Not sure I've labelled this correctly.
I have a bunch of cells containing strings of data. Each cell consists of something like this:
q1 = 1 | q2 = 3.2 | q3 = 5.6
q1 = 1.8 | q3 = 2.1 | q5 = 1.4
*Note: The delimiter is litteral, all that text is in a single cell, with a pipe char.
I want to loop through each cell, explode (to use the PHP term) by the pipe (|) delimiter, and then do so again by the = sign.
I want to create an array for each possible value to the left of the equal sign, and add the value found to the right to the array (not add as in sum, add as in append to the array).
Visually, I think the array should look something like this:
q1 [ 1,1.8 ],
q2 [ 3.2 ],
q3 [ 5.6,2.1]....]
End goal being I'd like to get the average, mean and median for each of q1, q2 and q3.
Is this doable in VB? I'm more familiar with PHP, but would like to keep this in Excel.
This will handle an arbitrary number of "keys" (q1,q2, etc)
Sub Tester()
'needs a reference to microsoft scripting runtime
Dim d As New Scripting.dictionary
Dim c As Range
Dim arrP, arrE
Dim q, v, tmpV, tmpP, tmpArr, uB
Dim i As Long, n As Long
Dim k
For Each c In Selection.Cells
tmpV = Trim(c.Value)
If InStr(tmpV, "=") > 0 Then
arrP = Split(tmpV, "|") 'split on pipe
For i = LBound(arrP) To UBound(arrP)
tmpP = arrP(i)
If InStr(tmpP, "=") > 0 Then
q = Trim(Split(tmpP, "=")(0))
v = Trim(Split(tmpP, "=")(1))
If IsNumeric(v) Then
If Not d.exists(q) Then
d.Add q, Array(v)
tmpArr = d(q) 'get dict value into temp array
uB = UBound(tmpArr) + 1
ReDim Preserve tmpArr(0 To uB) 'extend array
tmpArr(uB) = v
d(q) = tmpArr 'put back into dict
End If
End If
End If
End If 'cell has at least one "="
Next c
'dump the dictionary to the immediate pane
For Each k In d.keys
Debug.Print k, Join(d(k), ",")
Next k
End Sub
It's complicated, but it can be done. I tested this in excel based on your cell input, putting them in A1 and A2:
q1 = 1 | q2 = 3.2 | q3 = 5.6
q1 = 1.8 | q3 = 2.1 | q5 = 1.4
I put together a macro in Excel called "Looper" that uses two loops to cycle through the cells in column A, split them at the '|' and search for each number value, convert it to a double and place it in the corresponding array.
Private Sub Looper()
''Loop Variables
Dim i, k As Integer
Dim MoveDown As String
''Variables to manipulate the string
Dim Selecter As String
Dim TotalCell As String
Dim Splitter As Variant
Dim strIncrement As String
''Array variables and counters
Dim q1(50) As Double
Dim q2(50) As Double
Dim q3(50) As Double
Dim qv1, qv2, qv3 As Integer
''Variables for finding the number in each increment
Dim Equals As Integer
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNumber As Double
''Set the array counters to 0
qv1 = 0
qv2 = 0
qv3 = 0
i = 0
Do Until MoveDown = "DONE"
Selector = "A" + Replace(Str(i), " ", "")
If Range(Selector).Value = "" Then
MoveDown = "DONE"
TotalCell = Range(Selector).Value
Splitter = Split(TotalCell, "|")
For k = LBound(Splitter) To UBound(Splitter)
''strIncrement holds the data in between each |
strIncrement = Splitter(k)
''Remove any spaces
strIncrement = Replace(strIncrement, " ", "")
''Equals shows the location of the number (length of string - loc of =)
Equals = Len(strIncrement) - InStr(1, strIncrement, "=")
strNumber = Right(strIncrement, Equals)
dblNumber = CDbl(strNumber)
''Check for the array name and then add the data to the corresponding array
If InStr(1, strIncrement, "q1") > 0 Then
q1(qv1) = dblNumber
qv1 = qv1 + 1
If InStr(1, strIncrement, "q2") > 0 Then
q2(qv2) = dblNumber
qv2 = qv2 + 1
If InStr(1, strIncrement, "q3") > 0 Then
q3(qv3) = dblNumber
qv3 = qv3 + 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
I was able to successfully add the data to the arrays, so it should be simple to go from there to calculate the means, etc.
I am looping through a 2D array in order to find if the values from column 1 are already present on the sheet. If they are, I would like to paste the value from column 2 in the same column it was found. The code I have is below... I am not receiving any errors but there are not any values being printed.
