Fact table with multiple facts - sql-server

I have a dimension (SiteItem) has two important facts:
however, within this dimension, I have groups of values based on an attribute column (let's call the groups AboveFoldItems, LeftNavItems, OnTheFlyItems, etc.) each have more facts that are specific to that group:
AboveFoldItems: eyeTime, loadTime
LeftNavItems: mouseOverTime
OnTheFlyItems: doesn't have any extra, but may in the future
Is the following fact table schema ok?
It seems a little wasteful since only some columns pertain to some dimension keys (the irrelevant facts are left NULL). But... this seems like it would be a common problem, so there should be a common solution for this, right?

I'm generally in agreement with Damir's answer on this, but because the fact table is very narrow in your particular case, there is still merit to Aaron's advocation for keeping the NULLs.
We have several star schemas in particular subject areas with multiple fact tables that share most (if not all) of the dimensions (conformed and internal). The limited-scope dimensions are not considered "conformed" across the enterprise, but they are what we would call "shared internal" dimensions.
Now typically, if the data is loaded contemporaneously so that the dimension hasn't changed, you can join both fact tables on the keys, but in general, of course, you cannot join two different star schemas on the dimension keys if they are surrogates in traditional slowly changing dimensions. In general, you have to join separate stars on the natural keys or "business keys" within the dimension and not on surrogates (except usually in the special case of the date dimension where it is unchanging and only has a natural key).
Note that when you do join the two stars, you have to use a LEFT JOIN, in which case you WILL produce NULLs which you will still probably have to take account of - so you're actually getting back to the original model you had with NULLs! ;-)
The benefit of the extra fact table is more obvious when your tables are wide with a smaller set of keys and the vertical partitioning of the data produces space savings as well as a cleaner logical model - this is especially true when the keys are only really shared up to a point - having one dummy key or NULL key is definitely not a good idea - this usually points to a dimensional modeling problem.
However, as Aaron says, if you push it to extremes, you can have a single fact column in each fact table with shared keys, which means the key overhead dwarfs the fact cost and you really do end up in a disguised EAV model.
I would also look to see if you are in Kimball's situation of "too few dimensions". Seems like you must have good dimensional attributes lumped into the SessionKey and SiteItemKey - but without seeing your entire model and requirements, it's hard to say, but I would think you would have some user demographics in a low-cardinality or even snowflake dimension without the full Session or Site dimension.

There isn't an elegant solution really, you either have nullable columns or you use an EAV solution. I posted about EAV before (and generated a lot of comments that might be worthwhile reading):
What is so bad about EAV, anyway?
I am a fan of that model in some scenarios, but if your dimensions/attributes do not change frequently, it can be a lot of extra work for nothing. NULL values in a column do not really make waste as long as the surrounding code can deal with them appropriately.

You could have more than one fact table: factperUserClicks, factperBroWserClicks, factEyeTime, etc...
Each of these would have DateKey, SessionKey, SiteItemKey. This way only dimension keys that "make sense" appear with each fact.
Ideally, there should be no NULLS in the DW -- if you keep them in the same fact table, using zeros may be more appropriate.
As far as saving disk space, I do not see an ideal solution -- but, in a DW one is supposed to trade space for speed and (query) simplicity anyway.


Is it a good idea to include flags in Fact table

The transactional fact table of one ofthe star schemas need to anser questions like Is the first application is final application.This is associated with one of the business process.
Is it a good idea to keep this as a part of the fact table with a column name,
There are not much flags to create a seperate dimension.Also this flag(calculated flag) is essential in the report writing.In this context do we need to keep it in Dimension or in Fact!
I assume the creation of junk dimension is for those flags /low cardinality columns which are not so useful can kept it inside a dimension?!
This will depend on your own needs but if you like the purest view of the fact table then the answer is no, these fields should not be included in your fact table.
The fact table should include dimension keys, degenerate dimension keys, and facts.
IsStatusOne, IsStatusTwo, etc are attributes and as you rightly suggest would be well suited to a junk dimension in the absence of them belonging to a more suitable dimension, e.g., IsWeekDay would be suited to dimension "Date" table.
You may start off with only a few "Is" attributes in your fact table but over time you may need more and more of these attributes, you will look back and possibly wish you created a junk dimension.
Interestingly if you are using bit columns for your flags then then there is little storage difference in using 8 bit flags in your fact table then having one tinyint dimension key, however when your flags are more verbose or have multiple status values then you should use the junk dimension to improve performance on the fact table, less storage, memory, more rows in a page, etc..
Personally, I would junk them
That seems fine, as long as it it an attribute of the fact, not of one of the dimensions. In some cases I think you might have a slowly changing dimension in which it would be more appropriately placed.
I would be concerned that this plan might require updates on the fact table, for example if you were intending to flag that a particular fact was the most recent for a customer. If that was the case it might be better to keep a transaction number in the fact table, and a "most recent transaction number" in the dimension table, and provide an indexing method to effectively retrieve the most recent per-customer.
You can use Junk Dimension.
Instead of creating several dimension with few rows you can create on dimnsion with all possible combination of value then you add just one foregion key in your fact table.
you can populate your junk dimension with a query like below.
WITH cteFlags AS
cteFlags Flag1
CROSS JOIN cteFlags Flag2
CROSS JOIN cteFlags Flag3

