soql getting data via a junction object - salesforce

I have the following three custom objects:
Design__c (has a lookup to Order and a lookup to Location, so the design ojbect is the junction object)
On the order page layout I want to add a blank section that contains a VF page in order to display the Location records for all the design records for an order.
An order can have many designs and a design can have many locations. I need a way to group and display each design/locations in the VF page on the Order.
How can I build this query and display the results on the VF page?
I was trying a query like this: Select Location_r.Name, Location_r.Mockup From Design_c where Order_c = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Also, is there a better way to display the results besides a VF page section in a related list?
Thanks for any help!

First things, first. since design is related to the other 2 objects via lookup, it is not a junction object. junction objects are only when it's 2 parents have a master-detail relationship with the child.
I think what you're trying to achieve is to traverse a parent-child-parent relationship. You'll need to use subqueries for the last half. From the documentation- here you go:
Query **child-to-parent relationships**, which are often many-to-one. Specify these relationships directly in the SELECT, FROM, or WHERE clauses using the dot (.) operator.
For example:
SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name
FROM Contact
WHERE Account.Industry = 'media'
This query returns the ID and name for only the contacts whose related account industry is media, and for each contact returned, the account name.
Query **parent-to-child**, which are almost always one-to-many. Specify these relationships using a subquery (enclosed in parentheses), where the initial member of the FROM clause in the subquery is related to the initial member of the outer query FROM clause. Note that for subqueries, you should specify the plural name of the object as that is the name of the relationship for each object.
For example:
FROM Contacts
FROM Account
The query returns the name for all the accounts, and for each account, the last name of each contact.


parent-child and child-parent relationships in one query SOQL

Is it possible to write a query to access parent-child and child-parent objects, in one SOQL query?
I have a scenario where, I need to access Account Objects from child and child of Account too, in the same query.
Select Id,
(Select Id,Name, (Select Id, Address from Addresses__r) from x__r.Account),
From x
(Pardon me, if I use any wrong terms. I am pretty new to Salesforce)
Yes, it is possible to do so.
In the example below, we are using sub-query to retrieve Ids of all Account Territories (parent-to-child relationship) and, at the same time, we are using child-to-parent relationship to retrieve TimeZoneSidKey of the User who has created the record.
SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Accounts_Territories__r), CreatedBy.TimeZoneSidKey FROM Account
Documentation on the topic

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 how to create nested groups

I know it's old technology (ancient now), but it's what I have to work with due to work.
I am able to create a Group and report and link it to a textbox to provide a collapsible report, with master data and detail data.
What I want to know, is it possible in SSRS2005 to create another sub-group to the first group?
i.e. Master record -> Detail -> Sub-details
Every time I try and add another detail row for example I only get one row of data in the sub-group, because it's tied to the Details Grouping. I cannot explicitly say "report grouped by this other subgroup" (where it offers you to create groups in the Group list).
Yes I am trying to do this in a table.
This is what I am after...
[+] Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
[+] data data data data
Col1 Col2 Col3 ...
data data data ...
The [+] is what I want to set up to allow the expansion of another group within the first group.
The answer is not to try and pack too much into one reporting object. In this case the Table object.
I managed to have far more flexibility by placing the tables and fields inside a List object.
Try these...
Drop a List item into the report
Define the Dataset to your main dataset that contains all the data.
Note: For this to work you need a query that have as much as the master and detail data inside as ONE query, so obviously your master data will repeat as deep as it has to, to get to the lowest common dataset, which in my case was the action items per student.
The List object will act as the Master data reference for all your other objects inside of it.
Now you can play! Drop in a few textboxes to show the data for the master data you want to only show ONCE per "logical record". I'll let you ponder what that meant!
Now to show subgroups, you'll need Tables for each one. Drop a Table object
In each table (group) don't specify a dataset, as I said above, all the data comes from the List.
But for each table, you'll need to define your Details Grouping. Go ahead and simply state the group parameters you require for the sub-group. So in my case, I want to display ONE row of Students, but any amount of Actions each student has. So place a StudentID for the student and an ActionID for the actions as a combined grouping.
Repeat the above for any other groups, and define their groupings so you don't get repeatitive data. One table could only have one pivot or group, so just define the index for that inside the Details Grouping. Do not use the Add.. feature to add groups, because you'll be adding groups within subgroups and go into another level again! Beware.
I hope this made sense.

How to do a nested query in SOQL? Salesforce

I have 2 custom objects in
One is PersonAccount and one is Accounts.
Within the default "Account" object I have a field called user_id
PersonAccount acts as a junction table to link "Account" to Accounts
PersonAccount does a lookup in Person for user_id Lookup(Account)
How can I build a query to check something in Account to find all the matching items in Accounts?
Currently, Salesforce only permits a single level of nested queries. It cane be done like the following:
[SELECT ID, Name, Field1 from Object__c WHERE Id IN ( SELECT Id FROM Object2__c WHERE Field2 = 'SomeValue')]
However, with the junction object you don't actually need to use a nested query.
Unfortunately, your description isn't clear enough to understand your specific object set-up, so I am going to make some assumptions.
You have three objects, Accounts__c (your custom Accounts Objct), PersonAccount__c (your junction object), and Account (the default Account objects).
The PersonAccount__c object contains two lookup fields (for a true Junction, they should be Master-Detail). The first is to Accounts__c (we will call that lup_cust_accounts__c). The second is to Account (we will call that lup_account__c). [As an aside it is a really bad idea to have an Accounts and Account object. It is going to screw you up because Salesforce will automatically pluralize words and then you will be confused as to which is which.]
Salesforce allows dot relationship lookups in SOQL queries. So if you want to get the ID and Name from custom Accounts Objects when the associated Account object's Name is like "Test", you could do the following:
[SELECT lup_cust_accounts__r.Id, lup_cust_accounts__r.Name FROM PersonAccount__c WHERE lup_account__r.Name LIKE 'Test%'];
Notice the double underscore r instead of double underscore c? That is how you indicate a reference (lookup) rather than the specific field value.

Displaying multi-subquery, dynamic field, dynamic object SOQL query results on a VF page

I want to pass a SOQL query to a page, or have the users enter it on the page themselves, process it, and then display results in a table.
Biggest problem is displaying the results, as VF dynamic binding only seems to be working one level deep, after that it gives null pointer exceptions (seems to be some bug in SF).
I have a dynamic main object with multiple related lists coming from the query, for example: user may be pulling a list of Accounts, with all related Contacts, and all related Opportunities. Here is an example query:
select id, name, BillingState, (select id, name, title from Contacts), (select id, amount from Opportunities) from Account where name like '%Corp%'
Another time, the query might be on a completely different parent object, like:
select id, name, accountId, (select id, Cost from OpportunityLineItems), (select id, name from Attachments) from Opportunitiy limit 20
It's not a problem parsing the field and object names from the query, but using dynamic binding for displaying those results in a table on a VF page is a nightmare, and is not working for me. Any ideas? or maybe you have seen VF code for this specific situation somewhere?
As a side note, below is the error i keep running into on the VF page when trying to use dynamic binding
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException
Error: null
In these situations I always rely on an object relational mapper pattern, or referred to simply as a wrapper class. For the trickier fields, what you wind up displaying are single level, class member abstractions rather than fields directly from the result of a SOQL statement. One benefit of this is that you can simply do a few SOQL calls, prepare the data in any way that will best support your page and then render it smoothly. The additional work of having this abstraction class pays off very well in the end - imo.
Here's a related post that shows exactly how to do this in Apex. In your case, you would extend on this example to add the values of multiple SObjects to one instance of this "ORM-style" class and then populate a list of instances of it from within Apex. This list of custom object instances becomes perfect food for Visualforce to consume.

Compare two views in salesforce

I am looking for a way to compare two views in salesforce. I want to create a visual force page that lets a user select two views associated with the Account object and show all the accounts that appear on both views.
I am struggling pretty hard here, I can't figure out how to get the results from the views, but I am hoping there is a way to get all accounts that match the filters for each view.
Here is my SOQL query:
Select Id, Name, Owner.Name FROM Account WHERE
Id IN ( SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE RecordTypeId = :RecordType1ID AND StageName IN :StageOneList )
AND Id IN ( SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE RecordTypeId = :RecordType2ID AND StageName IN :StageTwoList )
This is the basis of the VF page I have made so far. It is possible to filter the Account with Account Owner and a drop down list from province. The idea is, many people in the organization have already created views with the accounts filtered as they need it. Instead of including every possible account field as a filter, I would like a drop down list of the active users views associated with Account, and then they can select Opportunity 1 and Opportunity 2 and have a list of Accounts matching.
I assume you mean views as in the available views in the dropdown box on a standard tab for an object? If so I don't believe you can query the results from them directly although you can query the Account object using a SOQL statement where you provide the filter.
My suggestion would be either create a set VF page that has 2 drop downs to switch the SOQL query that is used to return the list of accounts being displayed (would mean you have a set of predetermined views and updates to them require code updates) or give more details of your use case and we may be able to provide other suggestions.
It sounds like you just need to compare the results of the filters here. My suggestion would be that you're really trying to do something that should be done with reports, not with views.
Put two enhancedList components on the page.
