Roles of backbone views, model, and router - backbone.js

I am developing a backbone application which is using require.js.
I want a user to enter in the 'id' for a model and then either be redirected to a view for that model if it exists, or display an error message if it does not. This sounds extremely simple, but I am having trouble figuring out the roles of each component.
In the application below, the user will come to an index page with an input (with id 'modelId') and a button (with class attribute 'lookup').
The following piece of code is the router.
define(['views/index', 'views/myModelView', 'models/myModel'],
function(IndexView, MyModelView, myModel) {
var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
currentView: null,
routes: {
"index": "index",
"view/:id": "view"
changeView: function(view) {
if(null != this.currentView) {
this.currentView = view;
index: function() {
this.changeView(new IndexView());
view: function(id) {
//var model
roter.changeView(new MyModelView(model))
return new MyRouter();
The following piece of code is the index view
define(['text!templates/index.html', 'models/myModel'],
function( indexTemplate, MyModel) {
var indexView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#content'),
events: {
"click .lookup": "lookup"
render: function() {
lookup: function(){
var modelId = $("#modelId").val()
var model = new MyModel({id:modelId});
success: function(){
window.location.hash = 'view/';
error: function(){
$("#error").text('Cannot view model');
return indexView
What I can't figure out is that it seems like the better option is for the index view to look up the model (so it can display an error message if the user asks for a model that doesn't exist, and also to keep the router cleaner). But the problem is that the router now has no reference to the model when the view/:id router is triggered. How is it supposed to get a hold of the model in the view() function?
I guess it could do another fetch, but that seems redundant and wrong. Or maybe there is supposed to be some global object that both the router and the view share (that the index view could put the model in), but that seems like tight coupling.

You can do something like this. You could do something similar with a collection instead of a model, but it seems like you don't want to fetch/show the whole collection?
With this type of solution (I think similar to what #mpm was suggesting), your app will handle browser refreshes, back/forward navigation properly. You basically have a MainView, which really acts more like a app controller. It handles events triggered either by the router, or by user interaction (clicking lookup or a back-to-index button on the item view).
Credit to Derick Bailey for a lot of these ideas.
In the Router. These are now only triggered if the user navigates by changing a URL or back/forward.
index: function() {
view: function(id) {
var model = new MyModel({id: id});
success: function(){
Backbone.trigger('show-item-view', model);
error: function(){
// user could have typed in an invalid URL, do something here,
// or just make the ItemView handle an invalid model and show that view...
In new MainView, which you would create on app startup, not in router:
el: 'body',
initialize: function (options) {
this.router = options.router;
// listen for events, either from the router or some view.
this.listenTo(Backbone, 'show-lookup-view', this.showLookup);
this.listenTo(Backbone, 'show-item-view', this.showItem);
changeView: function(view) {
if(null != this.currentView) {
// remove() instead of undelegateEvents() here
this.currentView = view;
showLookup: function(){
var view = new IndexView();
// note this does not trigger the route, only changes hash.
// this ensures your URL is right, and if it was already #index because
// this was triggered by the router, it has no effect.
showItem: function(model){
var view = new ItemView({model: model});
this.router.navigate('items/' +;
Then in IndexView, you trigger the 'show-item-view' event with the already fetched model.
lookup: function(){
var modelId = $("#modelId").val()
var model = new MyModel({id:modelId});
success: function(){
Backbone.trigger('show-item-view', model);
error: function(){
$("#error").text('Cannot view model');
I don't think this is exactly perfect, but I hope it could point you in a good direction.


