Cast int to char array in C - c

Is is possible to convert int to "string" in C just using casting? Without any functions like atoi() or sprintf()?
What I want would be like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i = 500;
char c[4];
c = (char)i;
i = 0;
i = (int)c;
The reason is that I need to generate two random ints (0 to 500) and send both as one string in a message queue to another process. The other process receives the message and do the LCM.
I know how to do with atoi() and itoa(). But my teachers wants just using cast.
Also, why isn't the following possible to compile?
typedef struct
int x;
int y;
} int_t;
typedef struct
char x[sizeof(int)];
char y[sizeof(int)];
} char_t;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int_t rand_int;
char_t rand_char;
rand_int.x = (rand() % 501);
rand_int.y = (rand() % 501);
rand_char = (char_t)rand_int;

Of course it's not possible, because an array is an object and needs storage. Casts result in values, not objects. Some would say the whole point/power of C is that you have control over the storage and lifetime of objects.
The proper way to generate a string containing a decimal representation of an integer is to create storage for it yourself and use snprintf:
char buf[sizeof(int)*3+2];
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d", n);

You have to convert 500 to "500".
"500" is the same as '5' then '0' then '0' then 0. The last element 0 is the null terminator of a string.
500 is equal to 5 * 100 + 0 * 10 + 0 * 1. You have to do some math here. Basically you have to use the / operator.
Then this could be also useful: '5' is the same as '0' + 5.

Without giving away an exact coded answer, what you'll want to do is loop through each digit of the integer (by computing its remainder modulo 10 via the % operator), and then add its value to the ASCII value of '0', casting the result back to a char, and placing that result in a null-terminated string.
An example which pretends like implicit casts don't exist might look like this:
char c = (char) ( ((int) '0') + 5 ); // c should now be '5'.
You can determine the length of the resulting string by computing the log base 10 of the number, or by simply allocating it dynamically as you go using realloc().

Casting is a horrible way to do this due to endianness, but here is an example anyhow - there are some occasions where it is useful (unions work better these days though, due to compiler handling of these types of casts).
#include <stdio.h> //for printf
#define INT(x) ((int*)(x)) //these are not endian-safe methods
#define CHAR(x) ((char*)(x))
int main(void)
int *x=INT(&"HI !");
printf("%X\n",*x); //look up the ascii and note the order
return 0;
For an int with a value <500, if the most significant byte comes first, then you get a "string" (pointer to a char array) of "" (or {0}) but if the endianness is LSB first (x86 is little endian) then you would get a usable 3 byte "string" char* (not necessarily human readable characters) but there is no guarantee that there will be a zero byte in an integer and since all you have is a pointer to the address where the int was stored, if you were to run normal string functions on it, they would go past the end of the original int into no-mans-land (in small test programs it will often be environment variables) ... anyhow for more portability you can use network byte order (which for little endian is a no-op):
#include <arpa/inet.h>
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint16_t htons(uint16_t hostshort);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong);
uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t netshort);
These functions just byteswap as necessary to get network byte order. On your x86 they will be optimized away, so you might as well use them for portability.

Just because it is not listed yet: Here a way to convert int to char array with variable size allocation by using snprintf:
int value = 5
// this will just output the length which is to expect
int length = snprintf( NULL, 0, "%d", value );
char* valueAsString = malloc( length + 1 );// one more for 0-terminator
snprintf( valueAsString, length + 1, "%d", value );

get the number of divisions then add one by one to your buffer
char *int2str(int nb) {
int i = 0;
int div = 1;
int cmp = nb;
char *nbr = malloc(sizeof(char) * 12);
if (!nbr)
return (NULL);
if (nb < 0)
nbr[i++] = '-';
while ((cmp /= 10) != 0)
div = div * 10;
while (div > 0) {
nbr[i++] = abs(nb / div) + 48;
nb = nb % div;
div /= 10;
nbr[i] = '\0';
return (nbr);
Even more compact:
char *lotaa(long long nb) {
int size = (nb ? floor(log10(llabs(nb))) : 0) + (nb >= 0 ? 1 : 2);
char *str = malloc(size + 1);
str[0] = '-';
str[size] = 0;
for(nb = llabs(nb); nb > 0 || (size > 0 && str[1] == 0); nb /= 10)
str[--size] = '0' + nb % 10;
return (str);


Converting int to char in C

Right now I am trying to convert an int to a char in C programming. After doing research, I found that I should be able to do it like this:
int value = 10;
char result = (char) value;
What I would like is for this to return 'A' (and for 0-9 to return '0'-'9') but this returns a new line character I think.
My whole function looks like this:
char int2char (int radix, int value) {
if (value < 0 || value >= radix) {
return '?';
char result = (char) value;
return result;
to convert int to char you do not have to do anything
char x;
int y;
/* do something */
x = y;
only one int to char value as the printable (usually ASCII) digit like in your example:
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
int inttochar(int val, int base)
return digits[val % base];
if you want to convert to the string (char *) then you need to use any of the stansdard functions like sprintf, itoa, ltoa, utoa, ultoa .... or write one yourself:
char *reverse(char *str);
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
char *convert(int number, char *buff, int base)
char *result = (buff == NULL || base > strlen(digits) || base < 2) ? NULL : buff;
char sign = 0;
if (number < 0)
sign = '-';
if (result != NULL)
*buff++ = digits[abs(number % (base ))];
number /= base;
} while (number);
if(sign) *buff++ = sign;
if (!*result) *buff++ = '0';
*buff = 0;
return result;
A portable way of doing this would be to define a
const char* foo = "0123456789ABC...";
where ... are the rest of the characters that you want to consider.
Then and foo[value] will evaluate to a particular char. For example foo[0] will be '0', and foo[10] will be 'A'.
If you assume a particular encoding (such as the common but by no means ubiquitous ASCII) then your code is not strictly portable.
Characters use an encoding (typically ASCII) to map numbers to a particular character. The codes for the characters '0' to '9' are consecutive, so for values less than 10 you add the value to the character constant '0'. For values 10 or more, you add the value minus 10 to the character constant 'A':
char result;
if (value >= 10) {
result = 'A' + value - 10;
} else {
result = '0' + value;
Converting Int to Char
I take it that OP wants more that just a 1 digit conversion as radix was supplied.
To convert an int into a string, (not just 1 char) there is the sprintf(buf, "%d", value) approach.
To do so to any radix, string management becomes an issue as well as dealing the corner case of INT_MIN
The following C99 solution returns a char* whose lifetime is valid to the end of the block. It does so by providing a compound literal via the macro.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
// Maximum buffer size needed
#define ITOA_BASE_N (sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT + 2)
char *itoa_base(char *s, int x, int base) {
s += ITOA_BASE_N - 1;
*s = '\0';
if (base >= 2 && base <= 36) {
int x0 = x;
do {
*(--s) = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[abs(x % base)];
x /= base;
} while (x);
if (x0 < 0) {
*(--s) = '-';
return s;
#define TO_BASE(x,b) itoa_base((char [ITOA_BASE_N]){0} , (x), (b))
Sample usage and tests
void test(int x) {
printf("base10:% 11d base2:%35s base36:%7s ", x, TO_BASE(x, 2), TO_BASE(x, 36));
printf("%ld\n", strtol(TO_BASE(x, 36), NULL, 36));
int main(void) {
base10: 0 base2: 0 base36: 0 0
base10: -1 base2: -1 base36: -1 -1
base10: 42 base2: 101010 base36: 16 42
base10: 2147483647 base2: 1111111111111111111111111111111 base36: ZIK0ZJ 2147483647
base10:-2147483647 base2: -1111111111111111111111111111111 base36:-ZIK0ZJ -2147483647
base10:-2147483648 base2: -10000000000000000000000000000000 base36:-ZIK0ZK -2147483648
Ref How to use compound literals to fprintf() multiple formatted numbers with arbitrary bases?
Check out the ascii table
The values stored in a char are interpreted as the characters corresponding to that table. The value of 10 is a newline
So characters in C are based on ASCII (or UTF-8 which is backwards-compatible with ascii codes). This means that under the hood, "A" is actually the number "65" (except in binary rather than decimal). All a "char" is in C is an integer with enough bytes to represent every ASCII character. If you want to convert an int to a char, you'll need to instruct the computer to interpret the bytes of an int as ASCII values - and it's been a while since I've done C, but I believe the compiler will complain since char holds fewer bytes than int. This means we need a function, as you've written. Thus,
if(value < 10) return '0'+value;
return 'A'+value-10;
will be what you want to return from your function. Keep your bounds checks with "radix" as you've done, imho that is good practice in C.
1. Converting int to char by type casting
Source File charConvertByCasting.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i = 66; // ~~Type Casting Syntax~~
printf("%c", (char) i); // (type_name) expression
return 0;
Executable charConvertByCasting.exe command line output:
C:\Users\boqsc\Desktop\tcc>tcc -run charconvert.c
Additional resources:
2. Convert int to char by assignment
Source File charConvertByAssignment.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i = 66;
char c = i;
printf("%c", c);
return 0;
Executable charConvertByAssignment.exe command line output:
C:\Users\boqsc\Desktop\tcc>tcc -run charconvert.c
You can do
char a;
a = '0' + 5;
You will get character representation of that number.
Borrowing the idea from the existing answers, i.e. making use of array index.
Here is a "just works" simple demo for "integer to char[]" conversion in base 10, without any of <stdio.h>'s printf family interfaces.
$ cc -o testint2str testint2str.c && ./testint2str
Result: 234789
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static char digits[] = "0123456789";
void int2str (char *buf, size_t sz, int num);
cc -o testint2str testint2str.c && ./testint2str
main ()
int num = 234789;
char buf[1024] = { 0 };
int2str (buf, sizeof buf, num);
printf ("Result: %s\n", buf);
int2str (char *buf, size_t sz, int num)
Convert integer type to char*, in base-10 form.
char *bufp = buf;
int i = 0;
// NOTE-1
void __reverse (char *__buf, int __start, int __end)
char __bufclone[__end - __start];
int i = 0;
int __nchars = sizeof __bufclone;
for (i = 0; i < __nchars; i++)
__bufclone[i] = __buf[__end - 1 - i];
memmove (__buf, __bufclone, __nchars);
while (num > 0)
bufp[i++] = digits[num % 10]; // NOTE-2
num /= 10;
__reverse (buf, 0, i);
// NOTE-3
bufp[i] = '\0';
// NOTE-1:
// "Nested function" is GNU's C Extension. Put it outside if not
// compiled by GCC.
// NOTE-2:
// 10 can be replaced by any radix, like 16 for hexidecimal outputs.
// NOTE-3:
// Make sure inserting trailing "null-terminator" after all things
// done.
"Nested function" is GNU's C Extension. Put it outside if not
compiled by GCC.
10 can be replaced by any radix, like 16 for hexidecimal outputs.
Make sure inserting trailing "null-terminator" after all things

