CodeIgniter unknown SQL error - database

Here is my selection code from db:
$q = $this->db->like('Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4', $vyraz)
->where('stav', 1)
->order_by('id', 'desc')
return $q->result();
Where $vyraz = "Zuzana Šidlíková";
And the error is:
Nastala chyba databázy
Error Number: 1054
Unknown column '1' in 'where clause'
SELECT * FROM (\knihy`) WHERE `stav` = 1 AND `1` LIKE '%Zuzana Šidlíková%' ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 9
Filename: C:\wamp\www\artbooks\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 330
Can you help me solve this problem?

Your syntax is wrong for what you're trying to do, but still technically valid, because this:
'Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4' actually a valid PHP expression which evaluates to TRUE (because all non-empty strings are "truthy"), which when cast to a string or echoed comes out as 1, so the DB class is looking to match on a column called "1".
function like($arg1, $arg2)
return "WHERE $arg1 LIKE '%$arg2%'";
$vyraz = 'Zuzana Šidlíková';
echo like('Autor1' or 'Autor2' or 'Autor3' or 'Autor4', $vyraz);
// Output: WHERE 1 LIKE '%Zuzana Šidlíková%'
Anyways, here's what you need:
$q = $this->db
->like('Autor1', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor2', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor3', $vyraz)
->or_like('Autor4', $vyraz)
->where('stav', 1)
->order_by('id', 'desc')


invalid sign in external "numeric" value error from Npgsql Binary copy

I get this error on using Npgsql Binary copy (see my implementation at the bottom):
invalid sign in external "numeric" value
The RetailCost column on which it fails has the following PostgreSQL properties:
type: numeric(19,2)
nullable: not null
storage: main
default: 0.00
The PostgreSQL log looks like this:
2019-07-15 13:24:05.131 ACST [17856] ERROR: invalid sign in external "numeric" value
2019-07-15 13:24:05.131 ACST [17856] CONTEXT: COPY products_temp, line 1, column RetailCost
2019-07-15 13:24:05.131 ACST [17856] STATEMENT: copy products_temp (...) from stdin (format binary)
I don't think it should matter, but there are only zero or positive RetailCost values (no negative or null ones)
My implementation looks like this:
using (var importer = conn.BeginBinaryImport($"copy {tempTableName} ({dataColumns}) from stdin (format binary)"))
foreach (var product in products)
importer.Write(product.ManufacturerNumber, NpgsqlDbType.Text);
if (product.LastCostDateTime == null)
importer.Write((DateTime)product.LastCostDateTime, NpgsqlDbType.Timestamp);
importer.Write(product.LastCost, NpgsqlDbType.Numeric);
importer.Write(product.AverageCost, NpgsqlDbType.Numeric);
importer.Write(product.RetailCost, NpgsqlDbType.Numeric);
if (product.TaxPercent == null)
importer.Write((decimal)product.TaxPercent, NpgsqlDbType.Numeric);
importer.Write(product.Active, NpgsqlDbType.Boolean);
importer.Write(product.NumberInStock, NpgsqlDbType.Bigint);
Any suggestions would be welcome
I caused this problem when using MapBigInt, not realizing the column was accidentally numeric(18). Changing the column to bigint fixed my problem.
The cause of the problem was that the importer.Write statements was not in the same order as the dataColumns

How to create a for loop when the variable is in a sentence?

I want to create a for loop when the variable is in a string format.
my code is:
for i in range(1,32):
DEP_RATE = pd.read_sql_query('select DAYNUM,YYYYMM,sum(DEP_RATE) from ASPM.aspm_qtr where LOCID="ABQ" and DAYNUM = i:"{i}" group by YYYYMM',{i:str(i)},rconn)
the error is:
'dict' object has no attribute 'cursor'
I used this code:
for i in range(1,32):
DEP_RATE = pd.read_sql_query('select DAYNUM,YYYYMM,sum(DEP_RATE) from ASPM.aspm_qtr where LOCID="ABQ" and DAYNUM = "i" group by YYYYMM',rconn, params={i:str(i)})
It hasn't error but doesn't work. the problem is:
("Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'i'")
This appears to be a PANDAS question, yes? I believe it's an argument mismatch with the read_sql_query API. The function signature is:
pandas.read_sql_query(sql, con, index_col=None, coerce_float=True, params=None, parse_dates=None, chunksize=None)
Which roughly says that the first two positional arguments are required, and everything else is defaulted or optional.
To make it more obvious, consider putting your core SQL string on a separate line:
sql = 'SELECT daynum, ... AND daynum = :i'
for i in range(1, 32):
DEP_RATE = pd.read_sql_query(sql, {i: str(i)}, rconn)
With this formulation, it's more obvious that your arguments do not match the API: your second argument is off. Perhaps you want (note the additional keyword argument params):
DEP_RATE = pd.read_sql_query(sql, rconn, params={i: str(i)})
I corrected the code. The correct answer is:
DEP_RATE = list(np.zeros((1,1)))*31
for i in range(1,32):
DEP_RATE[i-1] =np.array(pd.read_sql_query('select DAYNUM,YYYYMM,sum(DEP_RATE) from ASPM.aspm_qtr where LOCID="ABQ" and DAYNUM = '+str(i)+' group by YYYYMM;',rconn, params={i:str(i)}))

