FreeBSD POSIX C Oracle API - c

I have trouble finding Oracle Call Interface for FreeBSD. I maybe missing something simple but I searched net for several days and finally ended up here with question.
My task is fairly simple: write a program in posix C that connects to an Oracle database and works on a FreeBSD machine. In worst case scenario I will drop the POSIX and FreeBSD part and make it work on Linux but so far my goal is to do this on BSD. Here is what I found so far:
A GNU library which I have not tested yet, if anybody knows anything about it please do tell so:
If you have any kind of suggestion of how this could be done better please do tell. Or even better if you have experience in this situation.

Oracle themselves do not support FreeBSD. There are ports of their Linux client-libraries, however, that are made to work on the OS:
Unfortunately, the above two are currently only working on i386, but you may be able to use the same technique as the port's author to massage the x86_64 Linux binaries to work under FreeBSD/amd64.
And then there is a port of the open-source ODBC driver in:
This one requires oracle8-client and is thus also i386-only at this time.

There is oracle instance client for Mac OS X. AFAIK Mac OS somehow related to FreeBSD codebase. So, perhaps, adaptation of Mac OS client would be easier then Linux one. (I didn't try it however).


Can you code a shell for Linux using Windows OS and Dev-C++ IDE? Do shells work the same way for both operating systems?

I'm studying computer engineering and we have a class called operating systems where they lecture us about how OSes handle stuff etc. This week we were given a homework which requests us to code a shell that works on Linux. The problem is, they tought us literally nothing on how to code a shell so we are supposed to do some research and figure it out.
I found this guide online and it seemed perfect to me: link
Code, with explanations, what else could I ask for.
Now, I'm using a Windows PC and I use Dev-C++ IDE with GCC compiler. Can I code a shell that works on Linux with my current setup or do I have to install Linux? Are there any major differences between how shells run on these OSes?
If you want to write a shell for Linux, you want to target GNU/Linux which is basically POSIX with some extensions.
Dev-C++ by default uses MinGW GCC as its compiler, providing a Win32 API.
Win32 and POSIX are completely and fundamentally different. A shell written for one will not even slightly resemble the other.
Instead, you have several options:
Dev-C++ can optionally use Cygwin GCC, providing a more GNU/Linux-like experience on Windows. You need to take great care not to rely on any Cygwin-specific functionality like how it automatically translates pathnames and line terminators. You'll still need access to a Linux install to verify that it works.
Windows 10 lets you install WSL, a more modern Linux compatibility layer for Windows. Dev-C++ doesn't explicitly states it support it, so you may need to edit and compile separately, and may lose debugging functionality. You'll still need access to a Linux install to verify that it works.
Just run Linux in a VM. The only thing to care about is getting your shell working.
I would suggest saving yourself a ton of trouble right now and just download/install an Ubuntu image in VirtualBox.

advanced-ish C programming in Windows (pthreads, signals and semaphores, oh my!)

I'm in my third year studying computer science, so I should probably actually know the answer to this question already, but nonetheless, I don't. Anyway, I'm taking the OS course for my degree currently and we've been been covering a lot of new programming concepts like signals, semaphores, and threads in C. Unfortunately, my prof is covering all of these in a Linux/OS X perspective. What this means for me, being on a 64-bit windows machine, is that things like installing an alarm signal, or using semaphores and pthreads won't compile or run on my machine (as far as I can tell).
Anyway, currently I have just been doing my assignments in a VM running Linux, which has worked well so far, but I much prefer the Windows environment for coding.
So, after that heavy winded introduction, my question is, as you might have already guessed, is there a way to code with all these features (alarm signals, semaphores, pthreads, etc.) and be able to compile and test them in Windows? I'm fully aware that the Windows OS does not support the alarm signal and has limited POSIX capability, but I've heard rumors tossed around about cygwin (which I did try to get to work, but not very hard :P) and micro Linux kernels that you can run in the background to use these features.
Anyway, if anyone can give me maybe a list of options they would recommend (preferably not stick with your VM, even though I'm thinking that might be my best option) and maybe some tips, pros, cons, maybe a setup guide, or really any non-empty subset of these options I would really appreciate it. Also, before you ask, we have to use C and the above mentioned programming features in our assignments, so there's no switch to Java or code in win32 option unfortunately :(
Thanks in advance to anyone who can lend some words of wisdom :)
The basic principles are all there in Windows but done differently. And I recommend that, if you're going to program for Windows, you do this in the Windows API rather than through an emulation layer like Cygwin. If anything at all you'll quickly learn that different operating systems take a different approach to signalling and process handling.
First thing to be aware of is that threads are much more lightweight in Windows while processes are significantly more heavyweight. With that in mind Windows programs operate most efficiently when using threads. There is the concept of the CriticalSection that you should become very familiar with. And the Semaphore Object. Keep reading the API and you'll find a wealth of information about these topics - the Microsoft documentation is actually rather good. A key thing to understand about the Windows API is that you almost always have to "create/get" a new object (and obtain a handle) before you can use it. And Windows doesn't like programs having too many handles.
Personally I like the POSIX API and have a love for Linux. But I do appreciate that if you want to do things properly in Windows you should be using the Windows OS API - they have thought about this carefully even though the results and methods may be somewhat different.
PS Windows doesn't have the "alarm". It is perhaps the single most prohibitive barrier to simply porting Unix/Linux utilities to Windows. (That and the fact that Windows processes have to "bootstrap" Internet/socket support before using it whereas Linux processes are good to go).
There's MinGW-w64 - a Windows port of the GNU toolchain - and Pthreads-win32, a POSIX wrapper of the Windows threading API.
I'm using these via the mingw64-x86_64 Cygwin cross-compiler packages (which currently provide the somewhat dated gcc 4.5.3) instead of directly for two reasons: First, I need other stuff from the GNU toolbox, and second because of the package manager.
I'm not sure to what degree Pthreads-win32 complies to POSIX, but I can confirm that LLVM and Clang both compile with this setup.

