TextBlock binding not working - wpf

I have a TextBlock that bind to property in my model. My model sitting in my view model that bind with the window.
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MyModel.TextVar,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"></TextBlock>
TextVar is a string property that call function of Notify...
So, I do not understand why it does not work. (There is no binding error in the OutPut).
string _textVar;
public string TextVar
return _textVar;
_textVar= value;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)-- HERE THE PROPBLEM, IT ARRIVE NULL
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

Seems that everything is perfect, now just add this line under the constructor of your class.
this.DataContext = this;
The problem arries when you have declared another DataContext in some parent window. I was suffering from same problem and this solution worked for me.
A Quick Review of Binding a TextBox in WPF
Step 1: Declare a property in class of window
first of all, you should declare a property in class of you window, i.e in .xml.cs file of your new window.
string _someVariable;
public string NameOfProperty
return _someVariable;
_someVariable= value;
Step 2: Bind the property to TextBox
Now bind your TextBox to your newly created property using the following syntax.
{Binding Path=NameOfProperty}
The Path notes the property that you want to bind to, however, since Path is the default property of a binding, you may leave it out if you want to, like this:
{Binding NameOfProperty}
Step 3: Declare the DataContext of your Window
Your solution should work until now, but in case you are using some pattern you should define the DataContext of your window.

Binding TextBlock with Mode=TwoWay makes no sense because its a TextBlock and not a TextBox.
but nevertheless your binding work if the DataContext of your textblock has a Property "MyModel" and this "MyModel" - object has a Property "TextVar".
if you wanna look up your datacontext and binding at runtime use Snoop
EDIT: that what you need if you do your binding like you did
public class MyViewmodel
public MyOtherClass MyModel {get;set;}
public class MyOtherClass
public string TextVar {get;set;}
windows.xaml.cs ctor:
this.data = new MyViewmodel();
this.DataContext = this.data;


WPF C# INotifyPropertyChanged doesn't fire up

I am building a WPF application that as part of its flow, checks for network connectivity and display the IP address in a TextBlock.
Now I am trying to update the TextBlock Text property everytime the IP address changes for whatever reason.
I have the IP address change working fine, but i could not get INotifyPropertyChanged to work.
I read all the possible solutions and implementations but I couldn't come up with a working code.
The public property gets the value from a static string from the Network Helper class.
So, the code:
public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public MainWindow()
DataContext = this;
public string ipAddress
get { return NetworkStatus.localIP; }
if (value != NetworkStatus.localIP)
NetworkStatus.localIP = value;
private void NotifyIPChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
<TextBlock x:Name="ipTxt"
Text="{Binding DataContext.ipAddress}"
NetWorkStatus.cs -- static bool IsNetworkAvailable()
if (statistics.BytesReceived > 0 || statistics.BytesSent > 0)
IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
localIP = host.AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork).ToString();
return true;
As you can see this method sets a static string "localIP". This is then evaluated by IpAddress property.
Why the TextBlock Text property doesn't get updated when the IP Address changes?
Rename the property to IpAddress so that it adheres to widely accepted naming conventions.
public string IpAddress
get { return NetworkStatus.localIP; }
if (value != NetworkStatus.localIP)
NetworkStatus.localIP = value;
Use the CallerMemberName attribute on the propertyName parameter of your notification method, so that you do not have to write the name explicitly.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Bind it correctly. The current DataContext is already used as source object of the Binding. You must not add it to the property path.
<TextBlock Text="{Binding IpAddress}" ... />
In a possible next step you might want to separate the view from the view model and put the property in a separate class:
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public string IpAddress
get ...
set ...
and assign the Window's DataContext to an instance of the view model class:
public MainWindow()
DataContext = new ViewModel();
I think you need to take a closer look to how WPF works.
As a remark, there is no need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged in code behind. If you are using events, then you can automatically refresh the properties of the targeted UI element.
However, using code behind is not a good practice in our days. You should take a look at MVVM pattern. You have there a Model, View and ViewModel. The ViewModel should implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
The fact is that your code is in my opinion absolutely wrong. The naming is not fine : when you implement INotifyPropertyChanged you should not implement it only for a property, and the name should not look like : NotifyIPChanged, instead you should use RaisePropertyChanged, NotifyPropertyChanged or OnPropertyChanged. In setters you should not refresh something else, but only the property that you are targeting, because otherwise the Single Responsability principle is violated, as in your case. Also a bad practice is to bind to Code Behind.
I hope this post would make you to read more about MVVM and WPF. Good luck!
is it possible that the Event doesnt react, because the first letter of IpAdress is an Upper?
public string ipAddress
Text="{Binding DataContext.ipAddress}"

