integrating KATTA And SOLR using SOLR-1395 - solr

I am trying to use the patch provided for the integration of Katta and SOLR SOLR-1395
Can anybody help me to figure out the versions of KATTA patch & Katta trunk to be used for this?
Currently i have used;
katta-80-1.patch with Katta 0.6 trunk.
I am unable to apply the above patch, it gives me error while applying the patch.
Anyone who is worked on it, plesae help me to resolve this

The Patch KATTA-80 already seems to be applied to the Fixed version and Status resolved.
So I suppose the changes should already be included in the trunk version.
Also, the comment mentions katta-80-1.patch works against trunk as of the date of the patch. which was way back in 2009 !! So not sure if it can be applied now.
You can check the changes by opening the patch and applying it manually if you are able to find the files with no differences.
SOLR-1395 should be applicable on the trunk.
You can check for the revision number in the patch file to track it to the trunk revision number.


How to update statsmodels to 0.13.0.dev0 version (to use OrderedModel module)?

What I was trying to do?
I was trying to analyze data using ordinal logistic regression. For that, I tried to import OrderedModel from statsmodels.miscmodels.ordinal_model as suggested by this doc.
Then, what is the problem?
After execution of the above mentioned import statement, I got the following error.
No module named 'statsmodels.miscmodels.ordinal_model'
How did I try to solve the problem?
First of all, I checked the statsmodels version, I am using. I find that I am using the latest version (0.12.1), available in Anaconda. From this doc, I perceive that I will need to use 0.13.0.dev0 version to get the OrderedModel module, as in v0.12.1, there is no folder/file named OrderedModel. However, I do not find any way to update the statsmodels to 0.13.0.dev0 version.
Then, my question
How can I update statsmodels to 0.13.0.dev0 version so that I can use OrderedModel module?
Note: I know that in Python, there are some other ways to do ordinal logit regression. However, I want to use statsmodels due to it's nice summary of analysis.
Thanks in advance!
You can install a recent build from the nightly wheel repository hosted on
Run pip install -i statsmodels.
It looks like you will need to compile from the GitHub. See prior related question here:
How to update to the developer version of statsmodels using Conda?

Jackrabbit locks up with many open ACEs

I am running into an issue where a lot of processes block due to having more than 1000 access control entries active at a time; this is a known issue in Jackrabbit; a work-around has been identified and rolled out into 2.4.1, but CQ 5.5 / CRX 2.3 uses Jackrabbit 2.4.0. Are there any workarounds available under 2.4.0?
I ran into this article that refers to CRX 2.2.
The resolution says to install CRX hotfixpack This makes CachingEntryCollector configurable. via a JVM parameter:
I have not been able to locate hotfix, but the solution is showing in
This has been addressed before. The question is, did this make it into CRX 2.3. I am still digging through CQ, looking for org.apache.jackrabbit.core, to see if this fix made it to the new version.
Sadly, this change did not make it in to 2.3.

Install ComplexPhraseQueryParser with Solr 4.2

In reference to my other SO question (Using solr 4.2 how do I use/enable fuzzy phrase searching)
I was told I can get fuzzy phrases working by installing the plugin mentioned there ( However, with every attempt I've made I cannot get it to work. When I download the latest dated file, there is not readme or install directions. Also, I'm not entirely sure that there is a version for Solr 4.2 yet.
Can someone provide me with instructions on how to install that plugin with Solr 4.2?
I was just looking at this myself. According to another SO question ( that parser was added in Solr 4.8, though it may be possible to add it to the solr war file in earlier versions and recompile.

Is Raven.Client.Authorization 1.0.960 package compatible with Raven.Client 1.0.972?

The current version of the Raven.Client.Authorization is back a version from Raven.Client. The new Raven.Clients allows you to use the latest Json.Net package and therefore RestSharp, ETC.
I hope to save some time / avoid a deep valley of frustration here. Can 1.0.972 support the 1.0.960 Authorization?
I don't sure if out of the box. Try use assembly redirect. If this is not working, you can get the source of build 972 from this branch than compile the Raven.Client.Authorization for yourself, after you update the reference there.
P.S. If your app is in development and will be for the next 2 months, I strongly recommend that you'll try out v1.2, which already started the stabilization process.

DNN upgrade from 4.09.05 to higher version

I've been trying to upgrade DNN version 4.09.05 to 5.0.0. and higher but I always encounter errors in upgrading. Each version presents different errors. I really need help.
Due to the vagueness of your posting, we aren't going to be able to help you much except point you to the Wiki for upgrade scenarios
First things first, you should just attempt to upgrade from 4.9.5 to the latest 6.1.1 release, see if that works (after backing everything up)
