how to Query accounts in - salesforce

i'm a salesforce newbie, so my question might be a trivial one.
I just tried the code here
to query accounts from a visual force page.I just wanted to know, is there a way to query directly in the interface

If you don't feel like installing any software on your machine you can always use Workbench, (Queries -> SOQL query). It's described on
Or when you're logged in to your Org check out the links in upper right corner and go to "Developer Console". But it's mostly aimed ad execution of Apex so if you want queries it won't be best match, full of assigning to Lists or calling System.debug()...


Integration PowerBI x Snowflake x AzureAD

In general, I have a big problem with the correct synchronization of 3 things that are in the subject line. The most important problem is - logging in PowerBI Desktop via Microsoft account.
PowerBI Error
I wonder if there is a step-by-step instruction to make it all work.
Unfortunately, when logging in directly through Snowflake, with every action I am told to accept the MFA and it is terribly annoying.
Another option, is if you can get around accepting MFA every now and then in powerbi.
So can something be changed in Snowflake?
i did everything according to this and this instruction
And everything is laughing logging in through AzureAD works correctly and there is no problem.
another thing that I did is this:
Well, and here, unfortunately, too much did not change.

How to query users from on-prem only using Microsoft Cloud

I'm using Microsoft Graph to query users for my application. I noticed many guest users showing up in the results. These users are not in our on-prem AD that is synced.
I've tried the various OnPremisesXXX properties, but it doesn't look like they support being filtered on (via the $filter query).
Any help would be appreciated.
I've figured it out. I thought I had tried to filter on OnPremisesSyncEnabled, but maybe I did something wrong the first attempt. My filter statement looks like this:
onPremisesSyncEnabled eq true
As I learned, not all properties are usable for the filter command. I used this documentation to help find the answer. Note: I actually ended up on the page which mentioned that the property supports $filter, but the actual page doesn't mention it, so this document may not be 100% up-to-date, but it did ultimately help me find my answer.

Automating Salesforce Security Checks

I need to create some automated method for checking certain security settings within a given Salesforce org(s). The four big ones are:
IP Restrictions within each profile
Mobile User setting disabled
Mobile Lite disabled
Chatter Disabled
I think the first two can be accomplished through the API (SOQL to get all profiles and check loginIpRanges[] length >0 and SOQL to get all users and check isMobileUser property for each one), but I can't find anything in the API for the other two and wonder if I would have to screen scrape it.
Any suggestions on the best approach to accomplish this? A local Python or other script that connects remotely via the API and a screen scraper or Selenium script for the non-API items? An Apex or VisualForce page that is installed within each org?
I am new to Salesforce and Apex, so before I start down one road and doing it within Salesforce vs via the API I would really appreciate any guidance.
Thank you!
I think you'll have to take a mixed approach to solving this, perhaps wrapped up in some larger python script.
Use the metadata API to get all of the Profile objects and parse for loginIPRanges. You can use Apache ANT and the migration tool commands to do this. You can also get the SecuritySettings from the same API and method and get a lot of the things in the Security Health Check, if you need them. The results will be returned in XML, which you can easily parse in your python script.
Use the API and a SOQL query to check for the isMobileUser permission, use python to parse/output results. Beatbox is a good library for connecting to the standard API.
For the last two, I think you'll need to go with some screen scraping/browser automation and parsing. Hopefully someone has a better answer for this, as I'm not familiar enough to help with how to accomplish this aspect. The screens are in standard locations so it should be repeatable as long as future updates don't move things.
Ideally you'll be able to combine these into one large script that fires off beatbox, then fires off ant/migration tool, and some browser automation script.

Feature tracking WinForms

I would like to extend my WinForms app, which a feature that allows me to monitor which functions are used by the users.
The idea is to count how many times e.g. a button has been clicked, or a popup was opened.
I want to know which features are used more or less often by the users.
Any ideas how this can be done? (Or even if somebody solved this problem already)
The only mechanism I can think on to do what your looking for is to use a logger like log4net / Log4PostSharp to log details to a log file on the machine, this would give you details on usage for that particular client. You would have to create a custom attribute that you could decorate your methods with that would result in something being written out to the log file, otherwise your code would end up littered with code to implement the logging!
Have a look at this article too, it uses Log4PostSharp with AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) which would make the implementation of the logging much more cleaner (uses attributes).
You can find some if you google for the term "application analytics" instead of "feature tracking".
I have found the following products:
Software Statistics Service
Dotfuscator for .NET, DashO for Java
Flurry Analytics
OpenSpan Desktop Analytics
EQATEC Analytics
I might say that I also plan to create such a product. When it will be Beta I will add it to the list.

Are most LDAP administrators creating LDIFs by hand?

Are there tools that make the job easier? If command-line only tools exist, then can anyone speculate if there is a market for a GUI tool? For example, you can create a relational database by modeling visually. Should the same notion exist for LDAP?
Apache Directory Studio includes an ldif-Editor. It is still a text editor but with syntax highlighting, autocompletion and group collapsing for ldif files:
I don't know if there are any tools but it isn't that hard to create them by hand.
If you are using IPlanet LDAP then they had a nice interface for creating and modifying schemas though. :)
I don't know if you would consider that to be by hand otherwise that is one tool to use.
I've done some LDIF handling using Perl and the Net::LDAP::LDIF module and it made scripting custom LDAP conversions very easy.
Have you looked at the command-line tool, LDIFDE.exe? Should be on your domain controller.
Business people give me Excel spreadsheets with inconsistent formatting of user and group data and want it loaded right away (then they come back with a new version and tell me they've only added some new users, but some are missing, some data is now invalid, there's a missing column etc.) They want unique passwords assigned, group memberships set up based on department id fields, and so forth.
Then they come back two weeks later and want to know about the differences between that spreadsheet and one from six months ago. Sigh.
I generally just do it all with a few hand-crafted Python scripts.
A lot of times you may be copying objects from one tree to another. Or backing them up. In that case, most LDAP tools have some way of exporting as LDIF. Then you can easily modify the files as needed.
Or copy examples to reuse.
I have seen a number of tools that will do tasks and output the results as LDIF, which can be handy, but they are basically point usage tools.
