What is best way to have several child processes in C - c

Working on a project that request to download about 300 pics from different locations by using wget every 20 minutes.
I wrote a C program that reads the database for all the Ids and locations into an array.
For each entry in the array, I call the external wget command to download it.
It works but is slow because it is doing one by one.
My thinking is to use either Multi-process, multi-thread or openMP to create several children.
Any suggestion for how to do this is appreciate.

Multiple Processes
An error in one process cannot crash another process. This is particularly useful when you will host third-party code (e.g. plugins), and this is the approach that (among others) Google Chrome takes. The disadvantage is that N processes use more system resources than N threads.
Multiple Threads
Uses fewer system resources than an equivalent number of processes. Thread programming is more error prone for many developers, and an error in one thread can affect other threads.
Best Option
For what you are doing, you are unlikely to see a significant difference in resource utilization. Use whichever model you can write fast in high quality.

Personally I would go for multi process. The wget's do not need to share any memory or communicate (other than an exit status which is only needed by the root) so a thread will not provide any additional benefit (in my opinion). As well as this creating them as processed allows the OS scheduler to best decide when to run each process.


When a process writes to a file

Generally, when a process writes to a file, e.g a python script running open('file', 'w').write('text'), what are the exact events that occur? By that I mean something among the lines of 'process A loads file from hard disk to RAM, process B changes content then ...'. I've read about IPC and now I'm trying to dig deeper and understand more on the subject of processes. I couldn't find a thorough explanation on the subject, so if you could find one or explain I'd really appreciate it.
The example of "a python script running open('file', 'w').write('text')" is heavily OS-dependent. The only processes involved here are the process running the Python interpreter, which, e.g. on Linux, can sometimes execute in userspace and sometimes execute in kernel space, and possibly some kernel-only processes, with any IPC, if required, happening inside the kernel. There is no particular requirement that everything down to the disk read itself cannot be handled on the user's process when it is running in kernel mode, but in practice, there may be other processes involved. This is OS- and even driver-specific behavior.
In this particular example (which isn't great, because it relies on the automatic cPython close when the variable goes out of scope), the Python process makes a system call to open a file, one to write the file, and one to close the file. These are all blocking -- that is, they do not return until the results are ready. When the process blocks, it is put on a queue waiting for some event to occur to make it ready to run again.
The opposite of this is asynchronous I/O, which can be performed by polling, by callbacks, or by the select statement, which can block until any one of a number of events has occurred.
But when most people talk about IPC, they are not usually talking about communication between or with kernel processes. Rather, they are talking about communication between multiple user processes and/or threads, using semaphores, mutexes, named pipes, etc. A good introduction to these sorts of things would be any tutorial information you can find on using pthreads, or even the Python threads and multiprocessing modules. There are examples there for several simple cases.
The primary difference between processes and threads on Linux is that threads share an address space and processes each have their own address space. Python itself adds the wrinkle of the GIL, which limits the utility of threads in Python somewhat.

