How to structure/implement multidimensional data / data cube - database

I've been reading into what a data cube is and there are lots of resources saying what it is and why (OLAP/ business intelligence / aggregations on specific columns) you would use one but never how.
Most of the resources seem to be referencing relational data stores but it doesn't seem like you have to use an RDBMS.
But nothing seems to show how you structure the schema and how to query efficiently to avoid the slow run time of aggregating on all of this data. The best I could find was this edx class that is "not currently available": Developing a Multidimensional Data Model.

You probably already know that there are 2 different OLAP approaches:
MOLAP that requires data load step to process possible aggregations (previously defined as 'cubes'). Internally MOLAP-based solution pre-calculates measures for possible aggregations, and as result it is able to execute OLAP queries very fast. Most important drawbacks of this approach come from the fact that MOLAP acts as a cache: you need to re-load input data to refresh a cube (this can take a lot of time - say, hours), and full reprocessing is needed if you decide to add new dimensions/measures to your cubes. Also, there is a natural limit of the dataset size + cube configuration.
ROLAP doesn't try to pre-process input data; instead of that it translates OLAP query to database aggregate query to calculate values on-the-fly. "R" means relational, but approach can be used even with NoSQL databases that support aggregate queries (say, MongoDb). Since there is no any data cache users always get actual data (on contrast with MOLAP), but DB should able to execute aggregate queries rather fast. For relatively small datasets usual OLTP databases could work fine (SQL Server, PostgreSql, MySql etc), but in case of large datasets specialized DB engines (like Amazon Redshift) are used; they support efficient distributed usage scenario and able to processes many TB in seconds.
Nowadays it is a little sense to develop MOLAP solution; this approach was actual >10 years ago when servers were limited by small amount of RAM and SQL database on HDD wasn't able to process GROUP BY queries fast enough - and MOLAP was only way to get really 'online analytical processing'. Currently we have very fast NVMe SSD, and servers could have hundreds gigabytes of RAM and tens of CPU cores, so for relatively small database (up to TB or a bit more) usual OLTP databases could work as ROLAP backend fast enough (execute queries in seconds); in case of really big data MOLAP is almost unusable in any way, and specialized distributed database should be used in any way.

The general wisdom is that cubes work best when they are based on a 'dimensional model' AKA a star schema that is often (but not always) implemented in an RDBMS. This would make sense as these models are designed to be fast for querying and aggregating.
Most cubes do the aggregations themselves in advance of the user interacting with them, so from the user perspective the aggregation/query time of the cube itself is more interesting than the structure of the source tables. However, some cube technologies are nothing more than a 'semantic layer' that passes through queries to the underlying database, and these are known as ROLAP. In those cases, the underlying data structure becomes more important.
The data interface presented to the user of the cube should be simple from their perspective, which would often rule out non-dimensional models such as basing a cube directly on an OLTP system's database structure.


Double index within a noSQL database

I am working on creating a database to store three things. Let's say Experiment, Measure, metadata. The metadata is composed of a set of variable number and type of attributes, thus making the choice of a NoSQL attractive.
I need two simple queries over the database:
1) Give me the metadata of all the experiments with a given value of Measure.
2) Give me the metadata of all the measures for a Experiment.
And my main requirements are:
1) Tons of data. Each Experiment can come with millions of possible measures (and of course the metadata), and I expect tenths of thousands of Experiments.
2) Concurrency. I would like to have fast concurrent read/write because at any given point in time I may be running 10-20 experiments, and they will want to write millions of measures at the same time.
I've tried MongoDB, but it is slow due to the write locks. I would like to have something faster. Additionally, it does not handle well one of my queries, as I basically need two indexes here. I am considering as an alternative Titan, just because it seems natural to think of experiments an measures as nodes, and connect them with edges. Hypertable seems another possibility if I can find a way of doing both queries fast.
There are so many noSQL databases out there that I may be missing the right one for my needs. Suggestions?
Have you looked into NewSQL databases that could fit your needs? I suggest that you take a closer look at Starcounter that is true ACID, no locks on the writes and supports indexing on basic properties as well as combined indexes.
I think a transactional database that is object oriented and memory centric would suit your demands. You can then have different Experiments and Measures that derives the same class and you can select to query each type as well as query the ineherited types separately.
If you do not have more than TB of data you do not need a big data database that you have looked into so far. They are really good at what they do, but I think you should look into the other spectrum of NoSQL databases. When using an in-memory (all writes secured on persistent storage media of course) database that is object oriented you get about 4 times compressions compared to relational databases, so the TB of data would often be enaugh.
It is really hard to find your way around in the jungle of databases today, so I understand the difficulty of finding something that fits your requirements. In your case - my 5 cents on a transactional NoSQL database that is true ACID and with SQL query support!

what are the best ways to mitigate database i/o bottoleneck for large web sites?

For large web sites (traffic wise) that has alot of incoming reads and updates that end up being database I/Os, what're the best ways to mitigate the performance impact? one solution that I can think of is - for write, to cache and then do delayed write (using separate job); for read, use memcached concept. any other better solutions?
Here are the most common solutions to database performance:
Caching (Memcache, etc)
Add memory to your database
More database servers (master/slave or sharding)
Use a different database type (NoSQL, Redis, etc)
Indexes to speed up read perf. (careful, too many will affect write performance)
SSDs (fast SSDs will help a lot)
Optimize/tune SQL queries
Don't forget to optimize your queries. Most of the times it is not the disk I/O, but poorly written queries which turn out to be the bottleneck.
You can also cache query results and also entire web pages if the content isn't going to change too often.
It very much depends on the usage pattern and data type. There are really different things to do depending on whether transaction are going to be supported, whether you are interested in full consistency or "eventual consistency", how big the data is (will it all fit in huge memory?), how complex the data and queries are, the list might go on and on.... Lots of variables and only after listing all the constraints/requirements you will be able to make a proper decision. Two general advices though:
Use SSDs
Use distributed architecture with distributed "NoSQL" (key/value) approach (only if you do not have to use complex relations and transactions)
10 years ago, the standard answer - besides optimizing your particular database - was scale-out using MySQL in two ways.
Reads can be scaled out in two ways. The first is through caching, which introduces possible inconsistancies and creates a separate cache layer. Reads can also be scaled in MySQL by creating "read replicas", where any database can be queried. Any write must be applied to all servers, so replication doesn't help write throughput.
Writes are scaled through sharding. For example, imagine all users with the last name 'a' are assigned to a certain server. Now imagine a more complicated shard algorithm, where a particular row's primary ID is hashed using a hash function, and distributed to one of a pool of servers.
Facebook is one of the most advanced proponents of a sharded MySQL architecture. You can have individual tables "joined" but you have to write custom code, because you might have to hop from server to server - imagine you want to get your friend's timeline posts, you can't simply join it, you have to write some application code.
Once you shard your database, you can't do joins and range lookups become difficult. This subset is sometimes called CRUD operations, and thus MySQL is overkill. Many Chinese social networks realized this, and use sharded Redis (which is much quicker than MySQL), and have written their own shard layer and application logic layers.
Imagine the next problem in sharding - you want to add a new server, and start assigning some users to that new server.
Another approach is to use a distributed database, which generally comes under the names NoSQL or NewSQL, and have a variety of approaches. Some, like MongoDB, have a sharding system to manage this mapping, but require manual steps to add servers. Cassandra has a more flexible clustering scheme, called a chorded architecture. Systems like CouchBase and Aerospike use a random distribution mechanism that remove the need for a shard layer. Some of these databases can exceed 100,000 to 200,000 requests per second per server, with the lateral scale to add new servers - enough for very large operations. With this style of clustering, you can often get a higher level of redundancy and reliability.
Other distributed approaches represent data in a more efficient way, like a graph database. If you have a problem that is better represented as a graph, then a clustered graph database may be more appropriate.

What should I have in mind when building OLAP solution from scratch?

I'm working for a company running a software product based on a MS SQL database server, and through the years I have developed 20-30 quite advanced reports in PHP, taking data directly from the database. This has been very successful, and people are happy with it.
But it has some drawbacks:
For new changes, it can be quite development intensive
The user can't experiment much with the data - it is locked to a hard-coded view
It can be slow for big reports
I am considering gradually going to a OLAP-based approach, which can be queried from Excel or some web-based service. But I would like to do this in a way that introduces the least amount of new complexity in the IT environment - the least amount of different services, synchronization jobs etc!
I have some questions in this regard:
1) Workflow-related:
What is a good development route from "black box SQL server" to "OLAP ready to use"?
Which servers and services should be set up, and which scripts should be written?
Which are the hardest/most critical/most time-intensive parts?
2) ETL:
I suppose it is best to have separate servers for their Data Warehouse and Production SQL?
How are these kept in sync (push/pull)? Using which technologies/languages?
For me SSIS looks overly complicated, and the graphical workflow doesn't appeal much to me -- I would rather like a text based script that does the job. Is this feasible?
Or is it advantagous to use the graphical client with only one source and one destination?
3) Development:
How much of this (data integration, analysis services) can be efficiently maintained from a CLI-tool?
Can the setup be transferred back and forth between production and development easily?
I'm happy with any answer that covers just some of this - and even though it is a MS environment, I'm also interested to hear about advantages in other technologies.
I only have experience with Microsoft OLAP, so here are my two cents regarding what I know:
If you are implementing cubes, then separate the production SQL Server from the source for the cubes. Cubes require a lot of SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM source.table. You don't want cube processing to block your mission critical production system.
Although you can implement OLAP cubes with standard relation tables, you will quickly find that unless your data is a ledger-style system you will probably need to fully reprocess your fact and dimension tables and this will require requerying the source database over and over again. That's a large argument for building a separate data warehouse that uses ledger-style transactions for the fact tables. For instance, if a customer orders something and then cancels it, your source system may track this as a status change. In your fact table, you probably need to show this as a row for ordering that has a positive quantity and revenue stream and a row for cancelling that has a negative quantity and revenue stream.
OLAP may be overkill for your environment. The main issue you appeared to raise was that your reports are static and users want access to the data directly. You could build a data model and give users Report Builder access in SSRS, or report writing access in some other BI suite like Cognos, Business Objects, etc. I don't generally recommend this approach since it is way beyond what most users should have to know to get data, but in a small shop this may be sufficient and it is easy to implement. Let's face it -- users generally just want to get the data into Excel to manipulate it further. So if you don't want to give them a web front-end and you just want them to get to the data from Excel, you could give them direct database access to a copy of the production data. The downside of this approach is users don't generally understand SQL or database relationships. OLAP helps you avoid forcing users to learn SQL or relationships, but is isn't easy to implement on your end. If you only have a couple of power users who need this kind of access, it could be easy enough to teach the few power users how to do basic queries in Excel against the database and they will be happy to get this tomorrow. OLAP won't be ready by tomorrow.
If you only have a few kinds of source data systems, you could get away with building a super-dynamic static report. For instance, I have a report that was written in C# that basically allows users to select as many columns as they want from a list of 30 columns and filter the data on a few date range fields and field filter lists. This simple report covers about 40% of all ad hoc report requests from end-users since it covers all the basic, core customer metrics and fields. We recently moved this report to SSRS and that allowed us to up the number of fields to about 100 and improved the overall user experience. Regardless of the reporting platform, it is possible to give users some dynamic flexibility even in the confines of a static reporting system.
If you only have a couple of databases, you can probably backup and restore the databases as your ETL. However, if you want to do anything beyond that, then you might as well bite the bullet and use SSIS (or some other ETL tool). Once you get into ETL for data warehousing, you are going to use a graphic-oriented design tool. Coding works well for applications, but ETL is more about workflows and that's why the tools tend to converge on a graphical UI. You can work around this and try to code a data warehouse from a text editor, but in the end you are going to lose out on a lot. See this post for more details on the differences between loading data from code and loading data from SSIS.
It is possible to implement a cube over a relational data store, but there are some major problems with using this approach. The main reason it is technically feasible has to do with how you configure your DSV. The DSV is essentially a logical layer between the physical database and the cube/dimension definitions. Instead of importing the relational tables into the DSV, you could define Named Queries or create views in the database that flatten the data.
The advantage of this approach are as follows:
It is relatively easy to implement since you don't have to build an entire ETL subsystem to get started with OLAP.
This approach works well for prototyping how you want to build a more long-term solution. You can prototype it in 1-2 days and show some of the benefits of OLAP today.
Some very, very large tables don't have to be completely duplicated just to support an OLAP cube. I have several multi-billion row tables that are almost completely standardized fact tables. The only columns they don't have are date keys and they also contain some NULL values on fields that shouldn't have nulls at all. Instead of duplicating these very massive tables, you can create the surrogate date keys and set values for the nulls in the view or named query. If you aren't going to see a huge performance boon for duplicating the table, then this may be a candidate for leaving in a more raw format in the database itself.
The disadvantages of this approach are as follows:
If you haven't built a true Kimball method data warehouse, then you probably aren't tracking transactions in a ledger-style. Kimball method fact tables (at least as I understand them) always change values by adding and subtracting rows. If someone cancels part of an order, you can't update the value in the cube for the single transaction. Instead, you have to balance out the transaction with a negative value. If you have to update the transaction, then you will have to fully reprocess the partition of the cube to replace the value which can be a very expensive operation. Unless your source system is a ledger-style transaction system, you will probably have to build a ledger-style copy in your ETL subsystem.
If you don't build a Kimball method data warehouse, then you are probably using unobscured and possibly non-integer primary keys in your database. This directly impacts query performance inside the cube. It also sets you up for having a theoretically inflexible data warehouse. For instance, if you have an product ordering system that uses an integer key and you start using a second product ordering system either as a replacement for the legacy system or in tandem with the legacy system, you may struggle to combine the data together merely through the DSV since each system has different data points, metrics, workflows, data types, etc. Worse, if they have the same data types for the order id and the order id values overlap between systems, then you must declare a surrogate key that you can use across both systems. This can be difficult, but not impossible, to implement without using a flattened data warehouse.
You may have to build the system twice if you start with the relational data store and then move to flattened database. Frankly, I think the amount of duplicated work is trivial. Most of what you learned building the cube off a relational data store will translate to setting up the new OLAP cube. The main problem, though, is that you will probably create a new cube altogether and then any users of the old cube will have to migrate to the new cube. Any reports built in SSRS or Excel will probably break at that point and need to be rewritten from the ground up. So the main cost of rebuilding the cube is really on rebuilding dependent objects -- not on rebuilding the cube itself.
Let me know if you want me to expand on any of the above points. good luck.
You're basically asking the million dollar question of "How do I build a DWH". This is not really a question that can decisively be answered.
Nevertheless, here is a kickstart:
If you are looking for a minimum viable product, be aware that you are in a data environment, and not a pure software one. In data-heavy environments, it is much harder to incrementally build a product, because the amount of effort to introduce changes in the system is much greater. Think about it as if every change you make in a piece of software has to be somehow backwards-compatible with anything you've ever done. Now you understand the hell Microsoft are in :-).
Also, data systems involve many third-party tools such as DBs, ETL tools and reporting platforms. The choices you make should be viable for the expected development of your system, else you might have to completely replace these tools down the road.
While you can start with a DB cloning that will be based on simple copy SQLs and then aggregating it or pushing it into an OLAP, I would recommend getting your hands dirty with a real ETL tool from the start. This is especially true if you foresee the need to grow. 9 out of 10 times, the need will grow.
MS-SQL is a good choice for a DB if you don't mind the cost. The natural ETL tool would be SSIS, and it's a solid tool as well.
Even if your first transformations are merely "take this table and dump it in there", you still gain a lot in terms of process management (has the job run? What happens if it fails? etc) and debugging. Also, it is easier to organically grow as requirements and/or special cases have to be dealt with.

