How can an App Engine pull queue be simultaneously empty and yet still have an oldest task? - google-app-engine

I'm confused as to whether my queues are truly empty. From this view, the queue called "squid-pri-0" says it has 14 tasks in the queue:
but when I click on it, it says it's empty (see below). However, I also see an "old task" that is not blank, making me think it's not really empty. Which numbers / stats should I believe?

You should believe the queue is empty. The console looks for tasks in a more detailed manner when you inspect a queue and will notice the overview approximation and tell you correctly that there is nothing in the queue.


Problem with dialog nodes and intents in Watson Assistent

I'm using IBM Watson Assistant for creating a chatbot. I'm using the web interface with the intents, entities and dialog flow|tree (I don't know how it is called, I'm just calling it web interface). I have four problems and hope that someone can help with it.
I have created two intens: #how_are_you with an example "How are you?" and intent #feeling_good with example "I'm good". Of course I have much more examples for these two intents. In the dialog I have now a parent node looking for #feeling_good and a child node looking for #how_are_you (skipping user input in-between). When a user now inputs the sentence "I'm good. How are you?" then only #feeling_good is triggered but not #how_are_you. How can I trigger both intents with only one user input?
I would like to have one node in the dialog which waits for say 100s and then sends another message to the user. Waiting is no problem (using pause) but how can I do it that only a message is sent after the 100s if the user did not send another message during the waiting period? That means when the user sends a message the waiting node should be canceled.
I have a node which checks for a certain intent. When the intent does not match I'm jumping back to the parent node. The problem is that the text from the parent node is repeated each time. How can I prevent this repetition when jumping back?
The last question is perhaps a bit more tricky. I would like to define an array of the numbers [1,2,3,4,5]. Then one node should sample a random number without replacement from that array (e.g. 2), i.e. the remaining array is then [1,3,4,5]. After some time another node should pick another number at random from the array (say 4). And so on. How can this be implemented? I know about variables (e.g. $var) but I don't know how to represent arrays and sample random numbers.
Thank you so much for your answers in advance. And happy new year to everybody.
1) In Watson Assistant always the intent with the highest confidence is used first. Hence processing multiple intents triggered by one sentence is tricky. The "best" solution is to use composite intent - #HELLO_HOW_ARE_YOU. Alternatively you can create conditions that would check if the first two intents returned are a comination of #HELLO and #HOW_ARE_YOU
2) Waiting and sending messages due to inactivity should be ideally handled by the client implementing the chat console in your interface. WA is not well suited for these types of operations, while there is some support, better way how to handle these is get your client application - when inactivity detected - to send something that will be mapped to #INACTIVITY_INTENT and WA will respond with your message coupled with that intent.
3) Don't jump to the node but jump to the first child of that node and use wait for user input.
4) This is possible. WA expression language supports getting random number, getting the size of an array and removing elements from the array.
E.g. <? $array.remove(new Random().nextInt(3))?>

Webkit GTK: Determine when a document is finished loading

There are other questions on StackOverflow which are close to what I want to know, like Webkit GTK :: How to detect when a download has finished?, but I think I'm asking something a bit different:
In general, in the event-driven C Webkit-GTK API there are a lot of events which may relate to the idea of when some document is finished "loading". The problem is the documentation is pretty sparse, and the idea of "finished loading" isn't necessarily clear, because it can refer to a lot of things. Does "finished loading" mean that the document is finished downloading? That it's finished creating the DOM tree? That it's finished downloading including all other resources (like CSS, JS and image files?)
Relevant signals are signal::notify::load-status, document-load-finished, and resource-load-finished.
The load-status signal fires everytime the load status changes, so you need to manually call webkit_web_view_get_load_status and check the status each time. Even so, when the status finally is WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED, I'm not sure what that means - does it mean WebKit is done downloading the resource, or that it's finished creating the DOM tree, or what?
What is the difference between the various "finished" signals, and is there any signal that is equivalent to the standard Javascript DOM event window.onload?
I believe the document-load-finished signal is what you are looking for as it seems (in my opinion) to match more closely what you are trying to test for.
One idea to test which is the correct way to do this would be to test the various ways there are to test if a document has "loaded" manually. I.e. Try the one I linked to above, and output a string to the Terminal when the value is true. If the value is true before the page has completely displayed all of its contents, chances are that it's not the one you're after. Then move on to the next, until you've got the right one.
Other than that, I'm not really sure what else you can do, since as you mentioned, the definition isn't very clear. It's times like these I wish Gtk documentation was a little more verbose.

Is there an elegant way to post messages to AWS SQS with visibility delay of longer than 15 minutes?