Erlang spawning large amounts of C processes

I've been looking into how I could embed languages (let's use Lua as an example) in Erlang. This of course isn't a new idea and there are many libraries out there that can do this. However I was wondering if it was possible to start a Genserver with state which is modified by Lua. This means that once you start the Genserver, it will start a (long running) Lua process to manipulate the Genserver's state. I know this is possible as well, but I was wondering if I could spawn 1,000 10,000 or even 100,000 of these processes.
I'm not really familiar with this topic but I have done some research.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these options).
TLDR; Skip to the last paragraph.
First option: NIFs:
This doesn't seem like an option since it will block the Erlang Scheduler of the current process. If I want to spawn a large amount of these it will freeze the entire runtime.
Second option: Port Driver:
It's like a NIF but communicates by sending data to a specified port, which can also send data back to Erlang. This is nice although this also seems to block the scheduler. I've tried a library which does the boiler plat for you as well, but that seemed to block the scheduler after spawning 10 processes. I've also looked into the postgresql example on the Erlang Documentation which is said to be async but I couldn't get the example code to work (R13?). Is it even possible to run as many Port Driver processes without blocking the runtime?
Third option: C Nodes:
I thought this was very interesting and wanted to try it out, but apparently the project "erlang-lua" already does this. It's nice because it won't crash your Erlang VM if something goes wrong and the processes are isolated. But in order to actually spawn a single process you need to spawn an entire node. I have no idea how expensive this is. Nor am I sure what the limit is for connecting nodes in a cluster, but I don't see myself spawning 100,000 C nodes.
Fourth option: Ports:
At first I thought this was the same as a Port Driver but it's actually different. You spawn a process which executes an application and communicates through STDIN and STDOUT. This would work well for spawning a large amount of processes, and (I think?) they aren't a threat to the Erlang VM. But if I'm going to communicate through STDIN / STDOUT, why even bother with an embeddable language to begin with? Might as well use any other scripting language.
And so after much research in a field I'm not familiar with I've come to this. You could a Genserver as an "entity" where the AI is written in Lua. Which is why I'd like to have a processes for each entity. My question is how do I achieve spawning many Genservers which communicate with long running Lua processes? Is this even possible? Should I be tackling my problem differently?
If you can make the Lua code — or more accurately, its underlying native code — cooperate with the Erlang VM, you have a few choices.
Consider one of the most important functions of the Erlang VM: managing the execution of a (potentially large number of) Erlang's lightweight processes across a relatively small set of scheduler threads. It uses several techniques to know when a process has used up its timeslice or is waiting and so should be scheduled out to give another process a chance to run.
You seem to be asking how you can get native code to run however it likes within the VM, but as you've already hinted, the reason native code can cause problems for the VM is that it has no practical way to stop the native code from completely taking over a scheduler thread and thus preventing regular Erlang processes from executing. Because of this, native code has to cooperatively yield the scheduler thread back to the VM.
For older NIFs, the choices for such cooperation were:
Keep the amount of time NIF calls ran on a scheduler thread to 1ms or less.
Create one or more private threads. Transition each long-running NIF call from its scheduler thread over to a private thread for execution, then return the scheduler thread to the VM.
The problems here are that not all calls can complete in 1ms or less, and that managing private threads can be error-prone. To get around the first problem, some developers would break the work down into chunks and use an Erlang function as a wrapper to manage a series of short NIF calls, each of which completed one chunk of work. As for the second problem, well, sometimes you just can't avoid it, despite its inherent difficulty.
NIFs running on Erlang 17.3 or later can also cooperatively yield the scheduler thread using the enif_schedule_nif function. To use this feature, the native code has to be able to do its work in chunks such that each chunk can complete within the usual 1ms NIF execution window, similar to the approach mentioned earlier but without the need to artificially return to an Erlang wrapper. My bitwise example code provides many details about this.
Erlang 17 also brought an experimental feature, off by default, called dirty schedulers. This is a set of VM schedulers that do not have the same native code execution time constraints as the regular schedulers; work there can block for essentially infinite periods without disrupting normal VM operation.
Dirty schedulers come in two flavors: CPU schedulers for CPU-bound work, and I/O schedulers for I/O-bound work. In a VM compiled to enable dirty schedulers, there are by default as many dirty CPU schedulers as there are regular schedulers, and there are 10 I/O schedulers. These numbers can be altered using command-line switches, but note that to try to prevent regular scheduler starvation, you can never have more dirty CPU schedulers than regular schedulers. Applications use the same enif_schedule_nif function mentioned earlier to execute NIFs on dirty schedulers. My bitwise example code provides many details about this too. Dirty schedulers will remain an experimental feature for Erlang 18 as well.
Native code in linked-in port drivers is subject to the same on-scheduler execution time constraints as NIFs, but drivers have two features NIFs don't:
Driver code can register file descriptors into the VM polling subsystem and be notified when any of those file descriptors becomes I/O-ready.
The driver API supports access to a non-scheduler async thread pool, the size of which is configurable but by default has 10 threads.
The first feature allows native driver code to avoid blocking a thread for I/O. For example, instead of performing a blocking recv call, driver code can register the socket file descriptor so the VM can poll it and call the driver back when the file descriptor becomes readable.
The second feature provides a separate thread pool useful for driver tasks that can't conform to the scheduler thread native code execution time constraints. You can achieve the same in a NIF but you have to set up your own thread pool and write your own native code to manage and access it. But regardless of whether you use the driver async thread pool, your own NIF thread pool, or dirty schedulers, note that they are all regular operating system threads, and so trying to start a huge number of them simply isn't practical.
Native driver code does not yet have dirty scheduler access, but this work is on-going and it might become available as an experimental feature in an 18.x release.
If your Lua code can make use of one or more of these features to cooperate with the Erlang VM, then what you're attempting may be possible.

Is it possible to interrupt a process and checkpoint it to resume it later on?

Lets say, you have an application, which is consuming up all the computational power. Now you want to do some other necessary work. Is there any way on Linux, to interrupt that application and checkpoint its state, so that later on it could be resumed from the state it was interrupted?
Especially I am interested in a way, where the application could be stopped and restarted on another machine. Is that possible too?
In general terms, checkpointing a process is not entirely possible (because a process is not only an address space, but also has other resources likes file descriptors, and TCP/IP sockets ...).
In practice, you can use some checkpointing libraries like BLCR etc. With certain limiting conditions, you might be able to migrate a checkpoint image from one system to another one (very similar to the source one: same kernel, same versions of libraries & compilers, etc.).
Migrating images is also possible at the virtual machine level. Some of them are quite good for that.
You could also design and implement your software with your own checkpointing machinery. Then, you should think of using garbage collection techniques and terminology. Look also into Emacs (or Xemacs) unexec.c file (which is heavily machine dependent).
Some languages implementation & runtime have checkpointing primitives. SBCL (a free Common Lisp implementation) is able to save a core image and restart it later. SML/NJ is able to export an image. Squeak (a Smalltalk implementation) also has such ability.
As an other example of checkpointing, the GCC compiler is actually able to compile a single *.h header (into a pre-compiled header file which is a persistent image of GCC heap) by using persistence techniques.
Read more about orthogonal persistence. It is also a research subject. serialization is also relevant (and you might want to use textual formats à la JSON, YAML, XML, ...). You might also use hibernation techniques (on the whole system level).
From the man pages man kill
Interrupting a process requires two steps:
To stop
kill -STOP <pid>
To continue
kill -CONT <pid>
Where <pid> is the process-id.
Type: Control + Z to suspend a process (it sends a SIGTSTP)
then bg / fg to resume it in background or in foreground
Checkingpointing an individual process is fundamentally impossible on POSIX. That's because processes are not independent; they can interact. If nothing else, a process has a unique process ID, which it might have stored somewhere internally, and if you resume it with a different process ID, all hell could break loose. This is especially true if the process uses any kind of locks/synchronization primitives. Of course you also can't resume the process with the same process ID it originally had, since that might be taken by a new process.
Perhaps you could solve the problem by making process (and thread) ids 128-bit or so, such that they're universally unique...
On linux it is achivable by sending this process STOP signal. Leter on you resume it by sending CONT signal. Please refer to kill manual.

Is there a way to lock a process to a CPU?

I am thinking about developing an application that will, on a six core machine, run six asynchronous tasks, one on each core.
But is it possible to lock the tasks to their own core?
The idea is for them to run mostly by themselves, but to sometimes communicate over a shared memory area. However, I want the tasks to run as undisturbed as possible.
The concept you're looking for is called "thread affinity". How it's implemented and the interfaces to ask for it are OS-specific.
Under Linux, try sched_setaffinity(). glibc may also offer pthread_attr_setaffinity_np().
taskset -c cpunum yourprocess
does what you want.
It is possible to supply PIDs instead, this way you can set single threads to a cpu. If you want to change the cpu affinity from your own program, use sched_setaffinity().
Not lock, but it is possible to associate a cpu affinity for a process
Just for the records, another method, not involving programming:
Open Task Manager, go to Processes tab, right click your process and choose Set Affinity...

What is the best way to avoid overloading a parallel file-system when running embarrassingly parallel jobs?

