Installing SQL Server 2012 Developer after uninstalling expired Evaluation - sql-server

I installed the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2012 and it has expired. I uninstalled the trial, rebooted, and installed the Developer Edition. It said it installed successfully; however, when I open SQL Server Management Studio it won't open and I get the message:
Evaluation period has expired.

You need to completely remove all SQL Server components from the machine when the trial has expired. Just removing the engine leaves other timebombs in place, as you've found out. So you will need to:
uninstall Developer edition
completely uninstall any and all remaining SQL Server-related things in Control Panel / Programs and Features
re-install Developer Edition
I posted a pretty lengthy blog post about this process, as it can get pretty messy and not everything can be removed gracefully from Control Panel (at least that was my experience with 2008 R2).
Basically you may need to run the following command...
msiexec /x "{GUID}"
...for every SQL Server-related GUID you find in the following registry key:
See the post for a lot more details (just remember that GUIDs, and names that contain the version, changed between 2008 R2 and 2012, so don't take everything on-screen literally):


SQL Server Management Studio 2008R2 with SQL Server 2017-- compatibility?

I am working on a project where I will be provisioned a SQL Server 2017 database server. However, the only version of SQL Server Management Studio available to me is 2008R2. I could request a newer version but this may take 1-2 months before it is finally installed on my machine.
Am I going to run into compatibility issues? Are there any database settings in SQL Server 2017 I would need to set in order to use this?
I am pretty unfamiliar with the MS suite of database tools so sorry for my ignorance in this! Thanks
In response to comments:
I have a managed system so I am not able to install or run software that has not been "approved". I have tried the portable version of VS Code but that did not work for me. I am going through the process of requests SSMS 2017 but like I said in the question this will not be available for 1-2 months. In the meantime will SSMS 2008 work?
As unlikely as this may be, I happen to have two, and only two, versions of SSMS installed on my machine; 2008R2 and 2017. I'm in the midst of an upgrade project.
I opened SSMS 2008R2 and was to connect to and generally poke around on a SQL Server 2017 server and the related databases. I didn't do anything too complicated (a few SELECT statments & an UPDATE), but they worked. The objects I expected to be visible were visible. And I didn't have to do anything to make it work. It just worked.
Except that every time I right clicked on a table, an error box opened with this message:
Index was outside the bounds of the array. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
But if I hit the OK button, the box cleared and the desired right click menu opened and functioned. That will get irritating, but if you poke around in the Options menu, there might be a way to make it stop. I invested no minutes trying to do that.
At the very least, you should be able to work while you're waiting for your upgrade.
For what it's worth, I work for a government contractor and have the same level of security constraints you do, so I feel your pain.
Another approach is to run sqlcmd, which would have been installed with SQL Server 2008R2. I was able to connect from sqlcmd to a SQL Server 2017 Docker container (external/internal ports 1433). I did not encounter any errors/warnings when creating a database and table, and running some light queries.
Interestingly, I was unable to connect to the same server using SSMS 2008R2. Perhaps the protocol used or the security required (e.g., TLS 1.2) for the underlying connection was different. Clearly it works based on Eric Brandt's results.

Advice untangling SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2014 install

I have heard other developers (i.e., not db administrators) complain over the years about the complexity of getting SQL Server installed and configured properly. I installed SQL Server 2014 about six months ago for a project that I'm no longer working on. I tried installing 2008 R2 with a named instance for a new project but something went wrong and I now have an inaccessible instance. My instinct is to remove everything and to just start fresh. Is this the right instinct?
If it is the right instinct, any advice on how to fully, fully, fully uninstall all instances of SQL Server? Seems every time I try to do so, there are some bits and pieces left behind and that gets me wondering if those leftover bits are causing trouble for subsequent re-installs.
If this is not the right instinct, please set me straight. I'm hoping that all of the answers will not be "db administrators are paid to be good at this so go find one." Of course, this is probably the best and most accurate response; but I would also like to solve my problem so if this is your response then I would be grateful if you could point me to a reliable, on-demand SQL Server admin service that I can consult to get this right -- I'm happy to pay for some high quality and efficient help.
Thanks for any advice.
If you are having problems accessing the server it's a good instinct to remove the name instance and install a new one. The reason you could not access the name instance could be compatibility problem b/n sql2014 and SQL 2008R2 or configuration problem. why do you really want to install SQL 2014 instead of sql2008? my be it's better to install SQL 2014 name instance.
please look at this link to remove the name instance SQL 2008.
I discovered that SQL Server 2008 R2 isn't supported on Windows 10:
So I uninstalled everything related to 2008 (which required a couple of reboots and further uninstall attempts) and then uninstalled everything I could find for 2014... and then I reinstalled 2014 from scratch... and I'm golden.