Confused in DataContext in WPF

I am beginner to WPF and MVMM architecture. VI came across many links which explains about DataContext dependence property in WPF MVMM architecture,
view.DataContext = new ViewModels.MainViewModel();
but they always made me confused. Although I have some basic idea about this DataContext like it is used to represent who's object we need in xaml file, but when blogs talks about tree structure inheritance of dataContext I gets confused. Can any one please help me with some very simple and clear example showing how this hierarchy of DataContext works?
Thanks in advanced.
The DataContext property specifies the default source for Data Binding. Consider the following example:
<TextBox Text="{Binding MyProperty}" />
What this Binding says: take the value of MyProperty from whatever object is inside the DataContext, convert it to a string and put it in the TextBox. So if we would set the DataContext of the TextBox to be an object of the following class:
public class Example {
int MyProperty { get { return 3; } }
Then, the Text of the TextBox would be set to 3.
What does it mean that the values Inherit? Consider a slightly more complex example:
<Window Name="MainWindow">
<TextBox Text="{Binding MyProperty}" />
If we would have 10 or more TextBox elements on our screen, it would be a lot of senseless work to assign the DataContext to each and every TextBox. To relieve this issue, the implementors of WPF decided that setting the DataContext on the MainWindow in our case would also apply it to everything inside that Window (all children, all nested elements) until the DataContext property is overwritten (i.e. we set the DataContext of the TextBox, then the TextBox and all its children would also receive this DataContext).
If you want to see this behavior in action, the same applies to the FontSize property, try setting the FontSize of your Window to 48 and see what happens to all the text in there!
The Datacontext property is the default source of all the binding of a View.
In MVVM, the Datacontext is used to link a ViewModel to a View.
As the Datacontext property is a dependence property, if you don't define it in a control, it will inherit from his father, etc.
Here is an exemple of MVVM implementation :
Parent of all ViewModel class (to implement INotifyPropertyChanged in all ViewModels) :
public abstract class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Note : INotifyPropertyChanged allow your ViewModel to notify the View of a change (used for bindings).
Let's say I want a MainWindows (View) to be linked to a ViewModel :
public MainWindow()
MainViewModel mainViewModel = new MainViewModel(this);
this.DataContext = mainViewModel;
With for ViewModel :
class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
#region fields
private MainWindow mainWindow;
private string message = "Hello world !";
#region properties
public MainWindow MainWindow
return this.mainWindow;
public string Message
return message;
this.message = value; OnPropertyChanged("Message");
// ...
public MainViewModel(MainWindow mainWindow)
this.mainWindow = mainWindow;
So now if I want to bind a property of MainViewModel in my View (mainwindow), i just have to have a public property in my ViewModel and to create a binding in my XAML. I won't have to specify the source as the DataContext is the default source.
So MainWindow.xaml I can add :
<TextBox Text="{Binding Message}" />

How to replace griddata content when another control's (e.g. combobox) selection is changed?

