C: How to properly output struct from .txt file? - c

First time I have asked a question here. First here's the code:
void displayCompanyInfo(STAFF e[], int *s)
FILE *payRoll;
int i = 0;
int rosterNumber [100];
int count = 1;
if ((payRoll = fopen("payRoll.txt", "r")) == NULL)
perror ("error");
exit (0);
while (fgets(e[i].name, sizeof(e[i].name), payRoll) != NULL)
printf ("Record %i: ", count++);
printf("%s\n", e[i].name);
} // end of display
Basically this code works. However when the text file displays it reads like this:
Record 1: Name: blah
Record 2: Age: 23
Record 3: Hourly Rate: 34
Instead I want it to read it as follows:
Record 1: Name: Blah
Age: 23
Hourly Rate: 34
Record 2: Name: Blah2
Age: 24
Hourly Rate: 35
And so on...
Any idea on how I can get this to work. I didn't post whole program because I didn't want to over do my thread. But if you need it let me know.

To this case you have to work with binary file handling.With text file it is not possible.
You have to read,write chunk of data in terms of bytes and handle it accordingly to retrieve you structure.
struct e{
char name[20],
int age,
int hourly_rate
This structure will require
20(name) + 4(age) + 4(hourly_rate) bytes.Then you should write 28 bytes at a time in binary file and retrieve 28 bytes accordingly,which is not possible in case of text file.Because text file considers every thing as character,say age=23 it considers age field as 2 bytes and if age=3,it consider it as 1 byte.But binary file considers both thing as 4 bytes which is actual size of integer.
So the solution to your problem is binary file handling.

The problem is that the loop considers each line as a record. Instead, a record should be 3 lines. So read 3 things in the loop - add the 2 missing right before the printf.


Issues Reading a CSV file into a C Struct

I've just started learning C, and I'm currently trying to create a program to automate a fishing minigame I made for my D&D campaign. In order to do so, I created a CSV containing all the tables I had originally written up. I've been trying a variety of things for about a week now to just simply read the CSV into C so that I can call specific elements at will. I've finally gotten something to very nearly work, but I'm getting a strange problem. Firstly, the CSV is formatted as such:
narrow barred mackerel,str,3,5
It goes on for another 400 lines, but you get the point. My current code looks like the following:
typedef struct{
char name[50];
char contest[5];
int modifier;
int value;
} fts_t;
/*Checking for the file and opening it*/
FILE *tpointer;
tpointer = fopen("fishing_tables.csv", "r");
printf("Accessing Fishing Tables...\n");
if(tpointer == NULL){
printf("Error: Missing fishing_tables.csv");
return 0;
} else{
printf("Success! Importing Data...\n");
/*Creating a struct array and initializing variables*/
fts_t ft[400];
char buffer[1024];
int count = 0;
char name[100];
char contest[3];
int modifier;
int value;
while(fgets(buffer, 1024, tpointer)){
sscanf(buffer, " %[^,],%[^,],%d,%d", name, contest, &modifier, &value);
strcpy(ft[count].name, name);
strcpy(ft[count].contest, contest);
ft[count].modifier = modifier;
ft[count].value = value;
printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", ft[count].name, ft[count].contest, ft[count].modifier, ft[count].value);
So, following above, I'm having it print out the elements of the struct at each count as it loops, just to check that it's creating the struct correctly. The problem comes in that the output looks like this:
dex 2 15
dex 2 15
dex 2 15
dex 2 15
dex 2 15
next 0 0 0
next 0 0 0
next 0 0 0
next 0 0 0
next 0 0 0
Now, hilariously, the rows beginning with "next" are the only rows printing correctly. I have these added in for some extra shenanigans in the context of the minigame, but what's important is that those are correct. However, in every other row, the name variable is not being read, and I'm really lost as to why, when the "next" rows are functioning fine. I've checked the actual variable itself, and it appears there's some sort of problem in my sscanf statement.
Any help is appreciated.

C: Write to a specific line in the text file without searching

Hello I have file with text:
5 4
45 854
47 5
I need to write a text to a specific line. For example to the line number 4 (Doesn't matter whether I will append the text or rewrite the whole line):
5 4
45 854
14 new_text
47 5
I have found function fseek(). But in the documentation is written
fseek(file pointer,offset, position);
"Offset specifies the number of positions (bytes) to be moved from the location specified bt the position."
But I do not know the number of bites. I only know the number of lines. How to do that? Thank you
You can't do that, (text) files are not line-addressable.
Also, you can't insert data in the middle of a file.
The best way is to "spool" to a new file, i.e. read the input line by line, and write that to a new file which is the output. You can then easily keep track of which line you're on, and do whatever you want.
I will assume that you are going to be doing this many times for a single file, as such you would be better indexing the position of each newline char, for example you could use a function like this:
long *LinePosFind(int FileDes)
long * LinePosArr = malloc(500 * sizeof(long));
char TmpChar;
long LinesRead = 0;
long CharsRead = 0;
while(1 == read(FileDes, &TmpChar, 1))
if (!(LinesRead % 500)
LinePosArr = realloc(LinePosArr, (LinesRead + 500) * sizeof(long));
if (TmpChar == '\n')
LinePosArr[LinesRead++] = CharsRead;
return LinePosArr;
Then you can save the index of all the newlines for repeated use.
After this you can use it like so:
long *LineIndex = LinePosFind(FileDes);
long FourthLine = LineIndex[3];
Note I have not checked this code, just written from my head so it may need fixes, also, you should add some error checking for the malloc and read and realloc if you are using the code in production.

