malloc in Release vs Debug (VC 2012) - c

I wrote a quick and dirty program to leak memory by calling malloc repeatedly. I noticed when I ran my program in Debug configuration (in VS 2012) my program correctly consumes gigabytes of memory and keeps going until the page file is full (the Windows Task Manger reports high Working Set size). However when I run the program in Release mode the Working Set size of my program remains tiny but the Commit size keeps on growing. There is also markedly less disk thrashing or page faulting.
The MSDN documentation states that when in Debug mode, malloc is mapped to _malloc_dbg, but the documentation also states that both allocate memory on the heap, only _malloc_dbg allocates extra memory for debugging information - there is no mention of different heap behaviour (i.e. why it doesn't show up in Private Working Set in Release mode).
Pray tell, what's going on?

When a virtual memory page is committed, no physical memory is allocated until the page is accessed.
The debug malloc fills the newly-allocated memory with a known pattern, whereas the release malloc doesn't initialize it.
The initialization results in more pages of physical RAM (and more thrashing) required in debug than in release.
If you were to actually touch every page of the allocated memory, I'd expect most of the difference between the two builds to disappear.


OSDev: Why my memory allocation function suddenly stops working in the AHCI initialization function?

After my kernel calls the AHCIInit() function inside of the ArchInit() function, I get a page fault in one of the MemAllocate() calls, and this only happens in real machines, as I tried replicating it on VirtualBox, VMWare and QEMU.
I tried debugging the code, unit testing the memory allocator and removing everything from the kernel, with the exception from the memory manager and the AHCI driver itself, the only thing that I discovered is that something is corrupting the allocation blocks, making the MemAllocate() page fault.
The whole kernel source is at, but the main files where the problem probably occours are:
I expected the AHCIInit() to detect and initialize all the AHCI devices and the boot to continues until it reaches the session manager or the kernel shell, but in real computers it page faults before even initializing the scheduler (so no, the problem isn't my scheduler).
If it works in emulators but doesn't work on real hardware; then the first things I'd suspect are:
bugs in physical memory management. For example, physical memory manager initialization not rounding "starting address of usable RAM area" up to a page boundary or not rounding "ending address of usable RAM area" down to a page boundary, causing a "half usable RAM and half not usable RAM" page to be allocated by the heap later (where it works on emulators because the memory map provided by firmware happens to describe areas that are nicely aligned anyway).
a bug where RAM is assumed to contain zeros but may not be (where it works on emulators because they tend to leave almost all RAM full of zeros).
a race condition (where different timing causes different behavior).
However; this is a monolithic kernel, which means that you'll continually be facing "any piece of code in kernel-space did something that caused problems for any other piece of code anywhere else"; and there's a bunch of common bugs with memory usage (e.g. accidentally writing past the end of what you allocated). For this reason I'd want better tools to help diagnose problems, especially for heap.
Specifically, for the heap I'd start with canaries (e.g. put a magic number like 0xFEEDFACE before each block of memory in the heap, and another different number after each block of memory in the heap; and then check that the magic numbers are still present and correct where convenient - e.g. when blocks are freed or resized). Then I'd write a "check_heap()" function that scans through everything checking as much as possible (the canaries, if statistics like "number of free blocks" are actually correct, etc). The idea being that (whenever you suspect something might have corrupted the heap) you can insert a call to the "check_heap()" function, and move that call around until you find out which piece of code caused the heap corruption. I'd also suggest having a "what" parameter in your "kmalloc() or equivalent" (e.g. so you can do things like myFooStructure = kmalloc("Foo Structure", sizeof(struct foo));), where the provided "what string" is stored in the allocated block's meta-data, so that later on (when you find out the heap was corrupted) you can display the "what string" associated with the block before the corruption, and so that you can (e.g.) list how many of each type of thing there currently is to help determine what is leaking memory (e.g. if the number of "Foo Structure" blocks is continually increasing). Of course these things can be (should be?) enabled/disabled by compile time options (e.g. #ifdef DEBUG_HEAP).
The other thing I'd recommend is self tests. These are like unit tests, but built directly into the kernel itself and always present. For example, you could write code to pound the daylights out of the heap (e.g. allocate random sized pieces of memory and fill them with something until you run out of memory, then free half of them, then allocate more until you run out of memory again, etc; while calling the "check_heap()" function between each step); where this code could/should take a "how much pounding" parameter (so you could spend a small amount of time doing the self test, or a huge amount of time doing the self test). You could also write code to pound the daylights out of the virtual memory manager, and the physical memory manager (and the scheduler, and ...). Then you could decide to always do a small amount of self testing each time the kernel boots and/or provide a special kernel parameter/option to enable "extremely thorough self test mode".
Don't forget that eventually (if/when the OS is released) you'll probably have to resort to "remote debugging via. email" (e.g. where someone without any programming experience, who may not know very much English, sends you an email saying "OS not work"; and you have to try to figure out what is going wrong before the end user's "amount of hassle before giving up and not caring anymore" counter is depleted).

