How can I detect mobile device in Blogger Post? - mobile

Is there way to detect mobile device in Blogger Post without using JavaScript? We can do it in blogger template easily using primitives (i.e. cond=data:mobile) but I couldn't find a way in post.

Blogger Conditional tags only work in templates and not on posts/widgets.
If you want something for a particular url in mobile site,
use conditional url tags <b:if cond='data:blog.url == PUT_URL_HERE'>
mobile conditional tag <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == data:blog.isMobile'>


Is it possible to make Google show the normal page in the search results instead of the mobile page?

We have a separate mobile site and a separate desktop site. There's basically a "mobile" page for each normal page like this:
And the m/home.php is showing up in the search results. Is it possible to make google show the normal home.php instead?
Responsive design is a good solution, but that's not the answer I am looking for at the moment.
And I don't want to 301 redirect m/home.php because people on mobile still need to view it.
Is my only option to redirect the user to home.php from m/home.php when I detect that they are not using a mobile browser?
My advice put noindex meta on your all mobile pages that's help you to prevent mobile pages getting result on Google serp then add mobile detection script on your normal site set and redirct for mobile users.

single page application with angularjs and google+ button

I used this solution to define the content of the Facebook sharing window.
I can't find a similar solution for Google +.
I am working on this website and if you go to an article page and try to G+, it'll take a wrong image as thumbnail and for the title it takes the AngularJS code : Sportnew7-24 - <% Page.title() %> (I use <% instead of {{ to avoid collision with blade ).
I tried the solution with but the google popin seems to ignore them.
Thank you
Google+ share details are populated by Google making an HTTP request to the specified URL and parsing the HTML. Since you are making a SPA site Google is just parsing the default template details without executing your JavaScript. If you want Google+ sharing details to work you will have to render the HTML with the title/image in it.
Google does have a method for telling crawlers about AJAX pages and how to crawl them but I can't speak to if the Google+ bot supports the standard.

Integrating kibana dashboards into an angularjs app

I have my ElasticSearch setup with kibana showing different panels. I have another angularjs app. I would like to receive input in a field, use angularjs and show kibana panels in my angularjs app itself.
Are there any tutorials/guides to achieve this?
I have googled quite a bit about this, but am unable to find any help.
You could also rephrase my question as "How do I embed a kibana dashboard in my AngularJS Single page website?"
In kibana4, the easiest way to embed a dashboard is using an iframe. Click the "Share" button in the top-right corner to get the appropriate iframe tag. Then edit it as needed to make it embed seamlessly. Check out the seamless attribute.
When I google it your question, I have found some git article
May be it will help you to
You can use iframe read this

Hashtag urls in mobile devices? How do they work?

Ok, probably a stupid question. But here goes... I know on regular websites a hashtag is an anchor to an element on the page, however, how does this work in mobile devices? It seems to me that mobile devices can use hashtags to slide to another section on the same page, sort of like another page.
How do urls work like that in mobile devices?? I've been to the site and noticed the webapp builder on the homepage, offers the ability to change features to slide, slideup, slidedown, fade, pop, etc. etc., however, the only URL to choose from is always "HOME" for these features. And home points to #page1, which is odd that it has a hashtag in it. How do mobile devices work with these hashtags? More importantly, how do I add the ability to slide to that hashtag, as in the way implies in the webapp builder?
I've tried doing my own research on this via google, but no luck, as mobile hashtags keeps bringing up other results, not what I am asking for here.
There's no difference between handling of the hash parts of URL in desktop vs. mobile browsers. The key point is that Javascript has access to the URL, including the hash part, and can do any programmatic thing based on the contents of the URL. So if the page author wants to slide in another section in response to changing the hash part of the URL, they can do that. People do the same thing on "desktop" sites, too.

Pre Poulate a Text Field with a URL

I have a mobile simulator at and was wondering if there is a script or way to populate the text field so that I can send a sampole of the customer mobile website to them.
Maybe I need to change it to a php file or something.
So I would like to send them to say
That website uses javascript within the page to load the entered URL within their "emulator" and does support passing parameters as the web page is not a "real" web form.
If you have a specific question about the functionality of a specific website, then why not contact them
There are alternative online mobile emulators which do support the funcitonality you require, such as:
