Using PreAnalyzedField in Solr 4 - solr

I am trying to index fields using Solr, in which I already have a TokenStream. I dont want Solr to have any analysis - Its already made. As I understood, I could get this exact functionality using Solr's PreAnalyzedField.
The problem is that I cannot find any good resource to help me understand the flow:
I needto define the field in the schema.xml file as PreAnalyzedField, and the tokenstream should be parsed using the parse method of the parser implementation - but how to I actually feed the field with my tokeStream? how \ when exactly is it sent to the toFormattedString method???

I think PreAnalyzedField is a bleeding edge of Solr as of 4.0/4.1. The main documentation is on the Wiki and basically explains the two parser types. The default is JSON, I am not sure how to get the other type to work.
Once you have that type defined, you just supply fully-tokenized content in the JSON format as described as that field's value. When that hits the parser, it will convert it to the Token stream. The same way a number gets parsed from a string representation into a real numeric representation. Try feeding an unparsable value and you will see the full call stack in the exception stacktrace.
The problem is how to query it. My own discussion on the mailing list did not get very far.


Need help parsing through JSON Object in JMETER

I'm testing an application that calls one API, gets a bunch of work orders, then only the work order ID's are passed to another API to display on the page.
The format they need to be in is: {"workOrderIds":["12345","123456"]}
I'm using the JSON Extractor with the following Path Expressions:
then I'm using the JSR223 PostProcessor and using the following script:
props.put("workOrderNumber", "${workOrderNumber}";
The problem is, that its creating the object like so when I add the variable into the POST Request body of the second request:
{"workOrderIds":["12345, 123456"]}
essentially, I just need to make sure that each value has quotations, but not sure how to make this happen. Sorry if this seems simple, I'm fairly new to QA and have spent several hours trying to figure this out.
We cannot provide a comprehensive answer without seeing the source JSON, maybe it worth trying explicitly casting the filtering result to an Integer like:
vars.put('workOrderIds', new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).findResults { entry -> entry.workOrderNumber as int }).toPrettyString())
More information:
Apache Groovy - Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

Solr - Bringing back snippets from indexed data

I have a Solr/Lucene set up where I have indexed a set of documents (MS Word files) and can happily search the content of these documents. However I would like to return a snippet from within the content of the document which shows where the matching line (+/- 5 words from the match term) is. I have tried to follow a range of Google hits but my indexing does not seem to have a direct access to the "content".
Can anyone give me some basic and simple pointers to where I might have made any errors on this - I have based all my work so far on the guidance and examples of the Solr Reference Guide - so I am not sure if the issue is in the search parameters or the original index.
I am doing this to create a clear set of user requirements for building an end solution rather than creating the end solution myself, so I am no expert on the tools and do not need to become one, just need to evidence what is possible with this tool set.
As MatsLindh noted above the issue was that the config was not drawing across the actual content of the Tika parse into a specific field, and so there was no full content of the text to display and highlight
To resolve this I followed the link ( to the guidance documents and reviewed the part on fmap and used the example given for Last Modified Date as a guide on what to apply.
I then went to my solrconfig.xml file in the relevant core folder and added in the following line in the code beneath an already present fmap entry:
<str name="fmap.content">testcontent</str>
I had previously set up the testcontent field under the solr web interface in my core. I then re-ran my indexing line via a command prompt and that seemed to do the trick in terms of pulling out the basic content and rapping it with a basic emphasis.
All thanks for the input on this - still a lot more I want to test to help develop a clear requirement set but this really helps prove some of the basics are not complected.

How to query solr field for a substring

My use case:
I have a single-valued field called cqpath. This is a textfield and has a values that look something like the following:
I wanted to form a query that would return me 1. and 2. I'd been trying along the lines of writing:
cqpath: "/content/domain/en"
which has been discovered to be erroneous, since it retrieves items 3. and 4. as well. Could any of you think of a way to write a query that returns only 1. and 2. and not 3. and 4.?
This is a normal textfield field-type. Really do appreciate your help.
Starting from Solr 4.0 you can use a regex query. You can find some useful examples here.
In your case, you can get the results that you're looking for using something like:
It looks like you are trying to match partial paths here with boundaries on path elements (slashes). The usual generic solution is to tokenize during index to generate all alternative completions and not tokenize during query. So, the field type declaration is not symmetric. There are examples of that in Solr distribution. And you would look at using something like (index-time only) EdgeNGramFilterFactory instead of much more expensive regex matching.
For your specific case, you may want to look at testPathHierarchyTokenizer which does that for you automatically.
And if your content were more like full URLs than just path, you could also be interested by a custom update request processor chain that includes URLClassify URP. It is not very documented, but mentions generating url parts, which is what I think you would want.

GAE Full Text Search: can only match exact word? how to search like contains(...)?

Just tried GAE(1.7.7 Java) Full Text Search and found if the search string is work, surprisingly it will not match working, worked, or hardworking, homework, I'd like to know if i miss something in the API, i read the tutorial but did not found any document about this except plural match.
P.S. I tried unit test for search service, not in working environment.
Tucked away in the docs (but unfortunately not in the table of operators), there is a '~' operator
To search for plural variants of an exact query, use the ~ operator:
~"car" # searches for "car" and "cars"
Not sure how far that will get you. Unfortunately thats about it.
There is so little documentation on this,but just having tried it, it just works on plurals.
One approach would be to do your own stemming on the words in the document, (though you wouldn't return that as the text ;-) Then you could perform stemming on your search term and be able to match worked, working etc..
This is a late answer, but to follow up the previous answer, what you want to do is not possible with the basic API functions. The search API works on full-text searching principles. To get around this you can tokenise your searchable data pre-index and store this in a field with the relevant document.
See: Partial matching GAE search API

Solr configuration

I'm very new with Solr,
And I really want a step by step to have my Solr search result like the google one.
To give you an idea, when you search 'PHP' in , the word 'php' shows up in bold .. This is the same result I want to have.
Showing only a parser even if the pdf is a very huge one.
You can use highlighting to show a matching snippet in the results.
By default, it will wrap matching words with <em> tags, but you can change this by setting the hl.simple.pre/ parameters.
You may be looking at the wrong part of the returned data. Try looking at the 'highlighting' component of the returned data structure (i.e. don't look at the response docs). This should give you the snippets you want.
