Double index within a noSQL database - database

I am working on creating a database to store three things. Let's say Experiment, Measure, metadata. The metadata is composed of a set of variable number and type of attributes, thus making the choice of a NoSQL attractive.
I need two simple queries over the database:
1) Give me the metadata of all the experiments with a given value of Measure.
2) Give me the metadata of all the measures for a Experiment.
And my main requirements are:
1) Tons of data. Each Experiment can come with millions of possible measures (and of course the metadata), and I expect tenths of thousands of Experiments.
2) Concurrency. I would like to have fast concurrent read/write because at any given point in time I may be running 10-20 experiments, and they will want to write millions of measures at the same time.
I've tried MongoDB, but it is slow due to the write locks. I would like to have something faster. Additionally, it does not handle well one of my queries, as I basically need two indexes here. I am considering as an alternative Titan, just because it seems natural to think of experiments an measures as nodes, and connect them with edges. Hypertable seems another possibility if I can find a way of doing both queries fast.
There are so many noSQL databases out there that I may be missing the right one for my needs. Suggestions?

Have you looked into NewSQL databases that could fit your needs? I suggest that you take a closer look at Starcounter that is true ACID, no locks on the writes and supports indexing on basic properties as well as combined indexes.
I think a transactional database that is object oriented and memory centric would suit your demands. You can then have different Experiments and Measures that derives the same class and you can select to query each type as well as query the ineherited types separately.
If you do not have more than TB of data you do not need a big data database that you have looked into so far. They are really good at what they do, but I think you should look into the other spectrum of NoSQL databases. When using an in-memory (all writes secured on persistent storage media of course) database that is object oriented you get about 4 times compressions compared to relational databases, so the TB of data would often be enaugh.
It is really hard to find your way around in the jungle of databases today, so I understand the difficulty of finding something that fits your requirements. In your case - my 5 cents on a transactional NoSQL database that is true ACID and with SQL query support!


How to structure/implement multidimensional data / data cube

I've been reading into what a data cube is and there are lots of resources saying what it is and why (OLAP/ business intelligence / aggregations on specific columns) you would use one but never how.
Most of the resources seem to be referencing relational data stores but it doesn't seem like you have to use an RDBMS.
But nothing seems to show how you structure the schema and how to query efficiently to avoid the slow run time of aggregating on all of this data. The best I could find was this edx class that is "not currently available": Developing a Multidimensional Data Model.
You probably already know that there are 2 different OLAP approaches:
MOLAP that requires data load step to process possible aggregations (previously defined as 'cubes'). Internally MOLAP-based solution pre-calculates measures for possible aggregations, and as result it is able to execute OLAP queries very fast. Most important drawbacks of this approach come from the fact that MOLAP acts as a cache: you need to re-load input data to refresh a cube (this can take a lot of time - say, hours), and full reprocessing is needed if you decide to add new dimensions/measures to your cubes. Also, there is a natural limit of the dataset size + cube configuration.
ROLAP doesn't try to pre-process input data; instead of that it translates OLAP query to database aggregate query to calculate values on-the-fly. "R" means relational, but approach can be used even with NoSQL databases that support aggregate queries (say, MongoDb). Since there is no any data cache users always get actual data (on contrast with MOLAP), but DB should able to execute aggregate queries rather fast. For relatively small datasets usual OLTP databases could work fine (SQL Server, PostgreSql, MySql etc), but in case of large datasets specialized DB engines (like Amazon Redshift) are used; they support efficient distributed usage scenario and able to processes many TB in seconds.
Nowadays it is a little sense to develop MOLAP solution; this approach was actual >10 years ago when servers were limited by small amount of RAM and SQL database on HDD wasn't able to process GROUP BY queries fast enough - and MOLAP was only way to get really 'online analytical processing'. Currently we have very fast NVMe SSD, and servers could have hundreds gigabytes of RAM and tens of CPU cores, so for relatively small database (up to TB or a bit more) usual OLTP databases could work as ROLAP backend fast enough (execute queries in seconds); in case of really big data MOLAP is almost unusable in any way, and specialized distributed database should be used in any way.
The general wisdom is that cubes work best when they are based on a 'dimensional model' AKA a star schema that is often (but not always) implemented in an RDBMS. This would make sense as these models are designed to be fast for querying and aggregating.
Most cubes do the aggregations themselves in advance of the user interacting with them, so from the user perspective the aggregation/query time of the cube itself is more interesting than the structure of the source tables. However, some cube technologies are nothing more than a 'semantic layer' that passes through queries to the underlying database, and these are known as ROLAP. In those cases, the underlying data structure becomes more important.
The data interface presented to the user of the cube should be simple from their perspective, which would often rule out non-dimensional models such as basing a cube directly on an OLTP system's database structure.