Kohana 3.2 Call to undefined method Database_MySQL_Result::offset()

That happens when I try to play around with DB::select instead of ORM.
The query is returned as an object, but the error appears.
$bd_userdata -> offset($pagination -> offset) -> limit($pagination -> items_per_page) -> find_all() -> as_array();
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Call to undefined method Database_MySQL_Result::offset()
Does it mean I have to count rows, before I send them to the offset in pagination?
When I try $query->count_all() I get the error message:
Undefined property: Database_Query_Builder_Select::$count_all
I tried count($query) but instead I got:
No tables used [ SELECT * LIMIT 4 OFFSET 0 ]
Here is the solution:
$results = DB::select('*')
->where('id', '=', 1)
And a counter:
$count = $results->count_all();
I was doing it before, the other way around. That is why it did not work.
As you can see, execute() returns Database_Result object, which has no QBuilder's functionality. You must apply all conditions (where, limit, offset etc) before calling execute.
Here is a simple example with pagination:
// dont forget to apply reset(FALSE)!
$query = DB::select()->from('users')->where('username', '=', 'test')->reset(FALSE);
// counting rows
$row_count = $query->count_all();
// create pagination
$pagination = Pagination::factory(array(
'items_per_page' => 4,
'total_items' => $row_count,
// select rows using pagination's limit&offset
$users = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->items_per_page)->execute();

opa database : how to know if value exists in database?

I'd like to know if a record is present in a database, using a field different from the key field.
I've try the following code :
function start()
jlog("start db query")
myType d1 = {A:"rabbit", B:"poney"};
/myDataBase/data[A == d1.A] = d1
jlog("db write done")
option opt = ?/myDataBase/data[B == "rabit"]
jlog("db query done")
case {none} : <>Nothing in db</>
case {some:data} : <>{data} in database</>
{port:8092, netmask:, encryption: {no_encryption}, name:"test"},
{page: start, title: "test" }
But the server hang up, and never get to the line jlog("db query done"). I mispell "rabit" willingly. What should I've done ?
Indeed it fails with your example, I have a "Match failure 8859742" exception, don't you see it?
But do not use ?/myDataBase/data[B == "rabit"] (which should have been rejected at compile time - bug report sent) but /myDataBase/data[B == "rabit"] which is a DbSet. The reason is when you don't use a primary key, then you can have more than one value in return, ie a set of values.
You can convert a dbset to an iter with DbSet.iterator. Then manipulate it with Iter:

CakePHP encoding problem : storing uppercase S with caron on top, saves in the database but causes errors while processed by cake

So I am working in a site that sores cuneiform tablets info. We use semitic chars for transliteration.
In my script, I create a term list from the translittaration of a tablet.
My problem is that with the Š, my script created two different terms because it thinks there is a space in the word because of the way cake treats the special char.
Exemple :
Partial contents of a tablet :
Terms from the tablet when treated by my script :
utu-DIŠ, -nu-il2
it should be :
When I print the contents of my array in course of treatment of the contents, I see this :
utu-DI� -nu-il2
So this means the uncorrect parsing of the text creates a space that is interpreted in my script as 2 words instead of one.
In the database, the text is fine...
I also get these errors :
Warning (512): SQL Error: 1366: Incorrect string value: '\xC5' for column 'term' at row 1 [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 684]
Query: INSERT INTO terms (term, lft, rght) VALUES ('utu-DI�', 449, 450)
Query: INSERT INTO terms (term, lft, rght) VALUES ('A�', 449, 450)
Query: INSERT INTO terms (term, lft, rght) VALUES ('xDI�', 449, 450)
Anybody knows what I could do to make this work ?
Thanks !
Added info :
$terms= str_replace(array('\r\n', '\r', '\n','\n\r','\t'), ' ', $terms);
$terms = trim($terms, chr(173));
$terms = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $terms);
$terms = explode(" ", $terms);
$terms=array_map('trim', $terms);
$anti_terms = array('#tablet','1.','2.','3.','4.','5.','6.','7.','7.','9.','10.','11.','12.','13.','14.','15.','16.','17.','18.','19.','20.','Rev.',
'Obv.','#tablet','#obverse','#reverse','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5','C6','C7','C8','C9', '\r', '\n','\r\n', '\t',''. ' ', null, chr(173), 'x', '[x]','[...]' );
foreach($terms as $key => $term) {
if(in_array($term, $anti_terms) || is_numeric($term)) {
If I put my print_r before the preg, the S are good, if I do it after, they display with the black lozenge. So I guess the preg function is the problem !
just found this :
But it seems that
causes the same problem as preg_replace() ....
Solutuion :
$terms = mb_ereg_replace('\s+', ' ', $terms);
and error is gone ... !
$terms = mb_ereg_replace('\s+', ' ', $terms);
