select a one of the containers from panel in extjs - extjs

Extjs 4.1.1(a), In my project, there is a panel (with Id #monthCalendar) which has 42 containers inside it in a View. I am trying to create a controller for that view. Here the controllers action is to show "hello" message whenever I click on any of the container inside the panel. I tried the following which is not showing any kind of error in chrome console.
In my controller:
onLaunch: function(){
Ext.each(Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#monthCalendar container'),function(container){
},container,{element: 'el'})

This one should work
Ext.each(Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#monthCalendar container'),function(c){
c.on({ click: {fn: function(){ alert("hello"); },scope: this, element:'el' }})

It seems the containers inside the panel were not redered when the click event was called.(though, the containers were visible on the page. I don't know what possibly the bug is?) So, instead of using onLaunch, I used init template in which I called the render event (indirectly called the click event) and this worked.
init: function(){
'#monthCalendar container': {
render: this.onContainerRendered
onContainerClicked: function() {
alert('The container was clicked');
onContainerRendered: function(container) {
container.on('click',this.onContainerClicked,container,{element: 'el'})
Working Fiddle


Leaflet click event not working on iPad

I'm using the angular leaflet directive. Everything is working properly on my laptop. But on iPad, the double click is working but the click event is not working at all. I have one event handler for click but it doesn't get triggered.
$ = {
map: {
enable: ['mousedown', 'dblclick', 'click'],
logic: 'broadcast'
$scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMap.mousedown', function(event) {
$scope.$on('', function(event) {
$scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMap.dblclick', function(event) {
Double click event gets triggered but the other ones not. Anything I can try to debug this?
checkout this
Having this below code fixed that issue for us,

Backbone Layout Manager subview's events doesn't work after reload

I'm using the Backbone Layout Manager Boilerplate. Unfortunately, a quite frustrating bug occurred. I like render a list of items as subviews inserted by insertView function. At the first load everthing works fine. But after a reload the the click events doesn't work anymore :(. I already tried to call delegateEvents() on the TableItem View manually but nothing changed. I hope anyone can give me a clue.
App.Views.Item = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "templates/item",
tagName: "li",
events: {
"click .applyButton" : "apply",
"click .viewDetailsButton" : "showDetail"
serialize: function() {
return { table : this.model.toJSON() };
apply: function(ev) {
alert("apply button clicked");
showDetail: function(ev) {
var id = this.model.get("_id");
app.router.navigate("#events/"+ id, {trigger : true})
* List View
App.Views.List = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "templates/list",
tagNam: "ul",
className: "tableList",
beforeRender: function() {
var events = this.model.get("userEvents").get("hosting");
events.each(function(model) {
this.insertView(new App.Views.Item({ model : model }));
}, this);
serialize: function() {
return {};
I think you might want to add a cleanup function on your Item view to undelegate the events when layoutmanager removes the view. I don't know if this will fix your problem, but it seems like good practise.
When you say after a reload, do you mean reloading the page with the browser reload button? if so, how do you get it to work in the first place?
It would help if you could provide a jsfiddle of your setup, or point us to a repo so we can test it on our machines. Make sure you include the router so that we can have a look at how the view and the layout that contains it are initialised.

Google Maps and Backbone.js event triggering

I have a Google Map where user can click (on the map everywhere), the click event opens a Bootstrap modal window, contained a form. My question is, how/where to handle this submit event to add a marker to the marker collection, save it to the db, etc.
Currently I have a Map View, that renders the google map, and adds an event listener for the click. Clicking on the map opens the Modal.
App.Views.Map = Backbone.View.extend({
initializeMap : function(){}
addMapEventlistener : function() {
google.maps.event.addListener(, 'dblclick', function(event) {
var coords = event.latLng.toUrlValue();
var carray = coords.split(",");
var model = new Backbone.Model({ coords: carray });
var view = new App.Views.Modal({ model: model });
var $modalEl = $("#modal");
App.Views.App = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
var addMarkerView = new App.Views.AddMarker({ collection: App.markers });
// add marker view
App.Views.AddMarker = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#addForm',
initialize: function() {
$('<input>', {
type: 'submit',
value: 'Submit',
class: 'smt'
console.log('AddMarker init run'); // this echoed out
events: {
'submit' : 'addMarker'
addMarker: function(e) {
my guess is that the form rendered after the click event on the map, so I have to set backbone event listening somehow after the modal opens, and handle the form submission in a collection view, right?
You may want to use the events object to bind your listeners.
About when (re)binding your events. When the view is instantiated, the listeners specified in the events object will be bound to the view element. This implies that if your event targets a child element, the fact that the child exists or not at that moment doesn't matter. Now, you'll have to rebind your listeners in the special case where you change your view element without the setElement method.
<div id="#mydiv"></div>
And you want to bind an event on the buttons inside this div (you'll create some afterwards.).
Well, here's an example.
Ok, solved. My bad. I added events to the wrong view, I have to add it to the App.Views.Modal view (of course the event happens in the modal). Thanks for the time!

Getting form from click event in Controller in ExtJS?

I am extending the example given in!/guide/views_forms_extjs to use a more MVC centric approach. So in service of that I want to move the on click handler from the view to a newly create controller.
I have the click even working fine, but I have no idea how to operate on the form from the context of the controller (the view was using this.getForm()).
Here is what I have so far,
Ext.define('LoginExample.controller.LoginController', {
extend: '',
onLoginButtonClick: function(button, e, options) {
console.log('button clicked');
if (this.getForm().isValid()) {
url: 'login.php',
success: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Login Successful!');
failure: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Login Failed!');
init: function() {
"#loginButton": {
click: this.onLoginButtonClick
Obviously the this in the context of onLoginButtonClick is no longer the view and is instead the controller.
Given the parameters given to me, (Ext.button.Button button, Event e, Object options), how do I get the submit on the appropriate form?
I should note this using ExtJS 4.
will do the trick.
To get the BasicForm object to operate on, use

Event delegation failing to attach events in Backbone.js app

My Backbone.js app has a popup editor view that will be repeatedly closed and reopened as the user makes changes. I'm trying to figure out the cleanest way to implement this, and I'm stuck on an event delegation issue.
I believe the problem lies in the way I'm applying the template in my render method. I haven't had any issues with getting events to fire in other views, but those views differed in that they had a model. The view I'm having issues with is more of an application view that contains sub-views, so I'm not sure how to pass the view's context to the MyApp view.
Here's my code:
MyApp = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
template: _.template($('#app-template').html()),
initialize: function() {
render: function() {
return this;
events: {
"click .save" : "onSaveClicked"
onSaveClicked: function () {
console.log("Save clicked.");
$('#show').click(function () {
var myapp = new MyApp;
I've also posted it as a jsFiddle.
I stepped through the Backbone.js source, and it appears that render is called first, then events are assigned, which is what I'd expect. Everything looks OK from what I can tell, but onSaveClicked never fires when I click Save.
The desired functionality is that clicking Show displays the form and Save removes it. If there's a better way to do this that's more inline with Backbone's underlying philosophy I'm open to that as well. You'll notice that I'm nesting an unnamed div inside container, and that's because I wanted to maintain a consistent anchor point for my popup.
The events are bound to the view el, but you never append the el to the DOM. Try
MyApp = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
template: _.template($('#app-template').html()),
initialize: function() {
render: function() {
return this;
events: {
"click .save" : "onSaveClicked"
onSaveClicked: function () {
console.log("Save clicked.");
$('#show').click(function () {
var myapp = new MyApp;
Note that in your Fiddle you bound the click event to .save where your template uses a done class.
