USB Device with Ingenico iCT220 - c

Short Story
I have been tasked to connect an USB bar code scanner to this terminal [linky (PDF)], it has an usb host port ("usb master" according to documentation) on which i can connect any usb device then using ingenico sdk's (C based) systemfioctl's functions i can detect if an usb device is present,read its PID, VID, Class, Sub Class and protocol,
The problem...
the only thing cannot do is read its input, i have tried with a mouse, keyboard and a joystic, according to documentation the OS creates a device file "com6" in order to interact with this usb port, the thing is that every time i fread this device it always reads 0 bytes, since this thing does not runs any version of linux i guess i cannot use conventional HID libraries.
does anyone ever had to do such a bizarre thing before?


Detect certain connected USB device

I'm working with a USB device in Linux and have written a library to control this device.
Without going in to TOO many details, the device uses a standard UART protocol, so all I have to do is open a serial connection with open, configure the relevant parameters like baud rate, stop bit, parity, etc, etc, and start bit-banging registers.
The library works fine, however, it its hard coded to assume that this device is /dev/ttyUSB0. That is, this is what I pass to open. If open fails, I exit.
What I would like to do is detect that this device is present, regardless if it's /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, etc. And even detect if there are multiple of these devices connected.
I can write code to poll certain registers on the device that will return serial number, product ID, etc, so I can detect that what is on the other end of the USB is indeed my device... but how can I find a list of connected USB devices, again, in native C?
OR is there a more elegant way of doing this, such as interfacing with it's kernel module, or something? I can provide the USB driver it actually uses, but I'm sort of lost when looking through the code.
Thanks for any insight.
The elegant method is to use udev to create a descriptive symlink for your device when it is connected. Add a line something like this to /etc/udev/rules.d
SUBSYSTEM=="tty",ENV{ID_MODEL}=="My_FlowMeter_Model",ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM}=="00",SYMLINK+="flowmeter",RUN+="/bin/su pi -c /home/pi/
That's a very slightly modified version of an actual udev rule my research group uses to collect data from USB devices connected to battery-powered Raspberry Pi boxes. It also runs a script automatically, which has commands like
stty -F /dev/flowmeter 500000 -ixon -echo -icanon
If you want to know the "real" device filename, you could do readlink /dev/flowmeter. But for most uses you can just use the link: fd = open("/dev/flowmeter"); (or pass it as an argument to your program)
Naturally you should replace flowmeter with a short name for your own device, as well as updating the ID_MODEL based on the output from lsusb.
Multiple devices are a bit more complicated, but there are plenty of examples of udev rules out there.
On Linux, the information you are looking for is in the /sys filesystem, specifically under /sys/bus/usb/devices. From there you will need to search the filesystem to find your device.
For example, I just plugged a USB-serial dongle into my Linux (kernel version 2.6.35) and the device appeared under /sys/bus/usb/devices/2.1-8. Here, I am able to find that this is my device by vendorId:deviceId by checking the files idVendor and idProduct. Here, there is a directory named 2.1-8:1:0 which contains a directory named ttyUSB0.
Obviously, to find your device you will need code (or a shell script using find) to scan the directory tree, looking for the right entries.

Linux USB device driver misconception

My question is going to be rather vague but I will try to explain as detailed as I can what I am trying to resolve.
Trying to learn Linux kernel USB stack I have started to think of making a simple USB driver for my Atmel evaluation board based on ARM M0+ MCU to run away from Windows tools (Visual Studio plugin).
I have spent few days learning kernel's USB API and come to conclusion of how to make this. My driver aims to make my board connected to PC through USB cable act like a simple USB flash drive. Making that I then can easily program it with a new version of firmware written by me.
I have found that I need to find out specific interface (I am talking about interface in terms of USB specification, not interface we used to use as a code abstraction) that holds an endpoint (pipe) responsible for interaction with flash memory. And then I can map it to character device and interact with it using standard I/O operations that are described in struct file_operations structure.
Simply using cat on /proc/* file descriptor that was created by USB Core subsystem I have investigated that interface responsible for interaction with flash memory holds bulk endpoint (likewise, this terms come from USB specification, CMIIAW) that act as a "descriptor". Linux kernel USB Core subsystem gives neat interfaces to talk to different kind of endpoints whether it control, interrupt, bulk or asynchronous endpoint.
Now I have come closer to my very question.
Also the main transfer unit in communication between two USB devices is abstraction called urb - you allocate it, you fill it, you send it to USB Core subsystem, you read it if it was IN type of urb and, finally, you free it. What is confusing for me and tightly related to my question is the next API include/linux/usb.h:
static inline void usb_fill_bulk_urb(struct urb *urb,
struct usb_device *dev,
unsigned int pipe,
void *transfer_buffer,
int buffer_length,
usb_complete_t complete_fn,
void *context)
Assume I have obtained an information from board's datasheet about where to write a program code. Let's say, we have 0x00100 - 0x10000 memory region. I will compile my code, obtain a binary and then using standard Linux tools or writing a simple user-space wrapper application I will use lseek to set file's offset to 0x00100 and write system call provided with a buffer (binary compiled previously) and it's length.
In kernel space, I will have to allocate urb in write system call handler, fill it with a buffer sent from user space and submit this urb to USB Core.
BUT I can not find a way how to specify an OFFSET set earlier by lseek. Do I miss something? Maybe I missed some concepts or, perhaps, I am watching in a wrong way?
When your embedded Linux device acts as a USB mass storage device, the flash as a peripheral on Linux device is unmounted, and the gadget driver is loaded. Linux then loses control to the flash, and now the PC connected to your Linux device fully controls the flash. This is because a flash as a USB device can only has one USb host.
The gadget driver works purely in kernel space. It does not receive or transmit data from/to user space. It calls vfs_read() and vfs_write() to access the files on the flash, with an field offset. The offset is got from the USB commands sent from your host - Windows PC.
There is no way to specify offset using USB subsystem's API. I misunderstood whole conception of USB as communication protocol, unwise me. You must first learn underlying protocol your device uses to communicate with others.
If your device acts as a USB HID device then learning specification of how to exchange data with USB HID device is the way to go. If there is something proprietary then you can do nothing but reverse engineer it (listening USB packets with a sniffer on system where a driver for your device exists).
As for my board it has embedded debugger that serves as a communication module besides being debugger itself. Specifically, my device is equipped with EDBG and here is a link on description of protocol it uses for communication.

