Freezing application when closing the tab - ExtJS 4 - extjs

My whole application freezes when I'm closing a opened tab. I have a lots of code but I really have no idea why is this happening?...
Any ideas?
I would post some code but there is nothing specific which could help... -.-
It happens on more computers and tested on all mayor browsers.
It's a simple layout form.

verify if you are ot using a duplicated ID in 2 component.

What tab are you closing??? Is it a tab panel component. Keep a debugger pointing the listener which is called on the closing event and debug a little.bit.
And what do u mean by freeze??? U need to share something. It's hard to give a guess for
the questions.

What browser are you using? Is it happening in other browsers? Is a debugger attached?
In my experience IE is "freezing" when there is a lot of layout being built in the page. It's much more sensible than with ExtJS 2.


Windows 8 like modal dialog using WPF

I am working on a WPF-MVVM (.Net 4.0) application that has a Metro look (it just has a look, it is not a metro application.)
I need to show a windows 8 like message box that blocks the operations for the user before he rids that message box by clicking yes/no/cancel (or any button.).
I came across this otherwise great article and momentarily thought that I have found the solution. But this has its own drawback.It just stops the user from interacting with the controls behind by mouse clicks. The user can however use the tab key to get back to the buttons behind and click them (pressing enter).
A number of things are coming to my mind:
should I go for custom adorners and play with hitTestable property?
Or should I place a control and play with its visible property.
Before going for any approach I thought of putting forward my question to the wonderful community here if someone has done a similar thing in past and provide me some pointer/reference/approach.
Can someone suggest what is the way to achieve this? Please note I will be happy to use prism or any other open source if that solves the purpose but the window will have to be custom made.
Please excuse me if you find this too stupid a question. Please pardon my ignorance. Thanks for reading this.
I recently came across a similar problem, I resolved it using a DialogPresenter as explained there:
I had to do a few tweaks there and there but overall it's working fine and I now have a nice way to display dialog boxes!
There is a better way of doing it
var dialog = new MessageDialog("Select Social network is already authorised!");

Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Navigate is blocked but HyperlinkButton isn't - why?

I have a certain UI element, which when clicked should navigate to another URL.
I tried handling the mouse down event and execute something like this:
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(""), "_blank");
However, this gets blocked by the browser (I tried both Chrome and Firefox) unless I disable the popup blocker.
I did some research and it seems that the browser blocks navigations that don't occur as a result of user interaction and as far as the browser is concerned this navigation is initiated by a plugin (Silverlight), not a user.
OK, makes sense. But then I tried using a HyperlinkButton instead and it was NOT blocked.
I wonder why these two approaches get different treatment from the browser. Any idea?
I actually worked around the problem by wrapping the navigation triggering UI with a HyperLinkButton, but I'm still very curious...
I'm going to pull a fancy corporate quote and say "It is a feature, not a bug."
The Silverlight team is obviously worried about Security. They don't want crazy haxorz like you and I to do crazy things with our apps--you know, like popping up a bunch of browser windows all routing people to Just imagine the choir! Zombo!
Summarized from their documentation: They want us to only use the HyperlinkButton to go outside of their application. In fact, they went the extra step, and depending on our settings, they will even throw a SecurityException for us if we navigate to an outside page--Even from a HyperlinkButton. How nice.
The real question: Why the Hyperlink Button and not something else?
Only one "thing" can navigate. this take saves time for Microsoft while testing Silverlight. This one thing can navigate to both internal XAML pages and external web pages--Might as well be consistent and have only one way to do navigation.
It is a UIElement. It's code behind likes to run in the primary visual thread. It can promise the browser that a Visual Element wants to go somewhere. Microsoft can also put its limiting logic in a control that requires a mouse-click/keyboard-input event tree.
All in all, it makes sense to start simple by making a control do the work.
Fun stuff! Hope this helps you.

How can I tell which Silverlight Popup (or ChildWindow) is topmost?

I am trying to hit test in Silverlight applications to find the elements under the mouse cursor.
Normally VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates works for this. If there is a Popup open I need to pass in the popup to the hit testing method. If there are multiple popups open, I need to determine the correct (topmost) popup to pass in.
Is there any reliable way to determine which Popup is topmost? I'm doing this in an assembly that may be loaded after the Popups have been opened, so I can't rely on tracking the order in which they are opened.
Thanks for any assistance.
It looks like the new VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopups call returns the open Popups in order from bottom to top (or least recently to most recently opened?). So that does what I need.
Posting this answer in case anyone else runs into the same issue.

How to display the report icon in Firefox for the SQL Server Reporting Services Report Viewer control

It seems that due to ActiveX that Firefox can't display the print icon/button on the Report Viewer control in SQL Server Reporting services. Has anybody figured out a way to work around this or gotten this to work?
If it's not possible, does anybody know of a way to add a standard button that would trigger the print behavior on the report viewer control?
As you state, the print functionality is ActiveX, so it will not work in Firefox.
You could place a button in the "msrs-buttonHeaderBackground" div using a javascript button.
I found the div using the firebug firefox extension - it's great.
You could possibly find the other divs you'd like to hide and put them in a print style sheet, so they don't show up when going to print.
I agree with the author that ctrl-p could simply be pressed for a similar result instead of adding a button - but the print style would still help in that.
You know what...I just realized something. You will not be able to print a page that is more than one page! Ouch.
I know this is a very old questions, but we came across this and chose the following solution.
We downloaded an IE Tab extension(this is one there are several more) for FireFox and then configured that extension to use IE to render the report server URL by default.
You could easily create a how-to web page,pdf, or maybe even create a dummy report that shows the instructions on how to do this to your end users and then you're all set.
So now every time the report server website is accessed it's being rendered in IE so the print button shows up. Every windows machine already has IE so no compatibility issue there, unless you're not using windows. :)
My best suggestion would be from within Firefox export it to PDF and then print it from your PDF viewer. In my experience this is a better way to print the reports anyway.
Hope that helps!

Making a WPF application retain focus at all times

I've got an issue with a WPF application that I'm writing. The app needs to be able to keep focus at all times. The computer it's running on is a highly specialized machine with the only purpose of running this application.
There is no keyboard connected to the machine (it has a touch screen), so the only thing that can steal focus is windows own "needy windows", such as windows update etc.
How can I make it so that my app retains focus at all times? Is it possible to make the entire app modal?
Thank you both for your answers. I think I'll end up using Topsmost for now, but I'll definitely check out the source of babysmash as that application works exactly the way I want mine to, in regards to the way it handles focus.
Look at the source of BabySmash. It is specifically designed to keep focus even under quite bizar circumstances. (It is a program designed to run at full screen and let babys smash on a keyboard - so quite some focus went into capturing all kinds of weird keyboard combinations and alert messages).
I would use
<Window ... Topmost="True">
i xaml. But maybe this is not what you are looking for
