How IF() function works while comparing float numbers? [duplicate] - c

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Floating point inaccuracy examples
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
int main()
float a = 0.7;
float b = 0.5;
if (a < 0.7)
if (b < 0.5) printf("2 are right");
else printf("1 is right");
else printf("0 are right");
I would have expected the output of this code to be 0 are right.
But to my dismay the output is 1 is right why?

int main()
float a = 0.7, b = 0.5; // These are FLOATS
if(a < .7) // This is a DOUBLE
if(b < .5) // This is a DOUBLE
printf("2 are right");
printf("1 is right");
printf("0 are right");
Floats get promoted to doubles during comparison, and since floats are less precise than doubles, 0.7 as float is not the same as 0.7 as double. In this case, 0.7 as float becomes inferior to 0.7 as double when it gets promoted. And as Christian said, 0.5 being a power of 2 is always represented exactly, so the test works as expected: 0.5 < 0.5 is false.
So either:
Change float to double, or:
Change .7 and .5 to .7f and .5f,
and you will get the expected behavior.

The issue is that the constants you are comparing to are double not float. Also, changing your constants to something that is representable easily such as a factor of 5 will make it say 0 is right. For example,
float a=0.25,b=0.5;
printf("2 are right");
printf("1 is right");
printf("0 are right");
0 are right
This SO question on Most Effective Way for float and double comparison covers this topic.
Also, this article at cygnus on floating point number comparison gives us some tips:
The IEEE float and double formats were designed so that the numbers
are “lexicographically ordered”, which – in the words of IEEE
architect William Kahan means “if two floating-point numbers in the
same format are ordered ( say x < y ), then they are ordered the same
way when their bits are reinterpreted as Sign-Magnitude integers.”
This means that if we take two floats in memory, interpret their bit
pattern as integers, and compare them, we can tell which is larger,
without doing a floating point comparison. In the C/C++ language this
comparison looks like this:
if (*(int*)&f1 < *(int*)&f2)
This charming syntax means take the address of f1, treat it as an
integer pointer, and dereference it. All those pointer operations look
expensive, but they basically all cancel out and just mean ‘treat f1
as an integer’. Since we apply the same syntax to f2 the whole line
means ‘compare f1 and f2, using their in-memory representations
interpreted as integers instead of floats’.

It's due to rounding issues while converting from float to double

Generally comparing equality with floats is a dangerous business (which is effectively what you're doing as you're comparing right on the boundary of > ), remember that in decimal certain fractions (like 1/3) cannot be expressed exactly, the same can be said of binary,
0.5= 0.1, will be the same in float or double.
0.7=0.10110011001100 etc forever, 0.7 cannot be exactly represented in binary, you get rounding errors and may be (very very slightly) different between float and double
Note that going between floats and doubles you cut off a different number of decimal places, hence your inconsistant results.

Also, btw, you have an error in your logic of 0 are right. You don't check b when you output 0 are right. But the whole thing is a little mysterious in what you are really trying to accomplish. Floating point comparisons between floats and doubles will have variations, minute, so you should compare with a delta 'acceptable' variation for your situation. I've always done this via inline functions that just perform the work (did it once with a macro, but thats too messy). Anyhow, yah, rounding issues abound with this type of example. Read the floating point stuff, and know that .7 is different than .7f and assigning .7 to a float will cast a double into a float, thus changing the exact nature of the value. But, the programming assumption about b being wrong since you checked a blared out to me, and I had to note that :)


How to round a float by casting as an int in C

So I am a second semester freshman in college. My teacher wants us to write a function that round a floating point number to the nearest hundredth. He said that we need to convert the floating point into an integer data type and then covert it back to a floating point. That's all he said. I have spent at least 5 hours trying different ways to do this.
This is my code so far:
#include <stdio.h>
int rounding(int roundedNum);
int main()
float userNum,
printf("\nThis program will round a number to the nearest hundredths\n");
printf("\nPlease enter the number you want rounded\n>");
scanf("%f", &userNum);
rounded = rounding (userNum);
printf("%f rounded is %f\n", userNum, rounded);
return 0;
int rounding(int roundedNum)
return roundedNum;
Your instructor may be thinking:
float RoundHundredth(float x)
// Scale the hundredths place to the integer place.
float y = x * 100;
// Add .5 to cause rounding when converting to an integer.
y += .5f;
// Convert to an integer, which truncates.
int n = y;
// Convert back to float, undo scaling, and return.
return n / 100.f;
This is a flawed solution because:
Most C implementations use binary floating point. In binary floating-point, it is impossible to store any fractions that are not multiples of a negative power of two (½, ¼, ⅛, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64,…). So 1/100 cannot be exactly represented. Therefore, no matter what calculations you do, it is impossible to return exactly .01 or .79. The best you can do is get close.
When you perform arithmetic on floating-point numbers, the results are rounded to the nearest representable value. This means that, in x * 100, the result is, in generally, not exactly 100 times x. There is a small error due to rounding. This error cause push the value across the point where rounding changes from one direction to another, so it can make the answer wrong. There are techniques for avoiding this sort of error, but they are too complicated for introductory classes.
There is no need to convert to an integer to get truncation; C has a truncation function for floating-point built-in: trunc for double and truncf for float.
Additionally, the use of truncation in converting to integer compelled us to add ½ to get rounding instead. But, once we are no longer using a conversion to an integer type to get an integer value, we can use the built-in function for rounding floating-point values to integer values: round for double and roundf for float.
If your C implementation has good formatted input/output routines, then an easy way to find the value of a floating-point number rounded to the nearest hundred is to format it (as with snprintf) using the conversion specifier %.2f. A proper C implementation will convert the number to decimal, with two digits after the decimal point, using correct rounding that avoids the arithmetic rounding errors mentioned above. However, then you will have the number in string form.
Here are some hints:
Multiply float with "some power of 10" to ensure the needed precision numbers are shifted left
Cast the new value to a new int variable so the unwanted float bits are discarded
Divide the int by the same power of 10 but add use a float form of that (e.g 10.0) so integer gets converted to float and the new value is the correct value
To test, use printf with the precision (.2f)
The two most common methods of rounding are "Away From Zero" and "Banker's Rounding (To Even)".
Pseudo-code for Rounding Away From Zero
EDIT Even though this is pseudo-code, I should have included the accounting for precision, since we are dealing with floating-point values here.
// this code is fixed for 2 decimal places (n = 2) and
// an expected precision limit of 0.001 (m = 3)
// for any values of n and m, the first multiplicand is 10^(n+1)
// the first divisor is 10^(m + 1), and
// the final divisor is 10^(n)
double roundAwayFromZero(double value) {
boolean check to see if value is a negative number
add precision bumper of (1.0 / 10000) to "value" // 10000.0 is 10^4
multiply "value" by 1000.0 and cast to (int) // 1000.0 is 10^3
if boolean check is true, negate the integer to positive
add 5 to integer result, and divide by 10
if boolean check is true, negate the integer again
divide the integer by 100.0 and return as double // 100.0 is 10^2
ex: -123.456
-123.456 + (1.0 / 10000.0) => -123.4561
-123.4561 * 1000.0 => -123456.1 => -123456 as integer
true, so => -(-123456) => 123456
(123456 + 5) / 10 => 123461 / 10 => 12346
true, so => -(12346) => -12346
-12346 / 100.0 => -123.46 ===> return value
In your initial question, you expressed a desire for direction only, not the explicit answer in code. This is as vague as I can manage to make it while still making any sense. I'll leave the "Banker's Rounding" version for you to implement as an exercise.
Ok so I figured it out! thank yall for your answers.
float rounding(float roundedNumber)
roundedNumber = roundedNumber * 100.0f + 0.5f;
roundedNumber = (int) roundedNumber * 0.01f;
return roundedNumber;
So pretty much if I entered 56.12567 as roundedNumber, it would multiply by 100 yielding 5612.567. From there it would add .5 which would determine if it rounds up. In this case, it does. The number would change to 5613.067.
Then you truncate it by converting it into a int and multiply by .01 to get the decimal back over. From there it returns the value to main and prints out the rounded number. Pretty odd way of rounding but I guess thats how you do it in C without using the rounding function.
Well, let's think about it. One thing that's helpful to know is that we can turn a float into an integer by casting:
float x = 5.4;
int y = (int) x;
//y is now equal to 5
When we cast, the float is truncated, meaning that whatever comes after the decimal point is dropped, regardless of its value (i.e. It always rounds towards 0).
So if you think about that and the fact that you care about the hundredths place, you could maybe imagine an approach that consists of manipulating your floating point number in someway such that when you cast it to an int you only truncate information you don't care about (i.e. digits past the hundredths place). Multiplying might be useful here.

