Why doesn't simple test pass using AutoFixture Freeze, SemanticComparison Likeness and CreateProxy? - autofixture

I'm trying to understand how to use the CreateProxy() feature of Likeness<T>() using two instances of a simple class.
public class Band
public string Strings { get; set; }
public string Brass { get; set; }
With the following test, I use a Fixture to Create<T> a Band instance with values for the two string properties.
public void Equality_Behaves_As_Expected()
// arrange
var fixture = new Fixture();
fixture.Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var original = fixture.Create<Band>();
// Brass something like --> "Brass65756b89-d9f3-42f8-88fc-ab6de5ae65cd"
// Strings something like --> "Strings7439fa1b-014d-4544-8428-baea66858940"
// act
var dupe = new Band {Brass = original.Brass,
Strings = original.Strings};
// Brass same as original's like --> "Brass65756b89-d9f3-42f8-88fc-ab6de5ae65cd"
// Strings same as original's like --> "Strings7439fa1b-014d-4544-8428-baea66858940"
I've tried many different assertions, but the crux of the matter seems to be that the CreateProxy method is not populating the properties of Band, so that even when I try to compare two instances of Band with the same property values, the instance from the CreateProxy method always has null values.
// assert
var likeness = dupe.AsSource().OfLikeness<Band>()
.Without(x => x.Brass).CreateProxy();
// Brass & String properties are null using dupe as source of likeness (!)
//var likeness = original.AsSource().OfLikeness<Band>()
// .Without(x => x.Brass).CreateProxy();
// Brass & String properties are null using original as source of likeness (!)
//Assert.True(likeness.Equals(original)); // Fails
//Assert.True(original.Equals(likeness)); // Fails
// below are using FluentAssertions assembly
//likeness.Should().Be(original); // Fails (null properties)
//original.Should().Be(likeness); // Fails (null properties)
//likeness.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(original); // Fails (null properties)
//original.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(likeness); // Fails (null properties)
I've gotta be doing something wrong, but I've read everything I can find on the Ploeh blog and SO, and can't find an example suitably simple enough to compare to what I'm doing. Any ideas?

If you assign the values on the proxied instance (after calling the CreateProxy method) the test passes:
public void Equality_Behaves_As_Expected()
// AutoMoqCustomization is not necessary.
var original = new Fixture().Create<Band>();
var likeness = original
.Without(x => x.Brass)
likeness.Brass = "foo"; // Ignored.
likeness.Strings = original.Strings;
Keep in mind that Likeness creates a proxy on the target type and only that type's instance overrides Equals.
Since the source type remains intact, the following assertions will not succeed:
From version 3.0.4 and above the values are automatically copied to the proxy instance (which means, likeness.Strings = original.Strings; is going to happen automatically).


