Timers in clojure? - timer

I'm wondering if there is any widespread timer solution.
I want to write a simple game engine which would process users input on tick every 20ms (or perform some actions once after 20ms (or any other period)) and basically update "global" state via transactions, and also I plan to use futures so this solution should be able to deal with concurrency caveats.
Can you give me an advice?

You have actually got two distinct issues here.
The first is the issues of timers. You have lots of choices here:
Start a thread that sleeps between actions, something like (future (loop [] (do-something) (Thread/sleep 20) (when (game-still-running) (recur))))
Use a Java TimerTask - easy to call from Clojure
Use a library like my little utility Task that includes a DSL for repeating tasks
Use the timer functionality from whatever game engine you are using - most of these provide some tools for setting up a game loop
I'd probably just use the simple thread option - it's pretty easy to set up and easy to hack more features in later if you need to.
The second issue is handling game state. This is actually the trickier problem and you will need to design it around the particular type of game you are making, so I'll just give a few points of advice:
If your game state is immutable, then you get a lot of advantages: your rendering code can draw the current game state independently while the game update is computing the next game state. Immutability has some performance costs, but the concurrency advantages are huge if you can make it work. Both of my mini Clojure games (Ironclad and Alchemy) use this approach
You should probably try and store your game state in a single top-level var. I find this works better than splitting different parts of the game state over different vars. It also means that you don't really need ref-based transactions: an atom or agent will usually do the trick.
You may want to implement a queue of events that need to get processed sequentially by the game state update function. This is particularly important if you have multiple concurrent event sources (e.g. player actions, timer ticks, network events etc.)

Nowadays I would consider core/async to be a good choice, since
it scales very well when it comes to complex tasks that can be separated into activities that communicate using channels
avoids binding activity to a thread
here is the sketch
(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [go-loop]])
(go-loop []
(do-something ...)
(Thread/sleep 1000)

This solution assumes you're writing Clojure on the JVM.
Something like this could work:
(import '(java.util TimerTask Timer))
(let [task (proxy [TimerTask] []
(run [] (println "Here we go!")))]
(. (new Timer) (schedule task (long 20))))


What is a good way to implement state-machine-like transitions in FreeRTOS?

Clearly, states of a machine will be abstracted into tasks, but how are transitions controlled?
The functionality I'm looking for is that only one of the state tasks is active at a time, while the rest block. The task that is running must block itself, and unblock whichever task is next in the state transition model.
The method I thought of is creating an index array of Binary semaphores for each task, and simply giving to the semaphore of whichever task is to be transitioned to.
Alternatively, I could handle all state machine functionality in one task, and regulate which functionality is executed by a switch statement?
Which is more efficient or better practice?
Not sure SO is the right płace to ask this, as this is a really generał question. Anyway: imho the simplest way to get started is to utilise the exisiting tools, the state machine design pattern in this case. C is not the perfect language to implement it, but it can be done, see for example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44955234/4885321
or https://www.adamtornhill.com/Patterns%20in%20C%202,%20STATE.pdf
In the context of FreeRTOS the FSM is most likely going to end up as a single task.

C design pattern performing a list of actions without blocking?

Embedded C. I have a list of things I want to do, procedurally, mostly READ and WRITE and MODIFY actions, acting on the results of the last statement. They can take up to 2 seconds each, I can’t block.
Each action can have states of COMPLETE and ERROR which has sub-states for reason the error occurred. Or on compete I’ll want to check or modify some data.
Each list of actions is a big switch and to re-enter I keep a list of which step I’m on, a success step++ and I come back in further down the list next time.
Pretty simple, but I’m finding that to not block I’m spending a ton of effort checking states and errors and edges constantly. Over and over.
I would say 80% of my code is just checks and moving the system along. There has to be a better way!
Are there any design patterns for async do thing and come back later for results in a way that efficiently handles some of the exception/edge/handling?
Edit: I know how to use callbacks but don’t really see that as “a solution” as I just need to get back to a different part of the same list for the next thing to do. Maybe it’s would be beneficial to know the backend to how async and await in other languages work?
Edit2: I do have an RTOS for other projects but this specific question, assume no threads/tasks, just bare metal superloop.
Your predicament is a perfect fit for state machines (really, probably UML statecharts). Each different request can each be handled in its own state machine, which handle events (such as COMPLETE or ERROR indications) in a non-blocking, run-to-completion manner. As the events come in, the request's state machine moves through its different states towards completion.
For embedded systems, I often use the QP event-driven framework for such cases. In fact, when I looked up this link, I noticed the very first paragraph uses the term "non-blocking". The framework provides much more than state machines with hierarchy (states within states), which is already very powerful.
The site also has some good information on approaches to your specific problem. I would suggest starting with the site's Key Concepts page.
To get you a taste of the content and its relevance to your predicament:
In spite of the fundamental event-driven nature, most embedded systems
are traditionally programmed in a sequential manner, where a program
hard-codes the expected sequence of events by waiting for the specific
events in various places in the execution path. This explicit waiting
for events is implemented either by busy-polling or blocking on a
time-delay, etc.
The sequential paradigm works well for sequential problems, where the
expected sequence of events can be hard-coded in the sequential code.
Trouble is that most real-life systems are not sequential, meaning
that the system must handle many equally valid event sequences. The
fundamental problem is that while a sequential program is waiting for
one kind of event (e.g., timeout event after a time delay) it is not
doing anything else and is not responsive to other events (e.g., a
button press).
For this and other reasons, experts in concurrent programming have
learned to be very careful with various blocking mechanisms of an
RTOS, because they often lead to programs that are unresponsive,
difficult to reason about, and unsafe. Instead, experts recommend [...] event-driven programming.
You can also do state machines yourself without using an event-driven framework like the QP, but you will end up re-inventing the wheel IMO.