How do the newer database models achieve better scalability and performance as compared to a traditional RDBMS implementation?

We have
BigTable from Google,
Hadoop, actively contributed by Yahoo,
Dynamo from Amazon
all aiming towards one common goal - making data management as scalable as possible.
By scalability what I understand is that the cost of the usage should not go up drastically when the size of data increases.
RDBMS's are slow when the amount of data is large as the number of indirections invariable increases leading to more IO's.
How do these custom scalable friendly data management systems solve the problem?
This is a figure from this document explaining Google BigTable:
Looks the same to me. How is the ultra-scalability achieved?
The "traditional" SQL DBMS market really means a very small number of products, which have traditionally targeted business applications in a corporate setting. Massive shared-nothing scalability has not historically been a priority for those products or their customers. So it is natural that alternative products have emerged to support internet scale database applications.
This has nothing to do with the fact that these new products are not "Relational" DBMSs. The relational model can scale just as well as any other model. Arguably the relational model suits these types of massively scalable applications better than say, network (graph based) models. It's just that the SQL language has a lot of disadvantages and no-one has yet come up with suitable relational NOSQL (non-SQL) alternatives.
Speaking specifically to your question about Bigtable, the difference is that the heirarchy in the diagram above is all there is. Each Bigtable tabletserver is responsible for a set of tablets (contiguous row ranges from a table); the mapping from row range to tablet is maintained in the metadata table, while the mapping from tablet to tabletserver is maintained in the memory of the Bigtable master. Looking up a row, or range of rows, requires looking up the metadata entry (which will almost certainly be in memory on the server that hosts it), then using that to look up the actual row on the server responsible for it - resulting in only one, or a few disk seeks.
In a nutshell, the reason this scales well is because it's possible to throw more hardware at it: given enough resources, the metadata is always in memory, and thus there's no need to go to disk for it, only for the data (and not always for that, either!).
It's about using cheap comodity hardware to build a network/grid/cloud and spread the data and load (for example using map/reduce).
RDBMS databases seem to me like software being (originaly) designed to run on one supercomputer. You can use various hard drive arrays, DB clusters, but still..
The amount of data increased so there's one more reason to design new data storages with this in mind - scalability, high availability, terabytes of data.
Another thing - if you build a grid/cloud from cheap servers, it's fault tolerant because you store all data at three (?) different locations and at the same time it's cheap.
Back to your pictures - the first one is from one computer (typically), the second one from a network of computers.
One theoretical answer on scalability is at - the ACID guarantees are expensive. See for a counter-argument.
In fact just surviving power failures is expensive. Years ago now I compared MySQL against Oracle. MySQL was almost unbelieveably faster than Oracle, but we couldn't use it. MySQL of those days was built on top of Berkeley
DB, which was miles faster than Oracle's full blown log-based database, but if the power went off while Berkely DB based MySQL was running, it was a manual process to get the database consistent again when the power went back on, and you'ld probably lose recent updates for good.

