How to create different registration form in Drupal7 when anonymous user can't view published pages? - drupal-7

To resolve this problem on my own, I started out by installing Profile2 and Profile2 registration. At no point was I able to generate a page based on the user name (eg, {domain}/private/register). I figured it was not coming up b/c I checked off that anonymous users could not see published pages (which is a site requirement). However, I might have done something wrong but I went over the instructions several time and I don't think I made a mistake. Any suggestions would be helpful.

I think you may have to create a new content type, similar to the normal story or article types, and publish restricted content as the new page type. Apply the access restriction to this content type, and leave the default content types alone.


Is it possible to share 2SXC Content modules between portals on the same DNN instance?

2sxc 11.x / DNN 9.x
I have a DNN instance with a portal with lots of Content modules with different Content Types and Templates. I'm going to be making a second portal that is related to the first portal and there is some shared content. Is it possible to allow the first portal to share it's 2SXC content types and templates with the second, new portal? If so, how?
There are a LOT of ways to do this, and unfortunately there is no good guidance document 😟.
Your scenario sounds like what you would need Ghost-types for: one app creates the real type, the other app just has a ghost-reference for the original type. This is a common way to solve this - and yes, it's a very well kept secret 😉.
But I went ahead and created a checklist, just for you 🚀

Make logged-in author user in wagtail

This seems like a really simple requirement for a blogging app or CMS:
How do you automatically make the logged-in user the author of a wagtail page? For example, if I log in as "Bob" and type a post, the author should automatically be "Bob".
Normally I would simply write it into my Django views but since I'm using Wagtail I expect it to be in the main package. However, the docs don't mention it, and the official demo seems to imply that authors must be chosen from a dropdown select box, which means any author can pretend to be anyone else!
We access the People object with an inline panel that references the
ParentalKey's related_name in BlogPeopleRelationship.
Is there a feature I've missed?
The user who created a page is available as the property owner:
This is used within Wagtail for permission checks (a user with 'add' but not 'edit' permission can edit pages that they have created themselves), but it can also be displayed on your site front-end as the page author if you so desire.

Need help creating a skeleton for a client portal on DNN

Total DNN noob. I can code some WebForms and MVC, but having no luck finding anything concrete out there about doing what I want in DNN
How would I go about setting up a client portal in DNN? I want to have separate areas for the client, including a main dashboard that aggregates content for the client from the other areas. The other areas would include a matter area (with matter information - some auto generated for client, other information to be input by client), a documents area, an events area, a tasks area, a communications area (for chat, or forum style questions) and a profile area for the client (contact info, invoicing, etc.).
What I'd like is for a client to login and see only their items. An admin would log in and get the same "screens" or "areas", but with aggregated content for ALL users.
I know that's a lot, but I would imagine setting me up with a way to do the overall app and then how to create the areas to navigate to would get me going. I know there are modules for each of those things out there, but a) I wouldn't know how to integrate this into one client app and b) some are cost prohibitive.
Most of what I find focuses on setting up one module. Do I go that route and set up user controls within for the different areas? Or do I create separate little modules and tie them together? This is primarily where I am stuck. I can create something like this with standalone web forms or MVC. Hooking into DNN is where I get stuck.
I appreciate any guidance / samples.
There are a LOT of questions here and many ways that you can go about doing this. You could use third-party modules to handle this but you will need to figure out exactly which ones give you the functionality that you want.
If you are looking to do things custom, this is where it gets a lot easier. DNN for users can manage user identity and roles. Based on what you are saying it seems like you would have some custom modules that store all information based on UserId. By default you only display the information for the current user. However, if the user is in a specific role, say for example "Administrators" you would display all content.
This is pretty easy as with any DNN control that inherits from PortalModuleBase you have the UserId available to you as a property. Then you can use UserInfo.IsInRole("Administrators") to check for admins.

Salesforce: Adding items to 'Personal Setup' and 'Customize'

I am writing a simple salesforce app that requires app-level and user-level configuration. I have created custom objects for these settings, but cannot figure out how to add links to the Setup page (Personal Setup and Customize) so that the settings can be managed.
Quite a lot of research, and a question on a salesforce board, have left me none the wiser. I have seen a couple of scripts on the web that hack the setup sidebar with javascript (eg ... but this can't be the right way to do it surely?
You are unable to do this without hacking because Salesforce want it so that you don't require over-explicit setup of any app you create - they want you to make it data-independent and in fact it may fail a security review if it is data dependent. It will also likely cause you headaches in correctly unit testing the app.
My suggestion would be to have a set of custom pages which are linked to on the home page for a user which display if they have no current values (so the first thing they see on the home page when they login for the first time is a "Hey, before you use this app you need to do some configuration through this handy wizard" and then block access to other areas of the app (i.e. display warning messages on other pages) if the app has not had this data setup.
That way you are not hacking and are providing a nice user experience around the extra setup.
DO you just want to add a new TAB on the top menu that links to the Edit page for your new sObject?
If so:
Goto setup
Click on 'Create' > 'Tab'
Pick the sObject you want the tab edit, the click next until you save the new tab.
There is no supported way to augment the Setup menu.
You should probably be using Custom Settings for what you are describing - they were designed for app-level and user-level configuration, and are available from Setup.
Otherwise, if it really is custom setup that requires fancier logic / UI / etc, you may want to do what many SFDC ISV's do and ship your app with its own configuration tab that's hidden, and/or custom VF page that manages app settings.

How to auto generate a webpage after user submits form

I am looking for some initial direction on this one because I cannot seem to find my way with it. Let me explain...
I am developing a website wherein a logged in site member (Joomla 1.6) can fill out a simple form and attach a pdf to be uploaded upon submission. The user then clicks the submit button and the page will refresh to a new and unique web page.
User Submits data on and then after submission a new web page is generated that is called
This newly generated web page would come from a template that is specified by the administrator and, most important, it will display all of the information that the user submitted. Also, there would be a link to download the pdf they uploaded. The user could then view a list of all the pages they have created in this manner via their profile.
I have seen this all over, but I am at a loss for how to generate this. Any help is much appreciated.
This is not something you will be able to easily do or get a detailed answer for here. If you just wanted to do the submission form with a thank you page that shows the data submitted you could use any number of form wizard type extensions -
If you just needed a way for users to upload PDfs and have access to them you could use one of the file management extensions that offer front end upload features -
If the additional data that is being submitted is simply data related to the file - title, description, etc then one of the file download components should work fine for you. The choices are limited in 1.6 at this time though so you might have to go with 1.5 to get the extension that works best for your needs.
So this probably isn't the best way to do it if your using Joomla but it just might help.
I would use PHP and inside of you're directory have a file like "template.html". Then I would create some php to handle the task of....
Opening "template.html"
Finding and replacing the values that the user passed you
Save the "template.html" under a new name (userSubmittedValue.html)
Again, I never really use Joomla. If you were to try this I'd suggest checking out php's file system functions (
Hope this helps a bit.