We have a problem which is embarrassingly parallel - we run a large number of instances of a single program with a different data set for each; we do this simply by submitting the application many times to the batch queue with different parameters each time.
However with a large number of jobs, not all of them complete. It does not appear to be a problem in the queue - all of the jobs are started.
The issue appears to be that with a large number of instances of the application running, lots of jobs finish at roughly the same time and thus all try to write out their data to the parallel file-system at pretty much the same time.
The issue then seems to be that either the program is unable to write to the file-system and crashes in some manner, or just sits there waiting to write and the batch queue system kills the job after it's been sat waiting too long. (From what I have gathered on the problem, most of the jobs that fail to complete, if not all, do not leave core files)
What is the best way to schedule disk-writes to avoid this problem? I mention our program is embarrassingly parallel to highlight the fact the each process is not aware of the others - they cannot talk to each other to schedule their writes in some manner.
Although I have the source-code for the program, we'd like to solve the problem without having to modify this if possible as we don't maintain or develop it (plus most of the comments are in Italian).
I have had some thoughts on the matter:
Each job write to the local (scratch) disk of the node at first. We can then run another job which checks every now and then what jobs have completed and moves the files from the local disks to the parallel file-system.
Use an MPI wrapper around the program in master/slave system, where the master manages a queue of jobs and farms these off to each slave; and the slave wrapper runs the applications and catches the exception (could I do this reliably for a file-system timeout in C++, or possibly Java?), and sends a message back to the master to re-run the job
In the meantime I need to pester my supervisors for more information on the error itself - I've never run into it personally, but I haven't had to use the program for a very large number of datasets (yet).
In case it's useful: we run Solaris on our HPC system with the SGE (Sun GridEngine) batch queue system. The file-system is NFS4, and the storage servers also run Solaris. The HPC nodes and storage servers communicate over fibre channel links.
Most parallel file systems, particularly those at supercomputing centres, are targetted for HPC applications, rather than serial-farm type stuff. As a result, they're painstakingly optimized for bandwidth, not for IOPs (I/O operations per sec) - that is, they are aimed at big (1000+ process) jobs writing a handful of mammoth files, rather than zillions of little jobs outputting octillions of tiny little files. It is all to easy for users to run something that runs fine(ish) on their desktop and naively scale up to hundreds of simultaneous jobs to starve the system of IOPs, hanging their jobs and typically others on the same systems.
The main thing you can do here is aggregate, aggregate, aggregate. It would be best if you could tell us where you're running so we can get more information on the system. But some tried-and-true strategies:
If you are outputting many files per job, change your output strategy so that each job writes out one file which contains all the others. If you have local ramdisk, you can do something as simple as writing them to ramdisk, then tar-gzing them out to the real filesystem.
Write in binary, not in ascii. Big data never goes in ascii. Binary formats are ~10x faster to write, somewhat smaller, and you can write big chunks at a time rather than a few numbers in a loop, which leads to:
Big writes are better than little writes. Every IO operation is something the file system has to do. Make few, big, writes rather than looping over tiny writes.
Similarly, don't write in formats which require you to seek around to write in different parts of the file at different times. Seeks are slow and useless.
If you're running many jobs on a node, you can use the same ramdisk trick as above (or local disk) to tar up all the jobs' outputs and send them all out to the parallel file system at once.
The above suggestions will benefit the I/O performance of your code everywhere, not juston parallel file systems. IO is slow everywhere, and the more you can do in memory and the fewer actual IO operations you execute, the faster it will go. Some systems may be more sensitive than others, so you may not notice it so much on your laptop, but it will help.
Similarly, having fewer big files rather than many small files will speed up everything from directory listings to backups on your filesystem; it is good all around.
It is hard to decide if you don't know what exactly causes the crash. If you think it is an error related to the filesystem performance, you can try an distributed filesystem: http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/r0.20.0/hdfs_user_guide.html
If you want to implement Master/Slave system, maybe Hadoop can be the answer.
But first of all I would try to find out what causes the crash...
OSes don't alway behave nicely when they run out of resources; sometimes they simply abort the process that asks for the first unit of resource the OS can't provide. Many OSes have file handle resource limits (Windows I think has a several-thousand handle resource, which you can bump up against in circumstances like yours), and failure to find a free handle usually means the OS does bad things to the requesting process.
One simple solution requiring a program change, is to agree that no more than N of your many jobs can be writing at once. You'll need a shared semaphore that all jobs can see; most OSes will provide you with facilities for one, often as a named resource (!). Initialize the semaphore to N before you launch any job.
Have each writing job acquire a resource unit from the semaphore when the job is about to write, and release that resource unit when it is done. The amount of code to accomplish this should be a handful of lines inserted once into your highly parallel application. Then you tune N until you no longer have the problem. N==1 will surely solve it, and you can presumably do lots better than that.