Unable to upgrade from SQL Server 2012 evaluation to Standard

I was using SQL Sever 2012 Evaluation edition. As it was about to expire, we purchased a Standard edition license.
I was told that I don't need the lisence key as it was embedded in the ISO installation file. However, when trying to run the installation file, I get the message - There are no SQL Server instances or shared features that can be updated on this computer.
The reason for this is that the edition that I was trying to install was 2012 SP1, which is the version that I was already on.
When trying to do the upgrade using the Configuration manager and then choosing maintainance -> Upgrade, I get asked for the product key, which I don't have.
The advice from the Microsoft account manager was to let my product expire and then try the upgrade again. However after the product expired I still have exactly the same issue.
Any advice besides uninstalling SQL and reinstalling?
You should be able to run an 'Edition Upgrade' of an existing SQL Server instance, even on an expired evaluation, you can do it via the SQL Server setup from the Installation media, and SQL Server Installation Center, by clicking on 'Maintenance', then 'Edition Upgrade' and follow the rest of the installation from there.
The error message is generally caused by applying incorrect versions (patched up, language incorrect etc.) on an instance that is different. The 'Select features' page has a description message on the top right side of the page explaining what is ocurring. I'd suggest taking a look there first of all.
Please check this post, although it relates to 2008 R2, the error fix is the same in 2012 :-
This should have the answers that you need.

How to get Enterprise Manager installed in SQL Server 2008 Express?