Scalable database technology and architecture

I've been trying to learn more about database scaling in a distributed system, and I am stuck in between RDBMS and NoSQL.
Some articles online suggest that NoSQL is the solution to modern Big Data. Others say NoSQL is just a hype and RDBMS can be just as scalable with good design, and it provides good data structure.
Instead of reading others' opinions, I'd love to judge the two myself, but I do not understand exactly what is required for a scalable RDBMS and a scalable NoSQL.
I've done a bit more readings on RDBMS, and it seems that the solution requires leveraging memcache and sharding to reduce database size and the number of DB queries. Are there other tricks? Can you still use tables with many columns? Or use less columns and more joins?
As for NoSQL, I've read a little about MongoDB. I understand that it encourages data aggregation. But how does that make it more scalable? I'm also starting to learn Cassandra because I read that it scales much better than MongoDB, but I have no idea how it is more scalable.
I would very much appreciate a basic (or advanced, if you have the patience to type it out) condensed and down-to-the-core explanation on scaling RDBMS and NoSQL, or good articles online or books that explain the topic. :)
I won't cover ways you can scale by implementing things on your own and putting a memcache server in between, ... I'll just cover what comes right out of the box...
Let's start first with RDBMS:
I think setting up an RDBMS cluster is more complicated than a NoSQL cluster, but that's just my opinion. Usually what you have is one Master and multiple Slaves. You have to send all your writes to the master and can read from any slave you want. Since you have RDBMS and ACID, the system should somehow guarantee you, that you won't read old data. So the thing here is, that you assume that your application writes once and reads often (as it's usually the case). For those purposes, one Server for read/write and multiple servers for read is great. The problem is if you'r writes are so often that you can't keep up with them anymore on the one machine. That is your bottleneck. Additionally to the build in solutions from Oracle for instance - which are huge - there is also which can cache queries, ... and handle the scaling for you.
There is no 1 NoSQL schema which is implemented by all the DBs. Every system is a bit different. MongoDB for instance is quite similar to RDBMS, it also has only one Master and several slaves to which it can replicate data, but additionally you can also create shards. Data is split between shards, and replicated to slaves. So you could have multiple different masters which are responsible for smaller parts. Afterwards when you read, you can choose if you want to read from multiple slaves, from the master or from any slave - depending how urgently you need the latest data.
Cassandra on the other hand works totally differently. I'm not sure if you can write to multiple servers or how it works, but basically the servers keep a log of all the writes. So even if they can't process the writes immediately, they are stored in a log, to still give you a fast response. Afterwards when you read, you can say again how urgently you want to have the new data, and if you really want the latest latest data, Cassandra will need to check the log, if there are any updates written, and it will cost you a lot of time.
Key-Value stores like ElasticSearch, CouchDB, CouchBase work again differently. Here the of the item is hashed, and based on the hash, sent to one node which will be responsible for it. This way, when you read after the key was written, you get again up to date information, because you'll read from the same node. The idea of this design is, that no one single key will be of everyone's interest, but the load will be distributed. These are also the DBs which I think scale the best, and make it the easiest to add more servers to the cluster, but you loose the power of complex queries, like you have it in MongoDB and Cassandra - and of course RDBMS. ElasticSearch has some simple search queries, and CouchDB and CouchBase have only Views which are produced by MapReduce, where you can get data which you want, if it fits the view. Otherwise you can only access it by the key. - is a very comprehensive summary of the most common NoSQL DBs, what are their strengths and weaknesses, and the most common usage scenarios.
In the end, the question is also, why do you want to scale? how many records are you going to have in the database? Few millions is not a problem at all. Few hundred millions is also not a problem for most of the RDBMS on a powerful enough server. And if designed the DB and it's indices properly even a billion records per year should be still fine.

what are the best ways to mitigate database i/o bottoleneck for large web sites?

For large web sites (traffic wise) that has alot of incoming reads and updates that end up being database I/Os, what're the best ways to mitigate the performance impact? one solution that I can think of is - for write, to cache and then do delayed write (using separate job); for read, use memcached concept. any other better solutions?
Here are the most common solutions to database performance:
Caching (Memcache, etc)
Add memory to your database
More database servers (master/slave or sharding)
Use a different database type (NoSQL, Redis, etc)
Indexes to speed up read perf. (careful, too many will affect write performance)
SSDs (fast SSDs will help a lot)
Optimize/tune SQL queries
Don't forget to optimize your queries. Most of the times it is not the disk I/O, but poorly written queries which turn out to be the bottleneck.
You can also cache query results and also entire web pages if the content isn't going to change too often.
It very much depends on the usage pattern and data type. There are really different things to do depending on whether transaction are going to be supported, whether you are interested in full consistency or "eventual consistency", how big the data is (will it all fit in huge memory?), how complex the data and queries are, the list might go on and on.... Lots of variables and only after listing all the constraints/requirements you will be able to make a proper decision. Two general advices though:
Use SSDs
Use distributed architecture with distributed "NoSQL" (key/value) approach (only if you do not have to use complex relations and transactions)
10 years ago, the standard answer - besides optimizing your particular database - was scale-out using MySQL in two ways.
Reads can be scaled out in two ways. The first is through caching, which introduces possible inconsistancies and creates a separate cache layer. Reads can also be scaled in MySQL by creating "read replicas", where any database can be queried. Any write must be applied to all servers, so replication doesn't help write throughput.
Writes are scaled through sharding. For example, imagine all users with the last name 'a' are assigned to a certain server. Now imagine a more complicated shard algorithm, where a particular row's primary ID is hashed using a hash function, and distributed to one of a pool of servers.
Facebook is one of the most advanced proponents of a sharded MySQL architecture. You can have individual tables "joined" but you have to write custom code, because you might have to hop from server to server - imagine you want to get your friend's timeline posts, you can't simply join it, you have to write some application code.
Once you shard your database, you can't do joins and range lookups become difficult. This subset is sometimes called CRUD operations, and thus MySQL is overkill. Many Chinese social networks realized this, and use sharded Redis (which is much quicker than MySQL), and have written their own shard layer and application logic layers.
Imagine the next problem in sharding - you want to add a new server, and start assigning some users to that new server.
Another approach is to use a distributed database, which generally comes under the names NoSQL or NewSQL, and have a variety of approaches. Some, like MongoDB, have a sharding system to manage this mapping, but require manual steps to add servers. Cassandra has a more flexible clustering scheme, called a chorded architecture. Systems like CouchBase and Aerospike use a random distribution mechanism that remove the need for a shard layer. Some of these databases can exceed 100,000 to 200,000 requests per second per server, with the lateral scale to add new servers - enough for very large operations. With this style of clustering, you can often get a higher level of redundancy and reliability.
Other distributed approaches represent data in a more efficient way, like a graph database. If you have a problem that is better represented as a graph, then a clustered graph database may be more appropriate.

What's the attraction of schemaless database systems?

