Paint program controls and components? - wpf

What components or 3d party controls exist for creating a paint or canvas based program similar to Photoshop or ArtRage for WinForms and WPF?

You'll want to use the Canvas control. There's an introduction to it here. You can customize the hell out of it using adorners and mouse events as well.


Using WPF controls in a Surface application

I'm needing a TreeView control in our surface application. Situation is ive already created a TreeView implementation using infragistics XamlDataTree. Im wondering whether this control set can be used in a Surface application (being that it is a WPF app under the hood)?
Question also in general can you reuse standard WPF controls in the surface environment?
Also is there a tool already in the Surface SDK suite that would suit a TreeView style layout?
Thanks in advance
Don't know about the XamlDataTree, but in general, you can use any WPF control in a Surface Presentation Layer Application.

How to implement touch event on canvas in WPF

I need to implement touch event on canvas. As I have to add many objects in canvas and manipulate them on touch I need to have touch event on canvas. Can any one help how can I do that in WPF?
I assume your attempting to move the objects on the canvas with user gestures? If you have Microsoft Blend take a took in the behaviors as there are ones made just for this purpose.
Sorry away from the office or I could give more exact info.

Can I use a WPF control in WinForms to achieve transparency effects?

Is it possible to use WPF in WinForms, to implement the idea used in this question. I am trying to create a semi-transparent panel.
Technically yes - there are ways of hosting WPF in WinForms using ElementHost.
However, you're likely to run into problems with the transparency. WPF's rendering is different to WinForms and, while you can make the WPF control transparent, the WinForms underneath aren't going to respect that.
You can use Opacity property of your WinForm to make it semitransparent.

WinForm and WPF Form rendering

Pardon me, if it is a silly question.
Can you anyone tell me how the WinForms are rendered (the background mechanism)
Also how is WPF Form are rendered.
In simple, i want to know the rendering mechanism of WinForms and WPF Forms.
For WPF there is the WPF Rendering Overview or WPF Rendering Steps which states
Render all children.
Process OpacityMask.
Process Opacity
Clip geometry
Windows Forms renders its Forms using GDI+, while WPF renders its Windows using DirectX.

Custom painting Windows Forms Scrollbar?

I know how to do custom drawing of a standalone Windows Forms ScrollBar because there are plenty of examples at places like But how do you custom draw the scrollbars in controls you do not create yourself? For example a Panel can show scrollbars but how would I ensure that the scrollbars it shows are custom drawn?
Or maybe this is not possible and I would need to create my own version of a Panel so that they use my own custom drawing scrollbars?
The scrollbars you see most often, including those built into most winforms controls, are rendered by Windows and there is no way to override their appearance in WinForms short of implementing an entirely custom solution which completely takes over the rendering and behavior of the common scrollbar control. There are some commercial packagages which claim to do this (google winforms skinning).