Room Data Base Create Instance

I want to Create An Instance Of Room Data base in Composable
val db = Room.databaseBuilder(applicationContext, UserDatabase::class.java,"users.db").build()
is not working here not getting applicationContext
How to create an instance of context in composable
Have you tried getting the context with : val context = LocalContext.current and then adding this to get your applicationContext?
Like this: context.applicationContext or using simply val db = Room.databaseBuilder(context, UserDatabase::class.java,"users.db").build()
Room (and the underlying SQliteOpenHelper) only need the context to open the database (or more correctly to instantiate the underlying SQLiteOpenHelper).
Room/Android SQLiteOpenHelper uses the context to ascertain the Application's standard (recommended) location (data/data/<the_package_name>/databases). e.g. in the following demo (via Device Explorer):-
The database, as it is still open includes 3 files (the -wal and -shm are the Write Ahead Logging files that will at sometime be committed/written to the actual database (SQLite handles that)).
so roughly speaking Room only needs to have the context so that it can ascertain /data/data/a.a.so75008030kotlinroomgetinstancewithoutcontext/databases/testit.db (in the case of the demo).
So if you cannot use the applicationContext method then you can circumvent the need to provide the context, if using a singleton approach AND if after instantiating the singleton.
Perhaps consider this demo:-
First some pretty basic DB Stuff (table (#Entity annotated class), DAO functions and #Database annotated abstract class WITH singleton approach). BUT with some additional functions for accessing the instance without the context.
data class TestIt(
val testIt_id: Long?=null,
val testIt_name: String
interface DAOs {
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(testIt: TestIt): Long
#Query("SELECT * FROM testit")
fun getAllTestItRows(): List<TestIt>
#Database(entities = [TestIt::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class TestItDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getDAOs(): DAOs
companion object {
private var instance: TestItDatabase?=null
/* Extra/not typical for without a context (if wanted)*/
fun isInstanceWithoutContextAvailable() : Boolean {
return instance != null
/* Extra/not typical for without a context */
fun getInstanceWithoutContext(): TestItDatabase? {
if (instance != null) {
return instance as TestItDatabase
return null
/* Typically the only function*/
fun getInstance(context: Context): TestItDatabase {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,TestItDatabase::class.java,"testit.db")
.allowMainThreadQueries() /* for convenience/brevity of demo */
return instance as TestItDatabase
And to demonstrate (within an activity for brevity) :-
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var roomInstance: TestItDatabase
lateinit var dao: DAOs
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
roomInstance = TestItDatabase.getInstance(this) /* MUST be used before withoutContext functions but could be elsewhere shown here for brevity */
dao = roomInstance.getDAOs()
//dao.insert(TestIt(testIt_name = "New001")) /* Removed to test actually doing the database open with the without context */
private fun logDataWithoutContext() {
Log.d("${TAG}_LDWC","Room DB Instantiated = ${TestItDatabase.isInstanceWithoutContextAvailable()}")
for (t in TestItDatabase.getInstanceWithoutContext()!!.getDAOs().getAllTestItRows()) {
Log.d("${TAG}_LDWC_DATA","TestIt Name is ${t.testIt_name} ID is ${t.testIt_id}")
private fun addRowWithoutContext() {
Log.d("${TAG}_LDWC","Room DB Instantiated = ${TestItDatabase.isInstanceWithoutContextAvailable()}")
if (TestItDatabase.getInstanceWithoutContext()!!.getDAOs()
.insert(TestIt(System.currentTimeMillis(),"NEW AS PER ID (the time to millis) WITHOUT CONTEXT")) > 0) {
Log.d("${TAG}_ARWC_OK","Row successfully inserted.")
} else {
Log.d("${TAG}_ARWC_OUCH","Row was not successfully inserted (duplicate ID)")
private fun addRowWithApplicationContext() {
TestItDatabase.getInstance(applicationContext).getDAOs().insert(TestIt(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000,"NEW AS PER ID (the time to seconds) WITH CONTEXT"))
The result output to the log showing that the database access, either way, worked:-
2023-01-05 12:45:39.020 D/DBINFO_LDWC: Room DB Instantiated = true
2023-01-05 12:45:39.074 D/DBINFO_LDWC: Room DB Instantiated = true
2023-01-05 12:45:39.077 D/DBINFO_ARWC_OK: Row successfully inserted.
2023-01-05 12:45:39.096 D/DBINFO_LDWC: Room DB Instantiated = true
2023-01-05 12:45:39.098 D/DBINFO_LDWC_DATA: TestIt Name is NEW AS PER ID (the time to seconds) WITH CONTEXT ID is 1672883139
2023-01-05 12:45:39.098 D/DBINFO_LDWC_DATA: TestIt Name is NEW AS PER ID (the time to millis) WITHOUT CONTEXT ID is 1672883139075
note that the shorter id was the last added but appears first due to it being selected first as it appears earlier in the index that the SQlite Query Optimiser would have used (aka the Primary Key).
basically the same date time second wise but the first insert included milliseconds whilst the insert via AddRowWithApplicationContext drops the milliseconds.