Float and double output [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
strange output in comparison of float with float literal
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Please explain the output for different cases
int main()
float a=5.9; //a=0.9
if (a==5.9)
else if (a<5.9)
printf("Less than");
printf("Greater than");
return 0;
When a is 5.9 the output is "Greater than", when a is 0.9 the output is "Less than". Why?
In C, the literal “5.9” has type double and is converted by common compilers to 5.9000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625, because they use binary IEEE-754 floating point, and that number is the value representable as a double that is closest to 5.9. Your code initializes a float with that value. That requires converting a double to a float, and the result is 5.900000095367431640625, because that is the float value that is closest to the double value. Obviously, the latter is greater than the former, which is why your output is “Greater than”.
With .9, the literal “.9” is converted to the double 0.90000000000000002220446049250313080847263336181640625. Then that double is converted to the float 0.89999997615814208984375, which is obviously less than the double.
Your variable is a float but the constant is a double. Since that value can't be stored precisely ti will be stored differently as a float and as a double. If you use the same data types you'll get the desired results
Floating point numbers are inherently imprecise. For a quick introduction, you can read up a bit here.
For some suggestions on effective comparison strategies, see this post. What is the most effective way for float and double comparison?
This is because internally, the floating point numbers are stored in binary form and 5.9 can't be represented exactly as 5.9. Have a look at the following similar question and answer: Why does a C floating-point type modify the actual input of 125.1 to 125.099998 on output?
When comparing floating-point numbers it is best to avoid '=='.
This because some values cannot be correctly stored without some loss of precision.
So it is better to say:
if( fabs(a-5.9) < .0001 ) {
// 'EQUAL' or at least near enough!
I know this takes more to compute, but it will behave the way you expect.
Due to decimal binary conversion, 0.9 represented as a summation of powers of 2^-1:
0.9 - (0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125) = 0.025
But 0.025 is not an exact power of 2^-1. So you need to represent both numbers in the comparison with the same precision. Since float and double have different precision they compare not equal.

I cant understand this program [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
strange output in comparision of float with float literal
I can't understand this code. How can two same numbers be compared?
int main()
float a=0.8;
if(0.8>a) //how can we compare same numbers?
return 0;
How can this problem be solved?
I do not understand why you ask whether the same two numbers can be compared. Why would you not expect a comparison such as 3 > 3 to work, even though 3 is the same as 3? The > operator returns true if the left side is greater than the right side, and it returns false otherwise. In this case, .8 is not greater than a, so the result is false.
Other people seem to have assumed that you are asking about some floating-point rounding issue. However, even with exact mathematics, .8 > .8 is false, and that is the result you get with the code you showed; the else branch is taken. So there is no unexpected behavior here to explain.
What is your real question?
In case you are asking about floating-point effects, some information is below.
In C source, the text “.8” stands for one of the numbers that is representable in double-precision that is nearest .8. (A good implementation uses the nearest number, but the C standard allows some slack.) In the most common floating-point format, the nearest double-precision value to .8 is (as a hexadecimal floating-point numeral) 0x1.999999999999ap-1, which is (in decimal) 0.8000000000000000444089209850062616169452667236328125.
The reason for this is that binary floating-point represents numbers only with bits that stand for powers of two. (Which powers of two depends on the exponent of the floating-point value, but, regardless of the exponent, every bit in the fraction portion represents some power of two, such as .5, .25, .125, .0625, and so on.) Since .8 is not an exact multiple of any power of two, then, when the available bits in the fraction portion are all used, the resulting value is only close to .8; it is not exact.
The initialization float a = .8; converts the double-precision value to single-precision, so that it can be assigned to a. In single-precision, the representable number closest to .8 is 0x1.99999ap-1 (in decimal, 0.800000011920928955078125).
Thus, when you compare “.8” to a, you find that .8 > a is false.
For some other values, such as .7, the nearest representable numbers work out differently, and the relational operator returns true. For example, .7 > .7f is true. (The text “.7f” in source code stands for a single-precision floating-point value near .7.)
0.8 is a double. When a is set to it, then it's converted into a float and at this point looses precision. The comparison takes the float and promotes it back to a double, so the value is for sure different.
EDIT: I can prove my point. I just compile and ran a program
float a = 0.8;
int b = a == 0.8 ? 1 : 0;
int c = a < 0.8 ? 1 : 0;
int d = a > 0.8 ? 1 : 0;
printf("b=%d, c=%d, d=%d, a=%.12f 0.8=%.12f \n", b, c, d, a, 0.8);
b=0, c=0, d=1, a=0.800000011921 0.8=0.800000000000
Notice how a now has some very small factional part, due to the promotion to double