Convert int to string in standard C

I'm new to C.
I'm looking for an example where I could call a function to convert int to string. I found itoabut this is not part of standard C.
I also found sprintf(str, "%d", aInt); but the problem is that I don't know the size of the required str. Hence, how could I pass the right size for the output string
There are optimal ways ways to appropriately size the array to account for variations in sizeof(int), but multiplying by 4 is sufficient for base 10. +1 is needed for the edge case of sizeof(int)==1.
int x; // assign a value to x
char buffer[sizeof(int) * 4 + 1];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", x);
If you need to return the pointer to the string from the function, you should allocate the buffer instead of using stack memory:
char* integer_to_string(int x)
char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * sizeof(int) * 4 + 1);
if (buffer)
sprintf(buffer, "%d", x);
return buffer; // caller is expected to invoke free() on this buffer to release memory
In portable C, it's easiest to use snprintf to calculate the size of the array required, and then sprintf for the actual conversion. For example:
char buffer[snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", x) + 1];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", x);
It's worthwhile noting that this won't work prior to C99, and there's also a neater alternative which works prior to C99 and is type-generic for all integers. That's described in another answer to this question using the multiplication trick, however I noticed the trick proposed there isn't strictly portable either. In environments where CHAR_BIT isn't 8 (for example, some DSPs use 16- or 32- bit bytes), you'll need to change the multiplier.
I presented a similar trick in response to a different question. That code used CHAR_BIT to ensure portability, even when CHAR_BIT changes. It's presented as a macro, and so it's internally documenting; it tells you what the high-level description is, which a multiplication alone can't do.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define digit_count(num) (1 /* sign */ \
+ sizeof (num) * CHAR_BIT / 3 /* digits */ \
+ (sizeof (num) * CHAR_BIT % 3 > 0)/* remaining digit */ \
+ 1) /* NUL terminator */
int main(void) {
short short_number = -32767;
int int_number = 32767;
char short_buffer[digit_count(short_number)] = { 0 };
char int_buffer[digit_count(int_number)];
sprintf(short_buffer, "%d", short_number);
sprintf(int_buffer, "%d", int_number);
Use C99 snprintf(). It calculates how much space would be needed
int needed = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", value);
if (needed < 1) /* error */;
char *representation = malloc(needed + 1); // add 1 for '\0'
if (!representation) /* error */;
sprintf(representation, "%d", value);
// ... use representation ...
There is a way to do it without any functions, for example this(it can be a little primitive, but still):
char dec_rev[255];
dec_rev[0] = '\0';
int i = 0;
while (val != 0) {
int temp = val % 10;
dec_rev[i] = temp + '0';
//printf("%c\n", dec_rev[i]);
val /= 10;
if (val == 0) {
dec_rev[i + 1] = '\0';
char dec[255];
i = 0;
for (int j = strlen(dec_rev) - 1; j != -1; j--) {
dec[i] = dec_rev[j];
After all we get our int stored inside dec[255].
strange that this is not mentioned, but the size of the representation of an int in base 10 is ceil(log10(value)); (or log10 integer version if you want to write it)
thus ceil(log10(5)) => 1
and ceil(log10(555)) => 3
ceil(log10(1000000000)) => 9
obviously you need an extra room for the sign if you need it and another for the '\0'.

