Navision 2013 dynamically change caption of field list on page - dynamics-nav

In the page I have a list of fields where I can make a filter.
Typically it reflects the caption field. The list Is subject to the field property 'captionclass' (e.g. Dimension)
I modified codeunit 42 to manage (with my function) the caption dependent on a value in a record in a table. It works fine on OpenPage however if I change records in the Page List it will not be reinitialized.
Any idea?

Does using the following code to refresh the form when necessary, resolve the issue?


How to Update RecordTypeId field in Lightning record form in salesforce?

Hi #all I have lightning record edit form which are showing specific value one of them is a recordtype. I want to update the recordtype from the same as other fields are updating but when I click on recordtype field it shows me the below error:-
[LWC component's #wire target property or method threw an error during value provisioning. Original error:
[Field: RecordTypeId is not a valid lookup field.]]
Record Type change is a critical operation that messes everything up. Potentially you're looking at new page layout (incl required/readonly fields), new picklist dependencies... There's reason why you select it first before any layout is displayed. And why record type change is a special button, not a field visible on normal edit action.
If you know what you're doing, are confident the requirements won't change / you'll know how to represent the changed layouts, picklists etc...
Use getObjectInfo to pull (among others) the Map of record types.
Use this data to build lightning-combobox that onchange updates a helper variable (you'd ideally have that variable bound to <lightning-record-edit-form record-id={recordId} record-type-id={recordTypeId}
Have a custom handleSubmit in the record-edit-form in which you'd intercept the save, prepopulate the field and then submit.

Drupal display views block when a referenced filter from another view is used

I have a page view(1) that filters a content type by diferent field results, one of them is a referenced entity and I'd like to display it's whole content whenever a filter by this referenced field is used.
I've created a block view(2) that displays the referenced entity and tried to use contextual filters to display it only in the results view page when it is used aa a filter but I haven't find the correct way to do this
I've tried to provide a default value for the content id from the url but I the field value responds to target_id, I've also tried to use php with something like: echo ($_GET['field_nameofthefield_target_id']) but it didn't work out
Could anyone help me with this please?
thanks a lot in advance

In Drupal 7 views how to give external link (another website) to a title?

Iam new to drupal 7 views.
I have a content type contains title, description fields. I want the content title's to scroll at the top of the page, so that i created a view and it works fine.What is my question is, i want to link a content (eg: 1st content (title) in a scroll) to another website instead of content page, the remaining contents linked to the content page. Is it possible?.If it is possible how it can be done?..
Thanks in advance,
A.John Melchior.
Yes, it's possible.
One way to do it, would be to use the Link module to create a link field in your node.
Use the link field to input the external link value.
In views add the link field, before the title ( order is important ) and exclude it from display
Add the node title field in the views and in the rewrite field output option, use one the link field token as your path.
I'm not looking at the Views UI right now , but you should find at least a couple of ways to redirect content when the node title is clicked. You should have the Rewrite field output and the Output this field as a link.
You could make use of Display Suite coupled with the description above.
Create a link field for your nodes.
Create 2 view modes for your content type via Display Suite. View Mode 1 will show the link field as the first data element, View Mode 2 will show the title as the first element.
Configure your view to show output using Display Suite, configured to show the first record using View Mode 1, all others using View Mode 2.

Salesforce how to remove -none- from custom piclkist?

I have Custom Picklist on Lead object. lead object has got three record type and all record type having default values i.e -auswahl- specified in it works fine and shows defualt value. from field also i have made -auswahl- fild as default but the problem is that still it shows -None- in picklist i want to remove -none- from picklist.
picklist shows option like below.
-auswahl- (default)
(Making picklist required from page layout doesn't solve problem.)
Setup -> Customize -> Leads -> Fields -> [your Custom Picklist name].
The very bottom section named 'Picklist Values'. Press 'edit' action in front of value which you want to make default. Check 'Defaul' checkbox. Save.
I could suggest one tweak if removing '--None--' is very necessary. Although I will not recommend.
Remove the field from Page Layout
Create one field in Lead object
Create a inline VF page for this particular field
Onload of inline VF page you can run a javascript for removing '--None--' node from select option list
Also you will have to couple the value inserted/edited by User in the vf page with the field created in step 2 using onchange event of picklist ie. again using javascript
Override save button in the standard pae and set the value of picklist using field created in step 2
I have not tried the solution but pretty sure this will work. Let me know if you need this workaround. I will post the code after trying at my end.

Custom Button to copy data from Opportunity into a related custom object

I have a custom object that is used for product setup that is mapped to an opportunity. It's a one to many relationship - one opportunity maps to many setup objects, but one setup object is only mapped to one opportunity.
Opportunity has some setup fields that need to act as defaults for the related custom object. Unfortunately, I cannot just specify them in a formula - getting an error.
What I would like to do is have a custom button that would allow user to click and copy all of the related setup fields from the opportunity into the custom setup object and then edit them as needed.
Any pointers or sample code are greatly appreciated!
You can achieve this with a custom button on the related list for your custom object on the opportunity detail page.
All of the fields on a standard Salesforce new/edit screen have id's associated with them. You can specify values for fields by using these ids to set GET parameters on your URL. For example if the id on the name field on your opportunity is 'opp3', the following URL will populate the name field on your new opportunity page:
You would have to change na2 to the correct server for your org.
The new record page URL contains the 3 character id prefix for your particular object and then '/e'. 006 is the prefix for opportunities. You will have to attempt to create a new record to see what the 3 characters are for your custom object.
You will have to capture the id's of the fields you want to populate on your custom object. You can do this by viewing the source of the new record page. For custom fields these id's will take the form of a Salesforce Id (eg. 00N40000002QhEV).
Create a new list button on your custom object and set the behavior to without header and sidebar and set the source to URL. Build up your URL with id=value pairs separated by '&' using the id you got from the page source and the insert field functionality to select the opportunity fields your wish to add in. You should end up with something like this:
a0U should be replaced by the correct prefix for your custom object. Then add your button to the related list for your custom object under opportunity.
