icefaces htmlselectbooleancheckbox uncheck not working - checkbox

I am using icefaces 1.8.2 and i have a HtmlBooleanCheckbox on my page that I need to uncheck when certain circumstances are met.
the checkbox on the page is like this
<ice:selectBooleanCheckbox id="accepttermscheckbox"
and the binded object is a property of the managed bean with proper getter and setter
private HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox termsAgreement;
i can check the checkbox in code, validator works fine and all the stuff i do with it are ok too but I just cant find a way to uncheck it on the server side.
I tried:
but nothing works. Even if I debug it it shows value = null but when the page renders it still appears checked.
Once I check it I just cant get it unchecked unless I click it manually on the page.
funny thing is that
works fine.
Anyone any tips how I can uncheck it server side on the binded object?
Thank you in advance for help.

You are facing a common issue faced by ICEfaces/JSF developers.
First of all, you need to understand how JSF lifecycle works.
Following is a good article to read.
For your case, bind a value to <ice:selectBooleanCheckbox>.
For example value="#{managedBean.termsAgreed}".
<ice:selectBooleanCheckbox id="accepttermscheckbox"
Do not try to change the value from the component. Always change value from the value binding. In this example, you must change the value termsAgreed.
If your action/actionListener is not immediate, i.e `immediate="false", which is the default value, then changing the value in server-side will check/uncheck checkbox component.
If you are using immediate="true", then you must call resetValue() method in your component, HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox:
Ideally, you shouldn't call setValue() methods in components. You will understand it when you understand the JSF lifecycle.
Hope this will help!


How to clear the md-autocomplete cache?

I'm using md-autocomplete to show results of an api query. Attribute md-items is iterating over a promise: item in getItems(searchText).
This is working well, and using the cache subsequent uses of the same search text return immediately with the same results.
But I need to be able to clear the cache at some points, when other search parameters change. How can I do this? By accessing the md-autocomplete controller perhaps? Although that seems non-standard and I'm not sure how.
As of version 1.0.5 of angular-material this isn't possible. I didn't find any acceptable workarounds, so I'm just disabling the cache with md-no-cache="true".
I've logged an issue for this on the angular-material project including a suggestion on how it could work.
It is definitely possible to reset the md-no-cache attribute programmatically anytime on your md-autocomplete directive.
If you have a boolean variable on your controller, let's say:
$scope.noCacheResults = false;
Then on your directive you can bind this variable to the md-no-cache attribute:
<md-autocomplete ...
Like this, whenever your search parameters change you can set the $scope.noCacheResults to true or false depending whether you want to keep caching the query results or not.
Something that worked for me. Put an ng-if on your autocomplete. Then, in the code that changes the value of the other fields affecting this field, set that value to false, and then within a timeout, set it to true again. This will effectively remove the item from the DOM and put it back all nice and new with no cache.

