional filters as needed, as long as you put the condition in arrayFilters.
However, looking through the documentation of rmongodb, using arrayFilters is not possible at the moment. Alternatively, you could use another R package that has this feature implemented, such as Mongolite.

CodeIgniter unknown SQL error

Here is my selection code from db:
$q = $this->db->like('Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4', $vyraz)
->where('stav', 1)
->order_by('id', 'desc')
return $q->result();
Where $vyraz = "Zuzana Šidlíková";
And the error is:
Nastala chyba databázy
Error Number: 1054
Unknown column '1' in 'where clause'
SELECT * FROM (\knihy`) WHERE `stav` = 1 AND `1` LIKE '%Zuzana Šidlíková%' ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 9
Filename: C:\wamp\www\artbooks\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 330
Can you help me solve this problem?
Your syntax is wrong for what you're trying to do, but still technically valid, because this:
'Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4'
...is actually a valid PHP expression which evaluates to TRUE (because all non-empty strings are "truthy"), which when cast to a string or echoed comes out as 1, so the DB class is looking to match on a column called "1".
function like($arg1, $arg2)
return "WHERE $arg1 LIKE '%$arg2%'";
$vyraz = 'Zuzana Šidlíková';
echo like('Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4', $vyraz);
// Output: WHERE 1 LIKE '%Zuzana Šidlíková%'
Anyways, here's what you need:
$q = $this->db
->like('Autor1', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor2', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor3', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor4', $vyraz)
->where('stav', 1)
->order_by('id', 'desc')
