SSAS 2012 - Dimension Modeling - sql-server

I am working with a structure that results a lot of single attribute dimensions that require no hierarchy. Examples:
Status(Status Name)
Type(Type Name)
I get the following warning when compiling the project:
"Avoid having multiple dimensions containing a single attribute. Consider unifying them if possible."
A large number of single attribute dimensions is workable for our users, but it causes a lot of clutter in the Excel pivot table. Dimensions are listed along with the single attribute which is redundant.
I would like to unify them as the warning suggests so that I have a single dimension called 'Attributes' which contains status/type/etc, but I am unsure the best way to do so. It doesn't make conceptual sense to me with a parent/child dimension.
Any suggestions?

I agree this is a worthwhile change. I would construct a view that brings together the required attributes. Often they are all available on the fact/measure group table/view, so you can just use the same source object (in your DSV) to construct the dimension.
The tricky part may be the dimension key. The most flexible key is a Fact Surrogate Key eg a unique value per Fact row - in the future you can add any other fact-based attributes without affecting the key. However this will not scale indefinitely - you are probably OK up to 1m rows at least.
Beyond that scale, I would concatenate the attributes to form the dimension key and deliver them to a new dimension table. I would normally do this back in the ETL layer. The identical concatenation logic must be used for both the dimension and fact.


Dimension Creation - Multiple Uses

We received some generic training related to TM1 and dimension creation and we were informed we'd need separate dimensions for the same values.
Let me describe, we transport goods and we'd have an origin and destination province and in typical database design I'd expect we'd have one "province" reference table, but we were informed we'd need an "origin" dimension and a "destination" dimension. This seems to be cumbersome and seems like we'd encounter the same issue with customers, services, etc.
Can someone clarify how this could work for us?
Again, I'd expect to see a "lookup" table in the database which contains all possible provinces (assumption is values in both columns would be the same), then you'd have an ID value in any column that used the "province" and join to the "lookup" table based on ID.
in typical database design I'd expect we'd have one "province" reference table, but we were informed we'd need an "origin" dimension and a "destination" dimension
Following the regular DB design it makes sense to keep two data entities separate: one defines source, other defines target. I think on this we'd both agree. If you could give more details it would be better.
Imagine a drop down list: two lists populated by one single "source", but represent two different values in DB.
assumption is values in both columns would be the same
if the destination=origin, you don't need two dimensions then? :) This point needs clarification.
Besides your solution (combination of all source and destination in a table with an unique ID, which could be a way of solving this), it seems it's resolvable by cube or dimension structure changes.
If at some dimension you'd use e.g. ProvinceOrigin and ProvinceDestination as string type elements, and populate them from one single dimension (dynamic attribute) then whenever you save the cube you'll have these two fields populated from one single dimension.
Obviously the best solution for you depends on your system architecture.

Fact Table With Non-Measure Data

In the model below, description is a free text field that describes why a employee was absent.
Can this description field be in the fact table and considered a degenerate dimension?
The value will mostly be used in listing reports or for dashboards where word clouds are used.
Your design is correct. There is nothing wrong with including free text as a degenerate dimension into a fact table.
Storing comments in a dimension makes sense only if comments are structured (i,e, if they are standardized and effectively have 1:M relations with the fact records). If they are stored as free text, and thus have 1:1 relations with the facts, then converting them into a dimension is a big mistake - you will end up with a dimension as tall as the fact table. In proper designs, dimensions are wide and short, while fact tables are narrow and tall. Tall dimensions are a problem, because they are very expensive in terms of performance.
They are also hard to use. Let's say, you are using a reporting tool such as PowerBI. If you store your free text as a degenerate dimension in a fact table, it's easy and intuitive to use - I can write something like:
Reason for Absence = SELECTEDVALUE( Fact[Description])
and the comment will be properly displayed in a report. Done.
But if you store the same comments in a dimension, well, good luck figuring out how to add them to the report.
Page 65 of The Data Warehouse Toolkit 3rd edition says the following:
Text Comments Dimension: Rather than treating freeform comments as textual metrics in a fact table, they should be stored outside the fact table in a separate comments dimension (or as attributes in a dimension with one row per transaction if the comments’ cardinality matches the number of unique transactions) with a corresponding foreign key in the fact table.
Kimball, Ralph; Ross, Margy. The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling (p. 65). Wiley. Kindle Edition.
On page 47 there is this example of a degenerate dimension:
For example, when an invoice has multiple line items, the line item
fact rows inherit all the descriptive dimension foreign keys of the
invoice, and the invoice is left with no unique content. But the
invoice number remains a valid dimension key for fact tables at the
line item level.
Kimball, Ralph; Ross, Margy. The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling (p. 47). Wiley. Kindle Edition.
No, descriptive text columns should not be included in fact tables. Instead, this column should be included in a dimension.
If you are looking to report on tags (key words) I would create a dimension for these tags and parse the description to find the appropriate tag to associate with the fact. For example, I see 2 tags from the descriptions (funeral and sick). I would create a dimension DimAbsentReason to contain these tags.
If you need to keep the actual description, then you could create a dimension (DimAbsentReason) for the description and make the appropriate association to the fact table.