C : Strange error when using float and double [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
strange output in comparision of float with float literal
Comparison of float and double variables
I have a test with double and float in C, but I cannot explain why.
float x = 3.4F;
else printf("false\n");
double y = 3.4;
if (y==3.4)
else printf("false\n");
The result will be False and True. Please explain for me please.
3.4 cannot be exactly represented as a double for the same reason that one third cannot be exactly represented as a base-10 decimal number using a finite number of digits -- the representation recurs.
So, the double literal 3.4 is actually the double value closest to 3.4. 3.4F is the float value closest to 3.4, but that's different from the closest double value.
When you compare a float with a double, the float is converted to double, which doesn't change its value.
Hence, 3.4F != 3.4, just as 0.3333 != 0.33333333
x == 3.4 should be x == 3.4F, otherwise the 3.4 is a double (by default). Always compare like with like, not apples and oranges.
Whether the result of the comparison between types of different precision is true or false depends on the floating point representation of the compiler.
Floating point numbers, whether single precision (float) or double, are an approximation.
No guarantee that the result will be false and true, but the basic idea is pretty simple: 3.4 has type double. When you assign it to a float, it'll get rounded. When you compare, that rounded number will be promoted back to a double, not necessarily the same double as 3.4.
In the second case, everything's double throughout.
Comparing for equality
Floating point math is not exact. Simple values like 0.2 cannot be precisely represented using binary floating point numbers, and the limited precision of floating point numbers means that slight changes in the order of operations can change the result. Different compilers and CPU architectures store temporary results at different precisions, so results will differ depending on the details of your environment. If you do a calculation and then compare the results against some expected value it is highly unlikely that you will get exactly the result you intended.
In other words, if you do a calculation and then do this comparison:
if (result == expectedResult)
then it is unlikely that the comparison will be true. If the comparison is true then it is probably unstable – tiny changes in the input values, compiler, or CPU may change the result and make the comparison be false.
As a tip, comparing floating point numbers (float or double) with '==' is in most cases a bad programming practice, as you might never get the statement to be true. The two numbers might differ in their least significant bits.
It is better using something like:
abs(x - y) < EQUALITY_MARGIN
With EQUALITY_MARGIN being an adequately small number.

Can anyone explain me this feature simply?

I have the following code,
float a = 0.7;
if(0.7 > a)
printf("Hello\n"); //Line1
float a = 0.98;
if(0.98 > a)
printf("Hello\n"); //Line2
here line1 outputs Hi but Line2 outputs Hello. I assume there would be a certain criteria about double constant and float, i.e any one of them would become larger on evaluation. But this two codes clarify me that situation can be come when double constant get larger and some other times float get larger. Is there any rounding off issue behind this? If it is, please explain me. I am badly in need of this clear..
thanks advance
What you have is called representation error.
To see what is going on you might find it easier to first consider the decimal representations of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 stored with different precision (3 decimal places or 6 decimal places):
a = 0.333
b = 0.333333
a < b
a = 0.500
b = 0.500000
a == b
a = 0.667
b = 0.666667
a > b
Increasing the precision can make the number slightly larger, slightly smaller, or have the same value.
The same logic applies to binary floating point numbers.
float a = 0.7;
Now a is the closest single-precision floating point value to 0.7. For the comparison 0.7 > a that is promoted to double, since the type of the constant 0.7 is double, and its value is the closest double-precision floating point value to 0.7. These two values are different, since 0.7 isn't exactly representable, so one value is larger than the other.
The same applies to 0.98. Sometimes, the closest single-precision value is larger than the decimal fraction and the closest double-precision number smaller, sometimes the other way round.
This is part of What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
This is simply one of the issues with floating point precision.
While there are an infinite number of floating point numbers, there are not an infinite number of floating point representations due to the bit-constraints. So there will be rounding errors when using floats in this manner.
There is no criteria for where it decides to round up or down, that would probably be language -implementation or compiler dependent.
See here:, and for more details.