Cannot Pass Null Value to Custom Aggregate

I'm writing a custom median function (without looking at existing solutions, i like the challenge), after lots of fiddling I'm most of the way there. I cannot however pass in a column that contains a null value. I'm handling this in the c# Code but it seems to be being stopped by SQL before it gets there.
You get this error...
Msg 6569, Level 16, State 1, Line 11 'Median' failed because parameter 1 is not allowed to be null.
namespace SQLMedianAggregate
IsInvariantToDuplicates = false, // duplicates may change results
IsInvariantToNulls = true, // receiving a NULL is handled later in code
IsInvariantToOrder = true, // is sorted later
IsNullIfEmpty = true, // if no values are given the result is null
MaxByteSize = -1,
Name = "Median" // name of the aggregate
public struct Median : IBinarySerialize
public double Result { get; private set; }
public bool HasValue { get; private set; }
public DataTable DT_Values { get; private set; } //only exists for merge essentially
public static DataTable DT_Final { get; private set; } //Need a static version so its accesible within terminate
public void Init()
Result = double.NaN;
HasValue = false;
DT_Values = new DataTable();
DT_Values.Columns.Add("Values", typeof(double));
DT_Final = new DataTable();
DT_Final.Columns.Add("Values", typeof(double));
public void Accumulate(double number)
if (double.IsNaN(number))
//add to tables
DataRow NR = DT_Values.NewRow();
NR[0] = number;
DataRow NR2 = DT_Final.NewRow();
NR2[0] = number;
HasValue = true;
public void Merge(Median group)
// Count the product only if the other group has values
if (group.HasValue)
//DT_Final = DT_Values;
public double Terminate()
if (DT_Final.Rows.Count == 0) //Just to handle roll up so it doesn't crash (doesnt actually work
DataRow DR = DT_Final.NewRow();
DR[0] = 0;
//Sort Results
DataView DV = DT_Final.DefaultView;
DV.Sort = "Values asc";
DataTable DTF = new DataTable();
DTF = DV.ToTable();
////Calculate median and submit result
double MiddleRow = (DT_Final.Rows.Count -1.0) / 2.0;
if (MiddleRow % 2 != 0)
double upper = (double)(DT_Final.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(MiddleRow))]["Values"]);
double lower = (double)(DT_Final.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(MiddleRow))]["Values"]);
Result = lower + ((upper - lower) / 2);
} else
Result = (double)(DT_Final.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(MiddleRow)]["Values"]);
return Result;
public void Read(BinaryReader SerializationReader)
//Needed to get this working for some reason
public void Write(BinaryWriter SerializationWriter)
//Needed to get this working for some reason
DROP ASSEMBLY MedianAggregate
FROM 'C:\Users\#######\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\SQLMedianAggregate\SQLMedianAggregate\bin\Debug\SQLMedianAggregate.dll'
EXTERNAL NAME [MedianAggregate]."SQLMedianAggregate.Median";
Any ideas of what setting or code i'm missing that will allow this. I pretty much just want it to ignore nulls.
SQL Version is SQL2008 R2 btw
The problem is your datatype. You need to use the Sql* types for SQLCLR parameters, return values, and result set columns. In this case, you need to change:
Accumulate(double number)
Accumulate(SqlDouble number)
Then, you access the double value using the Value property that all Sql* types have (i.e. number.Value in this case).
And then, at the beginning of the Accumulate method, you need to check for NULL using the IsNull property:
if (number.IsNull)
Also, for more information on using SQLCLR in general, please see the series I am writing on this topic on SQL Server Central: Stairway to SQLCLR (free registration is required to read content on that site, but it's worth it :-).
And, since we are talking about median calculations here, please see the article I wrote (also on SQL Server Central) on the topic of UDAs and UDTs that uses Median as the example: Getting The Most Out of SQL Server 2005 UDTs and UDAs. Please keep in mind that the article was written for SQL Server 2005 which has a hard limit of 8000 bytes of memory for UDTs and UDAs. That limit was lifted in SQL Server 2008, so rather than using the compression technique shown in that article, you could simply set MaxByteSize in the SqlUserDefinedAggregate to -1 (as you are currently doing) or SqlMetaData.MaxSize (or something very close to that).
Also, DataTable is a bit heavy-handed for this type of operation. All you need is a simple List<Double> :-).
Regarding the following line of code (broken into 2 lines here to prevent the need to scroll):
public static DataTable DT_Final { get; private set; }
//Need a static version so its accesible within terminate
This is a huge misunderstanding of how UDAs and UDTs work. Please do NOT use static variables here. Static variables are shared across Sessions, hence your current approach is not thread-safe. So you would either get errors about it already being declared or various Sessions would alter the value unbeknownst to other Sessions, as they would all share the single instance of
DT_Final. And the errors and/or odd behavior (i.e. erroneous results that you can't debug) might happen in a single session if a parallel plan is used.
UDTs and UDAs get serialized to a binary value stored in memory, and then are deserialized which keeps their state intact. This is the reason for the Read and Write methods, and why you needed to get those working.
Again, you don't need (or want) DataTables here as they are over-complicating the operation and take up more memory than is ideal. Please see the article I linked above on UDAs and UDTs to see how the Median operation (and UDAs in general) should work.