Getting view to update on save using Backbone.js

I am learning Backbone.js and as a trial project I am creating a little WordPress user management application. So far my code shows a listing of all WordPress users and it has a form which enables you to add new users to the application.
This all works fine however when you add a new user the listing of users doesn't update automatically, you need to refresh the page to see the new user added which isn't ideal and defeats one of the benefits of Backbone.js!
I have a model for a user and then a collection which compiles all the users. I have a view which outputs the users into a ul and I have a view which renders the form. How do I make my code work so when the .save method is called the view which contains the users updates with the new user? Or is there another way to approach this?
//define the model which sets the defaults for each user
var UserModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
"username": "",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"email": "",
"password": "",
initialize: function(){
urlRoot: 'http://localhost/development/wp-json/wp/v2/users'
//define the base URL for ajax calls
var baseURL = 'http://localhost/development/wp-json/wp/v2/';
//function to define username and password
function authenticationDetails(){
var user = "myUserName";
var pass = "myPassword";
var token = btoa(user+':'+pass);
return 'Basic ' + token;
//add basic authorisation header to all API requests
headers: {'Authorization':authenticationDetails()}
//create a collection which returns the data
var UsersCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend(
model: UserModel,
// Url to request when fetch() is called
url: baseURL + 'users?context=edit',
parse: function(response) {
return response;
initialize: function(){
// Define the View
UserView = Backbone.View.extend({
model: UserModel,
initialize: function() {
// create a collection
this.collection = new UsersCollection;
// Fetch the collection and call render() method
var that = this;
success: function () {
// Use an external template
template: _.template($('#UserTemplate').html()),
render: function() {
// Fill the html with the template and the collection
$(this.el).html(this.template({ users: this.collection.toJSON() }));
return this;
var userListing = new UserView({
// define the el where the view will render
el: $('#user-listing')
NewUserFormView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
// Use an external template
template: _.template($('#NewUserTemplate').html()),
render: function() {
// Fill the html with the template and the collection
return this;
events: {
'click .create-user':'addNewUser'
addNewUser: function(){
var newFirstName = $('.first-name').val();
var newLastName = $('.last-name').val();
var newEmail = $('.email').val();
var newPassword = $('.password').val();
var newUserName = newFirstName.toLowerCase();
var myNewUser = new UserModel({username:newUserName,first_name:newFirstName,last_name:newLastName,email:newEmail,password:newPassword});
console.log(myNewUser);{}, {
success: function (model, respose, options) {
console.log("The model has been saved to the server");
error: function (model, xhr, options) {
console.log("Something went wrong while saving the model");
var userForm = new NewUserFormView({
// define the el where the view will render
el: $('#new-user-form')
All backbone objects (models, collections, views) throw events, some of which would be relevant to what you want. Models throw change events when their .set methods are used, and Collections throw add or update events... a complete list is here.
Once you know which events are already being thrown, you can listen to them and react. For example, use listenTo - in your view's initialize, you can add:
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);
That will cause your view to rerender whenever a model is added to your collection. You can also cause models, collections, whatever, to throw custom events using trigger from anywhere in the code.
EDIT: For the specific case of getting your user listing view to rerender when a new user is added using the form, here are the steps you can take... In the initialize method of your UserView, after the initialize the collection, add:
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);
Then in your form view... assuming you want to wait until the save is complete on your server, in the addNewUser method, in the success callback of your save, add:
This will work, since the instance of your UserView is in the global scope. Hope this one works for you!

