Add to passbook not working - ios6

I am having a lot of trouble with this and I have finally decided to come here. I feel as if I am making a noob mistake. I created a Passbook pass and I am using PKAddPassesViewController to add the pass. When I present the pass controller, the pass shows up correctly. However, when I decide to press "add" nothing happens, nothing gets logged or anything. After investigating, I added a delegate and the delegate method is as follows:
-(void)addPassesViewControllerDidFinish:(PKAddPassesViewController *)controller
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
However, instead for the normal animated dismiss, The controller dismisses as of the app crashes but instead goes to the previous view controller. This is absolutely driving me nuts and any help at all would be greatly appreciated :)

The addPassesViewControllerDidFinish is an optional delegate method, and it is called after the PKAddPassesViewController view controller has been dismissed. In your case, your code could be crashing because you are attempting to dismiss the parent view controller (self).
When 'nothing happens' when adding a pass, it is usually because the pass is not valid. The pass signature does not get checked until after the 'Add' button has been pressed, so this may explain why you see a pass displayed, but then it disappears after you press add. If everything works as expected if you press cancel, then this is probably your issue.
To get more info on what is happening to the Pass, turn on 'Additional Logging' in the Developer Settings on your device, then check the console log of the device (from the Organizer) as you try to add the pass to see if it gives any clues as to why the add is failing.


angular event doesn't update page

I'm converting a page in a mvc application with a lot of inline jquery javascript to angular using typescript.
The first calls works fine but I have a problem: based on a selection in a dropdown, the event updates several controls in the view, make a few ajax calls and finally update the view with the data from the calls.
Seems the conversion is working fine, but at the end of the call the page isn't updated.
I tried to remove all the old jquery code to avoid problems.
batarang and java console reports no errors.
the final ajax call is done and the result shown in a debug.
All seems to work fine, but the page isn't updated.
How can I find the problem?
Without seeing any code, it's difficult to answer but if you bind an event to an element and want to update something in the callback, you will have to use $apply
scope.$apply(function () {
// your code
$apply will trigger a $digest cycle, and should be used when you want to update something while being outside angular's context.
Most likely you are not handling your asynchronous calls correctly. It's impossible to tell from your question but it is a very common mistake with symptoms as you describe.
Make sure you are updating your model within the .then() method of a promise returned from an $http request. For example
// updated the model with the data
Also (another common mistake) make sure someFnDoingHttpRequest() returns a promise.
If you want to "find the problem" then you can use the following option.
Go to Internet Explorer (10 or 11).
Select "Internet Options" from the settings menu.
Go to the "Advanced" tab (the last tab)
Settings are listed and select "Display a notification about every script error"
Deselect the "Disable Script debugging (Internet Explorer)" and "Disable script debugging (Other)"
Run the program again, you will get notification about the real issue that happens while displaying actual result.

Intercepting all clicks with AngularJS to warn user of unsaved data

I have a lengthy form customers will need to fill out. If they click a link on a page, it will navigate away from that Controller and they will lose any data they may have already input.
If I can determine the form has not yet been saved, how can I intercept any click to the links on the page so I can ask the user if they want to save their form first?
No code yet- sorry. Many thanks.
I've written an angularjs directive that you can apply to any form that will automatically watch for changes and message the user if they reload the page or navigate away. #see
Hopefully you find this directive useful!
sorry for the late answer but mabye someone stumbles upon this and finds it useful. I have encountered the same problem and at the beginning i tryed to use the ng-dirty class applyed to the form element but because i had some custom controls the ng-bind won't be applyed when i changed some fields.
The best way i found so far is to detect when the model is changed with the use of $locationChangeStart event.
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event, next, current) {
//we are about to leave the page so it's time to see if the form was modified by the user
if (!$scope.isFormClean())

icefaces htmlselectbooleancheckbox uncheck not working

I am using icefaces 1.8.2 and i have a HtmlBooleanCheckbox on my page that I need to uncheck when certain circumstances are met.
the checkbox on the page is like this
<ice:selectBooleanCheckbox id="accepttermscheckbox"
and the binded object is a property of the managed bean with proper getter and setter
private HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox termsAgreement;
i can check the checkbox in code, validator works fine and all the stuff i do with it are ok too but I just cant find a way to uncheck it on the server side.
I tried:
but nothing works. Even if I debug it it shows value = null but when the page renders it still appears checked.
Once I check it I just cant get it unchecked unless I click it manually on the page.
funny thing is that
works fine.
Anyone any tips how I can uncheck it server side on the binded object?
Thank you in advance for help.
You are facing a common issue faced by ICEfaces/JSF developers.
First of all, you need to understand how JSF lifecycle works.
Following is a good article to read.
For your case, bind a value to <ice:selectBooleanCheckbox>.
For example value="#{managedBean.termsAgreed}".
<ice:selectBooleanCheckbox id="accepttermscheckbox"
Do not try to change the value from the component. Always change value from the value binding. In this example, you must change the value termsAgreed.
If your action/actionListener is not immediate, i.e `immediate="false", which is the default value, then changing the value in server-side will check/uncheck checkbox component.
If you are using immediate="true", then you must call resetValue() method in your component, HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox:
Ideally, you shouldn't call setValue() methods in components. You will understand it when you understand the JSF lifecycle.
Hope this will help!

UITextField: textFieldShouldBeginEditing fires, but keyboard does not show

I have a text field that is apparently successfully calling delegate methods as the following method fires when I tap on the test field, but no keyboard shows.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
NSLog(#"should begin editing");
return YES;
Any ideas as to why?
A couple of details: This text field happens to be in a view controller in a storyboard. The first time I segue to this view the text field works fine. The subsequent times I segue to this view it does not work. I imagine this is a big clue to why I am getting the described behavior, but I have not been able to figure it out yet.
I fixed the issue by adding the code below to the prepareForSegue: method. Seems to work.
if (_textField.isFirstResponder) {
[_textTextField resignFirstResponder];

AngularJS Save Browse History

I'm trying to solve a problem. I want that when a perform an action or function in the controller to be saved in the brose history. For example, I want to do this:
Type something in a textbox.
Click a link to call a function that will set the string I typed to a variable in $scope and save it at the browser history.
Do the same as the previous step with a different value.
If I click the "back" button from the browser, I want to display the first value I entered.
I have a very simple example of what I want but I don't know what do I have to add to be able to use the "back" and "forward" button from the browser.
Thank you very much in advance!
You should use the $location service to set the URL. I don't know how to make it work on jsFiddle, however the following should work:
