does extjs keep a list of open calls? - extjs

I need something to happen after all calls to the server are handled.
But i don't know in which order these will happen.
So i was wondering if extjs/sencha touch keeps a list of all the open calls somewhere.

Seems like this does exist.
keeps a list of all open calls.

If I understand your question correctly you probably don't need such feature, you could schedule something after n asynchronous functions have returned incrementing a counter when executing each of the calls. On each callback decrement counter, if all have returned, counter will reach zero and you can execute your "global" callback.


Event queue cleanup

In my Tcl extension, a secondary thread is filling the Tcl event queue with events; the events contain pointers to structures with a dynamic life time.
What is the right strategy for ensuring that no events with dangling pointers to de-allocated structures remain in the event queue? I can prevent the secondary thread from creating new events; currently I call Tcl_DoOneEvent(TCL_DONTWAIT) in a loop till it returns 0 (i.e., event queue is empty) after ensuring no new events can be created and before de-allocating the structure.
Is that the right way to do it?
On a related note, I am unsure of the purpose of Tcl_ThreadAlert(): if this is needed after every call to Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent(), why isn't the alert included in Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent()?
Finally, my code does not call Tcl_CreateEventSource(), since it doesn't seem to be needing a setup nor a check procedure as a second thread is involved. Is that cause for concern?
On the first point, that seems OK to me. It is very much like running update at the TCL level.
I'm not sure about the second point, as it isn't part of the API that I have explored a lot. It might be that way to allow multiple events to be scheduled per notification, or because there are other uses for the call, but I really don't know.
On the third point, it sounds fine. I think you never need special event sources just to do inter-thread messaging.

C - libcurl - How to get dltotal without using the CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION

I am using the libcurl multi interface and I need to know how much data is being sent for each request. I would rather not use the CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION because it gets called a lot and I only need to know the dltotal while I am in the CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION callback. I want to clean up the existing easy handle and malloc'd data while I am still in the write callback once all the data has been received. Is there a function I can call that will return the total amount of data that is being sent for a particular easy handle?
I tried using curl_easy_getinfo() with CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD and it always returned 0. I also tried CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD which also always returned 0. I was calling this from within the CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION callback.
The reason you get zeroes back from those calls is probably because the size simply isn't known before-hand.
But let me also alert you that "I want to clean up the existing easy handle and malloc'd data while I am still in the write callback" sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. You really should not cleanup the handle from within the callback.

When to Use a Callback function?

When do you use a callback function? I know how they work, I have seen them in use and I have used them myself many times.
An example from the C world would be libcurl which relies on callbacks for its data retrieval.
An opposing example would be OpenSSL: Where I have used it, I use out parameters:
ret = somefunc(&target_value);
if(ret != 0)
//error case
I am wondering when to use which? Is a callback only useful for async stuff? I am currently in the processes of designing my application's API and I am wondering whether to use a callback or just an out parameter. Under the hood it will use libcurl and OpenSSL as the main libraries it builds on and the parameter "returned" is an OpenSSL data type.
I don't see any benefit of a callback over just returning. Is this only useful, if I want to process the data in any way instead of just giving it back? But then I could process the returned data. Where is the difference?
In the simplest case, the two approaches are equivalent. But if the callback can be called multiple times to process data as it arrives, then the callback approach provides greater flexibility, and this flexibility is not limited to async use cases.
libcurl is a good example: it provides an API that allows specifying a callback for all newly arrived data. The alternative, as you present it, would be to just return the data. But return it — how? If the data is collected into a memory buffer, the buffer might end up very large, and the caller might have only wanted to save it to a file, like a downloader. If the data is saved to a file whose name is returned to the caller, it might incur unnecessary IO if the caller in fact only wanted to store it in memory, like a web browser showing an image. Either approach is suboptimal if the caller wanted to process data as it streams, say to calculate a checksum, and didn't need to store it at all.
The callback approach allows the caller to decide how the individual chunks of data will be processed or assembled into a larger whole.
Callbacks are useful for asynchronous notification. When you register a callback with some API, you are expecting that callback to be run when some event occurs. Along the same vein, you can use them as an intermediate step in a data processing pipeline (similar to an 'insert' if you're familiar with the audio/recording industry).
So, to summarise, these are the two main paradigms that I have encountered and/or implemented callback schemes for:
I will tell you when data arrives or some event occurs - you use it as you see fit.
I will give you the chance to modify some data before I deal with it.
If the value can be returned immediately then yes, there is no need for a callback. As you surmised, callbacks are useful in situations wherein a value cannot be returned immediately for whatever reason (perhaps it is just a long running operation which is better performed asynchronously).
My take on this: I see it as which module has to know about which one? Let's call them Data-User and IO.
Assume you have some IO, where data comes in. The IO-Module might not even know who is interested in the data. The Data-User however knows exactly which data it needs. So the IO should provide a function like subscribe_to_incoming_data(func) and the Data-User module will subscribe to the specific data the IO-Module has. The alternative would be to change code in the IO-Module to call the Data-User. But with existing libs you definitely don't want to touch existing code that someone else has provided to you.

Multiple Async Request Synchronization

I'm developing a Silverlight app that makes multiple async requests to a number of web services. I want a modal "loading" dialog to stay active until all the requests have completed. I'm managing the situation by using a counter variable that gets incremented on each async request start event, and decrements on each async complete event (doesn't seem thread safe to me). When the counter is zero a property bound to the UI turns the dialog off. Is there a better/more general way of dealing with this problem than my counter solution?
Your counter solution is a valid one. Whatever you do, you will have to keep track of all your requests and understand when they arrive (when count hits zero).
You can do different things to clean up your code like put all of this implementation in some MultiAsyncWaiter class which returns an event when complete. But the fundamental implmentation will remain the same: keep track of them until they all return.
You are right about the thread unsafe-ness of the int. If you use interlocked operations (see comments) or lock on the variable, you can keep your implementation thread safe.
Why volatile keyword wont work: With multiple threads changing the variable, an interlocked operation is required for the decrement, which is technically a read + write operation. This is because another thread can change the value between the read and the write.

Unit testing silverlight where does this live?

Im tring to start unit testing with silverlight and some of the samples online use the following statements
where do these live?
Ok found my answer. If your test inherits from WorkItemTest (or PresentationTest, or SilverlightTest), you’ll be able to call from your tests:
Instructs the framework that your test method is finished, and to move onto the next result. This can be added to event callbacks, delegates, etc. You should not do any more work or your test after calling this.
Enqueues an action to call TestComplete. This is the most-used way of calling TestComplete when a set of work is done, and would typically be the last Enqueue* method call.
Enqueues an Action (delegate, simple lambda, etc.). The work item effectively calls the Action, then moves on. Alternatively, this enqueue method also takes an array of Actions, allowing you to chain many Action calls together in order.
Takes a Func conditional statement / predicate. Each time the work item is evaluated, the function is called. When it returns True, the work item is complete and execution will continue. After each invoke of the predicate, the test framework will unwind the stack, allowing other work to happen, before coming back to try the condition again.
This method will enqueue a work item that takes either a TimeSpan object or an integer representing the number of milliseconds at minimum to delay before continuing. This is not an exact timer, but rather, a way to ensure that at least a minimum amount of time continues. It is more like a DoEvents call than it is like a Sleep call, since it will not block the UI thread.
