Play animated GIF image on UIImageView - arrays

I've been looking all over Google for a way to "play" my animated gif, in a UIImageView from the StoryBoard (iOS6), with out using a Array or something.
Is there really no other way to view my gif, then make a Array with all the frames ?
If there is, please tell me how.
Thanks in advance


How do I do an animated/moving image on the carousel in react. which format is the best?

How do I do an animated/moving image on the carousel in react or rather which format is the best? gif, looping video, mp4, like this one below?
Most of the time, videos will be smaller than large animated gifs. There are a few key points to keep in mind when using a video over a gif:
It should play automatically
It should be muted (if you don't mute, chrome won't let you play automatically)
It should have have looping on
However, if your video is for some reason larger than your gif file, use the gif. In the end, using one over the other is just a performance benefit if you don't need sound to go with it.

Drawing an image in ios6 using kineticJS

In ios5,when i try to draw an image using KineticJS,it gets drawn perfectly.But whereas in ios6, when i try to draw an image using KineticJS, the image gets drawn 2-3 times bigger(compared to that in ios5) automatically.Why is this happening?. Is it some resolution problem?. How do i resolve the issue?
Thanks in advance.
are you setting the correct meta viewport to define the page size?

How to Play Transparent background avi file in media element?

I have a video with transparent background in .avi format (Made from Adobe After Effects), but the transparent background appears black in mediaelement. Media Player has no background property also.
What should i use so that this media element plays the file and when placed on an image takes that image as its background. (No i cannot embed that image in the avi file as my image keeps changing).
*If my approach is wrong please let me know.
I'm afraid using the normal wpf media player this can't be done.
The mediaplayer ignores the transparent regions, even with video formats that accept it. From memory, i dont think AVI files support transparent regions. MOV files do.
Having said that, and although it could be a very complicated task, it may be possible to enhance the WPFMediaKit mediaplayer to do what you want.
J Morrill the author of wpfmediakit may be able to let you know if it is possible or not.
I might add that i got around this problem in a project once by using a sequence of .png files that played a short 10 second movie. Of course this is not an ideal solution, but it got me out of a jam
Another workaround is to use color keying - assing a color (or more colors) in your video, which you translate to the transparency by a WPF Effect(BitmapEffect or ShaderEffect).

Is it possible to display a frame during a CameraCapturetask on WP7?

I would like to use the CameraCapturetask on my Silverlight WP7 application. On the background, I would like to display a photo, for example something like that :
(found randomly on the web).
This could act as a mask, and we will see the photo of the camera behind this frame during the take of the photo.
(I'm not sure I'm very clear).
Is there a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Best regards
No, you can't put this on top of the CameraCaptureTask.
You could add the border after the photo had been taken though.

Render WriteableBitmap in WPF

I have noticed a bizzare situation - in SIlverlight, when a picture is rendered using WriteableBitmap Render method, the resulting pic is very sharp. Of course in WPF Render method is not available. I have used DrawingGroup to render two images on top of each other (I have got a png with transparency and standard JPEG). However in that case the resulting bitmap is not so sharp (especially in case of text).
Could you see any reasons for that? Have you faced such a problem?
Any ideas for the solution?
I need to 'put' a png with transparency on jpeg image and get a precise resulting pic.
Thank you in advance for the replies!
Have you tried BitmapScalingMode on RenderOptions? It's an attached property that applies to most DependencyObjects that have anything to do with drawing images. An example:
<object Name="myObject" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" .../>
or to do this in codebehind:
RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(myObject, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);