This is probably not that difficult but as a wpf/mvvm beginner I'm still struggling with some basics.
I have a combobox (acts like a filter) and a griddata in a view. I use MMVM and databinding. On startup griddata is populated and the combobox's selection is set - that works fine. I'd like to replace the content of the griddata when the selection in the combobox changes. The combobox selected value is bound to a property in my viewmodel so I know when it changes and I can easily replace the content of the collection (which is IList) bound to the griddata. However I do not know how to force the griddata to 'refresh' itself in the view using mvvm bindings.
I was considering using ObservableCollection<> but from what I've read it looks like replacing the content is not that simple either. I do not really need the view to know when a single item in the collection changes - I will always replace the whole content of the list.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
You can implement INotifyPropertyChanged in you ViewModel and call it when the List changes.
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private List<MyObject> _myList;
public List<MyObject> MyList
get { return _myList; }
set { _myList = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName]string propertyName = null)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Now when you replace MyList e.g. MyList = newlist it will tell the UI to update whatever is bound to MyList

Updating a dependency property based on changes in the view model

I'm having some problems with data binding in WPF. Here's the scenario: I have made a user control which simulates a Dial Pad (i.e., an array of 12 buttons with the digits from '0' to '9' plus the '#' and 'Clear' keys). The control lives inside a class library and it's been implemented following the MVVM pattern, mainly because I need the components in the class library to be easily unit tested.
The view model for the control is quite simple, it basically updates a public "DialedNumber" string (which is internally connected to the model) every time the user presses a dial pad key button. The binding is working correctly and, by using the debugger, I can confirm that the "DialedNumber" variable inside the viewmodel is getting updated as I press button in the dial pad.
This DialPad control is used by a separate XAML file (Panel.xaml), which laids out several controls that belong to my custom class library.
Now, I'd like to add a TextBlock inside my Panel file in order to display the "DialedNumber" string held inside the DialPad. This is the code snippet in Panel.xaml:
<PanelControls:DialPad x:Name="MyDialPad" DialedNumber="55325"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=MyDialPad, Path=DialedNumber}" />
The result I'm getting is that the textblock displays the correct number on start (i.e., "55325"), but its content doesn't get updated as I press the dial pad keys (even though the DialPad's viewmodel gets updated as I press new keys, as I've checked with the debugger).
Here's the code behind for the DialPad view:
public partial class DialPad : UserControl
public DialPad()
DataContext = new DialPadViewModel();
public void DialedNumberChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public DialPadViewModel DialPadViewModel
get { return DataContext as DialPadViewModel; }
public string DialedNumber
var dialPadViewModel = Resources["DialPadVM"] as DialPadViewModel;
return (dialPadViewModel != null) ? dialPadViewModel.DialedNumber : "";
var dialPadViewModel = Resources["DialPadVM"] as DialPadViewModel;
if (dialPadViewModel != null)
dialPadViewModel.DialedNumber = value;
Here's the DialPad view model:
public class DialPadViewModel : ObservableObject
public DialPadViewModel()
_dialPadModel = new DialPadModel();
#region Fields
private readonly DialPadModel _dialPadModel;
private ICommand _dialPadKeyPressed;
#region Public Properties/Command
public DialPadModel DialPadModel
get { return _dialPadModel; }
public ICommand DialPadKeyPressedCommand
if (_dialPadKeyPressed == null)
_dialPadKeyPressed = new RelayCommand(DialPadKeyPressedCmd);
return _dialPadKeyPressed;
public string DialedNumber
get { return _dialPadModel.DialedNumber; }
_dialPadModel.DialedNumber = value;
#region Private Helpers
private void DialPadKeyPressedCmd(object parameter)
string keyPressedString = parameter.ToString();
if (keyPressedString.Length > 0)
if (char.IsDigit(keyPressedString[0]))
DialedNumber += keyPressedString[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
else if (keyPressedString == "C" || keyPressedString == "Clr" || keyPressedString == "Clear")
DialedNumber = "";