The range I am pasting into needs to be dynamic and right now is based on the array titled "myArrayNoBlanks" (a dynamic array that populates the original values I am pulling for my data). Perhaps changing the range to something that would find the last column would do the trick?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
For h = 1 To 11
Set PartRange = Worksheets(12).UsedRange.Columns(col(h))
Set CostRange = Worksheets(12).UsedRange.Columns(Cost(h))
For Each cell In PartRange.Cells
If cell.Row > 1 Then
ReDim Preserve myParts(var)
myParts(var) = cell.Value
var = var + 1
End If
Next cell
For Each cell In CostRange.Cells
If cell.Row > 1 Then
ReDim Preserve myCost(varc)
myCost(varc) = cell.Value
varc = varc + 1
End If
Next cell
myNewArray = Array(myParts, myCost)
For w = LBound(myNewArray, 1) To UBound(myNewArray, 1)
Dim cols As Integer
Dim ans As Boolean
Dim sch As Long
sch = myNewArray(w)(2)
Dim ch As Range
Dim rngs As Range
Set rngs = Range("B1")
Set rngs = rngs.Resize(1, UBound(myArrayNoBlanks))
For Each ch In rngs
If ch = sch Then
ans = True
cols = ch.Column
If h = 1 Then
Dim Dest1 As Range
Set Dest1 = Worksheets(14).Cells(2, cols)
Dest1.Value = sch
End If
End If
Next ch
If IsNull(ans) Then ans = False
Next w
I have a series of 2 cells in which values are separated by a comma delimiter.
Cell D1 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Cell O1 = 1,2,3,4,5,6
I want to first use the split function to pass the values to an Array and subsequently compare those 2 Arrays to find out the unique/not double values.
These values then i want to write to another cell as values with a comma delimiter.
Based on this answer
Comparing two Dimension array
and something I found about adding values to an Array i tried my luck with this code
Sub compare()
Dim cont As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim Source As Variant
Dim Comparison As Variant
Dim Target As Variant
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Open items")
For cont = 1 To .Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
Source = Split(.Range("D" & cont).Value, ",")
Comparison = Split(.Range("O" & cont).Value, ",")
For x = LBound(Source) To UBound(Source)
For y = LBound(Comparison) To UBound(Comparison)
If Source(x, y) = !Comparison(x, y) Then
Target(UBound(Target)) = Source(x, y).Value
Next cont
End Sub
But seem to be stuck.
Is this the correct way to add a value to the Array Target?
How do I get the Array into the cell?
The result in my example should be for Target to contain "7", "8", "9" , and "10" and should be shown in a cell in the way
Thank you for your help!
Some issues:
Rows.Count will look in the active sheet, not necessarily in the "Open items" sheet. So you need to add the dot: .Rows.Count
Source(x, y) will not work, since Source only has one dimension. In fact y has nothing to do with Source. A similar remark holds for Comparison.
= ! is not a valid comparison operator. You maybe intended <>.
Target is not defined, and Target(UBound(Target)) will always refer to the same location. Instead, you could append the result to a string variable immediately.
Furthermore, I would use a Collection object for fast look up, so that the algorithm is not O(n²), but O(n):
Sub Compare()
Dim cont As Long
Dim source As Variant
Dim comparison As Variant
Dim part As Variant
Dim parts As Collection
Dim result As String
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Open items")
For cont = 1 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
source = Split(.Range("D" & cont).Value, ",")
comparison = Split(.Range("O" & cont).Value, ",")
' Add the source items in a collection for faster look-up
Set parts = New Collection
For Each part In source
parts.Add Trim(part), Trim(part)
' Remove the comparison items from the collection
For Each part In comparison
On Error Resume Next ' Ignore error when part is not in parts
parts.Remove Trim(part)
If Err Then parts.Add Trim(part), Trim(part) ' Add part if not yet in parts
On Error GoTo 0 ' Stop ignoring errors
' Turn the remaining collection to comma-separated string
result = ""
For Each part In parts
result = result & ", " & part
result = Mid(result, 3) ' Remove first comma and space
' Store the result somewhere, for example in the E column
.Range("E" & cont).Value = result
Next cont
End With
End Sub
Alternative for Sorted Lists
When your source and comparison lists are sorted in numerical order, and you need the target to maintain that sort order, you could use a tandem-kind of iteration, like this:
Sub Compare()
Dim cont As Long
Dim source As Variant
Dim comparison As Variant
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim result As String
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Open items")
For cont = 1 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
source = Split(.Range("D" & cont).Value, ",")
comparison = Split(.Range("O" & cont).Value, ",")
x = LBound(source)
y = LBound(comparison)
result = ""
Do While x <= UBound(source) And y <= UBound(comparison)
If Val(source(x)) < Val(comparison(y)) Then
result = result & ", " & Trim(source(x))