Single Big SQL Server lookup table

I have a SQL Server 2008 database with a snowflake-style schema, so lots of different lookup tables, like Language, Countries, States, Status, etc. All these lookup table have almost identical structures: Two columns, Code and Decode. My project manager would like all of these different tables to be one BIG table, so I would need another column, say CodeCategory, and my primary key columns for this big table would be CodeCategory and Code. The problem is that for any of the tables that have the actual code (say Language Code), I cannot establish a foreign key relationship into this big decode table, as the CodeCategory would not be in the fact table, just the code. And codes by themselves will not be unique (they will be within a CodeCategory), so I cannot make an FK from just the fact table code field into the Big lookup table Code field.
So am I missing something, or is this impossible to do and still be able to do FKs in the related tables? I wish I could do this: have a FK where one of the columns I was matching to in the lookup table would match to a string constant. Like this (I know this is impossible but it gives you an idea what I want to do):
FOREIGN KEY('Language', [LanguageCode])
REFERENCES [dbo].[AppCodes] ([AppCodeCategory], [AppCode])
The above does not work, but if it did I would have the FK I need. Where I have the string 'Language', is there any way in T-SQL to substitute the table name from code instead?
I absolutely need the FKs so, if nothing like this is possible, then I will have to stick with my may little lookup tables. any assistance would be appreciated.
It is not impossible to accomplish this, but it is impossible to accomplish this and not hurt the system on several levels.
While a single lookup table (as has been pointed out already) is a truly horrible idea, I will say that this pattern does not require a single field PK or that it be auto-generated. It requires a composite PK comprised of ([AppCodeCategory], [AppCode]) and then BOTH fields need to be present in the fact table that would have a composite FK of both fields back to the PK. Again, this is not an endorsement of this particular end-goal, just a technical note that it is possible to have composite PKs and FKs in other, more appropriate scenarios.
The main problem with this type of approach to constants is that each constant is truly its own thing: Languages, Countries, States, Statii, etc are all completely separate entities. While the structure of them in the database is the same (as of today), the data within that structure does not represent the same things. You would be locked into a model that either disallows from adding additional lookup fields later (such as ISO codes for Language and Country but not the others, or something related to States that is not applicable to the others), or would require adding NULLable fields with no way to know which Category/ies they applied to (have fun debugging issues related to that and/or explaining to the new person -- who has been there for 2 days and is tasked with writing a new report -- that the 3 digit ISO Country Code does not apply to the "Deleted" status).
This approach also requires that you maintain an arbitrary "Category" field in all related tables. And that is per lookup. So if you have CountryCode, LanguageCode, and StateCode in the fact table, each of those FKs gets a matching CategoryID field, so now that is 6 fields instead of 3. Even if you were able to use TINYINT for CategoryID, if your fact table has even 200 million rows, then those three extra 1 byte fields now take up 600 MB, which adversely affects performance. And let's not forget that backups will take longer and take up more space, but disk is cheap, right? Oh, and if backups take longer, then restores also take longer, right? Oh, but the table has closer to 1 billion rows? Even better ;-).
While this approach looks maybe "cleaner" or "easier" now, it is actually more costly in the long run, especially in terms of wasted developer time, as you (and/or others) in the future try to work around issues related to this poor design choice.
Has anyone even asked your project manager what the intended benefit of this is? It is a reasonable question if you are going to spend some amount of hours making changes to the system that there be a stated benefit for that time spent. It certainly does not make interacting with the data any easier, and in fact will make it harder, especially if you choose a string for the "Category" instead of a TINYINT or maybe SMALLINT.
If your PM still presses for this change, then it should be required, as part of that project, to also change any enums in the app code accordingly so that they match what is in the database. Since the database is having its values munged together, you can accomplish that in C# (assuming your app code is in C#, if not then translate to whatever is appropriate) by setting the enum values explicitly with a pattern of the first X digits are the "category" and the remaining Y digits are the "value". For example:
Assume the "Country" category == 1 and the "Language" catagory == 2, you could do:
enum AppCodes
// Countries
United States = 1000001,
Canada = 1000002,
Somewhere Else = 1000003,
// Languages
EnglishUS = 2000001,
EnglishUK = 2000002,
French = 2000003
Absurd? Completely. But also analogous to the request of merging all lookup tables into a single table. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
Is this being suggested so you can minimise the number of admin screens you need for CRUD operations on your standing data? I've been here before and decided it was better/safer/easier to build a generic screen which used metadata to decide what table to extract from/write to. It was a bit more work to build but kept the database schema 'correct'.
All the standing data tables had the same basic structure, they were mainly for dropdown population with occasional additional fields for business rule purposes.