General database design: Is it ever considered "okay" to create a non-normalized table on purpose?

After-edit: Wow, this question go long. Please forgive =\
I am creating a new table consisting of over 30 columns. These columns are largely populated by selections made from dropdown lists and their options are largely logically related. For example, a dropdown labeled Review Period will have options such as Monthly, Semi-Annually, and Yearly. I came up with a workable method to normalize these options down to numeric identifiers by creating a primitives lookup table that stores values such as Monthly, Semi-Annually, and Yearly. I then store the IDs of these primitives in the table of record and use a view to join that table out to my lookup table. With this view in place, the table of record can contain raw data that only the application understands while allowing external applications and admins to run SQL against the view and return data that is translated into friendly information.
It just got complicated. Now these dropdown lists are going to have non-logically-related items. For example, the Review Period dropdown list now needs to have options of NA and Manual. This blows my entire grouping scheme out of the water.
Similar constructs that have been used in this application have resorted to storing repeated string values across multiple records. This means you could have hundreds of records with the string 'Monthly' stored in the table's ReviewPeriod column. The thought of this happening has made me cringe since I've started working here, but now I am starting to think that non-normalized data may be the best option here.
The only other way I can think of doing this using my initial method while allowing it to be dynamic and support the constant adding of new options to any dropdown list at any time is this: When saving the data to the database, iterate through every single property of my business object (.NET class in this case) and check for any string value that exists in the primitives table. If it doesn't, add it and return the auto-generated unique identifier for storage in the table of record. It seems so complicated, but is this what one is to go through for the sake of normalized data?
Anything is possible. Nobody is going to haul you off to denormalization jail and revoke your DBA card. I would say that you should know the rules and what breaking them means. Once you have those in hand, it's up to your and your best judgement to do what you think is best.
I came up with a workable method to normalize these options down to
numeric identifiers by creating a primitives lookup table that stores
values such as Monthly, Semi-Annually, and Yearly. I then store the
IDs of these primitives in the table of record and use a view to join
that table out to my lookup table.
Replacing text with ID numbers has nothing at all to do with normalization. You're describing a choice of surrogate keys over natural keys. Sometimes surrogate keys are a good choice, and sometimes surrogate keys are a bad choice. (More often a bad choice than you might believe.)
This means you could have hundreds of records with the string
'Monthly' stored in the table's ReviewPeriod column. The thought of
this happening has made me cringe since I've started working here, but
now I am starting to think that non-normalized data may be the best
option here.
Storing the string "Monthly" in multiple rows has nothing to do with normalization. (Or with denormalization.) This seems to be related to the notion that normalization means "replace all text with id numbers". Storing text in your database shouldn't make you cringe. VARCHAR(n) is there for a reason.
The only other way I can think of doing this using my initial method
while allowing it to be dynamic and support the constant adding of new
options to any dropdown list at any time is this: When saving the data
to the database, iterate through every single property of my business
object (.NET class in this case) and check for any string value that
exists in the primitives table. If it doesn't, add it and return the
auto-generated unique identifier for storage in the table of record.
Let's think about this informally for a minute.
Foreign keys provide referential integrity. Their purpose is to limit the values allowed in a column. Informally, the referenced table provides a set of valid values. Values that aren't in that table aren't allowed in the referencing column of other tables.
But no matter what the user types in, you're going to add it to that table of valid values.
If you're going to accept everything the user types in the first place, why use a foreign key at all?
The main problem here is that you've been poorly served by the people who taught you (mis-taught you) the relational model. (And, probably, equally poorly by the people who taught you SQL.) I hope you can unlearn those mistaken notions quickly, and soon make real progress.

How to design data storage for partitioned tagging system?

How to design data storage for huge tagging system (like digg or delicious)?
There is already discussion about it, but it is about centralized database. Since the data is supposed to grow, we'll need to partition the data into multiple shards soon or later. So, the question turns to be: How to design data storage for partitioned tagging system?
The tagging system basically has 3 tables:
Item (item_id, item_content)
Tag (tag_id, tag_title)
TagMapping(map_id, tag_id, item_id)
That works fine for finding all items for given tag and finding all tags for given item, if the table is stored in one database instance. If we need to partition the data into multiple database instances, it is not that easy.
For table Item, we can partition its content with its key item_id. For table Tag, we can partition its content with its key tag_id. For example, we want to partition table Tag into K databases. We can simply choose number (tag_id % K) database to store given tag.
But, how to partition table TagMapping?
The TagMapping table represents the many-to-many relationship. I can only image to have duplication. That is, same content of TagMappping has two copies. One is partitioned with tag_id and the other is partitioned with item_id. In scenario to find tags for given item, we use partition with tag_id. If scenario to find items for given tag, we use partition with item_id.
As a result, there is data redundancy. And, the application level should keep the consistency of all tables. It looks hard.
Is there any better solution to solve this many-to-many partition problem?
I doubt there is a single approach that optimizes all possible usage scenarios. As you said, there are two main scenarios that the TagMapping table supports: finding tags for a given item, and finding items with a given tag. I think there are some differences in how you will use the TagMapping table for each scenario that may be of interest. I can only make reasonable assumptions based on typical tagging applications, so forgive me if this is way off base!
Finding Tags for a Given Item
A1. You're going to display all of the tags for a given item at once
A2. You're going to ensure that all of an item's tags are unique
Finding Items for a Given Tag
B1. You're going to need some of the items for a given tag at a time (to fill a page of search results)
B2. You might allow users to specify multiple tags, so you'd need to find some of the items matching multiple tags
B3. You're going to sort the items for a given tag (or tags) by some measure of popularity
Given the above, I think a good approach would be to partition TagMapping by item. This way, all of the tags for a given item are on one partition. Partitioning can be more granular, since there are likely far more items than tags and each item has only a handful of tags. This makes retrieval easy (A1) and uniqueness can be enforced within a single partition (A2). Additionally, that single partition can tell you if an item matches multiple tags (B2).
Since you only need some of the items for a given tag (or tags) at a time (B1), you can query partitions one at a time in some order until you have as many records needed to fill a page of results. How many partitions you will have to query will depend on how many partitions you have, how many results you want to display and how frequently the tag is used. Each partition would have its own index on tag_id to answer this query efficiently.
The order you pick partitions in will be important as it will affect how search results are grouped. If ordering isn't important (i.e. B3 doesn't matter), pick partitions randomly so that none of your partitions get too hot. If ordering is important, you could construct the item id so that it encodes information relevant to the order in which results are to be sorted. An appropriate partitioning scheme would then be mindful of this encoding. For example, if results are URLs that are sorted by popularity, then you could combine a sequential item id with the Google Page Rank score for that URL (or anything similar). The partitioning scheme must ensure that all of the items within a given partition have the same score. Queries would pick partitions in score order to ensure more popular items are returned first (B3). Obviously, this only allows for one kind of sorting and the properties involved should be constant since they are now part of a key and determine the record's partition. This isn't really a new limitation though, as it isn't easy to support a variety of sorts, or sorts on volatile properties, with partitioned data anyways.
The rule is that you partition by field that you are going to query by. Otherwise you'll have to look through all partitions. Are you sure you'll need to query Tag table by tag_id only? I believe not, you'll also need to query by tag title. It's no so obvious for Item table, but probably you also would like to query by something like URL to find item_id for it when other user will assign tags for it.
But note, that Tag and Item tables has immutable title and URL. That means you can use the following technique:
Choose partition from title (for Tag) or URL (for Item).
Choose sequence for this partition to generate id.
You either use partition-localID pair as global identifier or use non-overlapping number sets. Anyway, now you can compute partition from both id and title/URL fields. Don't know number of partitions in advance or worrying it might change in future? Create more of them and join in groups, so that you can regroup them in future.
Sure, you can't do the same for TagMapping table, so you have to duplicate. You need to query it by map_id, by tag_id, by item_id, right? So even without partitioning you have to duplicate data by creating 3 indexes. So the difference is that you use different partitioning (by different field) for each index. I see no reason to worry about.
Most likely your queries are going to be related to a user or a topic. Meaning that you should have all info related to those in one place.
You're talking about distribution of DB, usually this is mostly an issue of synchronization. Reading, which is about 90% of the work usually, can be done on a replicated database. The issue is how to update one DB and remain consistent will all others and without killing the performances. This depends on your scenario details.
The other possibility is to partition, like you asked, all the data without overlapping. You probably would partition by user ID or topic ID. If you partition by topic ID, one database could reference all topics and just telling which dedicated DB is holding the data. You can then query the correct one. Since you partition by ID, all info related to that topic could be on that specialized database. You could partition also by language or country for an international website.
Last but not least, you'll probably end up mixing the two: Some non-overlapping data, and some overlapping (replicated) data. First find usual operations, then find how to make those on one DB in least possible queries.
PS: Don't forget about caching, it'll save you more than distributed-DB.