x = x + 1
ElseIf Val(source(x)) > Val(comparison(y)) Then
result = result & ", " & Trim(comparison(y))
y = y + 1
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
End If
' Flush the remainder of either source or comparison
Do While x <= UBound(source)
result = result & ", " & Trim(source(x))
x = x + 1
Do While y <= UBound(comparison)
result = result & ", " & Trim(comparison(y))
y = y + 1
result = Mid(result, 3) ' Remove first comma and space
' Store the result somewhere, for example in the E column
.Range("E" & cont).Value = result
Next cont
End With
End Sub
Try this small UDF():
Public Function unikue(BigString As String, LittleString As String) As String
Dim B As Variant, L As Variant, Barr, Larr
Dim Good As Boolean
Barr = Split(BigString, ",")
Larr = Split(LittleString, ",")
For Each B In Barr
Good = True
For Each L In Larr
If L = B Then Good = False
If Good Then unikue = unikue & "," & B
Next B
If unikue <> "" Then unikue = Mid(unikue, 2)
End Function
Couple of things with this code
the variable Target() - You never tell code how big this array is or if you want to make it bigger - my full code below will grow for each match that is found
Source(x, y).Value - You dont need to use Value for arrays. you also do not need x and y as you are only reading in one column you only need source(x)
Where I have wrote MISSING in the full code - these lines where missing and would have caused you issues.
The purpose of Found is that for every time source(x) is found in Comparison(y) then Found is incremented. If it has never been incremented then we can assume that it is to be captured in target.
One other note is that you do not specify where you want to output Target to. so currently the target array does not go anywhere
Sub compare()
Dim cont As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim Source As Variant
Dim Comparison As Variant
Dim Target() As Variant
ReDim Target(1)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Open items")
For cont = 1 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
Source = Split(.Range("D" & cont).Value, ",")
Comparison = Split(.Range("O" & cont).Value, ",")
For x = LBound(Source) To UBound(Source)
Found = 0
For y = LBound(Comparison) To UBound(Comparison)
If Source(x) = Comparison(y) Then
Found = Found + 1
'count if found
'if values are found dont add to target
If Found = 0 Then
Target(UBound(Target)) = Source(x)
ReDim Preserve Target(UBound(Target) + 1)
End If
Next cont
End Sub
I have the below snippit for excel 2013 VBA
For Each r In rr
If Not r.Range.Height = 0 Then
FNum = FNum + 1
ReDim Preserve testArr(1 To FNum, 1 To 23)
testArr(FNum) = r
End If
Next r
My goal is to get all the visible rows from a filtered table into an array.
The table can be any number of rows, but always 23 columns.
I found that the height will be zero if it is hidden. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get the entire row into the array.
r = listrow
rr = listrows
YES, I know a looping redim sucks.
doesnt work either because it stops at the first hidden row/column.
I may just dump the entire table into the array and then filter the array. I havent figured out how to pull the active filter from the table to apply it, but I havent looked deeply into that yet. Thats what I will be doing now, because I am stuck for the other way.
Any and all advice is welcome.
To avoid REDIM or double loops you can use something like Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(3, Range("A2:A500000")) to quickly count the number of visible rows.
See this question
I define my Target range using .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible). Target.Cells.Count / Target.Columns.Count will give you the row count. Finally I iterate over the cells in the Target range incrementing my counters based off of the Target.Columns.Count.
Public Sub FilteredArray()
Dim Data As Variant, r As Range, Target As Range
Dim rowCount As Long, x As Long, y As Long
Set Target = WorkSheets("Sheet1").ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If Not Target Is Nothing Then
rowCount = Target.Cells.Count / Target.Columns.Count
ReDim Data(1 To rowCount, 1 To Target.Columns.Count)
x = 1
For Each r In Target
y = y + 1
If y > Target.Columns.Count Then
x = x + 1
y = 1
End If
Data(x, y) = r.Value
End If
End Sub
The code below will create an array for all the rows and store each of these into another array that will store all info in sheet:
Function RowsToArray()
Dim lastRow: lastRow = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim lastCol: lastCol = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Dim newArr()
ReDim newArr(lastRow)
For r = 0 To lastRow - 1
Dim rowarr()
ReDim rowarr(lastCol)
For c = 0 To lastCol - 1
rowarr(c) = Cells(r + 1, c + 1).Value
Next c
newArr(r) = rowarr
Next r
End Function
Can you loop over the cells in rr rather than the rows? If so, as #SJR says, you can only Redim Preserve the final dimension, so we're going to have to switch your dimensions. You can then use r.EntireRow.Hidden to check if we're in a visible row and increase the bound of your array by one if we are.
The following assumes that your data starts in column A:
For Each r In rr
If Not r.EntireRow.Hidden Then
If r.Column = 1 Then
If UBound(testArr, 2) = 0 Then
ReDim testArr(1 To 23, 1 To 1)
ReDim Preserve testArr(1 To 23, 1 To UBound(testArr, 2) + 1)
End If
End If
testArr(r.Column, UBound(testArr, 2)) = r
End If
Next r
Alternatively, you can keep using ListRows, but loop through twice, once to set the bounds of your array, and once to fill the array (which will have its own internal loop to run through the row...):
For Each r In rr
If Not r.Range.Height = 0 Then
Fnum = Fnum + 1
ReDim testArr(1 To Fnum, 1 To 3)
End If
Next r
Fnum = 0
For Each r In rr
If Not r.Range.RowHeight = 0 Then
Fnum = Fnum + 1
dumarray = r.Range
For i = 1 To 3
testArr(Fnum, i) = dumarray(1, i)
Next i
End If
Next r
Thanks all, a combo of answers led me to: (not very elegant, but quick)
For Each r In rr
If Not r.Range.Height = 0 Then
TNum = TNum + 1
End If
Next r
ReDim testArr(TNum, 23)
For Each r In rr
If Not r.Range.Height = 0 Then
FNum = FNum + 1
For i = 1 To 23
testArr(FNum, i) = r.Range.Cells(, i)
Next i
End If
Next r
I would like to turn values in given range into VBA string where original cell values are separated by any chosen column delimiter and row delimiter. Delimiters could be one character or longer strings. The row delimiter is the string at the end of the line. The string should be done just as we read text from left top corner, from left to right, to bottom right corner.
Here is an example of the VALUES in range A1:C5:
| A1 | B1 | C1 |
| A2 | B2 | C2 |
| A3 | B3 | C3 |
| A4 | B4 | C4 |
| A5 | B5 | C5 |
Desired results is a VBA string:
For the sake of readability I will show it like this:
As a column delimiter I have chosen , (comma), and as a row delimiter # sign. Of course these could be any characters like \r\n.
The reason why I want fast cooking of the string from range is because I want to to send it to SQL Server through ADO connection. As I have tested so far it is the fastest way to transfer lots of data on the fly. The twin question how to split this string on SQL Server is here: Split string into table given row delimiter and column delimiter in SQL server
Solution 1. Loop through all rows and columns. Question is if there be any more elegant way then just looping through all rows and columns? I would prefer VBA solution, not formula one.
Solution 2. Suggested by Mat's Mug in comment. CSV file is desired results. I would like to do it on the fly without saving. But good point - imitate CSV is what I want but I want it without saving.
Edit after bounty
Answer of Thomas Inzina works crazy fast and his solution is portable. Ordinary VBA loop turned out to be way faster then worksheet functions like JOIN on large data sets. I do not recommend using worksheet functions in VBA for that purpose. I have voted up everybody. Thank you all.
To optimize performance my function emulates a String Builder.
Text: A very large string to hold the data
CELLLENGTH: A contant that determines the size of the BufferSize
BufferSize: The initial size of Text string
Data(): An Array derived from the source range
As the rows and columns of the Data() array are iterated over the current element (Data(x, y)) value replaces a portion of the Text string. The text string is resized as needed. This reduces the number of concatenations immensely. The initial BufferSize is set pretty high. I got my best results, 0.8632813 Second(s), by reducing CELLLENGTH to 25.