C programming, getting the last line of file

I am writing a c program that opens a txt file and want to read the last line of the txt file.
I am not that proficient in C so bear in mind that I may not know all of the concepts in C. I am stuck at the part where I use fscanf to read all the lines of my txt file but I want to take the last line of the txt file and get the values as described below.
Here is my incomplete code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
FILE *sync;
void check()
int success; //to hold the results if the timestamps match
sync = fopen("database.txt","r");
char file[] = "database.txt";
while (fscanf(sync, "%d.%06d", &file) != EOF)
sample txt file:
/////// / //// ///// ///// //////////////// Time: 1385144574.787665 //////// /
/////// / //// ///// ///// //////////////// Time: 1385144574.787727 //////// /
/////// / //// ///// ///// //////////////// Time: 1385144574.787738 //////// /
/////// / //// ///// ///// //////////////// Time: 1385144574.787746 //////// /
/////// / //// ///// ///// //////////////// Time: 1385144574.787753 //////// /
The / are some words, symbols and numbers I do not want, just the numbers in sample txt as shown above
I appreciate any examples and pointing out errors I made so I can understand this much better.
Since I made some people confused about the text file, here is what it really is. This is the format it will be so I should know the length of each line. However, I will not be able to know how many lines there will be as it may be updated.
Socket: 0 PGN: 65308 Data: 381f008300000000 Time: 1385144574.787925 Address: 28
Socket: 0 PGN: 65398 Data: 0000000100000000 Time: 1385144574.787932 Address: 118
Socket: 0 PGN: 61444 Data: f07d83351f00ffff Time: 1385144574.787940 Address: 4
Socket: 0 PGN: 65266 Data: 260000000000ffff Time: 1385144574.787947 Address: 242
Socket: 0 PGN: 65309 Data: 2600494678fff33c Time: 1385144574.787956 Address: 29
Socket: 0 PGN: 65398 Data: 0000000100000000 Time: 1385144574.787963 Address: 118
Socket: 0 PGN: 61444 Data: f07d833d1f00ffff Time: 1385144574.787971 Address: 4
Socket: 0 PGN: 65398 Data: 0000000100000000 Time: 1385144574.787978 Address: 118
Socket: 0 PGN: 61443 Data: d1000600ffffffff Time: 1385144574.787985 Address: 3
Socket: 0 PGN: 65308 Data: 451f008300000000 Time: 1385144574.787993 Address: 28
Socket: 0 PGN: 65317 Data: e703000000000000 Time: 1385144574.788001 Address: 37
Again I am after the Time values (eg. 1385144574.787925) at the last line of the txt file.
Hope this helps.
Since you're after the last line of the file, and you didn't mention how large the file might be, it could be worth while to start reading the file from the end, and work your way backwards from there:
FILE *fp = fopen("database.txt", "r");
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);//sets fp to the very end of your file
From there, you can use fseek(fp, -x, SEEK_CUR); where x is the number of bytes you want to go back, until you get to where you want... other than that, Jekyll's answer should work just fine.
However, to get the last line, I tend to do something like this:
FILE *fp = fopen("database.txt", "r");
char line[1024] = "";
char c;
int len = 0;
if (fp == NULL) exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_END);//next to last char, last is EOF
c = fgetc(fp);
while(c == '\n')//define macro EOL
fseek(fp, -2, SEEK_CUR);
c = fgetc(fp);
while(c != '\n')
fseek(fp, -2, SEEK_CUR);
c = fgetc(fp);
fseek(fp, 1, SEEK_CUR);
if (fgets(line, len, fp) != NULL) puts(line);
else printf("Error\n");
The reasoning behind my len var is so that I can allocate enough memory to accomodate the entire line. Using an array of 1024 chars should suffice, but if you want to play it safe:
char *line = NULL;
//read line
line = calloc(len+1, sizeof(char));
if (line == NULL)
free(line);//this line!
Once you've gotten that line, you can use Jekyll's sscanf examples to determine the best way to extract whatever you want from that line.
The way you are using fscanf is wrong as the actual vector of arguments needs to match what you are collecting (as you can see in the manpage). Instead of using fscanf you may consider using fgets and then filtering for what you are looking for in the latest raw with a regex through sscanf.
Note:: I collected the value in double format, you may choose the format that suits you the most for your problem (string?int.int?float?), in order to do this you should check for regex using scanf. Please come back if you cannot accomplish this task.
update:: due to some requests I wrote some few examples of different pattern matching. These should be a good starting point to fix your problems.
1. I have seen that you added the pattern of your db file so we can now state that both #3 and #4 match and put the 3 here (faster).
2. I removed the feof check as for your request, but note that the check is fine if you know what you are doing. Basically you have to keep in mind that stream's internal position indicator may point to the end-of-file for the next operation, but still, the end-of-file indicator may not be set until an operation attempts to read at that point.
3. You asked to remove the char line[1024]={0,}; This instruction is used to initialize the line[1024] array which will contain the lines that you read from the file. This is needed! To know what that instruction is please see here
void check()
char line[1024]={0,}; // Initialize memory! You have to do this (as for your question)
int n2=0;
int n3=0;
sync = fopen("database.txt", "r");
if( sync ) {
while( fgets(line, 1024, sync) !=NULL ) {
// Just search for the latest line, do nothing in the loop
printf("Last line %s\n", line); //<this is just a log... you can remove it
// This will look for Time and it will discard it collecting the number you are looking for in n2 and n3
if (sscanf(line, "%*[^T]Time: %d.%d", &n2, &n3) ) {
printf( "%d.%d\n", n2, n3);
Example 2
if for instance you need to collect the value using two integers you will need to replace the sscanf of the example above with the following code:
unsigned int n2, n3;
if (sscanf(line, "%*[^0-9]%d.%d", &n2, &n3) ) {
printf( "%d.%d\n", n2, n3);
said this you should figure out how to collect other formats.
Example 3
A better regex. In case there are others number in the file before the giving pattern you may want to match on Time, so let's say that there isn't any T before. A regex for this can be:
if (sscanf(line, "%*[^T]Time: %d.%d", &n2, &n3) ) {
printf( "%d.%d\n", n2, n3);
The regex using sscanf can be not suitable for your pattern, in that case you need to consider the usage of gnu regex library or you can mix strstr and sscanf like I did in the following example.
Example 4
This can be useful if you don't find a common pattern. In that case you may want to trigger on the string "Time" using strstr before calling the sscanf
char *ptr = strstr( line, "Time:" );
if( ptr != NULL ) {
if (sscanf(ptr, "%*[^0-9]%d.%d", &n2, &n3) ) {
printf( "%d.%d\n", n2, n3);
* Note *
You may need to find your way to parse the file and those above can be only suggestions because you may have more specific or different patterns in your file but the instruction I posted here should be enough to give you the instruments to do the job in that case