Differences between working with states and windows(time) in Flink streaming

Let's say we want to compute the sum and average of the items,
and can either working with states or windows(time).
Example working with windows -
Example working with states -
Can I ask what would be the reasons to make decision? Can I infer that if the data arrives very irregularly (50% comes in the defined window length and the other 50% don't), the result of the window approach is more biased (because the 50% events are dropped)?
On the other hand, do we spend more time checking and updating the states when working with states?
First, it depends on your semantics... The two examples use different semantics and are thus not comparable directly. Furthermore, windows work with state internally, too. It is hard to say in general with approach is the better one.
As Flink's window semantics are very rich, I would suggest to use windows. If you cannot express your semantics with windows, using state can be a good alternative. Using windows, has the additional advantage that state handling---which is hard to get done right---is done automatically for you.
The decision is definitely independent from your data arrival rate. Flink does not drop any data. If you work with event time (rather than with processing time) your result will be the same independently of the data arrival rate after all.

time to create a bot for second life using linden scripting language?

how much time does it take to create a simple dance performing bot in second life using Linden Scripting Language ?? , i have no prior knowledge of lsl , but i know various object oriented and event driven programming languages .
Well, it's pretty simple to animate avatar: you'll need a dance animation (those are pretty easy to find, or you could create your own), put it in a prim (which is basic building object in SL), and then create a simple script which first requests permission to animate desired avatar:
llRequestPermissions(agent_key, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
You receive response in run_time_permissions event and trigger your animation by name:
run_time_permissions(integer param)
llStartAnimation("my animation");
Those are the essentials; you'll probably want to request permissions when an avatar touches your object, and stop animation on second touch... or you could request for permissions for each avatar which is in certain range.
As for the "bot" part, Second Life viewer code is open source; if you don't want to build it yourself, there are several customizable bots available. Or you could simply run an official SL viewer and leave it on; there is a way to run several instances of SL viewer at the same time. It all depends on what exactly you need it for.
Official LSL portal can be found here, though I prefer slightly outdated LSL wiki.
Slight language mismatch: To make an object perform a dance is currently known as "puppetry" in a SecondLife context. The term "bot" currently means control of an avatar by an external script api.
Anyway in one instance, it took me about two hours to write, when I did one for a teddy bear a few weeks back, but that was after learning alot from taking apart some old ones, and i never did finish making the dance, it just waggles the legs or hugs with the arms, but the script is capable for however many steps and parts you can cram in memory.
Puppetry of objects has not improved much in the past decade. It is highly restricted by movement update rates and script limitations. Movement is often delayed under server load and the client doesn't always get updates, which produces pauses and skips in varying measure. Scripts have a maximum size of 64k which should be plenty but in actuality runs out fast with the convolutions necessary in lsl. Moving each linked prim in an object seperately used to need a script in each prim, until new fuctions were introduced to apply attributes by linknumber, still many objects use old scripts which may never be updated. Laggy puppets make for a pitiful show, but most users would not know how to identify a good puppetry script.
The popular way to start making a puppet script is to find an older open source puppet script online, and update it to work from one script. Some archane versions are given as 'master' and 'slave' scripts which need to be merged placing the slave actions as a function into the master, changing llMessageLinked( ) for the function name. Others use an identical script for each prim. I said popular, not the simplest or easiest, and it will never be the best.
Scripting from scratch, the active flow needs to go in a timer event with nothing else in it. Use a different state for animating if a timer is needed when waiting because it's a heavy activity and you don't need any more ifs or buts.
The most crucial task is create a loop to build parameters from a list of linknumbers, positions, and rotations into a parameter list before the llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( ). Yes, that's what they called it because it's a heavy list based function, you may just call it SLPPF inworld but not in the script. Because SLPPF requires the call to have certain constants for each parameter, the parameter list for each step will need to include PRIM_LINK_TARGET, linknumber, PRIM_POS, position, PRIM_ROT, rotation for each linked part in the animation step.
Here's an example of putting a list of a single puppetry step into SLPPF.
list parameters;
integer index;
while ( index < total ) { // total number of elements in each list
parameters += [
PRIM_LINK_TARGET, llList2Integer( currentstep, index ),
PRIM_POS, llList2Vector( currentstep, index+1 ),
PRIM_ROT, llList2Rotation( currentstep, index+2 )
index += 3;
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( 0, parameters );
How you create your currentstep list is another matter but the smoothest movement over many linked parts will only be possible if the script isn't moving lists around. So if running the timer at 0.2 seconds isn't any improvement over 0.3, it's because you've told lsl to shovel too many lists. This loop with three list calls may handle about 20 links at 0.1 seconds if the weather's good.
That's actually the worst of it over, just be careful of memory if cramming too many step lists into memory at once. Oh and if your object just vanishes completely, it's going to be hanging around near <0,0,0> because a 1 landed in the PRIM_LINK_TARGET hole.