Let me restate my problem: the textblock in Panel.xaml displays the correct number (55325) on start, but its value never gets updated as I press the DialPadButtons. I've placed a breakpoint inside DialPadKeyPressedCmd and I can confirm that the method gets executed everytime I press a key in the dial pad.
DependencyProperties are meant to point to some other property to get their value. So you can either point it to your DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber, or you can point it to some other string when the UserControl is used (either a binding or a hardcoded value like "551"), but you can't do both.
In your case, when someone binds to the DialedNumber dependency property, they are replacing the current value (the binding to DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber) with a new value.
Depending on how your code looks and what you want to do, there are a few ways around it.
First, you could insist that people who want to use your control also use your ViewModel, and don't make DialedNumber a public dependency property.
So instead of being allowed to create a custom class with a property of SomeOtherDialedNumber and binding
<DialPad DialedNumber="{Binding SomeOtherDialedNumber}">
they are forced to use the DialPadViewModel in their code anytime they want to use the DialPad control. For this to work, you would need to remove the this.DataContext = new DialPadViewModel in your code-behind the UserControl since the user will be providing the DialPadViewModel to your UserControl, and you can use an implicit DataTemplate to tell WPF to always draw DialPadViewModel with your DialPad UserControl.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DialPadViewModel}">
<local:DialPad />
The other alternative I can think of is to synchronize your DependencyProperty with your ViewModel property with some PropertyChange notifications.
You would need to update DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber anytime the DialedNumber dependency property changes (You may need to use DependencyPropertyDescriptor.AddValueChanged for property change notification), and you would also have to write something to update the source of the DialedNumber dependency property anytime DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber changes.
Personally, if my UserControl has a ViewModel then I use the first option. If not, I get rid of the ViewModel entirely and build the logic for my UserControl in the code-behind, without a ViewModel.
The reason for this is that WPF works with two layers: a UI layer and a data layer. The DataContext is the data layer, and a ViewModel is typically part of the data layer. By setting the data layer (DataContext) explicitly in the UserControl's constructor, you are combining your data layer with your UI layer, which goes against one of the biggest reasons for using MVVM: separation of concerns. A UserControl should really just be a pretty shell only, and you should be able to place it on top of any data layer you want.
If you place your DialPad in your View, you can create a DialPadViewModel-Property (public+global) in your ViewViewModel:
public DialPadViewModel DialPadViewModel = new DialPadViewModel();
Now set the DataContext-Binding of your View to the ViewViewModel and bind the DialPads DataContext also to it, like
<local:DialPad DataContext="{Binding}"/>
Now you can bind to the properties in your DialPadViewModel:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber}"/>
Thats how you can Access your DialPadViewModel from your View and your DialPad.
Now try changing your DialedNumber Property in your DialPad.xaml.cs like this:
public string DialedNumber
return DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber;
DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber = value;
EDIT 2: I found the Problem:
In your DialPad.xaml all your Commands were bound to the DialPadViewModel from the resources, while the TextBloc was bound to the DialPads DataContext, which is another instance of the DialPadViewModel.
So everytime you hit a DialPad-Button you changed the value of the DialedNumber from the resources' DPVM-instance not the DialedNumber from the DataContext's DPVM-instance.
It sounds like you can add a TextBox to your view and bind it's Text property to your view-model's DialedNumber property.
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=DialedNumber}"></TextBox>
Your view-model property can look something like this:
private string _dialedNumber;
public string DialedNumber
get { return _dialedNumber; }
if (value == _dialedNumber)
_dialedNumber= value;
_yourModel.DialedNumber= _dialedNumber;
Let me know if I misunderstood your question.

