Is there a way to lock a process to a CPU? - c

I am thinking about developing an application that will, on a six core machine, run six asynchronous tasks, one on each core.
But is it possible to lock the tasks to their own core?
The idea is for them to run mostly by themselves, but to sometimes communicate over a shared memory area. However, I want the tasks to run as undisturbed as possible.

The concept you're looking for is called "thread affinity". How it's implemented and the interfaces to ask for it are OS-specific.
Under Linux, try sched_setaffinity(). glibc may also offer pthread_attr_setaffinity_np().

taskset -c cpunum yourprocess
does what you want.
It is possible to supply PIDs instead, this way you can set single threads to a cpu. If you want to change the cpu affinity from your own program, use sched_setaffinity().

Not lock, but it is possible to associate a cpu affinity for a process

Just for the records, another method, not involving programming:
Open Task Manager, go to Processes tab, right click your process and choose Set Affinity...


linux c: what's the common use case of "sched_setaffinity" function? I don't find it useful

The operating system is able to determine how to arrange difference processes/threads onto different cpu cores, the os scheduler does the work well. So when do we really need to call functions like sched_setafficity() for a process, or pthread_setaffinity_np() for a pthread?
It doesn't seem to be able to raise any performance dramatically, if it can, then I suppose we need to re-write linux process scheduler right?
Just wish to know when do we need to call these functions, in my applications?
It's very helpful in some computationally intensive real time processes related to DSP(Digital Signal Processing).
Let's say One real time DSP related process PROCESS0 is running on core CPU0. Because of some scheduling algorithms CPU0 pre-emption need to happen such that process0 has to run on another CPU. This switching of realtime process is a overhead. Hence affinity. We direct to kernel that the process0 should run on CPU0.

Fork : concurrency or parallelism

I was recently doing some experiments with the fork function and I was concerned by a "simple" (short) question:
Does fork uses concurrency or parallelism (if more than one core) mechanisms?
Or, is it the OS which makes the best choice?
Thanks for your answer.
nb: Damn I fork bombed myself again!
Concurrency: Each operation run on one core. Interrupts are received in order to switch from one process to another (Sequential computation).
Parallelism: Each operation run on two cores (or more).
fork() duplicates the current process, creating another independent process. End of story.
How the kernel chooses to schedule these processes is a different, very broad question. In general the kernel will try to use all available resources (cores) to run as many tasks as possible. When there are more runnable tasks than cores, it has to start making decisions about who gets to run, and for how long.
The fork function creates a separate process. It is up to the operating system how it handles different processes.
Of course, if only once core is available, the OS has no other choice but running all processes interleaved.
If more cores are available, every sane OS will distribute the processes to the different cores, so every core runs at least one process.
However, even then, more processes can be active than there are cores. So even then, it is up to the OS to decide which processes can be run parallel (by distributing to cores) and which have to be run interleaved (on a single core).
In fact, fork() is a system call (aka. system service) which creates a new process from the current process (read the return code to see who you are, the parent or the child).
In the UNIX work, processes shares the CPU computing time. This works like that :
a process is running
the clock generates an interrupt, calling the kernel and pausing the process
the kernel takes the list of available processes, and decide to resume one (this is called scheduling)
go to point 1)
When there is multiples processor cores, kernels are able to dispatch processes on them.
Well, you can do something. Write a complex program say, O(n^3), so that it takes a good amount of time to compute. fork() four times (if you have quad-core). Now open any graphical CPU monitor. Anything cool?

What is best way to have several child processes in C

Working on a project that request to download about 300 pics from different locations by using wget every 20 minutes.
I wrote a C program that reads the database for all the Ids and locations into an array.
For each entry in the array, I call the external wget command to download it.
It works but is slow because it is doing one by one.
My thinking is to use either Multi-process, multi-thread or openMP to create several children.
Any suggestion for how to do this is appreciate.
Multiple Processes
An error in one process cannot crash another process. This is particularly useful when you will host third-party code (e.g. plugins), and this is the approach that (among others) Google Chrome takes. The disadvantage is that N processes use more system resources than N threads.
Multiple Threads
Uses fewer system resources than an equivalent number of processes. Thread programming is more error prone for many developers, and an error in one thread can affect other threads.
Best Option
For what you are doing, you are unlikely to see a significant difference in resource utilization. Use whichever model you can write fast in high quality.
Personally I would go for multi process. The wget's do not need to share any memory or communicate (other than an exit status which is only needed by the root) so a thread will not provide any additional benefit (in my opinion). As well as this creating them as processed allows the OS scheduler to best decide when to run each process.

Is it possible to interrupt a process and checkpoint it to resume it later on?

Lets say, you have an application, which is consuming up all the computational power. Now you want to do some other necessary work. Is there any way on Linux, to interrupt that application and checkpoint its state, so that later on it could be resumed from the state it was interrupted?
Especially I am interested in a way, where the application could be stopped and restarted on another machine. Is that possible too?
In general terms, checkpointing a process is not entirely possible (because a process is not only an address space, but also has other resources likes file descriptors, and TCP/IP sockets ...).
In practice, you can use some checkpointing libraries like BLCR etc. With certain limiting conditions, you might be able to migrate a checkpoint image from one system to another one (very similar to the source one: same kernel, same versions of libraries & compilers, etc.).
Migrating images is also possible at the virtual machine level. Some of them are quite good for that.
You could also design and implement your software with your own checkpointing machinery. Then, you should think of using garbage collection techniques and terminology. Look also into Emacs (or Xemacs) unexec.c file (which is heavily machine dependent).
Some languages implementation & runtime have checkpointing primitives. SBCL (a free Common Lisp implementation) is able to save a core image and restart it later. SML/NJ is able to export an image. Squeak (a Smalltalk implementation) also has such ability.
As an other example of checkpointing, the GCC compiler is actually able to compile a single *.h header (into a pre-compiled header file which is a persistent image of GCC heap) by using persistence techniques.
Read more about orthogonal persistence. It is also a research subject. serialization is also relevant (and you might want to use textual formats à la JSON, YAML, XML, ...). You might also use hibernation techniques (on the whole system level).
From the man pages man kill
Interrupting a process requires two steps:
To stop
kill -STOP <pid>
To continue
kill -CONT <pid>
Where <pid> is the process-id.
Type: Control + Z to suspend a process (it sends a SIGTSTP)
then bg / fg to resume it in background or in foreground
Checkingpointing an individual process is fundamentally impossible on POSIX. That's because processes are not independent; they can interact. If nothing else, a process has a unique process ID, which it might have stored somewhere internally, and if you resume it with a different process ID, all hell could break loose. This is especially true if the process uses any kind of locks/synchronization primitives. Of course you also can't resume the process with the same process ID it originally had, since that might be taken by a new process.
Perhaps you could solve the problem by making process (and thread) ids 128-bit or so, such that they're universally unique...
On linux it is achivable by sending this process STOP signal. Leter on you resume it by sending CONT signal. Please refer to kill manual.

Parallel Threads in C

I have two threads in my application. Is it possible to execute both the threads simultaneously without sleeping any thread?
You can run the threads parallel in your application especially if they are not waiting on each other for some inputs or conditions. For example: One thread may be parsing a file and other maybe playing a song in your application.
Generally OS takes care of the thread time slicing. So at the application level it would look like these threads are running parallel but the OS does the time slicing giving each thread certain execution time.
With multi-core processors/cores it is possible to run the threads parallel in realtime, however the OS decides which threads to run unless you specifically code at lower level to ensure which threads you want to run in parallel.
As others have mentioned, with multiple cores it is possible, but, it depends on how the OS decides to distribute the threads. You don't have any control, that I have seen, on dictating where each thread is ran.
For a really good tutorial, with some nice explanation and pictures you can look at this page, with code as to how to do multi-threading using the POSIX library.
The time slice for sleep is hard to see, so your best bet is to test it out, for example, have your two threads begin to count every millisecond, and see if the two are identical. If they are not, then at least one is going to sleep by the cpu.
Most likely both will go to sleep at some time, the test is to see how much of a difference there is between the two threads.
Once one thread blocks, either waiting to send data, or waiting to receive, it will be put to sleep so that other threads can run, so that the OS can continue to make certain everything is working properly.
C does not, itself, have any means to do multi-threaded code.
However, POSIX has libraries that allow you to work with threads in C.
One good article about this topic is How to write multi-threaded software in C and C++.
Yes, if you have multiple processors or multi-core processors. One thread will run in one core.
