Ranorex winforms localization issues - winforms

I'm trying to write a common test module for a localized application.
The first issue I'm having is the fact that MenuItems do not support controlname attributes. Currently my menu items are located via text or accessiblename attribute. Is there a way to support controlname attribute?
I've tried to make text and accessiblename attribute point to a variable and then bind the variable to some external dictionary. As I understand the external data sources are treated as rows which contain various data items for a single variable. I don't see a way to use external data sources that treat first column as variable name and second column as variable value. Is there a way to achieve such functionality?
I've thought about a way to extend RanorexXPath to accept functions. Then I could write something like ...menuitem[text=localizationService.Translate("#ADMINISTRATION") and have Ranorex find the menu item based on the result of localizationService.Translate function. Is there a way to do this?
Finally I've somewhat managed to get the result I need by using global variables and module variables. What I did was create a module that uses localizationService to fill module variables with correct data. Next I bind the module variables to global parameters and use the data in subsequent test. This is quite error prone and difficult to implement for large number of variables. Is there a way to access and set global variables directly from code (without the need to use binding)?
If any of the 4. points is possible please let me know.

The recomendation from Ranorex support team:
In general only the whole menu is a control in WinForms. The elements within that control (MenuItems) can only be recognized via MSAA.
The problem is that the "Name" attribute of the MenuItems is not accessible.
As workaround I would suggest to use the attribute "AccessibleDescription" in your application in order to automate the menu. This attribute can also be used for language independent names.


What is the purpose of uvm_component 'name' property?

Inside the agent, I have seen uvm_component creation like
apb_monitor m_monitor;
m_monitor=apb_monitor::type_id::create("monitor_name_aaa", this);
Here we can see that when referring to the hierarchy, we still need to put m_monitor.* rather than monitor_name_aaa.*.
My questions are
What is exactly the purpose of this name property 'monitor_name_aaa'
I have seen in many places people says best way is to put the name = 'm_monitor', same as the m_monitor. If this is true, then why not the methodology just built in this feature directly?
Another point is that If I do get_type_name(), then I see the it is using the name property, like m_env.m_agent.monitor_name_aaa instead.
In UVM it is useful to be able to refer to components either using their SystemVerilog hierarchical name directly or as the string equivalent. (There's the answer to Q1.) Unlike in VHDL, in SystemVerilog there is no way of finding out what the name of a variable is. So, when you create a component, you have to manually set this up. (There's the answer to Q2).
As you point out, you must always make the name of the component the same as the name of the variable pointing to it ("m_monitor" in this case), otherwise you will not have this useful ability to refer to components either by SystemVerilog hierarchical reference or by the equivalent string.

Using InctantUI to create dynamic user interfaces in Codenameone

I have been struggling with creating Dynamic user interfaces or forms in Codenameone. InstantUI will work with PropertyBusinessObjects. However, the current documentation assumes that these will be defined a priori. I want a situation where I can go from a map to InstantUI. My real use case is to create an InstantUI from a JSONObject. IS this possible? If so how?
There is currently no support for that in the InstantUI class as the PropertyBusinessObject contains far more information than just key/value pairs e.g. it contains type information, labels, constraints etc.
So no that's not possible. However, you can look at the source of InstantUI and use that as a starting point to create your own implementation that doesn't require these things or fetches them from a different source.

Angular lookup value/display value

I have some data on a model that comes in the form of a code such as "US60" and "US70".
I need to take that value and show a display value such as "US 7day/60hour" and "US 8day/70hour". I'm not sure if there is any best practices way to do this in Angular, and I'm not having much luck googling it.
What I would do is have a service that I pass in type and value, and it would return a display value, but as with many things in Angular, since this is my first Angular project, I don't know if it's a good way to do it or not.
I'm just needing to use the display value in html such as {{settings.cycle}} I am already able to access the variable, but I want to show the display value, not the actual value.
If I am getting the gist of your question correctly, you have the value available but want to alter how it is displayed on screen right?
There are two main approaches to do this in Angular, using a directive or a filter.
A filter is basically like a pipe in Unix. You can alter a value before it is being displayed. For example:
{ username | uppercase } will transform the username into an all-caps username. Naturally, you can define your own filters for your use case. Filters are mostly used to transform single values. So for your case, a filter sounds best.
A directive is commonly used to create entire components on a page. For example: <user-profile-card></user-profile-card> would be transformed, using the directive, into the appropriate html/css/logic. So these are used often for larger transformations which involve logic, like server requests. Still these directives could also be used for very small components.
So for your case, although what you are actually want to do is not completely clear to me honestly, a filter seems to be your best shot ;)