How to bind DataGridColumn.Visibility?

I have an issue similar to the following post:
Silverlight DataGridTextColumn Binding Visibility
I need to have a Column within a Silverlight DataGrid be visibile/collapsed based on a value within a ViewModel. To accomplish this I am attempting to Bind the Visibility property to a ViewModel. However I soon discovered that the Visibility property is not a DependencyProperty, therefore it cannot be bound.
To solve this, I attempted to subclass my own DataGridTextColumn. With this new class, I have created a DependencyProperty, which ultimately pushes the changes to the DataGridTextColumn.Visibility property. This works well, if I don't databind. The moment I databind to my new property, it fails, with a AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE exception.
public class MyDataGridTextColumn : DataGridTextColumn
#region public Visibility MyVisibility
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyVisibilityProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyVisibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(MyDataGridTextColumn), new PropertyMetadata(Visibility.Visible, OnMyVisibilityPropertyChanged));
private static void OnMyVisibilityPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var #this = d as MyDataGridTextColumn;
if (#this != null)
#this.OnMyVisibilityChanged((Visibility)e.OldValue, (Visibility)e.NewValue);
private void OnMyVisibilityChanged(Visibility oldValue, Visibility newValue)
Visibility = newValue;
public Visibility MyVisibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(MyVisibilityProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyVisibilityProperty, value); }
#endregion public Visibility MyVisibility
Here is a small snippet of the XAML.
<DataGrid ....>
<MyDataGridTextColumn Header="User Name"
Binding="{Binding User.UserName}"
MyVisibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}, Path=ShouldShowUser}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn .../>
A couple important facts.
The Converter is indeed defined above in the local resources.
The Converter is correct, it is used many other places in the solution.
If I replace the {Binding} syntax for the MyVisibility property with "Collapsed" the Column does in fact disappear.
If I create a new DependencyProperty (i.e. string Foo), and bind to it I receive the AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE exception too.
Does anybody have any ideas as to why this isn't working?
Here's the solution I've come up with using a little hack.
First, you need to inherit from DataGrid.
public class DataGridEx : DataGrid
public IEnumerable<string> HiddenColumns
get { return (IEnumerable<string>)GetValue(HiddenColumnsProperty); }
set { SetValue(HiddenColumnsProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty HiddenColumnsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register ("HiddenColumns",
typeof (IEnumerable<string>),
typeof (DataGridEx),
new PropertyMetadata (HiddenColumnsChanged));
private static void HiddenColumnsChanged(object sender,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var dg = sender as DataGrid;
if (dg==null || args.NewValue == args.OldValue)
var hiddenColumns = (IEnumerable<string>)args.NewValue;
foreach (var column in dg.Columns)
if (hiddenColumns.Contains ((string)column.GetValue (NameProperty)))
column.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
column.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
The DataGridEx class adds a new DP for hiding columns based on the x:Name of a DataGridColumn and its descendants.
To use in your XAML:
<my:DataGridEx x:Name="uiData"
DataContext="{Binding SomeDataContextFromTheVM}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Whatever}"
HiddenColumns="{Binding HiddenColumns}">
<sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="uiDataCountOfItems">
Binding={Binding CountOfItems}"
You need to add these to your ViewModel or whatever data context you use.
private IEnumerable<string> _hiddenColumns;
public IEnumerable<string> HiddenColumns
get { return _hiddenColumns; }
private set
if (value == _hiddenColumns)
_hiddenColumns = value;
PropertyChanged (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("HiddenColumns"));
public void SomeWhereInYourCode ()
HiddenColumns = new List<string> {"uiDataCountOfItems"};
To unhide, you only need to remove the corresponding name from the list or recreate it without the unhidden name.
I have another solution to this problem that uses an approach similar to the "Binding" property that you find on DataGridTextColumn. Since the column classes are DependencyObjects, you can't directly databind to them, BUT if you add a reference to a FrameworkElement that implements INotifyPropertyChanged you can pass a databinding through to the element, and then use a dependency property to notify the Column that the databinding has changed.
One thing to note is that having the binding on the Column itself instead of the Grid will probably mean that you will want to use a DataContextProxy to get access to the field that you want to bind the Visibility to (the column binding will default to the scope of the ItemSource).
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace XYZ.Controls
public class ExtendedDataGridTextColumn : DataGridTextColumn
private readonly Notifier _e;
private Binding _visibilityBinding;
public Binding VisibilityBinding
get { return _visibilityBinding; }
_visibilityBinding = value;
_e.SetBinding(Notifier.MyVisibilityProperty, _visibilityBinding);
public ExtendedDataGridTextColumn()
_e = new Notifier();
_e.PropertyChanged += ToggleVisibility;
private void ToggleVisibility(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "Visibility")
this.Visibility = _e.MyVisibility;
