Custom sync through different SQL servers? - sql-server

I am currently working on a project, where every user has to have its own local database on his laptop in order to go offline and work on the road. Whenever he comes back to the office, he plugs in his network cable and syncs the database manually with the master database.
I am looking for an easy "1-click-solution" with already presetted sync configurations.
So for example, I'd like to sync all data in my tables except some certain ones. Though, all stored procedures need to be synced.
It needs to be executed by arguments, so I am able to make it run kinda as a script e.g. everytime the user logs in.
PS: I heard that the red gate tools are pretty good. What do you guys think of it?

You might want to try using the SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare command lines to achieve this.
In your SQL Data Compare project file you can select specific tables and save this in a project file, and reference this from the command line. Or you could use the /include and /exclude switches.
Here is documentation to the SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare switches.
You can post questions on our forum if you need any assistance.


Possible to keep both DB Schema and *data* from "Application Config Tables" in synch between work and home PC's via source control?

I'm working with:
VS2013 Professional, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 (X64)
I have kind of a two part question. What I'm wanting to achieve is: I want to, as seamlessly as possible, to be able to work on the same project on my work PC and home PC. As of right now, I am using online hosted Subversion for source control which is working fine for application code. The part I have no control over at the moment is the database. I would like if I could get "all" database changes made at either work or home to synch to my other machine.
By database changes, I mean:
Schema Changes
Data within specific "Application" tables (I obviously
do not intend to synch data in all tables)
I followed this just to test getting a DB schema into my project and under source control:
It seems to work fine. However, that covers schema changes when working on one machine. If I then go home and want to:
either build from new or update changes to the schema on my home machine, or
update data in base "Application" tables
...I have no clue how to do that, or if it is even possible?
I would think there should be a simple (ha!) way for making the schema changes flow through easily?
But changes to app tables might be harder - I'm happy to write a sql script to manage that, but I'd like to be able to have that script automatically run when I do a "refresh" my local copy of the database.
For schema changes, there are good blogs out there on using SSDT/DataDude/VS DB Projects. Jamie Thomson has written quite a few times on his experiences. I've written up my experiences here:
For data - you can use the native "Data Compare" option under the "SQL" menu in SSDT. It's not perfect, but it can help. Overall, though, what you'd want is one of a couple of things:
1. Extract data from the shared system, write a task to populate that - batch files w/ BCP, SSIS, or some apps that can actually generate T-SQL for you.
2. Write it yourself, being sure to guard against attempts to insert duplicate data and ensuring the key values remain unchanged.
3. Buy a copy of Red-Gate's SQL Data Compare Pro. You can save the compare options and can then execute those through the command line.
If you need this for multiple developers, option 1 or 2 is probably the best way to go, though you can use SQL Data Compare to get you started with a pretty good script. You should also be able to use something like Mladen Prajdic's SSMS Tools Pack to script result sets to T-SQL inserts that you could re-use.
If you use one of those options and combine it with a post-deploy script (maybe even one that only runs if this is a "new" build), you should be off to a good start.

How to update an already published database?

I have a web application that has an SQL database.
For clarity I'm using Asp.Net 4.0/c#/SQL Server 2008 Web edition.
I recently puclished the site, which was my first, by creating a deployment package for the database.
Now a couple of months down the line, I need to update the database structure. The web application now has data that has been entered via the web, so i'll need to update the structure, then copy data across.
As this is the first time I've done it, I'm unsure of the process I should follow - is there a standard practice for this kind of update?
Also, since some of the tables use incremental ID's I need to ensure they remain the same in the newly updated database.
Any tips, links, advice appreciated.
Important Guidelines:
I assume you have not changed structure entirely (means keys column are same though solution is around for that too)
Steps are as follows:
Take export of the database
Add or remove the columns or whatever changes you want
Import the database back
Check the log for rows/tables (if some) were not updated successfully
Make SQL queries for them and run them to sync
Here are some general steps for this:
Take backup of your online database and restore it locally
Modify local database to suite your needs
Use third party comparison and synchronization tool to publish changes to your production database
There are many of these available and you can use them in trial mode to get the job done if you’re on a tight budget. You can try tools from Red Gate, ApexSQL, Idera, Dev Art and others…

