Change/update a model in runtime - qooxdoo

I want to change/update a model in run time which is created with
var model = .
and binding textfields with object controller which is created with this
var controller = new
How to do it? de.model is a JSON definition for model which is look like this :
f_name: "baskar",
l_name: "vignesh"
for example I want to add address field with this existing model.
f_name: "baskar",
l_name: "vignesh",
address: "blah blah blah"
How to do it? anyone please help me. Thanks in advance

As models are instances of dynamically created classes, that's not possible. You can not change a class in place and with that, all instances of it. The way to go would be to create a new model and copy the data over. Thats the only possible way I can think of right now.


how model and view are connected in backbone.js

I am new in Backbone.js and I keep failing to understand how the model and the view are connected.
I played with Angular where things are pretty clear there, how model, view and controller are connected.
I know Angular and Backbone are different and the latter is MV*.
In Backbone I can understand how model and view are created and work, but how are they connected? Seems to me they are seperated.
Please take a minute to explain or point me to a tutorial.
Thanks in advance
OK, here is an example. It happens that I read the book that trolle suggests. This is a code from the book's github
I start reading. I understand the Todo model. I understand the TodoList collection. Then I get to the TodoView
creates a new li
uses Underscore template to compile html
defines some functions that imlements later in the same view
defines an initialize function
inside that function
what is this? this.model.bind('change', this.render, this);
how he can magically bind the action change to a model? How the code knows about the model? When he defined the model and how? Just because is there, the code knows that model = Todo model?
How does he do that bind? What am I missing.
This confuses me, so reading AppView view does not help me much
Thanks again
In backbone.js views are used for displaying models in browser.
For example you can have a model object, whose JSON representation resembles the following: {'firstName': 'foo', 'lastName': 'bar' }
And you use view object to map this model to browser DOM.
As a rule, you use view object along with certain template engine.
Templates allows for creating html chunks filled with model's data.
If you are using underscore template function, your template may look something like this:
<div>First Name: <%= firstName %></div>
<div>Last Name: <%= lastName%></div>
After merging template with model's data it would be:
<div>First Name: foo</div>
<div>Last Name: bar</div>
You can reuse this view object and its template to display another model object, for example {'firstName':'another foo', 'lastName':'another bar'}, so that the result html would be:
<div>First Name: another foo</div>
<div>Last Name: another bar</div>
That is one thing about connection between model and view.
Also view object can listen to changes in your model object to render immediately last updates. For example (inside view object):
initialize: function() {this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);}
In short, views are the logic behind the presentation of the model's data to the user. So in its simplest form, you bind a model to a view through the models change events, so you can update the presentation instantly whenever your data changes. So a simple view would take in a model, create HTML elements based on that models data, insert that html into the DOM and update that HTML whenever the data changes.
You can find a great book full of helpful examples here (free):
With regards to your updated question about how the view knows about the model, this.model is a reference to the actual model object. You can set the reference to the model when you create the view. That is, when you call your view-constructor to instantiate a view, you could pass in a model. You need to go all the way into the AppView object in the code example to see where this happens, in the addOne method:
addOne: function(todo) {
var view = new TodoView({model: todo});
The function gets a model as a parameter, and when the view is instantiated that model is referenced. So now you have a view that knows about the model, and when the view.render method is called, the view can render it's template with the model data. When you change the data in the model, for instance by using the set method, myModel.set({title: "March 20", content: "In his eyes she eclipses..."});, you trigger the change event for that model. You can see all the built in events for backbone here: The view is listening for that event, just like it could listen for a click event or any other event. In the code in your example the view listenes for a change event from the model. If it hears it it knows that the object behind this.model has changed, and it can then update the DOM with the new data or do something else. In the case of the example it calls this.render, which updates the DOM with the new model data.
I think you want to know about Backbone.Events (, both Models and Views make use of this module and that's how the view learns about changes in the Model, if you want to learn how this is implemented you can always read the annotated source (, but more important I think you want to learn about the observer pattern:

Is there anything similar to "KO.mapping.fromJS" in AngularJS?

I wanted to attach some new calculated property to a complex json object returned from a REST Service. This can be easily achieved through KnockoutJS's Mapping pluggin.
But I have decided to go for AngularJS this time. Is there any modules/pluggins similar to knockout's mapping pluggin ??
my PROBLEM is as shown below:
JSON Returned from server is something like:
name: 'jhon',
{id:1,name:'linda', score:{A:10,B:33,C:78} },
{id:2,name:'joseph', score:{A:20,B:53,C:68} },
{id:3, name:'keith', score:{A:40,B:83,C:30} }
in the above json object, I want to attach some calculated property to each objects inside "relatives" collection based on the score each relative has.
Try using
angular.extend($scope, data);
I'm also starting to use Angular, coming from Knockout and Durandal :) Hope this might work for you. The data should be accessible in your view ($scope) directly.
Edit: See this thread.
Basically in angular there is no thing similar to Observable variables.
AngularJS makes observing separately from $scope itself.
To make map from Json in AngularJS you can use angular.fromJson to bind data from Json.
To add fields to your scope you also can use angular.extend.
But anyway adding calculated field is thing that you need to make by yourself, for this purpose you can try to use watch methods: $, $scope.watchGroup,

Backbone Models - extracting names at runtime

I need to be able extract a backbone model's name at runtime from a backbone View to write generic View and then Template code. That is: I need to get the "ClassName" from the model that is passed to the View and then take the first three characters from it and pass it on to the template.
Is there a simple way to do it?
By ClassName, do you mean the name by which you refer to your model, such as User in new User();?
If so, unfortunately this is not possible, because the name you give to the model class is simply a variable name and not part of the model declaration. Consider:
var Foo = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Bar = Foo;
Is the ClassName Foo or Bar?
Instead, simply give each of your models a name property:
var Foo = Backbone.Model.extend({
This way you can easily get the model name, either by or

backbone.js model.clear with no defaults

When I create a new backbone.js model, the attributes from "defaults" are NOT ignored, they become the initial values for my model.
Why are they ignored when I call "clear" on a model.
Is there any reason behind it?
Why should I want a state, where all properties of my model are 0 or ""(spaces) when I have "defaults"?
Can anybody give me a real world example for that?
For instance, in one of my models there is a property called "status". The initial value is "x", but the user can change it to "b" or "u". ""(space) is no valid value. Therefore in the model, I have
defaults: {
"status": "x"
In the detail component, where the user can edit the values of a model, he has a button called "erase". When he does that, the model gets the initial state. In this case I will never need a function to set all properties to zero or spaces.
It would have been easy for the backbone.js author to check in the "clear" method, if the model has "defaults", and if so, delete all values and then get the defaults.
Thanks alot in advance
Had a similar need. Because authors of frameworks don't use them by themselves, they can't foreseen all real world use cases. Better to ask directly
Anyway, it's javascript
Backbone.Model.prototype.resetToDefaults = function() {
If you don't like it overwrite it!
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
clear: function(options) {
Backbone.Model.prototype.clear.apply(this, arguments); // or something like this
return this.set(_.clone(this.defaults));
and now on you can use your custom model as a basis for all your models
var MyModel = Model.extend({...});
If doing this quick thingy bothers you, you can post this to backbone.js' git issues.
Hope this helps!

How Do I Filters the list by refModel('Model_user') in the Models?

I am unable to find how to filter the drown down which i got by using refmodel in my model which extends model_table
thanks in advance
For any view in toolkit you can use setController and getController. refModel fields from Model will set a proper controller for a form field. It uses type reference.
Once form in initialized, you can interact with controller of a field by
Alternatively the following might work too:
