GCM the right way to implement turn based multiplayer in GAE + Android - google-app-engine

I am currently developing an android game that is turnbased and uses GAE on the server side. Now until now I used GCM to notify when it is a players turn to act, but I came across some threads, that said GCM throttles a lot (speaking about 20 initial tokens for each collapse key and after that you get 1 token back every 3 minutes). But those were threads in which the information was based on users experiences. Now my question is - since I did not find anything official about that, only that throttling "exists" - does anyone know some more "hard facts" or is this the right approach I want to use?
Moves are made between 2 players, and can be as frequent as 1 move every two seconds down to a move a day. I am worried, that people can play quite fast, and then such a restriction would kick in ...

GCM also doesn't guarantee message delivery. I would build some smart polling into the app. Maybe something that polls every second for the first 5 seconds or so and drops off, and use GCM when the response time has been longer than a 5 seconds.


Google Play Game Services - Real Time Multiplayer - How to get the delay

I am using google play game services – real time multiplayer API to add multiplayer feature to my mobile games. The engine I am using is Unity3D, but my question does not have to do with Unity (I believe so) so it is not important.
What I would like to know is the delay of the messages that are received over the internet to make my games smooth and synchronized.
I know that in other APIs like Photon you can easily find the delay of the message that is being received but I don’t seem to find it on google play game services API.
Is there any way to know the delay of the received messages on google play game services API?
Thank you for your time!
Determining the latency of the messages is a bit complex in the case of Google Real Time multiplayer APIs since the connections are peer to peer, so most of the data travels directly from one player to the other. (see for details: https://developers.google.com/games/services/common/concepts/realtimeMultiplayer#messaging)
The short answer is you can estimate it yourself, by adding sequence numbers to the messages, and then exchange the time difference each client experienced between the messages. I recommend measuring several messages, and sizes, and not have too much memory since conditions will change. Something like the average time between each message for 30-100 messages and then plan for the slowest link.
To make a good real-time game, you really should assume the latency is variable (sometimes it is low, others high), and it is always longer than you want :)
You might want to checkout https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/58450/mobile-multiplayer-games-and-coping-with-high-latency which has a good discussion on how to handle this situation.

Realtime game on Google Cloud : Channel API or Compute Engine?

We need to develop a multi-player game with real-time performance.
This needs to be working worldwide (servers in America, Europe, Asia), and supporting a huge traffic. Using Google Cloud services for the hosting.
We're thinking of references like Jam with Chrome, Chrome Maze or Cube Slam.
The game :
2 players challenge a race
We need to simultaneously display the progression of the 2 players
Each match could last around 30 to 45 seconds
The hosting :
We will obviously host the website on AppEngine, automagically scaling,
but are thinking about 2 solutions for the real-time servers :
Using websocket servers with Compute Engine
Like they did for Jam with Chrome, Maze, etc.
Developing our own websocket servers (technology TBD), deploying on datacenters in Europe, US, Asia, handling scaling, syncing between them, computing latency issues on servers and clients, etc.
But it's pretty technically challenging as we are very short on time, and missing an admin sys and network guy for now.
Or using Channel API
We understand that it's not a websocket platform, and real-time performances are lower.
But it would be way more simple and secure for us and the time we have.
So, we would also like to know more about that.
In any case, we think we could use some graphical tricks on front ends, to make it look like real-time, but it really depends if we have a 100~500ms or a 500ms~10s latency.
Some questions :
What would the latency range values look like for the different solutions ?
(Jam w/ Chrome got 100ms with GCE, could Channel API reach several seconds ?)
How would Channel API servers handle high traffic, how does scaling work, could the latency go very high ? (no info about that on Channel docs ?)
What if someone in France play with someone in US, connecting to different servers, waiting them to sync, how to deal with it ?
Any advice or experience to share ?
Any interesting reading or viewing ? (seen some but not very precise)
Any other solution ?
Thank you for any helping comment !
Only 2 players connected together, potentially from different world zone, no broadcasting needed.
We could find some front side tricks to avoid server side processing. This is a race between 2 players, so we actually just need to compare their progression, and the real winner resolution is not that important as there is no real stuff to win, this is more for fun.
If you need a server for processing the data:
I would definitely go with websockets at Compute Engine!
The Channels API is much slower, and also quite unpredictable (latency differs from message to message)! Data has to go to the Channels server, which sends it to the App Engine instance, which has to do a request back to the Channels server, which will push the message to the client. There is too much going on there if you want to keep latency down!
Here is a Channels API stress test:
Try clicking "send 5"-button a lot, and you will see latency numbers going up to several seconds.
The Channels API is also quite expensive under heavy load (it probably does not scale well, even if Google of course can solve that with more instances).
When keeping latency down, geolocation is quite important. With a websocket server at Compute Engine, you can send your european visitors to google's european datacenter and your american visitors to the US datacenter (using the geo location headers that AppEngine will provide). You have no such control with the Channels API (or app engine, which all your messages are relayed through). Maybe Google has edge servers for the Channels API (I don't know), but if your AppEngine instance is on the other side of the planet, that does not matter.
If you do NOT need a server for processing the data:
You should establish a peer-to-peer connection with WebRTC, sending stuff directly between the users' browsers. That is was Cube Slam does. (WebRTC requires some initial handshaking ("signaling") so the two peers can find each other, and Channels API would work fine for that handshaking, that's just a couple of messages to establish the peer-to-peer connection.)
WebRTC DataChannels API will give you a nice websocket-like interface like channel.onmessage = function(e) { yadayada()... }; and channel.send("yadayada"); to send your data between the peers.
Occasionally, WebRTC is not able to make a peer-to-peer connection. Then it will fall back to a TURN server, which relays traffic between the peers. Cube Slam is using TURN servers running on ComputeEngine (in both Europe and America to keep latency down), but that is just the fallback when true peer-to-peer is not possible.
It also depends on other things like scalability.
Ingress is built on app engine and a part from the occasional cache glitch it is pretty impressive.
Remember that the channel api is using talk.Google which is the service that hangouts is built on. Scalable and real time.
Personally if your traffic levels are going to be erratic and unpredictable, go app engine. If you think it can be controlled and predictable use compute engine or something else.
Alfred's answer is the best in the frame of the question I asked.
Thank you very much !
However, I forgot to mention a few important points and the scope changed a bit :
We have very little development time (about 1 week only)
This is for a campaign that will last 3 weeks only (we'll need to keep it online a few months afterward, but this is not like we need a long-lasting architecture)
We need to make it work on the broader browser audience as possible (WebRTC only runs on Chrome & Firefox for now)
According to these points, we eventually came up to a 3rd solution :
Using a real-time PAAS.
It's way easier and faster to develop, way cheaper as we don't need a solid backend developer and system/network admin, and we can concentrate more on the project than on the infrastructure and platform.
There are a couple of services that seems good out there, already hosting MMO RPG and the kind, worldwide, with low latency, and good scaling systems.
Here is a list of providers :

When is it better to use polling instead of the channel api?

I have an application where users can collaborate on photo albums. I currently use polling on the client to check for new content every 30 seconds. There can be any number of people uploading and viewing an album at any given time.
On the server side, I cache the data to return (so the query for new content is cheap). I assume that polling every 30 seconds from multiple clients will cause more instances to stay active (and thus increase costs).
Would it be overkill to use the channel api for the above use case instead of polling?
Does the channel api keep instances alive too?
Are there any use cases where polling is preferable instead of using the channel api?
I'm using channels but I'm finding they're not great. If a channel times out from a network disconnect, it somehow screws up the history on my browser. I've filed a bug a bit over a week ago, but it hasn't been acknowledged. There's another bug filed over a month ago that hasn't been acknowledged either - so don't expect quick support on channel issues.
Channels are nice to have - you can notify users in less than a second if status of some sort changes, but they're not reliable. Sometimes the disconnect event doesn't occur, but the channel just stops working. My current system uses channels, but also polls every 5-10 seconds. Because of the unreliability, I wouldn't use channels as a replacement for polling, just a way to give faster response.
Even then you'll have to work out whether it'll save you money. If you're expecting users to leave your app open for 15 minutes without hitting the server, then maybe you'll save some instance time. However, if your users are hitting the server anyways, your instances probably wouldn't get time to shut down. And keeping your instances up actually helps reduce cold starts a bit too.

Is a real-time multiplayer game using Google App Engine feasible?

I am currently developing a real-time multiplayer game, and have been evaluating various cloud-based hosting solutions. I am unsure whether App Engine fits my needs, and would be grateful for any feedback.
In essence, I want the system to work like this: Player A calculates round n, and generates a hash out of the game state at the end of that round. He then sends his commands for that round, and the hash, as a http POST to the server. Player B does the same thing, in parallel.
The server, while handling the POST from a player, first writes the received hash code to the memcache. If the hash from the other player is not yet in the memcache, it waits and periodically checks the memcache for the other players hash. As soon as both hashes are in the memcache, it compares them for equality. If they are equal, the server sends the commands of each player to the respectively other one as the http response.
A round like that should last around half a second, meaning two requests per player per second.
Of course, this way of doing it will only work if there are at least two instances of the application running, as two requests must be dealt with in parallel. Also, the memory cache must be consistent over all instances, be fairly reliable, and update immediately.
I cannot use XMPP because I want my game to be able to run within restricted networks, so it has to be limited to http on port 80.
Is there a way to enforce that two instances of the app are always running? Are there glaringly obvious flaws in my design? Do you think an architecture like this might work on App Engine? If not, what cloud based solution would you suggest?
I believe this could work. The key API for you to learn about / test would probably be the Channel API. That is what would allow back and forth communication between the client and server.
The next issue to worry about would be memcache. In general, it is reliable, but in the strictest sense we are supposed to assume that memcached data could disappear at any time.
If you decide that you can't risk losing the data like that, then you need to persist it in the datastore, which means you will have to experiment to make sure you can sustain 2 moves per turn. I think this is possible, but not trivially so. If you had said 1 move every 3 seconds I would say "no problem." But multiple updates to one entity per second start to bump up against the practical limit on writes per second, especially if they are transactional.
Having multiple instances running will not be a problem - you can pay to keep instances warm if necessary.

Keeping track of time with 1 second accuracy in Google App Engine

I'm currently in the process of rewriting my java code to run it on Google App Engine. Since I cannot use Timer for programming timeouts (no thread creation allowed), I need to rely on system clock to mark the time of the timeout start so that I could compare it later in order to find out if the timeout has occurred.
Now, several people (even on Google payroll) have advised developers not to rely on system time due to the distributed nature of Google app servers and not being able to keep their clocks in sync. Some say the deviance of system clocks can be up to 10s or even more.
1s deviance would be very good for my app, 2 seconds can be tolerable, anything higher than that would cause a lot of grief for me and my app users, but 10 second difference would turn my app effectively unusable.
I don't know if anything has changed for the better since then (I hope yes), but if not, then what are my options other than shooting up a new separate request so that its handler would sleep the duration of the timeout (which cannot exceed 30 seconds due to request timeout limitation) in order to keep the timeout duration consistent.
More Specifically:
I'm trying to develop a poker game server, but for those who are not familiar how online poker works: I have a set of players attached to 1 game instance. Evey player has a certain amount of time to act before the timeout will occur so the next player can act. There is a countdown on each actor and every client has to see it. Only one player can act at a time. The timeout durations I need are 10s and 20s for now.
You should never be making your request handlers sleep or wait. App Engine will only automatically scale your app if request handlers complete in an average of 1000ms or less; deliberately waiting will ruin that. There's invariably a better option than sleeping/waiting - let us know what you're doing, and perhaps we can suggest one.