Segmentation fault at base converting in C

trying to convert dec to 32-base, and then print it to a file.
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV";
char* baseConverter(int num, int base)
{ char* res;
int i=0;
if (num == 0 || base == 10)
return *res;
while( num > 0 )
*(res+i) = digits[num%base];
return *res;
and then at the output code :
sprintf(line, "%03s", baseConverter(i, 32);
but I keep getting that Segmentation fault (core dumped) error at running.
There are several things going on here:
First an uninitialised local pointer has an indeterminate value; it doesn't point anywhere in particular. The NULL pointer doesn't point anywhere either, but at least you can test for a NULL pointer easily. Make a habit of initalising a pointer to make it point to valid memory or to make it explicitly null.
The pointer is supposed to point to a char buffer. The way your function looks like, you must allocate memory for that buffer on the heap with malloc. (You can't use local storage, because that would be invalidated immediately.)
Don't make base 10 a special case. (You're even doing it wrong by printing base 10 numbers as hex.)
Your method of printing is okay, but you print the number backwards. So determine the required klength first and then decrement the position you print at.
Here, you deal with the raw characters. Use res[i] rather than do complicated things with the standard library functions. In particular, don't build strings by concatenating or printing strings to themselves. That's very likely undefined behaviour.
A possible implementation of your function could look like:
int ndigits(int num, int base)
int n = 0;
while (num) {
num /= base;
if (n == 0) n++;
return n;
char* baseConverter(int num, int base)
if (num >= 0 && base > 1 && base <= 36) {
int n = ndigits(num, base);
char *res = malloc(n + 1);
int i = n;
res[n] = '\0';
if (num == 0) res[--i] = '0';
while (num) {
res[--i] = digits[num % base];
num /= base;
return res;
return NULL;
Note how an auxiliary function is used to determine the length of the string. The string is then filled backwards, staring with the null terminator. Also note how invalid cases are handled by returning NULL.
Your calling code must explicitly free the string after using it:
int n = rand() % 100000 + 1;
int m = rand() % 10 + 2;
char *p = baseConverter(n, m);
if (p) printf("%d#%d == %s\n", n, m, p);
C has manual memory management and keeping track of allocated stuff is tedious. You can't, for example, call baseConverter from inside printf, because you'd lose the handle to the allocated string.
Another popular variant is to have the calling code allocate the memory and then pas a buffer and its size to the function to fill it. A prototype could then look like this:
void sbase(char buf, size_t buflen, int num, int base);
It would then be called like this:
char buf[33]; // Maximum, when base 2 is printed
sbase(buf, sizeof(buf), 5000, 13);
Because buf is an automatic variable, no freeing is to be done. (How to implement thins and how to properly enforce that the buffer size isn't exceeded is left as an exercise. :))
The main errors have already been pointed out.
Here is another suggested routine (it doesn't require malloc)
The function sets the value of a pointer to the number of converted digits, to make it easy to print out the required digits.
#include <stdio.h>
/* function takes pointer to array, size of array + number/base
and pointer for number of digits in conversion */
void make32(int *res32, int len, int num, int base, int *rln);
int main()
int digits32[20]; // size according to max conversion number in base 32
int len32 = sizeof(digits32)/sizeof(digits32[0]);
int in32, resln, n;
/* convert this number */
in32 = 10000;
/* call function with pointer + size & number/base & ptr to # converted digits*/
make32(digits32, len32, in32, 32, &resln);
/* print out result - reverse order - use number of digits */
for(n = resln; n >= 0; n--) {
printf("%d ", digits32[n]);
return (0);
void make32(int *res32, int len, int num, int base, int *rln)
int i = 0;
while( num > 0 && i <= len ) {
res32[i] = num % base;
num = num / base;
/* set the number of converted digits */
*rln = i - 1;