Backbone Router -- load data

EDIT: Got it working, but it seems wrong.
I ending up adding a listener to the sync event on the main app view, then render a player. I also added a global variable PgaPlayersApp.CurrentPlayer.
Am I going about this the wrong way? What is the correct way to do this? Is there a reason I can't use reset: true and then listen for the reset event? (It doesn't work)
// js/router.js
var PgaPlayersApp = PgaPlayersApp || {};
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
'player/:id': 'loadPlayer'
loadPlayer: function(id)
PgaPlayersApp.CurrentPlayer.set('id', id);
PgaPlayersApp.Router = new Router();
var PgaPlayersApp = PgaPlayersApp || {};
PgaPlayersApp.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#pga_players_profile_app',
initialize: function()
this.listenTo(PgaPlayersApp.Players, 'reset', this.addAll);
this.listenTo(PgaPlayersApp.CurrentPlayer, 'sync', this.loadPlayer);
PgaPlayersApp.Players.fetch({reset: true});
loadPlayer: function()
new PgaPlayersApp.PlayerCardView({ model: PgaPlayersApp.CurrentPlayer }).render();
Backbone.js is a library that doesn't really enforce how you'd like to structure your App (Or the relationship between your Controller, Model, Router, etc.)
Below is one of the many ways to do it.
Couple highlights:
Router kicks off the fetch process.
When model has been fetched, Router then asks the View to render data (Instead of having the View listening to change events from the Model.)
This assumes that PlayerCardView is a "read only" view, as the View doesn't listen to change events from the Model. Depending on your use case, this might not be desirable, so it ultimately depends on how you'd like to handle it.
Here are some sample code:
(function (export) {
var App = export.App = {};
// Stores state/current views of the App
App.state = {};
App.state.currentPlayer = null;
// Model containing the player
App.PlayerModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
// Single Player View (Assuming you have a collection view for list of players)
App.PlayerCardView = Backbone.View.extend({
model: App.PlayerModel,
template: _.template('<%= id %>'),
render: function(parentEl) {
// Render player
// Append player view to parent container
if (parentEl) {
return this;
// Don't forget to clean up as well!
// Router
App.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'player/:id': 'showPlayer'
showPlayer: function(id) {
// Unload current player view, if necessary
// Construct model
var player = App.state.currentPlayer = new App.Player({
id: id
// Pass model to the new player view
var view = App.state.currentPlayerView = new App.PlayerCardView({
model: App.state.currentPlayer
// At this time, you should probably show some loading indicator as you're fetching data from the server
// Fetch data
success: function() {
// This would be called when data has been fetched from the server.
// Render player on screen
// Initializes the App
App.init = function() {
// Kick off router
App.state.router = new App.Router();
// Start the app!

How to retrieve an object from after saving it

I'm creating an application for Phonegap using Backbone framework and as backend service. I create an object with (corresponding to Backbone models).
This object has a saveDraftToP() method that calls the function save().
After this method is called from a view, I'd like to retrieve the updated object.
To do so I'm binding the 'change' event to the model but the Parse assigned ID is undefined.
Here is the code of the model:
var Match = Parse.Object.extend("Match", {
states: {'DRAFT': 0, 'RUNNING': 1, 'ENDED': 2},
saveDraftToP: function () {
var self = this;{
user: Parse.User.current(),
ACL: new Parse.ACL(Parse.User.current()),
state: self.states.DRAFT
}, {
success: function (result) {
self = result;
error: function (e) {
And here is the code for the view:
var vmNuovaPartita = Parse.View.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile(template),
model: new Match(),
collection: new HintCollection(),
initialize: function () {
this.bind("change:model", console.log( , this);
render: function (eventName) {
var match = this.model.toJSON();
return this;
I'm not quite sure why you have a save function wrapped in another save-like function. :-)
Say you have something like myMatch which is an object.
Through your UI, a button click saves the object data. You can just use{attr:val, ...}) straight out of the box. Backbone (and Parse) by default are optimistic. That means, you it will set the values of the model with the expectation that persisting to the server will succeed.
Thus, you don't need to retrieve anything extra. You already have the model in it's most current state.
To have a model view that responds to these changes, I'd design the view a little differently.
var vmNuovaPartita = Parse.View.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile(template),
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change', this.render);
render: function (eventName) {
var match = this.model.toJSON();
return this;
var myView = new vmNuovaPartita({
model: myModel
I'd initialize the model outside of the view, then pass it in as an option when you generate a new view. When you pass a model in as an option, it's special and will be attached directly to the view ... view.model which you can refer inside your view code as this.model
In the init we place a listener on the model for change events, then fire off a rerender of the view. Or a nicer way to go about this sort of thing is to throw in the newer Backbone Events with the .listenTo() method.

backbone router and collection issue

I have a collection and I need to access a model in the collection when a route is fired:
App.Houses = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: App.House,
url: API_URL,
App.houseCollection = new App.Houses()
App.HouseDetailRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'main',
'details/:id': 'details',
initialize: function() {
main: function() {
details: function(id) {
model = App.houseCollection.get(id);
App.Events.trigger('show_house', model);
The result of that console.log(model) is undefined. I think that this is the case because the collection has not finished the fetch() call?
I want to attach the model to the event that I am firing so that the views that respond to the event can utilize it. I might be taking a bad approach, I am not sure.
One of the views that responds to the event:
App.HouseDetailView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.house-details-area',
initialize: function() {
this.template = _.template($('#house-details-template').html());
App.Events.on('show_house', this.render, this);
App.Events.on('show_main_view', this.hide, this);
events: {
'click .btn-close': 'hide',
render: function(model) {
var html = this.template({model:model.toJSON()});
hide: function() {
App.detailsRouter.navigate('/', true);
EDIT: Somewhat hacky fix: See details()
App.HouseDetailRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'main',
'details/:id': 'details',
initialize: function() {
main: function() {
details: function(id) {
if (App.houseCollection.models.length === 0) {
// if we are browsing to
// directly, and the collection has not finished fetch(),
// we fetch the model.
model = new App.House(); = id;
success: function(data) {
App.Events.trigger('show_house', data);
} else {
// if we are getting to after browsing
// to, the collection is already populated.
model = App.houseCollection.get(id);
App.Events.trigger('show_house', model);
Since you are using neither the callbacks nor events to know when the collection's fetch call completes, perhaps fetching the collection is generating an error, or the model you want is not included in the server response, or you are routing to the view before fetch has completed.
As to your approach, here are some miscellaneous tips:
better to pass the model to the view in the view's constructor's options parameter. render() takes no arguments and I think it is unconventional to change that.
Always return this from render() in your views
You can move your this.template = _.template code to the object literal you pass to extend. This code only needs to be run once per app load, not for each individual view
For now the simplest thing may be to instantiate just a model and a view inside your details route function, call fetch on the specific model of interest, and use the success callback to know when to render the view.

One View connected to multiple models

I have the following problem…
MyView which is connected to two views: TaskModel and UserModel
TaskModel = {id: 1, taskName: "myTask", creatorName: "myName", creator_id: 2 },
UserModel = {id: 2, avatar: "someAvatar"}
The view should display
{{taskName}}, {{creatorName}}, {{someAvatar}}
As you can see the fetch of TaskModel and UserModel should be synchronized, because the userModel.fetch needs of taskModel.get("creator_id")
Which approach do you recommend me to display/handle the view and the two models?
You could make the view smart enough to not render until it has everything it needs.
Suppose you have a user and a task and you pass them both to the view's constructor:
initialize: function(user, task) {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.user = user;
this.task = task;
this.user.on('change', this.render);
this.task.on('change', this.render);
Now you have a view that has references to both the user and the task and is listening for "change" events on both. Then, the render method can ask the models if they have everything they're supposed to have, for example:
render: function() {
&& this.task.has('name')) {
task: this.task.toJSON(),
user: this.user.toJSON()
return this;​​​​
So render will wait until both the this.user and this.task are fully loaded before it fills in the proper HTML; if it is called before its models have been loaded, then it renders nothing and returns an empty placeholder. This approach keeps all of the view's logic nicely hidden away inside the view where it belongs and it easily generalizes.
You could also use Underscore's isEmpty (which is mixed into Backbone models) instead of checking a specific property:
render: function() {
&& !this.task.isEmpty()) {
task: this.task.toJSON(),
user: this.user.toJSON()
return this;​​​​
That assumes that you don't have any defaults of course.
jQuery's Deferreds work well here. As a crude example:
var succesFunction = function () {
var errorFunction = function () {
$.when(taskModel.fetch(), userModel.fetch()).then(successFunction, errorFunction);
You could also pipe the request through using the crude data (remember that fetch, save, create are really just wrappers around jQuery's $.ajax object.
var taskModelDeferred = taskModel.fetch();
var userModelDeferred = taskModelDeferred.pipe(function( data ) {
return userModel.fetch({ data: { user: data.userId }});
note: Backbone returns the collection and model in the success / error functions by default on collections and models so if you need this be sure have a reference handy.
I've run into this very same issue with a complex layout that used two models and multiple views. For that, instead of trying to synchronize the fetches, I simply used the "success" function of one model to invoke the fetch of the other. My views would listen only to the change of the second model. For instance:
var model1 = Backbone.Model.extend({
var model2 = Backbone.Model.extend({
var view1 = Backbone.View.extend({
var view2 = Backbone.View.extend({
model2.on("change",view1.render, view1);
model2.on("change",view2.render, view2);
success : function() {
The point to this is you don't have to do any sophisticated synchronization. You simply cascade the fetches and respond to the last model's fetch.
