TortioisHg with hgsubversion does not handle default remote repository in sync - hgsubversion

I am using TortoiseHg 2.7.2 with most recent version of hgsubversion.
All works fine except for one issue related to the Sync dialog.
The URL for the remote repository (from which I originally cloned my local hg repo) is like this:
However, when I open the Sync dialog the local hgrc file prefers /svn/NEWCO as the remote repository which is the svn folder in the remote svn repo.
I have saved the desired URL as 'default' in the Sync dialog but it is never picked up by the dialog automatically (it always defaults to /svn/NEWCO).
Obviously the svn+https seems to make TortoiseHg choke. Is there some way I can get the Sync dialog to populate the Remote Repository text box correctly?

Subsequently I cloned the repository again and Hg behaves as expected. I cannot reproduce this problem now.


I want to make my website open source but I have a file with DB credentials

I made a website with NextJS that I'd like to make open source, but I have a .env file with read-only credentials to my DB.
I don't think it would be a huge issue to make those credentials public as I wouldn't mind people querying my DB, but it still seems risky and I'd rather not.
Keep in mind that I use Vercel to deploy the website, which gets the code from the git repo.
I've thought about cloning the private repo, deleting the .env file and making this new repo public, but that's not an ideal solution since I'd end up with two repos.
I assume your .env file has already been committed to the repo?
Add it to .gitignore, and use BFG (usage instructions at that link) to delete the file from your repo. A normal delete will not work, as the file will still be in the git history. Using BFG, it'll be erased from the repo entirely.

Downloaded new skill and cannot push dev

I created a new skill in the web-based interface. Then I used the skills extension in vscode to download the new skill. After downloading I have the interactionModel as an untracked file in the dev branch. I committed that and some other files and tried to push it to get things synced up and it failed, saying to do a pull first. I do the pull succesfully and then try the push again and get the same error. What can I do to sync things?
EDIT: I tried pushing from a shell and got "get: .ask\scripts\git-credential-helper: not found". So I couldn't log in to the amazon repo. Could this be causing the problem above? How do I get my credentials for the remote repo? I assumed that would be set up automatically from the alexa-skill extension in vscode when I downloaded the skill.
I found the answer to my problem here
The commands I used were ...
git checkout dev
git pull --rebase
git merge master
# fix any merge conflict if you have any
git push --no-verify

React auto reload with vagrant

I have one issue with react auto reload browser/server.
If I run react on my local env. Everything is okay. Browser reloads.
But if I run react inside vagrant, browser reloads only when I edit react files via terminal > vagrant , but not in my text editor.
Maybe so thoughts? Maybe there are some vagrant conf that I need to know?
There is a simpler method than the one posted above, at least assuming you used the recommended create-react-app to create your app.
Add this line: CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true to a file called .env that should exist or be created in the root folder of your project.
This link tells you more about environment variables & also contains info on the polling setting above. Be sure to read it so you know about the different .env file types and decide whether or not you want to use polling in all cases.
Configuring Webpack to webpack-dev-server --watch-poll should resolve your problem.
By default Webpack is subsribed to files changes via inotify, but:
Notification via inotify requires the kernel to be aware of all relevant filesystem events, which is not always possible for networked filesystems such as NFS.
So enabling poll will force Webpack to:
Check every few hundred milliseconds to see if your files have been updated.
Webpack watch in Vagrant / Docker.
the server does not compile files or reload page in windows..

Google App Engine Source Not Updating PHP

I cannot get my server code to update. I'm running a PHP instance on GAE and no matter what I do, the files won't update. In the source code view, I can see the files have updated, but when I attempt to access the updated file, I'm still viewing the old version. I've also attempted disconnecting my Bitbucket repo and using the update project-name command, but the files aren't refreshing when I attempt to access them. I'm not sure what to do to force the changes to take place.
My app.yaml contains the following code
- url: /(.+\.php)$
script: \1
secure: always
So the files should be getting read, right?
I was able to figure out what went wrong. I downloaded my code using download_app -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> <output-dir> and noticed that I was downloading the old versions of the files (and wasn't downloading the new files). Turns out using source control within GAE will upload new code, but won't deploy it. I attempted to use update project-name one more time, but it didn't work. Turns out I didn't disconnect my Bitbucket account (could have sworn that I did...). Once disconnected, I was able to update the project using update project-name. While I was figuring this out, I reached out to Google support and received this message:
To use the feature of push to deploy you need to spin-up the Jenkins
Instance on GCE (Google Compute Engine) and then it will take the
updated code and execute it in the environment. Go through [1] for how
to enable the Jenkins instance and its configuration according to
different run time.
In your issue, you just mirrored the code from Bit Bucket to Cloud
Repository, as it is just doing the version control for the
application not executing the application. So basically you have have
the option of using Jenkins instance as I described above to test the
different version of the code or using the update command
from your local repository.
I haven't attempted to install and use Jenkins since I fixed it after disconnecting my Bitbucket account), but it may help others who have run into this problem.

datbase.php of cakephp not uploading to github

I have recently started using GitHub. I am uploading my cakephp website.
Also, I am using GitHUb for windows,
Now, after I added my CakePHP files -> committed the changes -> synced, I do not see my app/database.php file being uploaded.
I checked the repository through browser, but still can't find the database.php file.
I have re-installed GitHub for windows, created a new repository, again added the files to it, but same result.
Please help, what is the issue.
Clear your .gitignore file and commit again.
But database.php is in your .gitignore is for a security reason. It may contain sensitive data, double check it before pushing.