Delphi XE3: DBLookupCombo Dropdown side effect

We are porting a D6 application to XE3.
In D6 I inherited a complex code which used shared datasets and datasources everywhere.
This worked well in D6.
After we could run the XE3 version, we experienced that lookup combo boxes changed.
On dropdown they reset the other dropdown's keyvalues (everywhere in the program)!
If two dropdowns use on dataset, and if I click on the first to down it, and select, on down the second keyvalue changed to NULL; and reverse - if I click on the second, the first's keyvalue change to NULL...
This is global in this program, so I need to find fast solution.
May somebody have any information about this "bug" (or "feature"? :-) ), or have a solution in his/her hand?
Thanks for any answer!
This is intentional. Take a look at the implemention of TCustomDBLookupComboBox.ListLinkDataChanged; in Vcl.DBCtrls. You will find the comment:
{ Fix for Defect# 204311, Non-bound control should clear when list datasource changes }
Solution: put your datasets on a data module. Instantiate that for every form, so every form works with a separate instance of the dataset. Make sure you set the name of the data module to an empty string after instantiation, or the Delphi streaming system will still use the first correctly named instance when hooking up the form's datasources with the datasets.
When the data module(s) are in the form's uses clause (interface or implementation doesn't matter) the IDE will still offer you their components through the Object Inspector.
You will want to put the database connection on a different data module that you only instantiate once (possibly automatically).

Grails - Where to store properties related to domains

This is something I have been struggling about for some time now. The thing is: I have many (20 or so) static arrays of values. I say static because that is how I'm actually storing them, as static arrays inside some domains. For example, if I have a list of known websites, I do:
class Website {
static websites = ["web1", "web2" ...]
But I do this just while developing, because I can easily change the arrays if needed, but what I'm going to do when the application is ready for deployment? In my project it is very probable that, at some point, these arrays of values change. I've been researching on that matter, one can store application properties inside an external .properties file, but it will be impossible to store an array, even futile, because if some array gets an additional value, the application can't recognize it until the name of the new property is added where needed.
Another approach is to store this information in the database, but for some reason it seems like a waste to add 20 or more tables that will have just two rows, an id and a name.
And the last option, as far as I know, would be an XML, but I'm not very experienced with those. It seems groovy has a way of creating and reading XML files relatively easy, but I don't know how difficult would be to modify an XML whose layout is predefined in the application.
Needless to say that storing them in the config.groovy is not an option since any change will require to recompile.
I haven't come across some "standard" (maybe a best practice?) way of dealing with these.
So the questions is: Where to store these arrays?
Use Enum for a fixed set of attributes. Do this, if you rely at some places in your code on some concrete values.
If you do not rely on the attributes within your code (which you obviously don't), use a String-type. In this case, if you need to provide a select box, just do a distinct-query on this property in your database.
Default: Use a domain class per dynamic set of attributes. Another table is OK.
For something as simple as arrays you should use groovy own type of property files. They allow you too define properties as proper groovy variables (not just strings) and obviously loading them would be done dinamically in a simple way by using ConfigSlurper. For an example on how to use this kind of file you can have a look at the following ConfigSlurper:
For defining properties:
For loading property files:
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File('myconfig.groovy').toURL())
assert [1,2,3,4] == config.my.property.array
Tip: When you want to access the property files you want to do it in a way that can work for any environment. To make paths environment-independent use the following path as the root path:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder
def ctx = ApplicationHolder.application.mainContext.servletContext
def rootPath = ctx.contextPath