Download Sample Data from
Function getRangeText(Source As Range, Optional rowDelimiter As String = "#", Optional ColumnDelimiter As String = ",")
Const CELLLENGTH = 255
Dim Data()
Dim text As String
Dim BufferSize As Double, length As Double, x As Long, y As Long
BufferSize = CELLLENGTH * Source.Cells.Count
text = Space(BufferSize)
Data = Source.Value
For x = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
If x > 1 Then
Mid(text, length + 1, Len(rowDelimiter)) = rowDelimiter
length = length + Len(rowDelimiter)
End If
For y = 1 To UBound(Data, 2)
If length + Len(Data(x, y)) + 2 > Len(text) Then text = text & Space(CDbl(BufferSize / 4))
If y > 1 Then
Mid(text, length + 1, Len(ColumnDelimiter)) = ColumnDelimiter
length = length + Len(ColumnDelimiter))
End If
Mid(text, length + 1, Len(Data(x, y))) = Data(x, y)
length = length + Len(Data(x, y))
getRangeText = Left(text, length) & rowDelimiter
End Function
Sub TestGetRangeText()
Dim s As String
Dim Start: Start = Timer
s = getRangeText(ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
Debug.Print "Execution Time: "; Timer - Start; "Second(s)"
Debug.Print "Rows: "; ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; "Columns: "; ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
Debug.Print "Result Length: "; Format(Len(s), "#,###")
End Sub
Here's a quick way to test (Note: this will only work with Excel 2016 (or if you have the TextJoin() function).
First, in the empty column D, do =C1&"#", so you get your last column filled with the cell+#
Then, say in cell E1, =TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,A1:C5)
(Note: TRUE there means to skip blanks. If you have blanks, and want to keep them, change that to FALSE).
THen, on that cell, run
Or combine the formulas into one: =SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,A1:C4),"#,","#").
If you need vba, just throw the formula into a VBA macro and run like that.
Here is a UDF that returns the desired output:
EDIT Changed to add EOL at the end.
Option Explicit
Function MultiJoin(Rng As Range, Delimiter As String, EOL As String) As String
Dim V As Variant, W As Variant
Dim COL As Collection
Dim I As Long, J As Long
V = Rng
Set COL = New Collection
ReDim W(1 To UBound(V, 2))
For I = 1 To UBound(V, 1)
For J = 1 To UBound(V, 2)
W(J) = V(I, J)
Next J
Next I
ReDim V(1 To COL.Count)
For I = 1 To COL.Count
V(I) = Join(COL(I), Delimiter)
Next I
W = Join(V, EOL)
MultiJoin = W & EOL
End Function
One could shorten the code by using WorksheetFunctions, but I would guess execution time would be slower.
Shortened Code
Option Explicit
Function MultiJoin(Rng As Range, Delimiter As String, EOL As String) As String
Dim V As Variant, W As Variant
Dim I As Long, J As Long
V = Rng
With WorksheetFunction
For I = 1 To UBound(V, 1)
V(I, 1) = Join(.Index(V, I, 0), Delimiter)
Next I
MultiJoin = Join(.Transpose(.Index(V, 0, 1)), EOL) & EOL
End With
End Function
This solution will require either a reference to the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library in your project or some other way of fetching the contents of the clipboard (like through an API call).
Function TurnExcelRangeIntoVBAString(Optional cellDelimiter As String = ",", _
Optional rowDelimiter As String = "#") _
As String
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Dim clip As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim txt As String
txt = clip.GetText()
txt = Replace(Replace(txt, vbTab, cellDelimiter), vbCrLf, rowDelimiter)
TurnExcelRangeIntoVBAString = txt
End Function
you could try this
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim strng As String
Dim cell As Range
With Worksheets("TurnRangeIntoString") '<--| change "TurnRangeIntoString" to your actual worksheet name
For Each cell In Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns(1)) '<--| loop through its column 1 cells
strng = strng & Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(.Range(cell, cell.End(xlToRight)).value)), ",") & "#" '<--| build string
Next cell
End With
MsgBox strng
End Sub
Sub aquatique()
dim a(),s$,i&,j&:a=selection.value
for i=1 to ubound(a)
for j=1 to ubound(a,2)
if j=1 then
if i=1 then
s= a(i,j)
s=s &"#" & vbnewline & a(i,j)
end if
s=s &";" & a(i,j)
end if
end sub
simple but does the job. Slow on huge ranges, you'd need to use "join"
How about this?:
Sub Concatenate()
Dim Cel As Range, Rng As Range
Dim sString As String, r As Long, c As Long, r2 As Long
Set Rng = Selection
r = Selection.Row
c = Selection.Column
r2 = Selection.Row
For Each Cel In Rng
r = Cel.Row
If sString = "" Then
sString = Cel.Value
If r <> r2 Then sString = sString & "#" & Cel.Value
If r = r2 Then sString = sString & "," & Cel.Value
End If
r2 = Cel.Row
sString = sString & "#"
Debug.Print sString
End Sub
I think this is my first question in this forum, so excuse me if I miss following some rules. I am trying to write a VBA algorithm to compute the Shapley-Shubik index. This index requires to compute all the permutations of a sequence of numbers (which represent the votes in a parliament, congress, etc.). After some thorough research I understood that one must use a recursive algorithm to perform such thing.
My idea is to create a matrix in vba where each element is stored separately, and each row contains a different permutation. That is the only way I can subsequently perform computations and retrieve the correct label values needed to compute such index.
The problem is I cannot understand how to revert back to the previous levels once I reach the last level of recursion.
(EDIT) Eventually, I was able to come up with a solution. I am posting the results below, since I have seen that it has been asked for. I should warn though, this is a very inefficient code, and it does not work with more than 7 players. The reason for this is because vba is not able to deal with the extremely big matrix created by this code, so the program just crashes with an overflow error.
However, in have not been particularly smart in writing this code, this means it should be pretty easy to modify the code in order to make it work for a bigger number of players. Basically, instead of using the permutation function to create a matrix, one just needs to compute the pivotal player in each specific permutation, then use an array to "store" the frequencies. Unfortunately, I did not have time to modify the code, as I am currently working on other projects, though somewhat related, using Matlab instead.
Here it is the function I have assembled:
Public Function ShapleyShubik( _
Votes As Range, _
Coalitions As Range, _
Candidate As String, _
Threshold As Double) As Double
' by Sim1
' This function computes the Shapley-Shubik Power Index
' For a specified coalition among the available ones
Dim Labels() As String
Dim Powers() As Double
Dim Interval As Variant
Dim MatLabels() As String
Dim MatPowers() As Integer
Dim Calc() As String
Dim Total As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
'Convert Labels Range
Interval = ToArray(Coalitions)
ReDim Labels(1 To UBound(Interval)) As String
For ii = 1 To UBound(Interval)
Labels(ii) = CStr(Interval(ii))
'Convert Powers Range
Interval = ToArray(Votes)
ReDim Powers(1 To UBound(Interval)) As Double
For ii = 1 To UBound(Interval)
Powers(ii) = CInt(Interval(ii))
SShubCalc Powers, Labels, Calc, Threshold, Total
'Compute Index
ShapleyShubik = (UBound(Filter(Calc, Candidate, True)) + 1) / Total
End Function
Private Function SShubCalc( _
ByRef Powers() As Double, _
ByRef Labels() As String, _
ByRef Pivotal() As String, _
ByVal bar As Double, _
ByRef Righe As Integer) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_line
Dim Colonne As Integer
Dim MatNum() As Double
Dim MatStr() As String
Dim Threshold As Integer
Dim Somma() As Double
Dim perfsum() As Boolean
Dim PivPos() As Integer
Dim Addend() As Double
Dim v() As Variant
' Define Size Variables
Colonne = UBound(Powers)
Righe = Factorial(Colonne)
'Generate Matrix of Permutations
MatrPerm Powers, MatNum, Labels, MatStr
'Provide Vector Sums and Check Threshold
With Application.WorksheetFunction
Threshold = .Sum(.index(MatNum, 1))
End With
'Control for unanimity
If (Threshold * bar) < (Threshold - 1) Then
Threshold = Round(Threshold * bar, 0) + 1
End If
'Initialize Arrays
ReDim perfsum(1 To Righe)
ReDim PivPos(1 To Righe)
ReDim Pivotal(1 To Righe)
For ii = 1 To Colonne
'First Iteration
If ii = 1 Then
v = Application.WorksheetFunction.index(MatNum, 0, ii)
ToDoubleArray Somma, v
v = Application.WorksheetFunction.index(MatNum, 0, (ii))
ToDoubleArray Addend, v
SumVector Somma, Somma, Addend
End If
For j = 1 To Righe
If Somma(j) >= Threshold And perfsum(j) = False Then
PivPos(j) = ii
perfsum(j) = True
End If
Next j
Next ii
'Transfer PivoPos to Labels
For ii = 1 To Righe
Pivotal(ii) = MatStr(ii, PivPos(ii))
Next ii
SShubCalc = True
Exit Function
SShubCalc = False
End Function
Private Function nextPerm(s As String)
' inspired by
' this produces the "next" permutation
' it allows one to step through all possible iterations without having to have them
' all in memory at the same time
Dim L As Integer, ii As Integer, jj As Integer
Dim c() As Byte, temp As Byte
L = Len(s)
If StrComp(s, "**done**") = 0 Or StrComp(s, "") = 0 Then
nextPerm = ""
Exit Function
End If
' convert to byte array... more compact to manipulate
ReDim c(1 To L)
For ii = 1 To L
c(ii) = Asc(Mid(s, ii, 1))
Next ii
' find the largest "tail":
For ii = L - 1 To 1 Step -1
If c(ii) < c(ii + 1) Then Exit For
Next ii
' if we complete the loop without break, ii will be zero
If ii = 0 Then
nextPerm = "**done**"
Exit Function
End If
' find the smallest value in the tail that is larger than c(ii)
' take advantage of the fact that tail is sorted in reverse order
For jj = L To ii + 1 Step -1
If c(jj) > c(ii) Then
' swap elements