touch pad driver

Can anyone suggest some good references for writing a touchpad driver for linux. Where would I get hardware documentation from. I have read most of the linux device driver books and now I want to take it to the next level.
Are you sure there is no current support for your sentelic in linux kernel? Take a look at Documentation/input/sentelic.txt in Linux source code. If it does not give you direct answers, you'll be able to see how to implement something similar instead. Take a look at its sources, too.
Moreover, if you are not really, really familiar with Linux kernel programming yet, you can read Linux Device Drivers (freely available), Linux Kernel Mode Programming (available, too) and Linux Kernel Development. Some of those sources are somewhat dated, but will give you right ideas about development.

using Linux instead of UNIX to compile c code for CS course

A CS course I'm taking online suggests students compile their source code and run tools like valgrind on the OS UNIX. I'm completely new to UNIX, Linux, their tools, and coding in c. I've made some attempts at installing FreeBSD 8.1 on VMWare Player 3.1.3, and even managed to get VMWare Tools running. But the FreeBSD documentation has led me down many dead-ends in accomplishing common tasks i.e. mounting an NFS or USB device. It turns out that the packages I need to make this happen aren't installed or configured, and I don't see any straight answer on how to install them.
So, if I'm using UNIX only as a tool to run gcc, g++, valgrind for this CS course, and these can be run on Linux instead, it seems like I can get the job done faster using Ubuntu Linux.
Can Linux be used to compile and run c code identically on UNIX, if compiled on Linux? Or if not, what are the differences to look for?
For the novice-level C programmer such as OP, the difference of environment is negligible. Go ahead with Linux.
I think for purposes of the course you could run your programs and tools on Linux,
but I guess the reason your teacher wants you to use FreeBSD is so that you learn other things besides just coding up your problems
The two should be effectively the same. The only major difference you might see would be due to different versions being used. I would check to see what versions of gcc, g++ and valgrind the teacher is having you use, and make sure that you have the same version running on your install of Linux.
You can also use MinGW or Cygwin. You mentioned VMWare, so I'm guessing you're trying to just get an environment up and running in a windows environment. They both allow you to use the compiler and some of the tools without a full install of a Linux based system. In a CS course they would be more than enough.
The main differences too look for:
Compiling C / C++ is not machine independent. You need to have a small environment to compile on UNIX anyway if you need to submit compiled programs to your professor.
C / C++ is rather portable if you don't use anything that's non-portable. It's very hard to verify that you didn't use something that's different between the two machines, so you may wish to compile on UNIX to verify you didn't let an unavailable library (or an specific to the OS procedure, argument, behavior, bugs, etc.) slip into your code.
The vendor of make between the two machines may differ. This means that while the core of make will operate similarly, certain features might not be available in both. In reality, you probably won't use most of makes extended features, but in a worst case scenario you might opt to maintain multiple Makefiles or limit yourself to a common subset of features.
At the end of the day, it all boils down to what your professor will want. Odds are 95+% that you can do 100% of the work in Linux, but the prof's requirements or grading environment might be such that you will have to copy your code into a UNIX account to build the final "submission" executable. Considering that university UNIX accounts aren't nearly as portable as Linux on a laptop, the cost of the "final verification / porting" to the University computer is likely to be small compared to the convenience of working on your homework more hours than you can manage in a fixed lab.

Using sys/socket.h functions on windows

I'm attempting to utilize the socket.h functions within Windows. Essentially, I'm currently looking at the sample code at I understand that socket.h is a Unix function -- is there anyway I can easily emulate that environment while compiling this sample code? Does a different IDE / compiler change anything?
Otherwise, I imagine that I need to utilize a virtualized Linux environment, which may be best anyways as the code will most likely be running in a UNIX environment.
You have two options:
Use Cygwin (Unix emulation library).
Port to Winsock (Windows standard library).
Cygwin: lets you compile your Unix sources mostly untouched, but ties you to the Cygwin emulation library. This have two implications: general performance -no only network- will probably be less than optimal; and the target environment must have (at run time) the Cygwin DLL installed.
Winsock: this requires you to replace sys/socket.h (BSD sockets library, UNIX standard for the TCP/IP stack) with winsock2.h, and rewrite some parts of the code - not much, but some.
Some related questions with valuable info:
Differences between winsock and BSD socket implementations
Some Issues About Cygwin[Linux in Windows] (socket,thread,other programming and shell issues)
Examples for Winsock?
I think you are looking for Winsock library.
Writing cross platform network applications is not easy with what the BSD standard provides you. Sure it will work but you'll have to make some replacements like replacing ioctl (if needed) with ioctlsocket (on windows). More differences here.
My advice is to use a library that hides these ugly differences and provides a unified way of communicating. I personally use ACE. You have plenty of examples that show you how to create a server and a client. Copy from the samples and see how they do it there. Their mailing lists are of great help also (don't forget to use the PRF - see the source tree for the Problem-Report-Form). You can borrow the books for more information. Important note: by using ace you can use ACE wrapper functions like socket, setsockopt, ioctl etc. without worry that they will not work. Unfortunately this adds a library dependency which is not always an option. But ACE has more powerfull features which I'm sure you'll like once you discover them. Hints: Reactor, Proactor.
