Looping over an input line and calling a function in C? - c

I wrote a small rgrep function and I'll have another text file with words that I am checking a pattern against.
My text file will be in the following format.
How do i write a loop that will call a function for each of those words in the file? Thanks!

Make a state machine for that pattern first, then every char drives that state machine to next state. Check state to check pattern match.

Try using fopen to open file and read line by line using fgets
Check this post too
c, Import text file with different lines and handle the lines


Reading the text file every time or Get content and store it with dynamic array in C Programming, which is best idea?

I have the text file with 2000 lines and each line contains up to 256 characters.
I need to detect EOF as I'm reading the file.
Should the code process a line as it is read or should it read the lines into an array and then process the array one element at a time?
If the data don't change in your file, you should stock the data in an array.
In the other case, you have to read your file each time you need to check a line.

replace a substring in a string in C, windows

I want to do the following:
open and read and ASCII file
locate a substring (geographical coordinates)
create its replacement (apply corrections to the original coordinates)
overwrite the original substring (write in the original file the corrected coordinates).
The format of the ASCII file is:
I will paste here only the part of the code that is responsible for this operation:
opnmea = fopen (argv[1], "r+");
if (fgets(row_nmea, ROW, opnmea)==NULL){
if (strstr(row_nmea,"$GPGGA")!=NULL) {
sscanf(row_nmea+17, "%10c", old_phi);
sscanf(row_nmea+30, "%11c", old_lam);
sscanf(row_nmea+54, "%5c", old_h);
What I do till now is to extract in a variable the old coordinates and I was thinking to use fputs() for overwriting the old with new values. But I could not do it. The other part of the code that is not here is computing the correct coordinates. My idea is to correct the rows one by one, as the fgets() function reads each line.
I would appreciate very much any suggestion that can show me how to use fputs() or another function to complete my work. I am looking for something simple as I am beginner with C.
Thank you in advance.
Patching a text file in place is not a good solution for this problem, for multiple reasons:
the modified version might have a different length, hence patching cannot be done in place.
the read-write operation of standard streams is not so easy to handle correctly and defeats the buffering mechanism.
if you encounter an error during the patching phase, a partially modified file can be considered corrupted as one cannot tell which coordinates have been modified and which have not.
other programs might be reading from the same file as you are writing it. They will read invalid or inconsistent data.
I strongly recommend to write a program that reads the original file and writes a modified version to a different output file.
For this you need to:
open the original file for reading opnmea = fopen(argv[1], "r");
open the output file for writing: outfile = fopen(temporary_file_name, "w");
copy the lines that do not require modification: just call fputs(row_nmea, outfile).
parse relevant data in lines that require modification with whatever method you are comfortable with: sscanf, strtok, ...
compute the modified fields and write the modified line to outfile with fprintf.
Once the file has been completely and correctly handled, you can replace the original file with rename. The rename operation is usually atomic at the file-system level, so other programs will either finish reading from the previous version or open the new version.
Of course, if the file has only one line, you could simply rewind the stream and write back the line with fprintf, but this is a special case and it will fail if the new version is shorter than the original. Truncating the extra data is not easy. An alternative is to reopen the file in write mode ("w") before writing the modified line.
I would recommend strtok(), followed by your revision, followed by strcat().
strtok() will let you separate the line using the comma as a delimiter, so you will get the field you want reliably. You can break up the line into separate strings, revise the coordinates you wish, and reassemble the line, including the commas, with strcat().
These pages include nice usage examples, too:

Getting file content after being redirected in C

I am using a C program which takes file contents as input. I am using input redirection at the command line to read the file. Can I use getchar() to obtain the content of the file? Or should I be reading it into a certain array and then access it?
Yes sure you can use any method to read input from file while running program through command.
You do not need to format it at all. the data in file should appear as if typed on command line while providing inputs. May be this helps.
Please provide more insight if this does not help.Thanks

Which method to use in searching for a line in a file

I have a file with path names to files:
The file structure is that it has individual paths in each line. All I want to do is search for the existence of a string /my/path1 or anyother in the above file many times
I could think of 2 methods.
every time get file contents line by line and then search the string. Advantage is that the file can be of anysize and I dont need to worry about buffer overflow.
Load the contents into a buffer and search it using the buffer. But as I dont have control over the file size I should be cautious here.
What is the best approach? I am working in unix. Is there any in-build library commands in C that I can make use of for this purpose? Or how can I accomplish the same task using awk in C code.
If you use stdio it will do the buffering for you. You can change its operation by using the function setvbuf to buffer more than a single line. getline can by used to check line by line.
I think loading all the file in memory is not a good idea. Using fgets and strcmp is the best way, I guess.

Reading from a file

hello i got a problem with reading from a file, i am trying to read from a file using fscanf() and i cant seem to sort it out.
i try to read the file line by line and putting the string in a variable (buffer) each time but i cant understand how the while loop is suppose to be looking like
thanks in advance
the file that i want to read from is a txt file with this format: first line :"1234,abc,etc" second line : "2432,fjh,etc" and more lines like those i want to be able to use the fscanf method inorder to put in each loop the all line lets say "1234,abc,etc" in my string variable and so on till i dont have any more lines to read from
this is what i managed to gather so far (ofc its not the currect way to write it):
char* buffer[100];
while (fscanf(FILE *finput,"%s",buffer)!=something)
i want this code to be able to print all of the lines in my code if you would be able to correct my errors i will greatly appriciate it
I feel like you should read some of these great topics first:
Trouble reading a line using fscanf()
Reading file using fscanf() in C
fscanf multiple lines [c++]
There are plenty of reasons why you should use fgets or something else instead.
Quoting from this place:
fscanf() is a field oriented function and is inappropriate for use in a robust, general-purpose text file reader. It has two major drawbacks:
You must know the exact data layout of the input file in advance and rewrite the function call for every different layout.
It's difficult to read text strings that contain spaces because fscanf() sees space characters as field delimiters.
If you know the size of file you're trying to read, you could use fread(), which is block oriented.
