How to query users from on-prem only using Microsoft Cloud - azure-active-directory

I'm using Microsoft Graph to query users for my application. I noticed many guest users showing up in the results. These users are not in our on-prem AD that is synced.
I've tried the various OnPremisesXXX properties, but it doesn't look like they support being filtered on (via the $filter query).
Any help would be appreciated.

I've figured it out. I thought I had tried to filter on OnPremisesSyncEnabled, but maybe I did something wrong the first attempt. My filter statement looks like this:
onPremisesSyncEnabled eq true
As I learned, not all properties are usable for the filter command. I used this documentation to help find the answer. Note: I actually ended up on the page which mentioned that the property supports $filter, but the actual page doesn't mention it, so this document may not be 100% up-to-date, but it did ultimately help me find my answer.


Matching article text against pre-existing list of categories

I'm new to Azure Cognitive Services, and while I'm pretty sure it can help me solve my problem, I don't quite understand which part of it to use for it...
Here's what I want to do:
We have blog posts, say ~1k, and those blog posts all have categories and tags (multiple each). What I want to do, is to "guess" the right categories/tags for each article based on the content, and then present that to the editor as a suggestions at the time of input ("looks like this article is about: health, well-being, ..."). The ~1k articles we already have in the system are currently correctly tagged/categorized, so I'd like to use these a data source for this "guessing".
I've used Azure Search before, and it seems like some combination of EntityRecognition and KeyPhraseExtraction might be a way in the right direction? Azure Cognitive Services also seems to have an API that supports TextAnalytics that would do something similar. I'm a bit confused about why these are two different things (or are they not?)
This also seems like an entirely common problem (matching text against pre-defined categories based on other text that is categorized), so I'm wondering if I'm just missing an obvious solution here?
Thanks in advance.
I think the Azure Cognitive Text Analytics API is your best bet as you are looking for real-time analysis prior to tagging/categorizing for storage.
Text Analytics could return a list of named entities that you could map to your available tags/categories and present to the user.
Azure Cognitive Search requires an indexer and skillset to process target text with an end result of storing the processed results to an index specifically for searching.

Need help stringing together database processes

I need some help from those with more knowledge than I posses. I am currently trying to figure out how to get real time data from a database.
I need to be able to find the company info from the most recent licensees. So the search parameter I'm using is 2016-05-10T00:00:00.000
The full string together from the API and the search parameter can be found directly at this link:[%22bjp8KrRvAPtuf809u1UXnI0Z8%22]%7D&args=%7B%22licenseeffectivedate%22%3A[%222004-07-14T00%3A00%3A00.000%22]%7D
So I'm looking to retrieve the most recently added accounts in order to verify 1. the license is active 2. the license number the contractor gives matches what the website says. I would like to figure out how to automate this so that when the newest licenses are added I'll know, and they will be extracted/downloaded into excel.
If anyone can help with this I would appreciate it very much. I also have more questions about using databases if any of you are experts in the field.
Once again, thank you!
Since your goal is to get this data into Excell, have you considered using something like our OData support instead? You could structure your query in Excel PowerBI and it'd automatically refresh the data.
Another option would be to use our CSV output type with an Excel web query. I use the IMPORTDATA(...) function in Google Sheets, which is very similar.

how to Query accounts in

i'm a salesforce newbie, so my question might be a trivial one.
I just tried the code here
to query accounts from a visual force page.I just wanted to know, is there a way to query directly in the interface
If you don't feel like installing any software on your machine you can always use Workbench, (Queries -> SOQL query). It's described on
Or when you're logged in to your Org check out the links in upper right corner and go to "Developer Console". But it's mostly aimed ad execution of Apex so if you want queries it won't be best match, full of assigning to Lists or calling System.debug()...

Generalise LDAP query for groups

I use the following query to find the groups each user is a member of:
This query works and runs using the following Base DN:
I have few problems with the query:
I don't like having to use the OR operator to find Service Account users and BTLY users.
I don't want to hard-code the BTLY site, there are others, too.
Ideally, I'd just like to have the query as:
This way, I don't care whether the user account is a service account nor which site the account belongs to. Unfortunately, that query doesn't work.
Can someone please help me generalise the LDAP query? I'm a bit of a newbie, so I'm most likely missing something completely obvious!
Thanks for the reply. What you've said makes sense, but it doesn't help me, unfortunately. We're using GlassFish (a Java app server), and have configured it to point to the local AD server. Normally, a person can tell GlassFish how to retrieve users, eg
and GlassFish will pick up all the groups (perhaps by using the memberOf attribute).
This time round we're using a different AD server which hosts a different directory of users. GlassFish isn't able to retrieve the groups by itself. So, there is a field where we can give GlassFish a custom query to find groups. In this field, I've put the query I've posted which works, but is ugly and verbose.
What I'd love to be able to do is:
but this doesn't work.
Is there anyway to do this?
My guess is that using this technique is not possible. You would need to use wildcard here:
and this is not acceptable for DN attributes (like the one stored in 'member' property):
My suggestion here would be: use some tool to generate 'ugly' query for you (using syntax mentioned above) and "feed" your tool with end result. Can't see any option, sorry...
I just try to reformulate your question, but it's to much text for a comment.
You are trying to find all the groups the user CN=UID belongs to begining from the nod OU=MC,DC=ads,DC=myCompany,DC=com,DC=au.
This can be done by retreiving the memberOf attribute of the user itself. The only problem (perhaps not in your case) is that the primary group is not in this list of DN, it's coded appart using primaryGroupId attribute.
Will do the job test :
ldifde -f t.ldf -D "OU=MC,DC=ads,DC=myCompany,DC=com,DC=au" -r "(&(objectCategory=user)(CN=UID))" -l memberof
Remark : samAccountName or userPrincipalName are attributes you can rely on for uniqueness of the entry in Active-Directory, that is not the case of CN (an admin can change it)

Access to facebook data

I want to access facebook's database.
I want to have some SQL-like access, let's like this:
"select name from facebook-big-database-table where location='France' and city='Paris' and age
between 30 and 40;"
But, it need not to be SQL, PHP or JAVA would also be nice to use to me.
Does anybody know where to start?
To be honest, I got a little bit lost in all the tutorials Facebook offers.
Is it the so called "Connect" program which offers me what I want or something different?
Facebook does have a bunch of API's, one of which actually looks like SQL. They call it FQL. Check it out here. Maybe it can help you some part of the way at least.
Note that it won't give you raw access to the underlying tables. But still, better than nothing I guess.
Facebook isn't going to let you mine their database in that way. Not possible.
You wont be able to access facebook's database. The most you'd be able to do is to get information of users who previously have consented your application to access their data.
Therefore answering your question, what you want can't be done, period.