temp = c(jj)
c(jj) = c(ii)
c(ii) = temp
Exit For
End If
Next jj
' now reverse the characters from ii+1 to the end:
nextPerm = ""
For jj = 1 To ii
nextPerm = nextPerm & Chr(c(jj))
Next jj
For jj = L To ii + 1 Step -1
nextPerm = nextPerm & Chr(c(jj))
Next jj
'Debug.Print nextPerm
End Function
Private Function Factorial(dblNumber As Integer) As Integer
Dim dblCtr As Double
Dim dblResult As Double
dblResult = 1 'initializes variable
For dblCtr = 1 To dblNumber
dblResult = dblResult * dblCtr
Next dblCtr
Factorial = dblResult
End Function
Private Function SumVector(ByRef Result() As Double, ByRef Vec1() As Double, ByRef Vec2() As Double)
Dim temp As Integer
Dim tempuno As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
If LBound(Vec1) = 0 Then
temp = UBound(Vec2)
ReDim Preserve Vec1(1 To (temp + 1))
End If
If LBound(Vec2) = 0 Then
tempuno = UBound(Vec2)
ReDim Preserve Vec2(1 To (temp + 1))
End If
If temp <> tempuno Then
Exit Function
End If
ReDim Preserve Result(1 To UBound(Vec1))
'Debug.Print Vec1(1, 1)
For ii = 1 To UBound(Vec1)
Result(ii) = Vec1(ii) + Vec2(ii)
Next ii
End Function
Private Function ToDoubleArray( _
ByRef DoubleArray() As Double, _
ByRef VariantArray() As Variant)
If LBound(VariantArray) = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve VariantArray(1 To (UBound(VariantArray) + 1))
End If
ReDim DoubleArray(1 To UBound(VariantArray))
For ii = 1 To UBound(VariantArray)
DoubleArray(ii) = VariantArray(ii, 1)
Next ii
End Function
Private Function MatrPermStr( _
ByRef VecInput() As String, _
ByRef MatOutput() As String)
Dim Sequence As String
Dim StrPerm As String
Dim Colonne As Integer
Dim Righe As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
Dim j As Integer
' Size Variables
Colonne = UBound(VecInput)
Righe = Factorial(Colonne)
ReDim MatOutput(1 To Righe, 1 To Colonne) As String
'Start With an Empty Sequence
Sequence = ""
'Create Sequence with defined Length
For ii = 1 To Colonne
Sequence = Sequence & ii
Next ii
'Assign the permutation to the array
For j = 1 To Righe
If j = 1 Then
StrPerm = Sequence
StrPerm = nextPerm(StrPerm)
End If
For ii = 1 To Colonne
MatOutput(j, ii) = VecInput(Mid(StrPerm, ii, 1))
Next ii
Next j
End Function
Private Function MatrPerm( _
ByRef VecInput() As Double, _
ByRef MatOutput() As Double, _
ByRef VecInputStr() As String, _
ByRef MatOutputStr() As String)
Dim Sequence As String
Dim StrPerm As String
Dim Colonne As Integer
Dim Righe As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim t As Integer
' Size Variables
Colonne = UBound(VecInput)
Righe = Factorial(Colonne)
ReDim MatOutput(1 To Righe, 1 To Colonne)
ReDim MatOutputStr(1 To Righe, 1 To Colonne)
'Start With an Empty Sequence
Sequence = ""
'Create Sequence with defined Length
For ii = 1 To Colonne
Sequence = Sequence & ii
Next ii
'Assign the permutation to the array
For j = 1 To Righe
If j = 1 Then
StrPerm = Sequence
StrPerm = nextPerm(StrPerm)
End If
For ii = 1 To Colonne
MatOutput(j, ii) = VecInput(Mid(StrPerm, ii, 1))
MatOutputStr(j, ii) = VecInputStr(Mid(StrPerm, ii, 1))
Next ii
Next j
End Function
Private Function ToArray(ByRef someRange As Range) As Variant
Dim someValues As Variant
With someRange
If .Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim someValues(1 To 1)
someValues(1) = someRange.Value
ElseIf .Rows.Count = 1 Then
someValues = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(someRange.Value))
ElseIf .Columns.Count = 1 Then
someValues = Application.Transpose(someRange.Value)
MsgBox "someRange is mutil-dimensional"
End If
End With
ToArray = someValues
End Function
Private Sub DescribeShapShub()
Dim FuncName As String
Dim FuncDesc As String
Dim Category As String
Dim ArgDesc(1 To 4) As String
FuncDesc = "Returns Shapley-Shubik power index for a given player, given the other players' votes"
Category = 3 'Math category
ArgDesc(1) = "Range containing the player's votes (Only selected votes will be considered in the computation)"
ArgDesc(2) = "Range containing the player's names (must have the same length as ""Votes"")"
ArgDesc(3) = "Cell or String containing the player for which to compute the index"
ArgDesc(4) = "Cell or Number containing the voting threshold (e.g. 0.5 for 50%)"
Application.MacroOptions _
Macro:=FuncName, _
Description:=FuncDesc, _
Category:=Category, _
End Sub
Sorry if some variables are in Italian. Also, some parts of the code have been retrieved here and there in some specialised forums, so I take no credit for the specific commands, just for the assembling :)
One last request: if anyone is able to improve this code, please share it so everybody can use it.
I am not going to answer your question exactly; but I would like to offer you a nice little function that will help solve your bigger problem. This function generates the "next" permutation of a string - where the string can contain numbers or letters, and "next" is in a lexicographical sense (see [this discussion](Generating permutations lazily
What can you do with it? Well, when you want to compute anything "over all possible permutations", having a function that gives you "just the next permutation" will keep your code readable (it takes away an awful lot of housekeeping!). You can then simply say (this is pseudocode):
// initialize stuff
firstPerm = "1234"
np = nextPerm(firstPerm)
// loop over all permutations
while not np equals "done"
// update calculations on np
np = nextPerm(np)
// report your results
Here is the function. It seemed to behave itself for me - even when I have multiple identical characters in the string, or a mixture of letters and numbers. Note that it treats A and a as distinct... Also note that it returns the string "done" when it is done. Obviously, if you happen to pass it the string "doen" as input, it will return "done" although it isn't done... Try to avoid that!
Function nextPerm(s As String)
' inspired by
' this produces the "next" permutation
' it allows one to step through all possible iterations without having to have them
' all in memory at the same time
Dim L As Integer, ii As Integer, jj As Integer
Dim c() As Byte, temp As Byte
L = Len(s)
If StrComp(s, "**done**") = 0 Or StrComp(s, "") = 0 Then
nextPerm = ""
Exit Function
End If
' convert to byte array... more compact to manipulate
ReDim c(1 To L)
For ii = 1 To L
c(ii) = Asc(Mid(s, ii, 1))
Next ii
' find the largest "tail":
For ii = L - 1 To 1 Step -1
If c(ii) < c(ii + 1) Then Exit For
Next ii
' if we complete the loop without break, ii will be zero
If ii = 0 Then
nextPerm = "**done**"
Exit Function
End If
' find the smallest value in the tail that is larger than c(ii)
' take advantage of the fact that tail is sorted in reverse order
For jj = L To ii + 1 Step -1
If c(jj) > c(ii) Then
' swap elements
temp = c(jj)
c(jj) = c(ii)
c(ii) = temp
Exit For
End If
Next jj
' now reverse the characters from ii+1 to the end:
nextPerm = ""
For jj = 1 To ii
nextPerm = nextPerm & Chr(c(jj))
Next jj
For jj = L To ii + 1 Step -1
nextPerm = nextPerm & Chr(c(jj))
Next jj
End Function
You can test it simply by adding it to a VBA module in your spreadsheet, and saving the workbook with .xlsm extension. Then you can type =nextPerm("abcd") in cell A1, and it should give you the next permutation - "abdc". Typing =nextPerm(A1) in A2 will compute the one after that, etc. You could copy all the way down the spreadsheet, and get every value.
If you copy the cells to a range that goes beyond the last permutation, it will return "**done**" as value for the first time this happens; and when you feed it "**done**" as input, it will return blank. This makes it obvious where things stop.
Take a look at this function -- it will list all possible permutations of a set of numbers using recursion.
It's for VB6 but it should be basically working in the Excel's implementation of VBA too.
Anyway, I know I shouldn't be responding to other comments here in the answer, I'm really sorry. It's just that the author Simone S said "If anyone is interested in using the resulting function just ask me", however, there's no way to contact the person other than this. Simone, please, I've been looking for a Shapley-Shubik algorithm for hours. Could you please point me to the description of how to compute the index or the resulting function?