C: Reading strings from binary file

I have a home assignment which says that I have to store information about a mansion in a binary file. On the first line of that file I have to keep information about how many floors there are in the building and how many apartments there are on a floor (size of two-dimensional array). And on the next lines I have to keep info about the apartments - a unique number for each apartment, number of rooms in that apartment, number of people living there, family name, date when the family moved in that apartment, monthly rent.
So, the question is: how should I store that information and how should I read it? If I use fread(buf, size, number_of_elements, FIlE *), how would I know the number of the elements?
For example, how do I read a family name when I don't know it's lenght?
Thanks in advance!
PS. Thank you, claptrap! I tried to write the data first into the binary file but I got some error :(
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NAPARTMENTS 21
#define TAX_ADULT 3
#define TAX_KID 1
#define TAX_ELEVATOR 2
#define NFLOORS 7
#define NROOMS 3
void main()
FILE *fp;
int i, j;
struct info_apartments
unsigned numApartment, numRooms, numAdults, numKids, rent;
char family[30], date[10];
typedef struct info_apartments data;
data apartments[7][3];
for(i=0; i<NFLOORS; i++)
for(j=0; j<NROOMS; j++)
printf("\nEnter the number of the rooms: ");
scanf("%d", apartments[i][j].numRooms);
printf("\nEnter number of adults: ");
scanf("%d", apartments[i][j].numAdults);
printf("\nEnter number of kids: ");
scanf("%d", apartments[i][j].numKids);
printf("\nEnter family name: ");
scanf("%s", apartments[i][j].family);
printf("\nEnter date: ");
scanf("%s", apartments[i][j].date);
//first two floors don't pay for elevator
if((fp=fopen("myfile", "ab"))==NULL)
if((fwrite(apartments, sizeof(apartments), 1, fp))!=1)
First of all I guess you need to change the "if" line at the end to:
if((fwrite(&apartments, sizeof(apartments), 1, fp))!=1)
You forgot to put &..
second... if you want to
read from the file you do the same thing with fread function
fread(&apartments, sizeof(apartments), 1, fp);
and the you can print it so you can see the data..
consider creating structs holding the information you need to store/retrieve. the header struct could look something like
typedef struct
short floors;
short apartments;
} header;
you do more structs for the other parts of the file.
then when you read (frwrite to write) from the file you do something like
header h;
fread( &h, sizeof(h), 1, fp );
now using the information in the header you can calculate how to read/write the rest of the file. for the rest of the file you would have other structs but I leave that for you to solve.