Why the memory usage doesn't decrease after I freeing the data I alloced?

I created a linked list with 1,000,000 items which took 16M memory. Then I removed and freed half of them. I thought that the memory usage would decrease, but it didn't.
Why was that?
I'm checking the Memory usage via Activity Monitor On Mac OS X 10.8.2.
In case you want to check my code, here it is.
Generally speaking, free doesn't release memory back to the OS. It's still allocated to the process, so the OS reports it as allocated. From the POV of your program, it's available to satisfy an new allocations you make.
Be aware that since you freed every other node, your memory is almost certainly now very fragmented. This free memory is in small chunks with allocated memory in between them, so can only be used to satisfy small allocations. If you make a larger allocation, the process will go to the OS for more memory.
Since the process gets memory from the OS one page at a time, even if it wanted to it can't release such fragmented memory back to the OS. You're using part of every page.

Yet another Memory Leak Issue (memory is still gone when program terminates)- C program on SLES

I run my C program on Suse Linux Enterprise that compresses several thousand large files (between 10MB and 100MB in size), and the program gets slower and slower as the program runs (it's running multi-threaded with 32 threads on a Intel Sandy Bridge board). When the program completes, and it's run again, it's still very slow.
When I watch the program running, I see that the memory is being depleted while the program runs, which you would think is just a classic memory leak problem. But, with a normal malloc()/free() mismatch, I would expect all the memory to return when the program terminates. But, most of the memory doesn't get reclaimed when the program completes. The free or top command shows Mem: 63996M total, 63724M used, 272M free when the program is slowed down to a halt, but, after the termination, the free memory only grows back to about 3660M. When the program is rerun, the free memory is quickly used up.
The top program only shows that the program, while running, is using at most 4% or so of the memory.
I thought that it might be a memory fragmentation problem, but, I built a small test program that simulates all the memory allocation activity in the program (many randomized aspects were built in - size/quantity), and it always returns all the memory upon completion. So, I don't think that's it.
Can there be a malloc()/free() mismatch that will lose memory permanently, i.e. even after the process completes?
What other things in a C program (not C++) can cause permanent memory loss, i.e. after the program completes, and even the terminal window closes? Only a reboot brings the memory back. I've read other posts about files not being closed causing problems, but, I don't think I have that problem.
Is it valid to be looking at top and free for the memory statistics, i.e. do they accurately describe the memory situation? They do seem to correspond to the slowness of the program.
If the program only shows a 4% memory usage, will something like valgrind find this problem?
Can there be a malloc()/free() mismatch that will lose memory permanently, i.e. even after the process completes?
No, malloc and free, and even mmap are harmless in this respect, and when the process terminates the OS (SUSE Linux in this case) claims all their memory back (unless it's shared with some other process that's still running).
What other things in a C program (not C++) can cause permanent memory loss, i.e. after the program completes, and even the terminal window closes? Only a reboot brings the memory back. I've read other posts about files not being closed causing problems, but, I don't think I have that problem.
Like malloc/free and mmap, files opened by the process are automatically closed by the OS.
There are a few things which cause permanent memory leaks like big pages but you would certainly know about it if you were using them. Apart from that, no.
However, if you define memory loss as memory not marked 'free' immediately, then a couple of things can happen.
Writes to disk or mmap may be cached for a while in RAM. The OS must keep the pages around until it synchs them back to disk.
Files READ by the process may remain in memory if the OS has nothing else to use that RAM for right now - on the reasonable assumption that it might need them soon and it's quicker to read the copy that's already in RAM. Again, if the OS or another process needs some of that RAM, it can be discarded instantly.
Note that as someone who paid for all my RAM, I would rather the OS used ALL of it ALL the time, if it helps in even the smallest way. Free RAM is wasted RAM.
The main problem with having little free RAM is when it is overcommitted, which is to say there are more processes (and the OS) asking for or using RAM right now than is available on the system. It sounds like you are using about 4Gb of RAM in your processes, which might be a problem - (and remember the OS needs a good chunk too. But it sounds like you have plenty of RAM! Try running half the number of processes and see if it gets better.