Recreate database from RedGate checked-in scripts

We've got a SQL Server instance with some 15-20 databases, which we check in TFS with the help of RedGate. I'm working on a script to be able to replicate the instance (so a developer could run a local instance when needed, for example) with the help of these scripts. What I'm worried about is the dependencies between these scripts.
In TFS, RedGate has created these folders with .sql files for each database:
Stored Procedures
I did a quick test with Powershell, just looping over these folders to execute the sql, but I think that might not always work. Is there a strict ordering which I can follow? Or is there some simpler way to do this? To clarify, I want to be able to start with an completly empty SQL Server instance, and end up with a fully configured one according to what is in the TFS (without data, but that is ok). Using Powershell is not a requirement, so if it is simpler to do some other way, that is preferrable.
If you're already using RedGate they have a ton of articles on how to move changes from source control to database. Here's one which describes moving database code from TFS using sqcompare command-line:
If you compare to any empty database it will create the script you are looking for.
The only reliable way to deploy the database from scripts folders would be to use Red Gate SQL Compare. If you run the .sql files using PowerShell, the objects may not be created in the right order. Even if you run them in an order that makes sense (functions, then tables, then views...), you still may have dependency issues.
SQL Compare reads all of the scripts and uses them to construct a "virtual" database in memory, then it calculates a dependency matrix for it so when the deployment script is created, things are done in the correct order. That will prevent SQL Server from throwing dependency-related errors.
If you are using Visual Studio with the database option it includes a Schema Compare that will allow you to compare what is in the database project in TFS to the local instance. It will create a script for you to have those objects created in the local instance. I have not tried doing this for a complete instance.
You might have to at most create the databases in the local instance and then let Visual Studio see that the tables and other objects are not there.
You could also just take the last backup of each database and let the developer restore them to their local instance. However this can vary on each environment depending on security policy and what type of data is in the database.
I tend to just use PowerShell to build the scripts for me. I have more control over what is scripted out when so when I rerun the scripts on the local instance I can do it in the order it needs to be done in. May take a little more time but I get better functioning scripts for me to work with, and PS is just my preference. There are some good scripts already written in the SQL Community that can help you on this. Jen McCown did a blog post of all the post her husband has written for doing just this, right here.
I've blogged about how to build a database from a set of .sql files using the SQL Compare command line.
The post is more from the point of view of setting up continuous integration, but the principles are the same.

Sub version for database (I want something for data values in the database, not for the schema)

I am using github for maintaining versions and code synchronization.
We are team of two and we are located at different places.
How can we make sure that our databases are synchronized.
I am rails developer. But these days i m working on drupal projects (where database is the center of variations). So i want to make sure that team must have a synchronized database. Also the values in various tables.
I need something which keep our data values synchronized.
Centralized database is a good solution. But things get disturbed when someone works offline
if you use visual studio then you can script your database tables, views, stored procedures and functions as .sql files from a database solution and then check those into version control as well - its what i currently do at my workplace
In you dont use visual studio then you can still script your sql as .sql files [but with more work] and then version control them as necessary
Have a look at Red Gate SQL Source Control -
To be honest I've never used it, but their other software is fantastic. And if all you want to do is keep the DB schema in sync (rather than full source control) then I have used their SQL Compare product very succesfully in the past.
(ps. I don't work for them!)
You can use Sql Source Control together with Sql Data Compare to source control both: schema and data. Here is an article from redgate: Source controlling data.
These are some of the possibilities.
Using the same database. Set-up a central database where everybody can connect to. This way you are sure everybody uses the same database all the time.
After every change, export the database and commit it to the VCS. This option requires discipline and manual labor.
Use some kind of other definition of the schema. For example, Doctrine for php has the ability to build the database from a yaml definition which can be stored in the vcs. This can be easier automated then point 2.
Use some other software/script which updates the database.
I feel your pain. I had terrible trouble getting SQL Server to play nice with SVN. In the end I opted for a shared database solution. Every day I run an extensive script to backup all our schema definitions (specifically stored procedures) for version control into text files. Due to the limited number of changes this works well.
I now use this technique for our major project and personal projects too. The only negative is that it relies on being connected all the time. The other answers suggest that full database versioning is very time consuming and I tend to agree. For "live" upgrades we use the Red Gate tools, they do both schema and data compare and it works very well. We were using this tool for keeping databases in sync in our company. Later we had some specific demands so we had to write our own code for synchronization. Depends how complex is you database and how much changes is happening. It is much simpler if you have time when no one is working and you can lock database for syncronization.
Check out OffScale DataGrove.
This product tracks changes to the entire DB - schema and data. You can tag versions in any point in time, and return to older states of the DB with a simple command. It also allows you to create virtual, separate, copies of the same database so each team member can have his own separate DB. All the virtual copies are tracked into the same repository so it's super-easy to revert your DB to someone else's version (you simply check-out their version, just like you do with your source control). This means all your DBs can always be synchronized.
Regarding a centralized DB - just like you don't want to work on the same source code, you don't want to be working on the same DB. It means you'll constantly break each other's code and builds each time someone changes something in the DB.
I suggest that you go with a separate DB for each developer, and sync them using DataGrove.
Disclaimer - I work at OffScale :-)
Try Wizardby. This is my personal project, but I've used it in my several previous jobs with great deal of success.
Basically, it's a tool which lets you specify all changes to your database schema in a database-independent manner and then apply these changes to all your databases.

Is there a better way to keep Stored procedures in sync across databases that is also easy and can be done within Visual Studio?

The code is in sync because I am in charge of that aspect (its just xcopying to the different servers when I need to)
The DB people are incharge of keeping the SPs in sync and right now that is asking them to manually do a ALTER PROCEDURE on a specific DB.
Is there some easy way to do this in Visusal Studio?
Id love to have a DB project in VS and be able to just push a button and that would goto every DB server in some config file and make sure they all match..
something like that?
Yes, it is possible to keep objects in synch with a single button click from Visual Studio. This is done by calling the Red Gate SQL Compare command line from VS if you add an entry in Tools/External Tools
Of course you'll need to install SQL Compare first.
And then set up the following External Tool (this example copies a stored procedure from a dev database to a test database):
Title: Sync selected stored procedure
Command: c:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Compare 8\SQLCompare.exe
Arguments: /s1:.\sql2005 /db1:DevDB /s2:.\sql2005 /db2:TestDB
Check the "Use Output
window" so you can see what's going
This will add an item under the Tools menu. You can also add this as a button in the toolbar.
To use this, select the text of the stored procedure you wish to synchronize and go to Tools/Synch selected stored procedure. This will synchronize the selected procedure. The drawback is that the above example is a one-to-one synchronization. If you have a number of target servers, you'll have to wrap multiple statements in a batch file and call the sqlcompare.exe command line a number of times. An of course the above 'External Tool' would need to call the batch file and pass the parameter to the batch file.
Of course this solution assumes that you've applied your stored procedure to a development database. Is this how you work? Or are you trying to synchronize from a script that belongs to your VS project?
I'd be interested to discuss this further with you and see if we can get help you solve this problem. Feel free to email me at David.Atkinson at
We use redgate's suite of tools to do this. I don't work there but I sure love the tools. VS also has a DB compare tool if you get the VSTS or DB edition. Not sure if it lets you sync them or not but would give you some ammo to show your boss the problem.