I've been hearing a lot of talk about schema-less (often distributed) database systems like MongoDB, CouchDB, SimpleDB, etc...
While I can understand they might be valuable for some purposes, in most of my applications I'm trying to persist objects that have a specific number of fields of a specific type, and I just automatically think in the relational model. I'm always thinking in terms of rows with unique integer ids, null/not null fields, SQL datatypes, and select queries to find sets.
While I'm attracted to the distributed nature and easy JSON/RESTful interfaces of these new systems, I don't understand how loosely typed key/value hashes will help me with my development. Why would a loose typed, schema-less system be good for keeping clean data sets? How can I for example, find all items with dates between x and y when they might not have dates? Is there any concept of a join?
I understand many systems have their own differences and strengths, but I'm wondering at the difference in paradigm. I suppose this is an open-ended question, but perhaps the community's answers and ways they have personally seen the advantages of these systems will help enlighten me and others about when I would want to make use of these (admittedly more hip) systems instead of the traditional RDBMS.
I'll just call out one or two common reasons (I'm sure people will be writing essay answers)
With highly distributed systems, any given data set may be spread across multiple servers. When that happens, the relational constraints which the DB engine can guarantee are greatly reduced. Some of your referential integrity will need to be handled in application code. When doing so, you will quickly discover several pain points:
your logic is spread across multiple layers (app and db)
your logic is spread across multiple languages (SQL and your app language of choice)
The outcome is that the logic is less encapsulated, less portable, and MUCH more expensive to change. Many devs find themselves writing more logic in app code and less in the database. Taken to the extreme, the database schema becomes irrelevant.
Schema management—especially on systems where downtime is not an option—is difficult. reducing the schema complexity reduces that difficulty.
ACID doesn't work very well for distributed systems (BASE, CAP, etc). The SQL language (and the entire relational model to a certain extent) is optimized for a transactional ACID world. So some of the SQL language features and best practices are useless while others are actually harmful. Some developers feel uncomfortable about "against the grain" and prefer to drop SQL entirely in favor of a language which was designed from the ground up for their requirements.
Cost: most RDBMS systems aren't free. The leaders in scaling (Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server) are all commercial products. When dealing with large ("web scale") systems, database licensing costs can meet or exceed the hardware costs! The costs are high enough to change the normal build/buy considerations drastically towards building a custom solution on top of an OSS offering (all the significant NOSQL offerings are OSS)
The primary concern should be what do you need to do with your data. If you have a huge data set and are finding a traditional RDBMS to be a bottleneck then you may want to experiment with a schemaless or a a NOSQL solution.
Most environments that I am aware of using NOSQL solutions also use an RDBMS solution in some form or fashion. RDBMS based solutions are the norm where data integrity is extremely important and you need ACID transactions. However if your system is not highly transaction based but you need to scale up or scale out real quick, a NOSQL solution may be desirable.
Schemaless is great for two reasons:
Brain optimising intuitiveness of document storage
Resolves Sparse-Matrix and Entity-Attribute-Value storage problems.
I've used both SQL and No-SQL for production applications in Ruby on Rails. I'm not a database expert and I have to confess to googling ACID and similar terms as they're not familiar to me.
"Ah ha! Another know-nothing trend follower jumping on the latest bandwagon" you may say. But, actually, I'm really pleased with my decision to use MongoDB on our most recent 2 year old app and here's why...
The flip-side of brain-optimising intuitiveness was my experience with the Magento e-commerce system. I don't want to bash it because it served me well at the time but it really hit the processor hard trying to calculate the attributes for each product. The underlying reason was the Entity-Attribute-Value store of product data. Cache or be damned was the solution.
The major advantage to me is the optimisation in the only place that really matters - your own brain. So many technologies are critiqued on their efficiency in memory, processors, hardware and yet having a DB that's extremely intuitive to understand brings its own merits. We've found it quick to add features to our code because the database simply looks a lot like the real world we're modelling. When I've asked e-commerce clients to present me with their product list they will naturally tend to use Excel (think table store). The first columns are easy:
Product Name
Product Type (
Then it gets harder and covered in notes, colour coding and links to other tables (yep.. relationships)
Colour (Only some products)
Size (X Large, Large, Small) - only for products 8'9'10, golf clubs use a different scale
Colour 2. The cat collars have two colour choices.
Fixing type (Male, Female)
So it ends in a terrible mess of Excel tables that make no sense to me and not much sense to the people who work with the products day in and day out. We throw our arms in the air and decide to go through the catalogue and then it hits me! Wouldn't it be great if you could store the data as it appears in the catalogue!? Just collections of records on each product that just lists the attribute of that product. You can then pick out common attributes to index for retrieval at a later date. Of course, that's a document store.
In summary, document stores are great when you have a sparse matrix problem or objects that mutate their attributes over time. Having lived in a No-SQL world for 2 years, I can't think of a real world application that doesn't have those features because the world itself looks like a document store.
I've only played with MongoDB but one thing that really interested me was how you could nest documents. In MongoDB a document is basically like a record. This is really nice because traditionally, in a RDBMS, if you needed to pull a "Person" record and get the associated address, employer info, etc. you'd frequently have to go to multiple tables, join them up, make multiple database calls. In a NoSQL solution like MongoDB, you can just nest the associated records (documents) and not have to mess with foreign keys, joining, multiple database calls. Everything associated with that one record is pulled.
This is especially handy when dealing with objects. You can in many cases just store an object as a series of nested documents.
NoSQL databases are not schemaless; the schema is embedded in the data. They are properly called semistructured. In some KV data stores, however, the schema may even be embedded in code. The advantage of the semi-structured approach is two fold: flexibility in which columns are part of a row (one row could have 5 columns and another have 5 different columns, and flexibility in the characteristics of the columns (e.g., variable lengths)
Normally the attraction is that of snake oil - most people favourising them have no clue about the relational theorem and speak SQL on a level making professionals puke. No idea what ACID conditions are, ehy they are important etc.
Not saying they do not have valid uses.... just saying that mostly the attraction is people not knowing what they should know and making stupid conclusions. Again, not everyone is like that, but most developers favouring them are - not good in their understanding what a database system acutally is responsible for.

Pro's of databases like BigTable, SimpleDB

New school datastore paradigms like Google BigTable and Amazon SimpleDB are specifically designed for scalability, among other things. Basically, disallowing joins and denormalization are the ways this is being accomplished.
In this topic, however, the consensus seems to be that joins on large tables don't necessarilly have to be too expensive and denormalization is "overrated" to some extent
Why, then, do these aforementioned systems disallow joins and force everything together in a single table to achieve scalability? Is it the sheer volumes of data that needs to be stored in these systems (many terabytes)?
Do the general rules for databases simply not apply to these scales?
Is it because these database types are tailored specifically towards storing many similar objects?
Or am I missing some bigger picture?
Distributed databases aren't quite as naive as Orion implies; there has been quite a bit of work done on optimizing fully relational queries over distributed datasets. You may want to look at what companies like Teradata, Netezza, Greenplum, Vertica, AsterData, etc are doing. (Oracle got in the game, finally, as well, with their recent announcement; Microsoft bought their solition in the name of the company that used to be called DataAllegro).
That being said, when the data scales up into terabytes, these issues become very non-trivial. If you don't need the strict transactionality and consistency guarantees you can get from RDBMs, it is often far easier to denormalize and not do joins. Especially if you don't need to cross-reference much. Especially if you are not doing ad-hoc analysis, but require programmatic access with arbitrary transformations.
Denormalization is overrated. Just because that's what happens when you are dealing with a 100 Tera, doesn't mean this fact should be used by every developer who never bothered to learn about databases and has trouble querying a million or two rows due to poor schema planning and query optimization.
But if you are in the 100 Tera range, by all means...
Oh, the other reason these technologies are getting the buzz -- folks are discovering that some things never belonged in the database in the first place, and are realizing that they aren't dealing with relations in their particular fields, but with basic key-value pairs. For things that shouldn't have been in a DB, it's entirely possible that the Map-Reduce framework, or some persistent, eventually-consistent storage system, is just the thing.
On a less global scale, I highly recommend BerkeleyDB for those sorts of problems.
I'm not too familiar with them (I've only read the same blog/news/examples as everyone else) but my take on it is that they chose to sacrifice a lot of the normal relational DB features in the name of scalability - I'll try explain.
Imagine you have 200 rows in your data-table.
In google's datacenter, 50 of these rows are stored on server A, 50 on B, and 100 on server C. Additionally server D contains redundant copies of data from server A and B, and server E contains redundant copies of data on server C.
(In real life I have no idea how many servers would be used, but it's set up to deal with many millions of rows, so I imagine quite a few).
To "select * where name = 'orion'", the infrastructure can fire that query to all the servers, and aggregate the results that come back. This allows them to scale pretty much linearly across as many servers as they like (FYI this is pretty much what mapreduce is)
This however means you need some tradeoffs.
If you needed to do a relational join on some data, where it was spread across say 5 servers, each of those servers would need to pull data from eachother for each row. Try do that when you have 2 million rows spread across 10 servers.
This leads to tradeoff #1 - No joins.
Also, depending on network latency, server load, etc, some of your data may get saved instantly, but some may take a second or 2. Again, when you have dozens of servers, this gets longer and longer, and the normal approach of 'everyone just waits until the slowest guy has finished' no longer becomes acceptable.
This leads to tradeoff #2 - Your data may not always be immediately visible after it's written.
I'm not sure what other tradeoffs there are, but off the top of my head those are the main 2.
So what I'm getting is that the whole "denormalize, no joins" philosophy exists, not because joins themselves don't scale in large systems, but because they're practically impossible to implement in distributed databases.
This seems pretty reasonable when you're storing largely invariant data of a single type (Like Google does). Am I on the right track here?
If you are talking about data that is virtually read-only, the rules change. Denormalisation is hardest in situations where data changes because the work required is increased and there are more problems with locking. If the data barely changes then denormalisation is not so much of a problem.
Novaday You need to find more interoperational environment for databases. More frequently You don't need only an relational DBs, like MySQL or MS SQL but also Big Data farms as Hadoop or non-relational DBs like MongoDB. In some cases all those DBs will be used in one solution so their performance must be as equal as possible in macro scale. It means, that You will not be able to use let say Azure SQL as relational DB and one VM with 2 cores and 3GB of RAM for MongoDB. You must scale-up Your solution and use DB as a Service when it is possible (if it is not possible, then build Your own cluster in a cloud).