Fact table with multiple facts

I have a dimension (SiteItem) has two important facts:
however, within this dimension, I have groups of values based on an attribute column (let's call the groups AboveFoldItems, LeftNavItems, OnTheFlyItems, etc.) each have more facts that are specific to that group:
AboveFoldItems: eyeTime, loadTime
LeftNavItems: mouseOverTime
OnTheFlyItems: doesn't have any extra, but may in the future
Is the following fact table schema ok?
It seems a little wasteful since only some columns pertain to some dimension keys (the irrelevant facts are left NULL). But... this seems like it would be a common problem, so there should be a common solution for this, right?
I'm generally in agreement with Damir's answer on this, but because the fact table is very narrow in your particular case, there is still merit to Aaron's advocation for keeping the NULLs.
We have several star schemas in particular subject areas with multiple fact tables that share most (if not all) of the dimensions (conformed and internal). The limited-scope dimensions are not considered "conformed" across the enterprise, but they are what we would call "shared internal" dimensions.
Now typically, if the data is loaded contemporaneously so that the dimension hasn't changed, you can join both fact tables on the keys, but in general, of course, you cannot join two different star schemas on the dimension keys if they are surrogates in traditional slowly changing dimensions. In general, you have to join separate stars on the natural keys or "business keys" within the dimension and not on surrogates (except usually in the special case of the date dimension where it is unchanging and only has a natural key).
Note that when you do join the two stars, you have to use a LEFT JOIN, in which case you WILL produce NULLs which you will still probably have to take account of - so you're actually getting back to the original model you had with NULLs! ;-)
The benefit of the extra fact table is more obvious when your tables are wide with a smaller set of keys and the vertical partitioning of the data produces space savings as well as a cleaner logical model - this is especially true when the keys are only really shared up to a point - having one dummy key or NULL key is definitely not a good idea - this usually points to a dimensional modeling problem.
However, as Aaron says, if you push it to extremes, you can have a single fact column in each fact table with shared keys, which means the key overhead dwarfs the fact cost and you really do end up in a disguised EAV model.
I would also look to see if you are in Kimball's situation of "too few dimensions". Seems like you must have good dimensional attributes lumped into the SessionKey and SiteItemKey - but without seeing your entire model and requirements, it's hard to say, but I would think you would have some user demographics in a low-cardinality or even snowflake dimension without the full Session or Site dimension.
There isn't an elegant solution really, you either have nullable columns or you use an EAV solution. I posted about EAV before (and generated a lot of comments that might be worthwhile reading):
What is so bad about EAV, anyway?
I am a fan of that model in some scenarios, but if your dimensions/attributes do not change frequently, it can be a lot of extra work for nothing. NULL values in a column do not really make waste as long as the surrounding code can deal with them appropriately.
You could have more than one fact table: factperUserClicks, factperBroWserClicks, factEyeTime, etc...
Each of these would have DateKey, SessionKey, SiteItemKey. This way only dimension keys that "make sense" appear with each fact.
Ideally, there should be no NULLS in the DW -- if you keep them in the same fact table, using zeros may be more appropriate.
As far as saving disk space, I do not see an ideal solution -- but, in a DW one is supposed to trade space for speed and (query) simplicity anyway.