how to add char type integer in c

This is the sample code of my program, in which i've to add two string type integer (ex: "23568" and "23674"). So, i was trying with single char addition.
char first ='2';
char second ='1';
i was trying like this..
and i'm getting output 99, because, it's adding the ASCII value of both. Anyone please suggest me, what should be the approach to add the char type number in C.
Since your example has two single chars being added together, you can be confident knowing two things
The total will never be more than 18.
You can avoid any conversions via library calls entirely. The standard requires that '0' through '9' be sequential (in fact it is the only character sequence that is mandated by the standard).
char a = '2';
char b = '3';
int i = (int)(a-'0') + (int)(b-'0');
will always work. Even in EBCDIC (and if you don't know what that is, consider yourself lucky).
If your intention is to actually add two numbers of multiple digits each currently in string form ("12345", "54321") then strtol() is your best alternative.
No need for casting char to int.
if you want to add the number reprensations of the characters, I would use "(first - '0') + (second - '0');"
The question seemed interesting, I though it would be easier than it is, adding "String numbers" is a little bit tricky (even more with the ugly approach I used).
This code will add two strings of any length, they doesn't need to be of the same length as the adding begins from the back. Your provide both strings, a buffer of enough length and you ensure the strings only contains digits:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char * add_string_numbers(char * first, char * second, char * dest, int dest_len)
char * res = dest + dest_len - 1;
*res = 0;
if ( ! *first && ! *second )
puts("Those numbers are less than nothing");
return 0;
int first_len = strlen(first);
int second_len = strlen(second);
if ( ((first_len+2) > dest_len) || ((second_len+2) > dest_len) )
puts("Possibly not enough space on destination buffer");
return 0;
char *first_back = first+first_len;
char *second_back = second+second_len;
char sum;
char carry = 0;
while ( (first_back > first) || (second_back > second) )
sum = ((first_back > first) ? *(--first_back) : '0')
+ ((second_back > second) ? *(--second_back) : '0')
+ carry - '0';
carry = sum > '9';
if ( carry )
sum -= 10;
if ( sum > '9' )
sum = '0';
carry = 1;
*(--res) = sum;
if ( carry )
*(--res) = '1';
return res;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char * a = "555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555";
char * b = "9999999999999666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666";
char r[100] = {0};
char * res = add_string_numbers(a,b,r,sizeof(r));
printf("%s + %s = %s", a, b, res);
return (0);
Well... you are already adding char types, as you noted that's 4910 and 5010 which should give you 9910
If you're asking how to add the reperserented value of two characters i.e. '1' + '2' == 3 you can subtract the base '0':
printf("%d",('2'-'0') + ('1'-'0'));
This gives 3 as an int because:
'0' = ASCII 48<sub>10</sub>
'1' = ASCII 49<sub>10</sub>
'2' = ASCII 50<sub>10</sub>
So you're doing:
printf("%d",(50-48) + (49-48));
If you want to do a longer number, you can use atoi(), but you have to use strings at that point:
int * first = "123";
int * second = "100";
printf("%d", atoi(first) + atoi(second));
>> 223
In fact, you don't need to even type cast the chars for doing this with a single char:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char f1 = '9';
char f2 = '7';
int v = (f1 - '0') - (f2 - '0');
printf("%d\n", v);
return 0;
Will print 2
But beware, it won't work for hexadecimal chars
This will add the corresponding characters of any two given number strings using the ASCII codes.
Given two number strings 'a' and 'b', we can compute the sum of a and b using their ASCII values without type casting or trying to convert them to int data type before addition.
char *a = "13784", *b = "94325";
int max_len, carry = 0, i, j; /*( Note: max_len is the length of the longest string)*/
char sum, *result;
Adding corresponding digits in a and b.
sum = a[i] + (b[i] - 48) + carry; /*(Because 0 starts from 48 in ASCII) */
if (sum >= 57)
result[max_len - j] = sum - 10;
carry = 1;
result[max_len - j] = sum;
carry = 0;
/* where (0 < i <= max_len and 0 <= j <= max_len) */
The above solution only takes account of single character addition starting from the right and moving leftward.
if you want to scan number by number, simple atoi function will do it
you can use
atoi() function
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(){
char f[] = {"1"};
char s[] = {"2"};
int i, k;
i = atoi(f);
k = atoi(s);
printf("%d", i + k);
Hope I answered you question