Sometimes a memory leak can cause temporary overcommitment - it's a good idea to look into that. Try plotting the memory use of your program over time - if it rises continuously, then it may well be a leak.
Note that forking a process creates a copy that shares the memory the original allocated - until both are closed or one of them 'exec's. But you aren't doing that.
Is it valid to be looking at top and free for the memory statistics, i.e. do they accurately describe the memory situation? They do seem to correspond to the slowness of the program.
Yes, top and ps are perfectly reasonable ways to look at memory, in particular observe the RES field. Ignore the VIRT field for now. In addition:
To see what the whole system is doing with memory, run:
vmstat 10
While your program is running and for a while after. Look at what happens to the ---memory--- columns.
In addition, after your process has finished, run
cat /proc/meminfo
And post the results in your question.
If the program only shows a 4% memory usage, will something like valgrind find this problem?
Probably, but it can be extremely slow, which might be impractical in this case. There are plenty of other tools which can help such as electricfence and others which do not slw your program down noticeably. I've even rolled my own in the past.
malloc()/free() work on the heap. This memory is guaranteed to be released to the OS when the process terminates. It is possible to leak memory even after the allocating process terminates using certain shared memory primitives (e.g. System V IPC). However, I don't think any of this is directly relevant.
Stepping back a bit, here's output from a lightly-loaded Linux server:
$ uptime
03:30:56 up 72 days, 8:42, 2 users, load average: 0.06, 0.17, 0.27
$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 24104 23452 652 0 15821 978
-/+ buffers/cache: 6651 17453
Swap: 3811 5 3806
Oh no, only 652 MB free! Right? Wrong.
Whenever Linux accesses a block device (say, a hard drive), it looks for any unused memory, and stores a copy of the data there. After all, why not? The data's already in RAM, some program clearly wanted that data, and RAM that's unused can't do anyone any good. If a program comes along and asks for more memory, the cached data is discarded to make room -- until then, might as well hang onto it.
The key to this free output is not the first line, but the second. Yes, 23.4 GB of RAM is being used -- but 17.4 GB is available for programs that want it. See Help! Linux ate my RAM! for more.
I can't say why the program is getting slower, but having the "free memory" metric steadily drop down to nothing is entirely normal and not the cause.
The operating system only makes as much memory free as it absolutely needs. Making memory free is wasted effort if the memory is later used normally -- it's more efficient to just directly transition the memory from one use to another than to make the memory free just to have to make it unfree later.
The only thing the system needs free memory for is operations that require memory that can't switch used memory from one purpose to another. This is a very small set of unusual operations such as servicing network interrupts.
If you type this command sysctl vm.min_free_kbytes, the system will tell you the number of KB it needs free. It's likely less than 100MB. So having any amount more than that free is perfectly fine.
If you want more of your memory free, remove it from the computer. Otherwise, the operating system assumes that there is zero cost to using it, and thus zero benefit to making it free.
For example, consider the data you wrote to disk. The operating system could make the memory that was holding that data free. But that's a double loss. If the data you wrote to disk is later read, it will have to read it from disk rather than just grabbing it from memory. And if that memory is later needed for some other purpose, it will just have to undo all the work it went through making it free. Yuck. So if the system doesn't absolutely need free memory, it won't make it free.
My guess would be the problem is not in your program, but in the operating system. The OS keeps a cache of recently used files in memory on the assumption that you are going to access them again. It does not know with certainty what files are going to be needed, so it can end up deciding to keep the wrong ones at the expense of the ones you wish it was keeping.
It may be keeping the output files of the first run cached when you do your second run, which prevents it from effectively using the cache on the second run. You can test this theory by deleting all files from the first run (which should free them from cache) and seeing if that makes the second run go faster.
If that doesn't work, try deleting all the input files for the first run as well.
Yes there is no requirement in C or C++ to release memory that is not freed back to the OS
Do you have memory mapped files, open file handles for deleted files etc. Linux will not delete a file until all references to is a deallocated. Also linux will cache the file in memory in case it needs to be read again - file cache memory usage can be ignored as the OS will deal with it
Maybe valgrind will highlight cases where memory is not