Reading from usb as a comport

I'm quite a beginner in the embedded world, since I'm always at the "other side of the wire" as a SW engineer so please don't crucify me for a question that might seem silly.
When I'm working with a Bluetooth device that connects to the computer, it is usually presented as a virtual COM-port which I connect and read the data from using winapi. Now our embedded engineer presented me a device that sends the same data through a USB cable which also presents as a virtual comport at my system which I read the same (meaning, for me it is completely transparent).
Now I wonder, in any other devices that use a USB connection, I don't see the device as a comport (like a mouse, or a keyboard), yet the info is sent. Why there is a need in a comport in this case, and what other reading options available?
You should read some basic USB information.
The difference you've noticed is because USB supports something called "device classes", that basically control how the computer (the host) views the device.
One such class is "USB communications device" which often becomes a virtual COM port, for instance.
Another is the very commonly seen "USB mass storage device" which is what e.g. flash drives use.
A third is the one you mention for mouses and keyboards, which is called "USB human interface device".
Which class a particular device uses is communicated when it's first connected on the bus, so that the host can load the proper driver. You cannot magically force a device to switch classes, the class is typically a "hard" (non-modifiable) part of the device's implementation, chosen by the designers of the device.

Detecting a RS-232 com port in Linux

I have an ECR(Electronic Cash Register) device,it has a RS-232 com port cable for the connection to PC but I have not been given any drivers for it. I am trying to connect the device to PC but PC is not able to detect the cable. How to detect this device attached on this RS-232? I am working under Linux. Any help on how to find the device is appreciated?
Following is the code snippet I found in C to connect to device based on Baudrate and Com Port number.
int OpenComport(int comport_number, int baudrate)
int SendByte(int comport_number, unsigned char byte)
int SendBuf(int comport_number, unsigned char *buf, int size)
Please see my answer to a related question which shows how to open and configure the serial port.
On Linux, serial ports are almost always /dev/ttyS[0123] (that is /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, etc.) for the hardwired ports, and /dev/ttyUSB* for USB ports. The hardwired "devices" may appear only when the hardware is present on some distributions. On others, they always appear whether there is hardware or not. (Try cat /dev/ttyS2 and see if you get the error "no such device".) This is a kernel configuration option which is frequently set to create the device entries whether the hardware is there or not.
The USB ports are present only when there is hardware plugged in, but if there are multiple USB serial ports, it can be difficult identifying which is which.
There is a mechanism within /etc/udev/rules.d/* which can be configured if some aspects of the devices are consistent. See man 7 udev for details.
For applications I have written, I determine which device is which by writing to the device and identifying its response. For devices which don't respond, this is either a worthy programming challenge or a mundane configuration solution.
I think you need to do a little reading about RS-232, and well, C programming also. There are no drivers for RS-232. It is a very "dumb" protocol - you basically just shove data out the port.
The PC cannot detect the cable? That's because it's not USB. Believe it or not, Plug-and-play didn't always exist; you tell the software what port the device is supposedly connected to, and it tries to talk to it.
Furthermore, those aren't "code snippets", those are just function prototypes. There isn't any actual code there.
1>since there's no operating system on your ECR so I guess u don't need any drivers ,instead a firmware will be there in the ECR , which tries to communicate with your Linux UART driver
2> Rs-232 is basically a serial protocol , I mean it has 9 wires , and hence a connecter with 9 pins are used DB-9 connectors ,all the communications inside a processor is in parallel format so a chip called UART is used to convert all the parallel data into serial data , and since yu want to pass the data in Rs-232 format , it needs to be packaged in that format .
3> Linux kernel already has a uart driver , which is implemented for RS-232 . so need to worry about drivers from Linux side.
4> Open a terminal type " dmesg | grep tty " ( connect only the ECR to the PC for rs-232 ports ). it will return something like ttyS or ttyUSB etc , however u just concentrate on ttyS if u have connected only through rs-232 cable .
5> Once u are sure of the ttyS device from the dmesg use minicom (its easy to use ) to communicate with the device.

reading USB port in Linux

I am writing a program to read data from a Bluetooth USB dongle. I am using Linux, so I suspect there may be a POSIX library to read from it, or perhaps there is a predefined file descriptor for each USB drive. How do I read a stream of data from a USB port in C?
The most common way of interacting with random USB device is libusb. This provides low-level access to the device, so if you want something more complex (for example, if it's an actual USB drive with a filesystem on it), you might want to use some existing driver for the device rather than trying to interact with it directly.
OK, given the answer above: the PS3 controller is, almost certainly, a HID device. You pair with it like you do any other Bluetooth HID device. It will appear as a joystick (or mouse, or keyboard, as appropriate) automatically once paired, with no software required on your part. This site seems to have a guide, though obviously I haven't tested it:
