PostgreSQL installation as a user on Cygwin - database

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL on Cygwin as a user following the instructions given in the cygwin package installation:
cygrunsrv -S cygserver
initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data
pg_ctl start -D /usr/share/postgresql/data -l /var/log/postgresql.log
After I do the third step, I get the following output in the terminal,
$ postgres -D /usr/share/postgresql/data
LOG: database system was shut down at 2013-04-12 19:04:33 PDT
LOG: autovacuum launcher started
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
After that, I'm unsure on what to do since I never see the command line again(the "$" sign). I'm a complete beginner when it comes to databases, so are there any 'for dummies' pointers for me?

Use pg_ctl -D /usr/share/postgresql/data -l /path/to/write/log/to start if you want the server to start up and background its self.
I strongly recommend reading the PostgreSQL tutorial and manual, which cover this in detail.


How to use sqlplus on Oracle database inside a docker container?

I installed oracle db version 12c in my docker environment.
I used the following command:
docker run -d --name oracle -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521
I connected to the DB and everything went well but I wanted to enable unified audit.
In order to do that, at first you must shutdown the Database and in all the instructions that I found it says to use sqlplus as following:
sqlplus / as sysoper
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> exit
I connected successfully to the DB using the next command:
docker exec -it oracle "bash"
and then I ran the sqlplus command and I received "command not found"
[root#f30cc670f85f /]# sqlplus / as sysoper
bash: sqlplus: command not found
Am I doing it wrong?
What should I do in order to have sqlplus on my oracle DB?
I looked for it and didn't find anything that helped me.
I have mac if its relevant
I think that Docker image is just the database and enough of the OS to run the database. I don't think it includes client software such as SQL*Plus.
You need to have SQL*Plus installed on your Mac. If you haven't already, download the Oracle Instant Client for MacOS including the SQL*Plus extension. Or why not treat yourself and install the new-fangled sqlCL tool? It is easier to install and has all the SQL*Plus capabilities and a whole bunch more features. Find it here.
Whatever client you choose, once it's installed on your Mac you run it like any other app: when prompted for connection you give the string Maksym provides:
If you need to connect as sys that would look like this:
sys/oracle#//localhost:1521/xe as sysdba
Sourcing the .bashrc should work to connect to sqlplus as sysdba.
docker-compose exec db bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus sys/Oradoc_db1#ORCLCDB as sysdba;"
with this, you enter the image:
docker exec -it oracle /bin/bash
after that, you can use:
sqlplus sys as sysdba
When using the docker image store/oracle/database-enterprise: sqlplus and sqlldr tools are only available after the container has started.
You can't do the following in a Dockerfile:
RUN sqlplus sys/password AS SYSDBA #create_database.sql
The container images can be configured to run scripts after setup and on startup. Currently sh and sql extensions are supported.
In your Dockerfile, copy the SQL script into the startup directory:
COPY create_database.sql /opt/oracle/scripts/setup/01_create_database.sql
The database will be created on first startup of the container.
I don't have any experience with docker, but it looks for all the world like you are getting to a bash environment, so there we are on solid ground. The returned error ("bash: sqlplus: command not found") simply means that the executable (sqlplus) was not found in any directory listed in your PATH environment variable, as it exists within your shell environment. You actually need to set three variables: ORACLE_SID needs to be set to the value of your database name. ORACLE_HOME needs to be set to the value of the directory where your oracle binaries are installed. And PATH needs to have $ORACLE_HOME/bin added to it:
Obviously, since you are using the value of ORACLE_HOME in setting PATH, ORACLE_HOME needs to be set first.
For Windows OS:
Type docker ps in command line to show running containers and check container id.
Type docker exec -it container_id //bin/bash
Login via sqlplus command
Or the simplest way
docker exec -it container_id bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus sys/Oradoc_db1#ORCLCDB as sysdba;"
More info is here:

postgreSQL error initdb: command not found

i was installing postgresql on ubuntu using linuxbrew:
brew install postgresql
it seems to work fine but after that because i was installing PostgreSQL for the first time i tried creating a database:
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
but it returned as:
initdb: command not found
i tried running the command with sudo but that doesn't helped
run locate initdb it should give you the list to chose. smth like:
MacBook-Air:~ vao$ locate initdb
So in my case I want to run
If you don't have mlocate installed, either install it or use
sudo find / -name initdb
There's a good answer to a similar question on SuperUser.
In short:
Postgres groups databases into "clusters", each of which is a named collection of databases sharing a configuration and data location, and running on a single server instance with its own TCP port.
If you only want a single instance of Postgres, the installation includes a cluster named "main", so you don't need to run initdb to create one.
If you do need multiple clusters, then the Postgres packages for Debian and Ubuntu provide a different command pg_createcluster to be used instead of initdb, with the latter not included in PATH so as to discourage end users from using it directly.
And if you're just trying to create a database, not a database cluster, use the createdb command instead.
I had the same problem and found the answer here.
Ubuntu path is
Edit: Sorry, Ahmed asked about linuxbrew, I'm talking about Ubuntu.
I Hope this answer helps somebody.
I had a similar issue caused by the brew install postgresql not properly linking postgres. The solve for me was to run:
brew link --overwrite postgresql
you can add the PATH to run from any location
sudo nano ~/.profile
inside nano go to the end and add the following
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/" ] ; then
and configure the alternative
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/initdb initdb /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/initdb 1

How to import .bacpac into docker Sqlserver?

I installed Sqlserver on my Mac in a docker container, following the instructions from this article.
I run the container with Kitematic and managed to connect to the server using Navicat Essentials for SQl Server.
The server has four databases and I can create new ones, but, ideally, I would like to import an existing database as .bacpac.
The instructions from this answer have been of use to me in the past. Can I run something similar within the container? Or, more generally, is there a way to import a database in the container?
Hi all! We finally have a preview ready for sqlpackage that is built on dotnet core and is cross-platform! Below are the links to download from. They are evergreen links, i.e. each day a new build is uploaded. This way any checked in bug fix is available the next day. Included in the .zip file is the preview EULA.
Release notes:
The /p:CommandTimeout parameter is hardcoded to 120
Build and deployment contributors are not supported
a. Need to move to .NET Core 2.1 where System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll is supported
b. Need to handle case-sensitive paths
SQL CLR UDT types are not supported.
a. This includes SQL Server Types SqlGeography, SqlGeometry, & SqlHierarchyId
Older .dacpac and .bacpac files that use Json serialization are not supported
Referenced .dacpacs (e.g. master.dacpac) may not resolve due to issues with case-sensitive file systems
For lack of a better method, please provide any feedback you have here on this GitHub issue.
Thanks for giving it a try and letting us know how it goes!
EDIT: I've made you a Docker image for this
Example of setting up a container, creating a database, copying a .bacpac file over, and importing it into aforementioned database:
docker run -d -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=<YourStrong!Passw0rd>' -p 1433:1433 --name sqlfts0 samuelmarks/mssql-server-fts-sqlpackage-linux
docker exec -it sqlfts0 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<YourStrong!Passw0rd>' -Q 'CREATE DATABASE MyDb0'
docker cp ~/Downloads/foo.bacpac sqlfts0:/opt/downloads/foo.bacpac
docker exec -it sqlfts0 dotnet /opt/sqlpackage/sqlpackage.dll /tsn:localhost /tu:SA /tp:'<YourStrong!Passw0rd>' /A:Import /tdn:MyDb0 /sf:foo.bacpac
It looks like Microsoft has implemented support of this on sqlpackage, with documentation!
You will have to add sqlpackage to your container.
You can download it here. (optionally, direct link to linux package here, hopefully doesn't change)
The following are instructions for running this from a windows machine -- obviously it's the bare minimum to get it working. Please change passwords, and probably put this in a docker-compose.yml for re-use.
I unzip the above package into a folder 'c:\sqlpackage' (my windows docker run doesn't allow relative paths), and then mount that into the container with the bacpac, like such:
docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Asdf1234" -v c:\sqlpackage:/opt/sqlpackage -v c:\yourdb.bacpac:/tmp/yourdb.bacpac -p 1433:1433 --name mssql-server-example microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest
here is what a *nix user could run alternatively:
docker run -d -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Asdf1234' -v ./sqlpackage:/opt/sqlpackage -v ./yourdb.bacpac:/tmp/yourdb.bacpac -p 1433:1433 --name mssql-server-example microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest
and finally, attach to your container and run:
/opt/sqlpackage/sqlpackage /a:Import /tsn:. /tdn:targetdbname /tu:sa /tp:Asdf1234 /sf:/tmp/yourdb.bacpac
After this, you should be able to connect with SSMS to localhost, username and password as you provide them above, and see 'targetdbname'! These are mostly notes I wrote for myself but I'm sure others could use them too.
You can use free Azure Data Studio from Microsoft. Once you have it installed, install the extension "Admin Pack for SQL Server" from Microsoft. Then you can import bacpac files with ease.
This is not a supported feature with a LINUX implementation it seems.
See this link.

installing postgres 9.2 on Mac OSX 10.6 with KyngChaos package

I'm trying to install postgres 9.2 on a mac 10.6 using using KyngChaos (because ultimately I'd like to enable PostGIS, and this seems to be the best package to that with).
I get exactly the problem spelled out at the bottom of the page:
NOTE: I've had reports of the installer not initializing the data cluster, which results in Postgres not starting. It seems to be random, and I haven't figured out the cause yet. If Postgres won't start (you get an error "could not connect to server: No such file or directory" when trying to connect with psql), try manually initializing the cluster with:
/usr/local/pgsql-9.1/bin/initdb -U postgres \
-D /usr/local/pgsql-9.1/data --encoding=UTF8 --locale=en_US"
Or see the Locales and Encodings readme if you need a different locale or encoding.
Then stop and start Postgres as specified in the readme.
I run
/usr/local/pgsql-9.1/bin/initdb -U postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql-9.1/data --encoding=UTF8 --locale=en_US"
which opens up a new line to enter additional commands with
but i'm lost there, even after combing the readme.

postgresql - start on mac - `pg_ctl` not working

I want to use the pre-installed postgresql on my local machine (mac os 10.7.5), when I run which psql I find it (in /usr/bin/psql), but then running
pg_ctl -D /usr/bin/psql -l /usr/bin/psql/server.log start
results in:
-bash: pg_ctl: command not found
How can I start/use my postgresql database? do I need to install it (with say Homebrew) or can I use the pre-installed one on my mac?
I also tried using the initdb command (initdb /usr/bin/psql -E utf8) and also go tthe same message: -bash: initdb: command not found.
Also, is this psql the same as postgres? (I tried which postgres and got nothing)
Update: I'm using psql commands in the command line, but am getting there the following message (for psql -l and psql -a for instance):
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/pgsql_socket/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
OS X ships with the command line client (for interacting with postgres databases) not the server.
You need to install the server.
Check the postgres site or grab the