C Primer 5th - Task 14-6

A text file holds information about a softball team. Each line has data arranged as follows:
4 Jessie Joybat 5 2 1 1
The first item is the player's number, conveniently in the range 0–18. The second item is the player's first name, and the third is the player's last name. Each name is a single word. The next item is the player's official times at bat, followed by the number of hits, walks, and runs batted in (RBIs). The file may contain data for more than one game, so the same player may have more than one line of data, and there may be data for other players between those lines. Write a program that stores the data into an array of structures. The structure should have members to represent the first and last names, the at bats, hits, walks, and RBIs (runs batted in), and the batting average (to be calculated later). You can use the player number as an array index. The program should read to end-of-file, and it should keep cumulative totals for each player.
The world of baseball statistics is an involved one. For example, a walk or reaching base on an error doesn't count as an at-bat but could possibly produce an RBI. But all this program has to do is read and process the data file, as described next, without worrying about how realistic the data is.
The simplest way for the program to proceed is to initialize the structure contents to zeros, read the file data into temporary variables, and then add them to the contents of the corresponding structure. After the program has finished reading the file, it should then calculate the batting average for each player and store it in the corresponding structure member. The batting average is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of hits for a player by the cumulative number of at-bats; it should be a floating-point calculation. The program should then display the cumulative data for each player along with a line showing the combined statistics for the entire team.
team.txt (text file I'm working with):
4 Jessie Joybat 5 2 1 1
4 Jessie Joybat 7 3 5 3
7 Jack Donner 6 3 1 2
11 Martin Garder 4 3 2 1
15 Jaime Curtis 7 4 1 2
2 Curtis Michel 3 2 2 3
9 Gillan Morthim 9 6 6 7
12 Brett Tyler 8 7 4 3
8 Hans Gunner 7 7 2 3
14 Jessie James 11 2 3 4
12 Brett Tyler 4 3 1 3
Since I'm a beginner in C, either I misinterpreted the task from what was asked originally or it's unfairly complex (I believe the former is the case). I'm so lost that I can't think of the way how could I fill in by the criteria of index (player number) every piece of data, keep track of whether he has more than one game, calculate and fetch bat average and then print.
What I have so far is:
#define LGT 30
struct profile {
int pl_num;
char name[LGT];
char lname[LGT];
int atbat[LGT/3];
int hits[LGT/3];
int walks[LGT/3];
int runs[LGT/3];
float batavg;
//It's wrong obviously but it's a starting point
int main(void)
FILE *flx;
int i,jc,flow=0;
struct profile stat[LGT]={{0}};
if((flx=fopen("team.txt","r"))==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Can't read file team!\n");
for( jc = 0; jc < 11; jc++) {
Advice 1: don't declare arrays like atbat[LGT/3].
Advice 2: Instead of multiple fscanf you could read the whole line in a shot.
Advice 3: Since the number of players is limited and the player number has a good range (0-18), using that player number as an index into the struct array is a good idea.
Advice 4: Since you need cumulative data for each player (no need to store his history points), then you don't need arrays of integers, just an integer to represent the total.
#include <stdio.h>
#define PLAYERS_NO 19
typedef struct
char name[20+1];
char lastName[25+1];
int atbat;
int hits;
int walks;
int runs;
float batavg;
} Profile;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Profile stats[PLAYERS_NO];
int i;
FILE* dataFile;
int playerNo;
Profile tmpProfile;
int games = 0;
for(i=0; i<PLAYERS_NO; ++i)
stats[i].name[0] = '\0';
stats[i].lastName[0] = '\0';
stats[i].atbat = 0;
stats[i].hits = 0;
stats[i].walks = 0;
stats[i].runs = 0;
dataFile = fopen("team.txt", "r");
if ( dataFile == NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "Can't read file team!\n");
for(i=0; i<PLAYERS_NO && !feof(dataFile); ++i, ++games)
fscanf(dataFile, "%d", &playerNo);
if ( playerNo <0 || playerNo > PLAYERS_NO )
fprintf(stderr, "Player number out of range\n");
fscanf(dataFile, "%s %s %d %d %d %d",
printf("READ: %d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n",
strcpy(stats[playerNo].name, tmpProfile.name);
strcpy(stats[playerNo].lastName, tmpProfile.lastName);
stats[playerNo].atbat += tmpProfile.atbat;
stats[playerNo].hits += tmpProfile.hits;
stats[playerNo].walks += tmpProfile.walks;
stats[playerNo].runs += tmpProfile.runs;
/* exercise: compute the average */
for(i=0; i<PLAYERS_NO; ++i)
if ( stats[i].name[0] == '\0' )
printf("%d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n",
return 0;
The first rule of programming: Divide and conquer.
So you need to identify individual operations. One such operation is "load one row of input", another is "look up a player". If you have some of those operations (more will come up as you go), you can start building your program:
while( more_input ) {
row = load_one_row()
player = find_player( row.name )
if( !player ) {
player = create_player( row.name )
add_player( player )
... do something with row and player ...
when you have that, you can start to write all the functions.
An important point here is to write test cases. Start with a simple input and test the code to read a row. Do you get the correct results?
If so, test the code to find/create players.
The test cases make sure that you can forget about code that already works.
Use a framework like Check for this.
If I were doing this, I'd start with a structure that only held one "set" of data, then create an array of those structs:
struct profile {
char name[NAMELEN];
char lname[NAMELEN];
int atbat;
int hits;
int walks;
int runs;
float batavg;
Since you're using the player's number as the index into an array, you don't need to store it into the structure too.
I think that will simplify the problem a little bit. You don't need to store multiple data items for a single player -- when you get a duplicate, you just ignore some of the new data (like the names, which should be identical) and sum up the others (e.g., at-bats, hits).
