Removing empty space of ExtJS cycle-button possible? - extjs

The cycle button has some empty space in front of the text they show, probably because the menu items can have icons, is it possible to remove it?

Either display:none the "x-btn-icon" for the control, or use the "iconAlign" property inside of your config to move the icon div to the right of the control label.

Apply css to solve the problem,
white-space: normal;


React Material, Align Items with Flexbox having HelperText

How do I align helper text with other items in a Flexbox , flex-direction horizontal?
Its currently using Box with MUI text fields and selects. The first item below is shifted upwards due to helper text. Align-items center currently does not fix problem.
Following question does not apply, since its not moving other elements, just not aligned. Adding ErrorText to material-ui Textfield moves other elements
Update: When I do align-items: stretch, everything looks good, but now the buttons filter at the right is kind of sunk below. Is there a clean way of fixing this, without adding a margin top for the right button?
Try applying
align-items: start;
To the Box

React.js - Material-ui DataGrid disable row width

Is it possible to change the width of a row? I have some rows with JSON data. It would be best to display them in a <pre> tag so that the user can view it naturally, but this seems to be impossible.
So now I'm wondering is it possible to remove the default overflow-x: hidden? And to just let the user scroll to the end of a row? Instead of the text just having 3 dots at the end, because there's a max-width.
In the data-grid css api they show the necessary classes which could be overridden, and at the end they say:
You can override the style of the component thanks to one of these customization points
So you could add the following style rule to override the default one :
.MuiDataGrid-root .MuiDataGrid-cell {
text-overflow: initial;
overflow-x: auto;

How to remove .modal-backdrop class from $ionicModal?

I want to remove the .modal-backdrop class from my ionicModal but as the class is automatically added, I am unable to remove it.
I don't want to permanently remove the class. But want to remove it and then add later on.
I tried this:
but it is not working.
Can you plz suggest how to do it?
Thanks in advance for any help.
One solution to hide the backdrop is changing the opacity of the backdrop modal when this is active! For that, put the following CSS Styles:
.active .modal-backdrop-bg {
opacity: 0;

How can I show and hide an element with AngularJS while having it still use space?

I have a button in AngularJS. It's in a row of other buttons. How can I show and hide this button but still have it use space? I tried using ng-show but then when the button is hidden it uses no space and all the other buttons around it move.
In your CSS, target the element like this: {
display: block!important;
visibility: hidden;
(You might want inline-block or something else for the display, the important part is to override the none default value of ng-hide)
You can then use ng-show="showMyElement" as an attribute as per usual

How can I have Multi-line Form Labels in Sencha Touch?

If I set a sufficiently long label for any kind of form element, or the title of a FieldSet, it just grows horizontally forever if I set labelAlign to right. How can I force these to wrap to the next line instead of creating horizontal scrollbars?
You will need to override the default CSS which forbids wrapping (white-space: nowrap). This should do the job:
.x-form-label {
white-space: normal;
I think using the labelWidth property for a field will give you the desired result.