How does physical pages are allocated and freed during the malloc and free call?

Malloc allocates memory from one of the virtual memory regions of the process called Heap.
What is the initial size of the Heap (just after the execution begins and prior to any malloc call)? Say, if Heap starts from X virtual address and ends at Y virtual address I want to know the difference between X and Y.
I have read the answers to the duplicate question which was asked earlier.
How do malloc() and free() work?
The answers written are all in the context of virtual address but I want to know how the physical pages are allocated.
I am not sure but I think that this initial size (X-Y) would not have the corresponding page table entries in the operating system. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Now, say there is a request for allocating (and using) 10 bytes of memory, a new page would be allocated. Then, all the further requests for memory would be satisfied from this page or every time a new page would be allocated? Who would decide this?
When the memory would be freed (using free()) then at what time this allocated physical page would be freed and marked as available? I understand that the virtual address and physical page would not be freed immediately as the amount of memory freed could be very less. Then at what time the corresponding association between the physical and virtual address would be terminated?
I am sorry if my questions may sound strange. I am just a newbie and trying to understand the internals.
Normally you can think of physical pages as being allocated temporarily. If the memory that your program is using is swapped to disk, then at any time the association between your virtual addresses and physical RAM can be dropped, and that physical RAM used for something else.
If the program later accesses that memory, the OS will assign a new physical page to that virtual page, copy the data back from the page file into the physical memory, and complete the memory access.
So, to answer your question, the physical page might be marked as available when your program is no longer using the allocations that were put in it, or before. Or after, since malloc doesn't always bother freeing memory back to the OS. You don't really get to predict this stuff.
This all happens in the kernel, it's invisible from the point of view of C, just as CPU caching of memory is invisible from C. Well, invisible until your program slows down massively due to swapping. Obviously if you disable the swap file then things change a bit: instead of your program slowing down due to swapping, some program somewhere will fail to allocate memory, or something will be killed by the OOM killer.
How pages are allocated is different in each os, Linux, Mac, Windows, etc. In most/all implementations there is a kernel mechanism that defines how it is allocated.
How the OS handles this is quite OS dependent. In most (if not all) cases, the OS will at least takes note in its table that there was an allocation. You probably are confusing with the fact that some OS in some situation do not commit memory until it has been accessed. (keyword: overcommit; if you want my opinion on this, it should be a per process setting, and not a global one, and defaulting to committing the memory).
Now for returning freed memory to the OS, that depends on the allocator. It can't return anything less than a page, so while a page contains allocated memory, it won't be returned. And depending on how it has been allocated, there may be other constraints; for instance when using sbreak() as traditionally done on Unix, you can return only the latest allocated pages (i.e. if you return a page, all the one allocated after are also returned). More modern approach on Unix use mmapped memory for large blocks, under the rationale that mmapped memory can be returned as wanted. For small allocation blocks, it is often deemed not worthwhile to check if pages in the middle could be returned, and so mmapped memory isn't used.

Why does my c program not free memory as it should?

I have made a program in c and wanted to see, how much memory it uses and noticed, that the memory usage grows while normally using it (at launch time it uses about 250k and now it's at 1.5mb). afaik, I freed all the unused memory and after some time hours, the app uses less memory. Could it be possible, that the freed memory just goes from the 'active' memory to the 'wired' or something, so it's released when free space is needed?
btw. my machine runs on mac os x, if this is important.
How do you determine the memory usage? Have you tried using valgrind to locate potential memory leaks? It's really easy. Just start your application with valgrind, run it, and look at the well-structured output.
If you're looking at the memory usage from the OS, you are likely to see this behavior. Freed memory is not automatically returned to the OS, but normally stays with the process, and can be malloced later. What you see is usually the high-water mark of memory use.
As Konrad Rudolph suggested, use something that examines the memory from inside the process to look for memory links.
The C library does not usually return "small" allocations to the OS. Instead it keeps the memory around for the next time you use malloc.
However, many C libraries will release large blocks, so you could try doing a malloc of several megabytes and then freeing it.
On OSX you should be able to use if you have installed the Developer Tools from OSX (as you might have trouble finding a port of valgrind for OSX).
I agree with what everyone has already said, but I do want to add just a few clarifying remarks specific to os x:
First, the operating system actually allocates memory using vm_allocate which allocates entire pages at a time. Because there is a cost associated with this, like others have stated, the C library does not just deallocate the page when you return memory via free(3). Specifically, if there are other allocations within the memory page, it will not be released. Currently memory pages are 4096 bytes in mac os x. The number of bytes in a page can be determined programatically with sysctl(2) or, more easily, with getpagesize(2). You can use this information to optimize your memory usage.
Secondly, user-space applications do not wire memory. Generally the kernel wires memory for critical data structures. Wired memory is basically memory that can never be swapped out and will never generate a page fault. If, for some reason, a page fault is generated in a wired memory page, the kernel will panic and your computer will crash. If your application is increasing your computer's wired memory by a noticeable amount, it is a very bad sign. It generally means that your application is doing something that significantly grows kernel data structures, like allocating and not reaping hundreds of threads of child processes. (of course, this is a general statement... in some cases, this growth is expected, like when developing a virtual host or something like that).
In addition to what the others have already written:
malloc() allocates bigger chunks from the OS and spits it out in smaller pieces as you malloc() it. When free()ing, the piece first goes into a free-list, for quick reuse by another malloc if the size fits. It may at this time be merged with another free item, to form bigger free blocks, to avoid fragmentation (a whole bunch of different algorithms exist there, from freeLists to binary-sized-fragments to hashing and what not else).
When freed pieces arrive so that multiple fragments can be joined, free() usually does this, but sometimes, fragments remain, depending on size and orderof malloc() and free(). Also, only when a big such free block has been created will it be (sometimes) returned to the OS as a block. But usually, malloc() keeps things in its pocket, dependig on the allocated/free ratio (many heuristics and sometimes compile or flag options are often available).
Notice, that there is not ONE malloc/free algotrithm. There is a whole bunch of different implementations (and literature). Highly system, OS and library dependent.