Very large database, very small portion most being retrieved in real time

I have an interesting database problem. I have a DB that is 150GB in size. My memory buffer is 8GB.
Most of my data is rarely being retrieved, or mainly being retrieved by backend processes. I would very much prefer to keep them around because some features require them.
Some of it (namely some tables, and some identifiable parts of certain tables) are used very often in a user facing manner
How can I make sure that the latter is always being kept in memory? (there is more than enough space for these)
More info:
We are on Ruby on rails. The database is MYSQL, our tables are stored using INNODB. We are sharding the data across 2 partitions. Because we are sharding it, we store most of our data using JSON blobs, while indexing only the primary keys
Update 2
The tricky thing is that the data is actually being used for both backend processes as well as user facing features. But they are accessed far less often for the latter
Update 3
Some people are commenting than 8Gb is toy these days. I agree, but just increasing the size of the db is pure LAZINESS if there is a smarter, efficient solution
This is why we have Data Warehouses. Separate the two things into either (a) separate databases or (b) separate schema within one database.
Data that is current, for immediate access, being updated.
Data that is historical fact, for analysis, not being updated.
150Gb is not very big and a single database can handle your little bit of live data and your big bit of history.
Use a "periodic" ETL process to get things out of active database, denormalize into a star schema and load into the historical data warehouse.
If the number of columns used in the customer facing tables are small you can make indexes with all the columns being used in the queries. This doesn't mean that all the data stays in memory but it can make the queries much faster. Its trading space for response time.
This calls for memcached! I'd recommend using cache-money, a great ActiveRecord write-through caching library. The ngmoco branch has support for enabling caching per-model, so you could only cache those things you knew you wanted to keep in memory.
You could also do the caching by hand using $cache.set/get/expire calls in controller actions or model hooks.
With MySQL, proper use of the Query Cache will keep frequently queried data in memory. You can provide a hint to MySQL not to cache certain queries (e.g. from the backend processes) with the SQL_NO_CACHE keyword.
If the backend processes are accessing historical data, or accessing data for reporting purposes, certainly follow S. Lott's suggestion to create a separate data warehouse and query that instead. If a data warehouse is too much to accomplish in the short term, you can replicate your transactional database to a different server and perform queries there (a Data Warehouse gives you MUCH more flexibility and capability, so go down that path if possible)
See documentation of SELECT and scroll down to SQL_NO_CACHE.
Read about the Query Cache
Ensure query_cache_type set appropriate for your needs.
I confirmed with MySQL support that there is no mechanism to selectively cache certain tables etc. in the innodb buffer pool.
So, what is the problem?
First, 150gb is not very large today. It was 10 years ago.
Second any non-total-crap database system will utilize your memory as cache. If the cache is big enough (compared to the amount of data that is in use) it will be efficient. If not, the only thing you CAN do is get more memory (because, sorry, 8gb of memory is VERY low for a modern server - it was low 2 years ago).
You should not have to do anything for the memory to be efficiently used. At least not on a commercial level database - maybe mysql sucks, but I would not assume this.