How to search for empty strings in a text field with Entity Framework?

I'd like to know how can I search for empty strings when I'm using a text type field with Entity Framework.
I've looked the SQL query that Entity is generating and It's using LIKE to compare because It's searching in a text type field, so when I use .Equals(""), == "", == string.Empty, .Contains(""), .Contains(string.Empty), and everything else, It's returning all results because it sql query is like '' and the == command throws exception because It uses the = command that is not valid with text type field.
When I try to use .Equals(null), .Contains(null), == null, It returns nothing, because It is generating FIELD ISNULL command.
I already tried the .Lenght == 0 but It throws an exception...
This works for me:
public class POCO
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var pocos = new List<POCO>
new POCO { Id = 1, Name = "John", Description = "basic" },
new POCO { Id = 2, Name = "Jane", Description = "" },
new POCO { Id = 3, Name = "Joey", Description = string.Empty }
pocos.Where(x => x.Description == string.Empty)
.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"{x.Id} {x.Name} {x.Description}"));
However the issue MAY BE that your T4 generated object is not fully realized with data you can use, if you are using Entity Framework. EG the translation from the database is not populating objects to interrogate correctly. I would just do an operation like this to see:
using (var context = new YOURCONTEXTNAME())
var persons = context.YOURDATABASEOBJECT.ToList();
persons.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"{x.COLUMNINQUESTION}"));
If you are successfully having data in it, it should be retrieved. I would not use text if possible. Use a varchar(max) nvarchar(max) xml, whatever text will be deprecated eventually and is bad form so to speak to continue using at this point.
Okay I see, the answer is you cannot interogate the object until it is fully realized when it is text. I did a test on my local database and created a context and tested it and sure enough you cannot do a '== string.empty', '== ""', or 'String.IsNullOrEmpty()' on a text. However you can do it once the object is materialized in a realized object. EG:
// Won't work as context does not understand type
//var persons = context.tePersons.Where(x => x.Description == string.Empty).ToList();
//Works fine as transformation got the object translated to a string in .NET
var start = context.tePersons.ToList();
var persons = start.Where(x => x.Description == String.Empty).ToList();
This poses a problem obviously as you need to get ALL your data potentially before performing a predicate. Not the best means by any measure. You could do a sql object for this instead then to do a function, proc, or view to change this.

Entity Framework : Create a model from Dictionary<TKey,TValue> to be mapped to a database table