In Amazon Web Services, their queues allow you to post messages with a visibility delay up to 15 minutes. What if I don't want messages visible for 6 months?
I'm trying to come up with an elegant solution to the poll/push problem. I can write code to poll the SQS (or a database) every few seconds, check for messages that are ready to be visible, then move them to a "visible queue", or something like that. I wish there was a simpler, more reliable method to have messages become visible in queues far into the future without me having to worry about my polling application working perfectly all the time.
I'm not married to AWS, SQS or any of that, but I'd prefer to find a cloud-friendly solution that is stable, reliable and will trigger an event far into the future without me having to worry about checking on its status every day.
Any thoughts or alternate trees for me to explore barking up are welcome.
It sounds like you might be misunderstanding the visibility delay. Its purpose is to make sure that the polling application doesn't pull the same item off the queue more than once.
In other words, when the item is pulled off the queue it becomes invisible for a predetermined period of time (default is 30 seconds, max is 15 minutes) in case the polling system has a cluster of machines reading from the queue all at once.
Here's the relevant documentation:
...and the sentence in particular that relates to my comment is:
"Immediately after the component receives the message, the message is still in the queue. However, you don't want other components in the system receiving and processing the message again. Therefore, Amazon SQS blocks them with a visibility timeout, which is a period of time during which Amazon SQS prevents other consuming components from receiving and processing that message."
You should be able to use SQS for your purpose since you can leave an item in the queue for as long as you want.
7 years later, and Amazon still doesn't support the feature you need!
The two ways you can sort of get it to work are:
have messages contain a delivery target datetime in their message_attributes, and have the workers that consume the queue's messages just delete and recreate any message that is consumed before its target, with delay = max(0, min(secs_until_target_datetime, 900)) ; that would allow you to effectively schedule a message for any arbitrary future time;
(slightly less frequent and costly:) similarly, if a message isn't due to be handled yet, recreate it and change its visibility timeout to be timeout = max(0, min(secs_until_target_datetime, 43200))
The disadvantage of using visibility timeout is that any read will re-trigger it.
There has been a direct AWS solution possible since 2016-12-01: AWS Step Functions
Each execution can last/idle up to one year, persists the state between transitions, and doesn't cost you any money while it waits.

MPQueue - what is it and how do I use it?

I encountered a bug that has me beat. Fortunately, I found a work around here (not necessary reading to answer this q) -
The problem is, I don't understand all of it. I am ok with the event taps etc, but I am supposed to 'set up a thread-safe queue) using MPQueue, add events to it pull them back off later.
Can anyone tell me what an MPQueue is, and how I create one - also how to add items and read/remove items? Google hasn't helped at all.
It's one of the Multiprocessing Services APIs.
… [A] message queue… can be used to notify (that is, send) and wait for (that is, receive) messages consisting of three pointer-sized values in a preemptively safe manner.

How to abandon a long-running search in System.DirectoryServices.Protocols

I've been trying to work out how to cancel a long-running AD search in System.DirectoryServices.Protocols. Can anyone help?
I've looked at the supportControl/supportedCapabilities attributes on RootDSE and they don't contain the OID so I think that means it doesn't support the LDAP CANCEL extended operation as defined here:
That leaves the original LDAP ABANDON command (see here for list). But there doesn't seem to be a matching DirectoryRequest Class.
Anyone have any ideas?
I think I've found my answer: whilst I was reading around your suggestion, Martin, I came across the Abort method on the LdapConnection class. I didn't expect to find it there: starting out from the LDAP documentation I'd expected to find it as just another LDAPMessage but the MS guys seem to have treated it as a special case. If anyone is familiar with a non-MS implementation of LDAP and can comment on whether the MS approach is typical, I'd appreciate it to improve my understanding.
I think, but I'm not positive, there is no asynch query with a cancel. It has an asynch property but it's to allow a collection to be filled, nothing to do with cancelling. The best I can offer is to put your query in a background worker thread and put an asynch callback that will deal with the answer when it comes back. If the user decides to cancel, you can just cancel the background worker thread. You'll free your app up, even if you haven't freed the ldap server up until it finishes it's query. You can find info on background worker threads at
Don't forget to call .Dispose() when cleaning up your active directory objects to prevent memory leaks.
If the query will produce many data also, you can abandon them through paging. Specify a PageResultRequestControl option in the query, giving a fairly low page size (IIUC, 1000 is the default page size). IIUC, you'll send new requests every time you got a page (passing cookies from one response into the next request). When you choose to cancel the query, send another request with zero expected results.