Onetomany with parent database design

Below is a database design which represents my problem(it is not my actual database design). For each city I need to know which restaurants, bars and hotels are available. I think the two designs speak for itself, but:
First design: create one-to-many relations between city and restaurants, bars and hotels.
Second design: only create an one-to-many relation between city and place.
Which design would be best practice? The second design has less relations, but would I be able to get all the restaurants, bars and hotels for a city and there own data (property_x/y/z)?
Update: this question is going wrong, maybe my fault for not being clear.
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes are subclasses of "place" (in both
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes must have the parent "place"
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes have there own specific data (property_X/Y/X)
Good design first
Your data, and the readability/understandability of your SQL and ERD, are the most important factors to consider. For the purpose of readability:
Put city_id into place. Why: Places are in cities. A hotel is not a place that just happens to be in a city by virtue of being a hotel.
Other design points to consider are how this structure will be extended in the future. Let's compare adding a new subtype:
In design one, you need to add a new table, relationship to 'place' and a relationship to city
In design two, you simply add a new table and relationship to 'place'.
I'd again go with the second design.
Performance second
Now, I'm guessing, but the reason for putting city_id in the subtype is probably that you anticipate that it's more efficient or faster in some specific use cases and this may be a very good reason to ignore readability/understandability. However, until you measure performance on the actual hardware you'll deploy on, you don't know:
Which design is faster
Whether the difference in performance would actually degrade the overall system
Whether other optimization approaches (tuning SQL or database parameters) is actually a better way to handle it.
I would argue that design one is an attempt to physically model the database on an ERD, which is a bad practice.
Premature optimization is the root of a lot of evil in SW Engineering.
Subtype approaches
There are two solutions to implementing subtypes on an ERD:
A common-properties table, and one table per subtype, (this is your second model)
A single table with additional columns for subtype properties.
In the single-table approach, you would have:
A subtype column, TYPE INT NOT NULL. This specifies whether the row is a restaurant, bar or hotel
Extra columns property_X, property_Y and property_Z on place.
Here is a quick table of pros and cons:
Disadvantages of a single-table approach:
The extension columns (X, Y, Z) cannot be NOT NULL on a single table approach. You can implement row-level constraints, but you lose the simplicity and visibility of a simple NOT NULL
The single table is very wide and sparse, especially as you add additional subtypes. You may hit the max. number of columns on some databases. This can make this design quite wasteful.
To query a list of a specific subtype, you have to filter using a WHERE TYPE = ? clause, whereas the table-per-subtype is a much more natural `FROM HOTEL INNER JOIN PLACE ON HOTEL.PLACE_ID = PLACE.ID"
IMHO, mapping into classes in an object-oriented languages is harder and less obvious. Consider avoiding if this DB is going to be mapped by Hibernate, Entity Beans or similar
Advantages of a single-table approach:
By consolidating into a single table, there are no joins, so queries and CRUD operations are more efficient (but is this small difference going to cause problems?)
Queries for different types are parameterized (WHERE TYPE = ?) and therefore more controllable in code rather than in the SQL itself (FROM PLACE INNER JOIN HOTEL ON PLACE.ID = HOTEL.PLACE_ID).
There is no best design, you have to pick based on the type of SQL and CRUD operations you are doing most frequently, and possibly on performance (but see above for a general warning).
All things being equal, I would advise the default option is your second design. But, if you have an overriding concern such as those I listed above, do choose another implementation. But don't optimize prematurely.
Both of them and none of them at all.
If I need to choose one, I would keep the second one, because of the number of foreign keys and indexes needed to be created after. But, a better approach would be: create a table with all kinds of places (bars, restaurants, and so on) and assign to each row a column with a value of the type of the place (apply a COMPRESS clause with the types expected at the column). It would improve both performance and readability of the structure, plus being more easier to maintain. Hope this helps. :-)
you do not show alternate columns in any of the sub-place tables. i think you should not split type data into table names like 'bar','restaurant', etc - these should be types inside the place table.
i think further you should have an address table - one column of which is city. then each place has an address and you can easily group by city when needed. (or state or zip code or country etc)
I think the best option is the second one. In the first design, there is a possibility of data errors as one place can be assigned to a particular restaurant (or any other type) in one city (e.g. A) and at the same time can be assigned to another restaurant in a different city (e.g. B). In the second design, a place is always bound to a particular city.
Both designs can get you all the appropriate data.
If all extending classes are going to implement the location (which sound obvious for your implementation) then it would be a better practice to include it as part of the parent object. This would suggest option 2.
The thing is that even-tough you can find out the type of each particular PLACE, it is easier to just know that a type (CHILD) is always a place (PARENT). You can think of that while you visualize the result-set of option 2. With that in mind, I recommend the first approach.
First one doesn't have more relations, it just splits them.
If bar, restaurant and hotel have different sets of attributes, then they are different entities and should be represented by 3 different tables. But why do you need the place table? My advice it to ditch it and have 3 tables for your 3 entities and that's that.
In code, collecting common attributes into a parent class is more organised and efficient than repeating them in each child class - of course. But as spathirana comments above, database design is not like OOP. Sure, you'll save on the repetition of column names by sticking common attributes of places into a "place" table. But it will also add complication:
- you have to join on that table whenever you want to reference a bar, restaurant or hotel
- you have to insert into two tables whenever you want to add a new bar, restaurant or hotel
- you have to update two tables when ... etc.
Having 3 tables without the place table is ALSO, PROBABLY, the most performance-optimal design. But that's not where I'm coming from. I'm thinking of clean, simple database design where a single entity means a single row in a single table. There are no "is-a" relationships in a relational DB. Foreign key relationships are "has-a". OK, there are exceptions I'm sure, but your case is not exceptional.

Database relation design - Relating two tables twice in different tables

I have the following tables:
Id int
Id int
Then I have the table
PostId int
UserId int
and the table
PostId int
UserId int
IsUpVote bit
IsDownVote bit
LastActivity datetime2
the problem is that if I merged both Favorite and Vote into a single table, then I'd have something like
PostId int
UserId int
IsFavorited bit
IsUpVoted bit
IsDownVoted bit
LastActivity datetime2
IsDownVote couldn't be computed anymore (since now, I can't use a "doesn't exist: didn't vote; didn't vote up: voted down" pattern anymore) and LastActivity will only reflect the last time the vote has changed (either up, down, or removed). So I'd maybe have to change that field's name or it's functionality. or even both..
So the question is basically, how wrong is having two tables relating Tables A and B (Post,User) in this case, which are indexed by the same primary key (PostId,UserId) in this case, but which are intended for different uses?
Favourites and Votes seem to be two different things, so IMHO you will be better off keeping them as separate tables. As you mentioned, you would lose functionality if you merged them, and I don't see any clear benefit to merge them. Stick with what you've got unless you can provide an awesome justification for the merge.
Nothing wrong at all.
I am not saying that the DDL provided shows correctly Normalised tables, but they are somewhat Normalised. As you have identified yourself, the two tables have different purposes, they have different meaning, so technically (theoretically, academically, and in practice [code] ), they are correct.
"related to the same parents" is not a criterion (there are many instances where there are many tables related to the same parents, and which are correct)
therefore such tables will "have the same PKs and FKs", so that is not a criterion either.
Only someone with no real concept of Normalisation, and no concept of the causes of negative performance, will suggest that "just because they have the same parents (and therefore the same pair of keys/indices)", they should be merged.
Vote and Favourite are two different Things, Entities, records of Action taken. Two tables is correct.
Distinction: The real reason IsDownVoted cannot be compared anymore is that it does not apply to Favourite. You have used an Indicator (bit) to identify that (although badly named); which is really a substitute for a Null column. Nulls are not good for performance, and it is a Good Thing that you have Indicators to identify the absence of data, and therefore avoided Nulls, but that is separate to breaking a Normalised design by mereging them.
The merged table will perform slower on all accesses. When you SELECT Votes from it, you have to exclude Favourites, and vice versa, but it will be doing I/O for both, because they are located together (PostId, UserId). SO the server is forever reading twice as many rows, using twice as much cache; etc. Then you will "add speed" by adding an index for (PostId, UserId, IsFavourited), making it even slower for Inserts and Deletes (while "speeding up" Selects). Messes get compounded, guaranteed; best to not have any mess in the first place.
When the database grows, you can independently add columns to either one of Vote and Favourite, without affecting the other. In a merged table, it will introduce complications.
You accept Answers too quickly.
While I won't say what you should do table wise if you use int instead of bit and use values like 0 1 and -1 to do calculations / comparisons, this way you could compute the values you want in a relatively simple way.
Talking relational databases you should almost always aim for 3'rd normal form regarding your tables - Try looking at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization

What exactly does database normalization do?

Supposedly normalization reduces redundancy of data and increases performance. What is the reason for dividing the master table into other small tables, applying relationships between them, retrieving the data using all possible unions, subqueries, joins etc.? Why can't we have all the data in a single table and retrieve it as required?
The main reason is to eliminate repetition of data, so for example if you had a user with multiple addresses and you stored this information in a single table the user information would be duplicated along with each address entry. Normalisation would seperate the addresses into their own table and then link the two using keys. This way you wouldn't need to duplicate the user data, and your db structure becomes a little cleaner.
Full normalisation will generally not improve performance, in fact it can often make it worse but it will keep your data duplicate free. In fact in some special cases I've denormalised some specific data in order to get a performance increase.
Normalization comes from the mathematical concept of being "normal." Another word would be "perpendicular." Imagine a regular two-axis coordinate system. Moving up just changes the y coordinate, moving to the side just changes the x coordinate. So every movement can be broken down into a sideways and an up-down movement. These two are independent of each other.
Normalization in database essentially means the same thing: If you change a piece of data, this is supposed to change just one single piece of information in a database. Imagine a database of E-Mails: If you store the ID and the name of the recipient in the Mails table, but the Users table also associates the name to the ID, that means if you change a user name, you don't only have to change it in the users table, but also in every single message that this user is involved with. So, the axis "message" and the axis "user" are not "perpendicular" or "normal."
If on the other hand, the Mails table only has the user ID, any change to the user name will automatically apply to all the messages, because on retrieval of a message, all user information is gathered from the Users table (by means of a join).
Database normalisation is, at its simplest, a way to minimise data redundancy. To achieve that, certain forms of normalisation exist.
First normal form can be summarised as:
no repeating groups in single tables.
separate tables for related information.
all items in a table related to the primary key.
Second normal form adds another restriction, basically that every column not part of a candidate key must be dependent on every candidate key (a candidate key being defined as a minimal set of columns which cannot be duplicated in the table).
And third normal form goes a little further, in that every column not part of a candidate key must not be dependent on any other non-candidate-key column. In other words, it can depend only on the candidate keys. This leads to the saying that 3NF depends on the key, the whole key and nothing but the key, so help me Codd1.
Note that the above explanations are tailored toward your question rather than database theorists, so the descriptions are necessarily simplified (and I've used phrases like "summarised as" and "basically").
The field of database theory is a complex one and, if you truly wish to understand it, you'll eventually have to get to the science behind it. But, in terms of your question, hopefully this will be adequate.
Normalization is a valuable tool in ensuring we don't have redundant data (which becomes a real problem if the two redundant areas get out of sync). It doesn't generally increase performance.
In fact, although all database should start in 3NF, it's sometimes acceptable to drop to 2NF for performance gains, provided you're aware of, and mitigate, the potential problems.
And be aware that there are also "higher" levels of normalisation such as (obviously) fourth, fifth and sixth, but also Boyce-Codd and some others I can't remember off the top of my head. In the vast majority of cases, 3NF should be more than enough.
1 If you don't know who Edgar Codd (or Christopher Date, for that matter) is, you should probably research them, they're the fathers of relational database theory.
We use normalization to reduce the chances of anomalies that may arise as a result of data insertion, deletion, updation. Normalization doesnt necessarily increase performance.
There is much material on internet so i wont repeat the stuff here again. But you can have a look at
Normalization rules
(others aswell)
As well as all the above, it just makes a certain sense. Say you have a user and you want to record what kind of car they have.
Put that all in one table and then you're fine, until someone owns two cars... You're then going to need two rows for that person, and a way of making sure that you can link those two rows together...
And then what if you also want to record how many dogs they have? Same table with lots of confusing dups? Another table with your own custom logic to manage unique users?
Normalization keeps you away from a lot of these problems...