How to imitate a player in an online game

I'd like to write an application, which would imitate a player in an online game.
About the game: it is a strategy, where you can:
train your army (you have to have enough resources, then click on a unit, click train)
build buildings (mines, armories, houses,...)
attack enemies (select a unit, select an enemy, click attack)
transport resources between buildings
make researches (economics, military, technologic,...)
This is a simplified list and is just an example. Main thing is, that you have to do a lot of clicking, if you want to advance...
I allready have the 'navigational' part of the application (I used Watin library - http://watin.sourceforge.net/). That means, that I can use high level objects and manipulate them, for example:
Soldiers soldiers = Navigator.GetAllSoldiers();
Now I'd like to take the next step - write a kind of AI, which would simulate my gaming style. For this I have two ideas (and I don't like either of them):
login to the game and then follow a bunch of if statements in a loop (check if someone is attacking me, check if I can build something, check if I can attack somebody, loop)
design a kind of scripting language and write a compiler for it. This way I could write simple scripts and run them (Login(); CheckForAnAttack(); BuildSomething(); ...)
Any other ideas?
PS: some might take this as cheating and it probably is, but I look on this as a learning project and it will never be published or reselled.
A bunch of if statements is the best option if the strategy is not too complicated. However, this solution does not scale very well.
Making a scripting language (or, domain specific language as one would call that nowadays) does not buy you much. You are not going to have other people create AI agents are you? You can better use your programming language for that.
If the strategy gets more involved, you may want to look at Bayesian Belief Networks or Decision Graphs. These are good at looking for the best action in an uncertain environment in a structured and explicit way. If you google on these terms you'll find plenty of information and libraries to use.
Sounds like you want a finite state machine. I've used them to various degrees of success in coding bots. Depending on the game you're botting you could be better off coding an AI that learns, but it sounds like yours is simple enough not to need that complexity.
Don't make a new language, just make a library of functions you can call from your state machine.
Most strategy game AIs use a "hierarchical" approach, much in the same way you've already described: define relatively separate domains of action (i.e. deciding what to research is mostly independent from pathfinding), and then create an AI layer to handle just that domain. Then have a "top-level" AI layer that directs the intermediate layers to perform tasks.
How each of those intermediate layers work (and how your "general" layer works) can each determined separately. You might come up with something rather rigid and straightforward for the "What To Research" layer (based on your preferences), but you may need a more complicated approach for the "General" layer (which is likely directing and responding to inputs of the other layers).
Do you have the sourcecode behind the game? If not, it's going to be kind of hard tracing the positions of each CPU you're (your computer in your case) is battling against. You'll have to develop some sort of plugin that can do it because from the sound of it, you're dealing with some sort of RTS of some sort; That requires the evaluation of a lot of different position scenarios between a lot of different CPUs.
If you want to simulate your movements, you could trace your mouse using some WinAPI quite easily. You can also record your screen as you play (which probably won't help much, but might be of assistance if you're determined enough.).
To be brutally honest, what you're trying to do is damn near impossible for the type of game you're playing with. You didn't seem to think this through yet. Programming is a useful skill, but it's not magic.
Check out some stuff (if you can find any) on MIT Battlecode. It might be up your alley in terms of programming for this sort of thing.
First of all I must point out that this project(which only serves educational purposes), is too large for a single person to complete within a reasonable amount of time. But if you want the AI to imitate your personal playing style, another alternative that comes to mind are neural networks: You play the game a lot(really a lot) and record all moves you make and feed that data to such a network, and if all goes well, the AI should play roughly the same as you do. But I'm afraid this is just a third idea you won't like, because it would take a tremendeous amount of time to get it perfect.