I've installed Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express twice now, and all the services work and I can create databases from Visual Studio 2010, but I don't have the Enterprise Manager (I learned it is now called Management Studio) available in the SQL Server 2008 program menu-- I do have other menu items like configuration manager, etc. but nothing for Management Studio / Enterprise Manager.
Is there a checkbox I've missed during installation?
I ran a search for all exes in the SQL Server root folder and nothing jumped out as belonging to the Enterprise Manager, but I'm not 100% sure what the executable would be named.
Primary question:
What is the procedure required to install the Management Studio client [for/with SQL 2008 Express] ?
Secondary question:
What is the name of this client's executable file ?
SQL Server Express doesn't come with SQL Server Management Studio (what you are really looking for when you say Enterprise Manager). You have to download it separately:
or with tools already as part of the download
It's kind of tricky installing Management Studio. This article walks you through it.
Here is an explanation of the situation:
The 2008 version of the Management Studio is not a stand alone installation and can only be installed as part of the SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools or Advanced installation.
Like many others, I spent countless hours trying to figure out how to
install the Management Studio for SQL Server 2008 Express - Advanced
installation (same should apply to the w/ Tools version). What
happened in my case was that I installed Visual Studio 2008 Express
and during that process a stripped down "Instance" of SQL Server 2008
was installed that did not include the Management Studio. Through
much pain and torture I learned that the Management Studio can only be
installed during installation of the first instance. To delete that
first instance, you must go to "Add or Remove Programs" and remove
"Microsoft SQL Server 2008". The removal process will only remove one
instance at a time and if you have installed more than one instance
you need to keep going until all instances have been removed and the
application completely disappears from the Add or Remove Programs"
dialog. Note: You do not need to uninstall any of the other SQL
Server 2008 applications that also appear in the "Add or Remove
Programs" dialog. Then go back through the install process as
follows: Double click on SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe to load the SQL Server
Installation Center and then go to Installation > New SQL Server
stand-alone installation. Then proceed through all of the
installation steps until you get to “Feature Selection” and click on
“Select All” to toggle on all of the Shared Features, which should
include Management Tools - Basic.Continue the process from there and
you should be good to go. Hopefully this will help others to avoid
much of the pain that many of us have already experienced.
The Management Studio exe is named ssms.exe.
The OP is not alone in his puzzlement about the "missing" management client!!! ;-)
The answers by DOK and CD Jorgensen found here were -collectively- among the most helpful I found while searching the web on this particular issue! At the risk of being redundant, I'm adding this answer with the goal of being more explicit and of safeguarding the key screenshots from Andrea Montanari's article referenced in DOK's answer.
Two things to know:
Not all installation packages for SQL Server 2008 Express Edition include the Management Studio.
You either need to ...
a) ... download the Install package for SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools (named something like SQLEXPRWT_cpu_language.exe: note the WT, short for With Tools) or an installer for an Edition of SQL Server other than Express.
b) the Installer specific to Microsoft SQL Management Studio Express (same link as provided by CD Jorgensen). This installer only contains the Management Studio; it has none of the SQL Server per se.
[if you go with an a) install package]
The Management Studio (formerly Enterprise Manager) client remains a stand-alone, independent, component. However its installation is now triggered from a selection made as part of the "Install or Modify SQL Server" track.
It is not found in a separate "Install clients and Tools" menu item from the topmost dialog of the installer (as was the case with SQL 2005 and previous versions).
One should stress that it is stand-alone and the client can indeed be installed on hosts where the SQL Server [engine] is not, and will not be, installed at all. However the initial steps in the Installation Wizard give a strong impression that we will effectively install or re-install SQL Server. It is only on a subsequent step labelled Feature Selection that we have the ability to select Management Tools under Shared Features. On that same Feature Selection dialog we have the option of including or excluding, as desired, the installation of the SQL Server Engine and other Server supporting modules.
These are the two key dialogs of the wizard with regards to this issue:
The first one really appears to put you on track to install or mess with the SQL Server itself, the other dialog finally provides the opportunity of opting for the Client Tools (which include, mainly, the Management Studio). This same dialog also allows checking or un-checking the selection to install the Server per se.
Credits and more info:
The screenshots were taken from Andrea Montanari's article on the Insulin Power web site. This article referenced in DOK's answer provides a step-by-step description of the installation based on the "With Tools" installer.
As said in the introduction, I learned much from CD Jorgensen and DOK's answers; I'm merely making a few things more explicit, here, and correcting a few omissions (e.g. there are some installers which carry both the Server and the client, and it is not necessary to install the server).

How do I fix a Cross language installation problem in SQL Server 2008?

I'm trying to do a SQL Server 2008 setup and I've been given a Cross Language Installation failure. More specifically:
Rule "cross language installation: failed.
the Setup language is different than the language of existing SQL Server features. To continue, use SQL Server Setup installation media of the same language as the installed SQL Server features.
I do not have SQL Server Express installed and I browsed through "Add or Remove Programs" and was unable to find anything that looked like it was a previous version of SQL.
Any tips?
I restarted the setup after facing the same problem, and I realized that man should not close the installation center till the setup process is completed. If you leave it open it will work.
Ensure that you have uninstalled all of your old SQL Server versions. Also you must restart the installer if you have not done that when you began installation.
All I had to do was exit the installer and start the process again. For some reason it worked the second time around.
I had the same problem today when installing SQL Server 2008 Express on a computer that has never had an instance of SQL Server installed.
I found that "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility" was installed. I removed this via Add/Remove Programs and was able to successfully install SQL Server 2008 Express afterwards.
Change the Current Windows Language interface for the needed language you want to install.
That will make it possible for the Installer to launch the Localized version.
If you've previously installed SQL on the machine (or apparently some RedGate tools) have you checked for any SQL detritus in the registry?
If not then the MS forums have details of some reg keys to look out for, and some of the links are worth following for advice on what to delete from the registry.
On my installation of Sql Server 2008 Express, this was caused by having Sql Server 2005 Express Tools installed while trying to install 2008. Uninstalling 2005 Tools fixed the problem. I was able to keep Sql Server 2005 Express, including Sql Server 2005 Backward compatability; only had to nuke tools.