Earlier I had a table named ApplicationConfiguration which simply had [Key],[Value] columns to store some config data. This was queried straight away using SQL queries.
Now I intend to make use of Entity Framework (EF) Code First approach to query this table. The specialty of this table is that the table will have only a fixed number of rows in its lifetime. Only the Value column can be updated.
So as per the code first approach, we have to first write our POCO classes with its properties that will be mapped to columns in the underlying table. However, I wish to have a Dictionary<> structure to represent these configuration KV pairs. My concern is, will EF be able to fire update queries against any updation to the the value of a particular pair.
Also since I am using Code First approach, I would want some seed data(i.e the fixed number of rows and its initial content) to the added after the table itself is created on the fly when the application is first executed.
If Dictionary<> cannot be used, please suggest some alternative. Thanks in advance.
Coded this way:
public class ApplicationConfiguration
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; } // should be string, but I'm lazy
class Context : DbContext
internal class ContextInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<Context>
protected override void Seed(Context context)
var defaults = new List<ApplicationConfiguration>
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Top", Value = 5},
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Bottom", Value = 7},
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Left", Value = 1},
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Right", Value = 3}
// foreach (var c in defaults)
// context.ConfigurationMap.Add(c.Key, c); // by design, no IReadOnlyDictionary.Add
foreach (var c in defaults)
public Context()
Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInitializer());
private IDbSet<ApplicationConfiguration> ApplicationConfigurations
get { return Set<ApplicationConfiguration>(); }
public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicationConfiguration> ConfigurationMap
get { return ApplicationConfigurations.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp); }
Used this way:
using (var context = new Context())
using (var context = new Context())
static void ReadConfigurationOnly(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicationConfiguration> configuration)
foreach (var k in configuration.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", k, configuration[k].Value);
static void ModifyConfiguration(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicationConfiguration> configuration)
foreach (var k in configuration.Keys)
configuration[k].Value++; // this is why I was lazy, using an int for a string
So, I wrote it up this way — using an int Value property rather than a string — just so I could run the "Used this way" code over and over, and see the database update each time, without having to come up with some other way to change Value in an interesting way.
It's not quite as nifty here to use a IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicatonConfiguration> instead of a IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>, the way we'd really like, but that's more than made up for by the fact that we can easily modify our collection values without resorting to a clumsier Set method taking a dictionary as input. The drawback, of course, is that we have to settle for configuration[key].Value = "new value" rather than configuration[key] = "new value", but — as I say — I think it's worth it.
Dang! I wrote this code up specifically to answer this question, but I think I like it so much, I'm going to add it to my bag of tricks ... this would fit in really well when my company goes from local databases to Azure instances in the cloud, and the current app.config has to go into the database.
Now all I need is a ContextInitializer taking a System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager as a ctor parameter in order to seed a new database from an existing app.config ...
I don't think you can map a table directly to a Dictionary; you will probably have to write your own wrapper to fill a dictionary from the table and update it back to the DB. Entities are each a row of a given table... Something like this (untested):
public Dictionary<string, string> GetDictionary()
Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
using (var db = new Context())
var configs = db.ApplicationConfiguration.Select();
foreach (var entry in configs)
dic.Add(config.Key, config.Value);
return dic;
public void SaveConfig(Dictionary<string, string> dic)
using (var db = new Context())
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in dic)
if (!db.ApplicationConfiguration.First(a => a.Key == kvp.Key).Value == kvp.Value)
var ac = new ApplicationConfiguration();
ac.Key = kvp.Key;
ac.Value = kvp.Value;
db.Entry(ac).State = EntityState.Modified;
For your second question, you want to use the Seed() method to add initial values to the database. See here for an example implementation.

Request server using Axis2 RPC way, parameter order in xml packets not correct

For example, I will send an object Fruits to server side.
The code like this:
public static <T> T call(String url, String ns, String method, Fruits fruits, Class<T> clz) throws AxisFault
RPCServiceClient client = new RPCServiceClient();
Options option = client.getOptions();
EndpointReference erf = new EndpointReference(url);
QName name = new QName(ns, method);
Object[] object = new Object[]{fruits};
Class[] returnTypes = new Class[]{clz};
Object[] reto = client.invokeBlocking(name, object, returnTypes);
T t = (T)reto[0];
return t;
The object like this:
public class Fruits implements Serializable
private int pear;
private int banana;
private int apple;
public int setPear(int pear){this.pear=pear;}
public int getPear(){return this.pear;}
The xml part should be this:
But in fact like this:
Axis2 makes object's property alphabetical order, but the server doesn't accept. I can't modify the serverside, it is ESB.
The only way to do a success request is to use the Axis2 generated code, I used to use WSDL2Java, but too many redundant code and difficult to maintain. So I want refactor.
I have also tried to use CXF, but it also makes object's property alphabetical order, not followed with WSDL/XSD or DTO defined style.
I've find the reason why CXF makes the ordering, it uses java.beans.BeanInfo to get properties of object, such as:
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(Fruits.class);
PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
The property in the array has already alphabetical order.
Who knows how to let Axis2 to serialize the Fruits' property to be correct ordering.
Thank you, the first!
Not sure on Axis2, but if you are using CXF with the JAXB databinding, you can add an annotation like:
#XmlType(name = "fruits", propOrder = { "apple", "banana", "pear" }})
to the Fruits class to tell JAXB what order you need/want them output.