AngularJS: Force ng-repeat update when property of an element changes

I'm wrestling with the way angular watches arrays. I have the following markup:
<map name="theMap" center="{{}}" zoom="{{mapInfo.zoom}}" on-dragend="dragEnd()" on-zoom_changed="zoomChanged()">
<marker ng-repeat="pin in pins() track by pin.iconKey()" position="{{pin.latitude}}, {{pin.longitude}}" title="{{pin.streetAddress}}" pinindex="{{$index}}" on-click="click()"
Each individual pin returned by pins() has a number of properties, sub-properties, etc. One of those sub-properties controls the marker color. When that subproperty changes I want the UI to update.
Because ng-repeat appears to $watch based on simply changes to the collection it's not obvious how to achieve that. I thought that my tracking function, iconKey(), would do it because it returns a different value depending upon the subproperty's value. But that didn't work.
One other thing: the subproperty gets changed in the callback from an $interval that runs under a directive. I mention this because, in an earlier post, someone thought that there might be a context/scope problem.
However, even when I make the change in an event listener within the UI's controller (where the event is raised within the "success" clause of the $interval callback) it still doesn't work.
That's why I think the problem is just angular not noticing the change in iconKey(); it's acting like all it $watches for ng-repeat is the array's length. Which doesn't change when the subproperty changes.
I've created a plunker to demonstrate the issue I'm facing. You can find it at
It's a cut down version of the app I'm building, but it contains the essential elements (e.g., a data context service to hold information about the map pins and an $interval service to toggle the subproperty of one of the pin array elements).
You start the update cycle by clicking Start in the menu bar (you may want to drag the map down slightly to put both pins into full view). It should toggle the color of each pin, alternatively, 5 times each, once every 2 seconds. It does this by toggling the value of the isDirty property of the pin object in a listener defined in the controller. The event is raised by the $interval service.
If you break on line 22 during the test cycle you'll see the pin's icon being returned. So something within angular is calling for the information...but the pin color doesn't change.
I look forward to someone quickly pointing out the bone-headed mistake that has nothing to do with any of my theories :). Apologies in advance for whatever blinders I'm wearing.
Update 2
After checking out the code snippet in the response I simplified my plnkr and demonstrated that angular is, in fact, updating the UI when a subproperty changes. So this appears to be a limitation or bug in ng-map.
What you are missing here is the concept of array and function your function pins() passes an array and that array is been bound with ng-repeat. But the brutal fact here is that no matter what that array is never changed, because you do not have ANY reference to that array hence the rg-repeat will always remain as is...
I'll suggest to try get the array be referenced two ways to do that
ng-init="pinsArray = pins()"
and second inside controller
$scope.pinsArray = $scope.pins()
then make changes to $scope.pinsArray inside controller
ng-repeat will be changed to
ng-repeat="pin in pinsArray"
also read about filters I am guessing that's what you where trying to do with "track by"
hope this helps..
Edit: different story with ngMap markers
seems like it doesn't watch sub-property.
so here's a work around
add following statement to you update the pinsArray after making changes to its properties.
pinsArray = angular.copy(pinsArray);
the solved plnkr example:

Add to passbook not working

I am having a lot of trouble with this and I have finally decided to come here. I feel as if I am making a noob mistake. I created a Passbook pass and I am using PKAddPassesViewController to add the pass. When I present the pass controller, the pass shows up correctly. However, when I decide to press "add" nothing happens, nothing gets logged or anything. After investigating, I added a delegate and the delegate method is as follows:
-(void)addPassesViewControllerDidFinish:(PKAddPassesViewController *)controller
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
However, instead for the normal animated dismiss, The controller dismisses as of the app crashes but instead goes to the previous view controller. This is absolutely driving me nuts and any help at all would be greatly appreciated :)
The addPassesViewControllerDidFinish is an optional delegate method, and it is called after the PKAddPassesViewController view controller has been dismissed. In your case, your code could be crashing because you are attempting to dismiss the parent view controller (self).
When 'nothing happens' when adding a pass, it is usually because the pass is not valid. The pass signature does not get checked until after the 'Add' button has been pressed, so this may explain why you see a pass displayed, but then it disappears after you press add. If everything works as expected if you press cancel, then this is probably your issue.
To get more info on what is happening to the Pass, turn on 'Additional Logging' in the Developer Settings on your device, then check the console log of the device (from the Organizer) as you try to add the pass to see if it gives any clues as to why the add is failing.

Show custom pop up warning message when user changes any value (text box/LOV) on page

I have requirement to show custom pop up warning message when user changes any value (text box/LOV) on page and close tab/cancel button by mistake.
Option I tried are:
a) Within application we are using a complex task flow/RegionModel for 7 different scenario's. Also requirement is to display custom message - Hence could not use approach "unsaveddatawarning"
b) Second option I tried was to have custom region controller:
CustomRegionController implements RegionController
Inside validateRegion(RegionContext regionContext) thought to find if page data is dirty
DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
DCDataControl cDataControl = dcBindings.getDataControl();
boolean dirtyFlag = cDataControl.isTransactionModified();
In both scenario it always gives true (seems due to common set of VO/View Link application module always gets dirty when data is being rendered on page load).
Last option I am left with is to invoke valueChangeListener for each element (textbaox, LOV, Check box). I do not like this option at all. Please suggest if there can be better way to handle this scenario.
Why is using a value change listener a problem? Have each input component call the same VCL method in the backing bean. If necessary you can get the component id from the vcl event object.

How to reset GridFilter in extjs

This is what I am doing:
this.TabPanel.Grid.getStore().clearFilter (false);
and the alert shows: false. When I go on the page, I see that the filter is still selected(checked) and the results are also fitlered. What I am missing?
EDIT:Can I get a handle to the gridfilter object through my store? If yes, I can call the gridfilter.clearFilters().
How is that code running? Can you post a more complete example? If you have some component that is a user is using to set the filter(like some check box or something), you will still need to clear that manually as well.