//Notifier class is just used to pass the property changed event back to the column container Dependency Object, leaving it as a private inner class for now
private class Notifier : FrameworkElement, INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public Visibility MyVisibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(MyVisibilityProperty); }
private set { SetValue(MyVisibilityProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyVisibilityProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MyVisibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(Notifier), new PropertyMetadata(MyVisibilityChanged));
private static void MyVisibilityChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var n = d as Notifier;
if (n != null)
n.MyVisibility = (Visibility) e.NewValue;
n.PropertyChanged(n, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Visibility"));
The datagrid column inherits from DependencyObject instead of FrameworkElement. In WPF this would be no big deal... but in silverlight you can only bind to FrameworkElement objects. So you get the descriptive error message of AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE when you try.
I don't know how much this will help, but I've run into the lack of dependency property problem with data grid columns myself in my latest project. What I did to get around it, was to create an event in the grid column view model, then when the grid is being assembled in the client, use a closure to subscribe the grid column to the column view model. My particular problem was around width. It starts with the view model class for the grid column, which looks something like this pseudo-code:
public delegate void ColumnResizedEvent(double width);
public class GridColumnViewModel : ViewModelBase
public event ColumnResizedEvent ColumnResized;
public void Resize(double newContainerWidth)
// some crazy custom sizing calculations -- don't ask...
public void ResizeColumn(double width)
var handler = ColumnResized;
if (handler != null)
Then there's the code that assembles the grid:
public class CustomGrid
public CustomGrid(GridViewModel viewModel)
// some stuff that parses control metadata out of the view model.
// viewModel.Columns is a collection of GridColumnViewModels from above.
foreach(var column in viewModel.Columns)
var gridCol = new DataGridTextColumn( ... );
column.ColumnResized += delegate(double width) { gridCol.Width = new DataGridLength(width); };
When the datagrid is resized in the application, the resize event is picked up and calls the resize method on the viewmodel the grid is bound to. This in turn calls the resize method of each grid column view model. The grid column view model then raises the ColumnResized event, which the data grid text column is subscribed to, and it's width is updated.
I realise this isn't directly solving your problem, but it was a way I could "bind" a view model to a data grid column when there are no dependency properties on it. The closure is a simple construct that nicely encapsulates the behaviour I wanted, and is quite understandable to someone coming along behind me. I think it's not too hard to imagine how it could be modified to cope with visibility changing. You could even wire the event handler up in the load event of the page/user control.
Chris Mancini,
you do not create binding to "Binding" property of data grid column. Well, you write "{Binding User.UserName}", but it doesn't create binding, because (as zachary said) datagrid column doesn't inherit from FrameworkElement and hasn't SetBinding method.
So expression "{Binding User.UserName}" simply creates Binding object and assign it to Binding property of column (this property is type of Binding).
Then datagrid column while generates cells content (GenerateElement - protected method) uses this Binding object to set binding on generated elements (e.g. on Text property of generated TextBlock) which are FrameworkElements
GreatTall1's solution is great, but it need to bit change to make it work.
var n = d as Notifier;
if (n != null)
//Assign value in the callback will break the binding.
//n.MyVisibility = (Visibility)e.NewValue;
n.PropertyChanged(n, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Visibility"));
Note that the problem isn't just as simple as 'Visibility' not being a dependency property. In a DataGrid the columns aren't part of the visual 'tree' so you can't use AncestorType even in WPF (or Silverlight 5).
Here's a couple WPF related links (please comment if any of these work for Silverlight - sorry I don't have time to test now)
Has a really nice explanation of the problem and failures of certain solutions (and a clever solution):
And a couple StackOverflow questions:
WPF Hide DataGridColumn via a binding
Binding Visible property of a DataGridColumn in WPF DataGrid
This works on a data grid template column:
public class ExtendedDataGridColumn : DataGridTemplateColumn
public static readonly DependencyProperty VisibilityProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Visibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(DataGridTemplateColumn), new PropertyMetadata(Visibility.Visible, VisibilityChanged));
public new Visibility Visibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(VisibilityProperty); }
set { SetValue(VisibilityProperty, value); }
private static void VisibilityChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if ((DataGridTemplateColumn)d != null)
((DataGridTemplateColumn)d).Visibility = (Visibility)e.NewValue;
From your MyDataGridTextColumn class, you could get the surrounding DataGrid.
Then you get your ViewModel out of the DataContext of the DataGrid and add a handler to the PropertyChanged event of your ViewModel. In the handler you just check for the property name and its value and change the Visibility of the Column accordingly.
Its not quite the best solution, but it should work ;)