How to convert unsigned long to string

In the C language, how do I convert unsigned long value to a string (char *) and keep my source code portable or just recompile it to work on other platform (without rewriting code?
For example, if I have sprintf(buffer, format, value), how do I determine the size of buffer with platform-independent manner?
const int n = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%lu", ulong_value);
assert(n > 0);
char buf[n+1];
int c = snprintf(buf, n+1, "%lu", ulong_value);
assert(buf[n] == '\0');
assert(c == n);
The standard approach is to use sprintf(buffer, "%lu", value); to write a string rep of value to buffer. However, overflow is a potential problem, as sprintf will happily (and unknowingly) write over the end of your buffer.
This is actually a big weakness of sprintf, partially fixed in C++ by using streams rather than buffers. The usual "answer" is to allocate a very generous buffer unlikely to overflow, let sprintf output to that, and then use strlen to determine the actual string length produced, calloc a buffer of (that size + 1) and copy the string to that.
This site discusses this and related problems at some length.
Some libraries offer snprintf as an alternative which lets you specify a maximum buffer size.
you can write a function which converts from unsigned long to str, similar to ltostr library function.
char *ultostr(unsigned long value, char *ptr, int base)
unsigned long t = 0, res = 0;
unsigned long tmp = value;
int count = 0;
if (NULL == ptr)
return NULL;
if (tmp == 0)
while(tmp > 0)
tmp = tmp/base;
ptr += count;
*ptr = '\0';
res = value - base * (t = value / base);
if (res < 10)
* -- ptr = '0' + res;
else if ((res >= 10) && (res < 16))
* --ptr = 'A' - 10 + res;
} while ((value = t) != 0);
you can refer to my blog here which explains implementation and usage with example.
char buffer [50];
unsigned long a = 5;
int n=sprintf (buffer, "%lu", a);
Try using sprintf:
unsigned long x=1000000;
char buffer[21];
sprintf(buffer,"%lu", x);
Notice that you have to allocate a buffer in advance, and have no idea how long the numbers will actually be when you do so. I'm assuming 32bit longs, which can produce numbers as big as 10 digits.
See Carl Smotricz's answer for a better explanation of the issues involved.
For a long value you need to add the length info 'l' and 'u' for unsigned decimal integer,
as a reference of available options see sprintf
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
unsigned long lval = 123;
char buffer [50];
sprintf (buffer, "%lu" , lval );
... how do I determine the size of buffer with platform-independent manner?
One of the challenges of converting a unsigned long to a string is how to determine the string size that is needed.
Repeatedly divide the value by 10 until 0 to find size_needed.
value_copy = value;
unsigned size_needed = 1; // For the null character.
if (value_copy < 0) size_needed++; // Only needed for signed types.
do {
size_needed++; // Add 1 per digit.
value_copy /= 10;
} while (value_copy != 0);
Worse case
Find the string length of ULONG_MAX.
Start with the nifty IMAX_BITS(m) which returns the number of bits in a Mersenne Number like ULONG_MAX. (This give us the max bit width even if the type has padding.) Then scale by log102 (0.301...) to find the number of decimal digits and add 2 for rounding and the null character.
#define IMAX_BITS(m) ((m)/((m)%255+1) / 255%255*8 + 7-86/((m)%255+12))
#define LOG2_10_N 28
#define LOG2_10_D 93
// Slightly different for signed types, one more for the sign:
Armed with the string size, there are many possible next steps. I like using C99's (and later) compound literal to form the needed space. The space is valid until the end of the block.
char *unsigned_long_to_string(char *dest, unsigned long x) {
sprintf(dest, "%lu", x);
return dest;
// Compound literal v-----------------------------------v
#define UNSIGNED_LONG_TO_STRING(u) unsigned_long_to_string((char [UNSIGNED_LONG_STRING_SIZE]){0}, (u))
int main(void) {
18446744073709551615 // This varies
